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Why are there so many English man living in Thailand?.


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Because despite what other people tell you the UK is finished. Its a rat race to work in the weather is shit for 8 months of the year followed by the winter, Australia is a beautiful country and Thailand isnt much of a "Step up" as it is to us inner city Brits. That will be the last time I ever say anything positive about Australia

Australia is still evolving. When the Chinese take over in a few decades, it will be a much different place. Not better or worse, just different.

Well I hear from Oz pals it is evolving in a way not popular with the old guard, hence why I see a lot living in and around Pattaya.

As to the OP, the UK offers little and is becoming a basket case. It seems best to take what you have and run and enjoy the autumn years rather than endure them.

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TunnelRat69, on 12 Jan 2015 - 01:25, said:
gerry123, on 10 Jan 2015 - 08:36, said:

is it stick it to the POM season in January ??

We need a TVF dictionary - what is a POM?? half of something a cheerleader shakes??facepalm.gif

POM or POMMIE is a term used by an Australian or New Zealander to describe a British man.

It can be used in a derogatory term or a friendly term depending on the context of it's use.

When used in a derogatory manner, I often remind the person that they are on the reverse side of the world to the UK.

Si if I'm a POM does that make them a MOP

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Probably for the same reason why there's so many Greeks in Australia.......... Mind you, i don't think anywhere in Greece could be as bad as say, Glasgow, or the North of England in winter........ Get rid of the Euro and i'll happily go back to Crete....... Good retsina, but women with tashes and sideboards........

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I think Berkshire wasn't too far off with his first comment. In my case, another reason I left is because of how women and society seemed to have changed in the UK because of all the petty social engineering that took place especially under a labour government. I knew that once my relationship with my wife was over that I was in a fortunate position at 49 years old to do one. Initially I was going to go to Spain. My brother is married to a Thai so I came here for a holiday with him and the penny just dropped. Perpetual summer, very affordable, a lot more freedom even under martial law (strangely), no tax except for VAT, excise duty and 15% on a bank savings deposit. No going back for me, the UK is a miserable cold wet dump now full of bad mannered, ill educated Chavs brought up on X Factor, Bg Brother, Strictly Come Dancing and "celebrity" obsessed morons! Bone idle dossers, the dregs of europe and the muslim world grabbing every over generous benefit and free NHS care they can. Get the picture ???

Edited by watso63
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I can't speak for English guys Never Been to England. But as an American I plan to retire in Thailand for the women, cost of living and climate. Just never really been attracted to American women. Sure I could find a thai woman here but why not go to the source?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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It amuses me when expats tell me they left England because it's over run by immigrants. Oh the irony

No irony, we have to pay our own way here and there is no open door policy for millions to come and grab generous benefits and healthcare.

A sensible points based system like our colonial cousins in Australia have would be far more sensible, but to do that the UK needs to break the shackles of the EU first.

Edited by watso63
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not to be a smartass either, but you mentioned the word "meany" several times, including the thread title. Is this how they spell "many" in Australia? "Meany" just sounds like a person who's not so nice.

But to your question, I've talked to many Englishmen in Thailand. In no particular order, they say their homeland is cold, bleak, over-regulated, expensive, and overrun by immigrants. I'm American, so I'm only speaking from comments that I've heard. And yes, I'm sure Thai women have something to do with this.

your 100% right I've lived here full time for 15 years and im from the uk its crap back there and don't even mention the tax's

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Sometimes when someone asks where I'm from, I hesitate to say the UK, because I've seen the people I'll be lumped in with here.

Where I'm living the "Angrit" are held in high esteem by Thai people and long may it stay that way. I do also understand your point of view though.???

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I must be one of the few who still loves to spend time back in England.

4 seasons, each so different. Howling gales, snow, the cold winters.

Birds singing. Wild life.

Honesty and integrity ( in the main).

Reliable products at good prices. Consumer protection.

Cheap cars. Cheap food.

Far superior health care.

We can pretty much say what we like about who we want to say it about.

Decent policing.

And a whole lot more.

Yes, there are many negatives, at least we can talk about them freely.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

But to your question, I've talked to many Englishmen in Thailand. In no particular order, they say their homeland is cold, bleak, over-regulated, expensive, and overrun by immigrants. I'm American, so I'm only speaking from comments that I've heard. And yes, I'm sure Thai women have something to do with this.

I'm from Scotland originally and these are my reasons for moving to live in Thailand. There were a large number of immigrants living in Edinburgh but there were far fewer problems with them there than in London and the English Midlands.


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Those who move here full-time but don't get stuck here (by building a house, etc) usually end up going back home eventually. That's why you see so many TV members disappearing from the forum on an ongoing basis. That and Mr Toad annoys them.

Then there are those who stay. They are stuck here, or they have nothing to go home to. Then there are the few who fit in with Thais, like it here, and stay here until they die.

By the way, pay no attention to MrToad. He's a meany.

I'm in a mean mood today

Is that a mean mood or a meany mood Mr Toad ?

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I must be one of the few who still loves to spend time back in England.

4 seasons, each so different. Howling gales, snow, the cold winters.

Birds singing. Wild life.

Honesty and integrity ( in the main).

Reliable products at good prices. Consumer protection.

Cheap cars. Cheap food.

Far superior health care.

We can pretty much say what we like about who we want to say it about.

Decent policing.

And a whole lot more.

Yes, there are many negatives, at least we can talk about them freely.

I was with you there until you got to decent policing

Obsessed with meeting targets, preying on easy criminals ie the motorist, failure to investigate crimes by fobbing off complaints with a crime number, turning a blind eye to crimes against children because of political correctness and fear of offending immigrant groups, eg Rotherham. Not blaming individual officers, just the policy and of course the judicial system that lets scum back onto the streets even when the police have done a good job.

The good things I miss are the rock concerts, motorbike racing, real ale, pubs and err, err, err traffic jams, speed cameras and visiting the town centre to observe and wonder how it all ended up like this

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i moved to thailand from australia 18 years ago. best move i ever made. went back recently for two weeks and tried to get my return flight bought forward .aus is very expensive compared to thailand. check out from guest houses and hotels is 10am whereas every where else is midday. great after a night out til 2am[on holiday] beer is 200 baht a schooner and cigs are 600 baht a packet. its the only country that only allows you to bring in 50 cigs duty free. i could not live the life i live overhere in thailand on my superannuation pension 80,000 baht a month

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I must be one of the few who still loves to spend time back in England.

4 seasons, each so different. Howling gales, snow, the cold winters.

Birds singing. Wild life.

Honesty and integrity ( in the main).

Reliable products at good prices. Consumer protection.

Cheap cars. Cheap food.

Far superior health care.

We can pretty much say what we like about who we want to say it about.

Decent policing.

And a whole lot more.

Yes, there are many negatives, at least we can talk about them freely.

I was with you there until you got to decent policing

Obsessed with meeting targets, preying on easy criminals ie the motorist, failure to investigate crimes by fobbing off complaints with a crime number, turning a blind eye to crimes against children because of political correctness and fear of offending immigrant groups, eg Rotherham. Not blaming individual officers, just the policy and of course the judicial system that lets scum back onto the streets even when the police have done a good job.

The good things I miss are the rock concerts, motorbike racing, real ale, pubs and err, err, err traffic jams, speed cameras and visiting the town centre to observe and wonder how it all ended up like this

i didnt realize the catholic church was an immigrant group

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i moved to thailand from australia 18 years ago. best move i ever made. went back recently for two weeks and tried to get my return flight bought forward .aus is very expensive compared to thailand. check out from guest houses and hotels is 10am whereas every where else is midday. great after a night out til 2am[on holiday] beer is 200 baht a schooner and cigs are 600 baht a packet. its the only country that only allows you to bring in 50 cigs duty free. i could not live the life i live overhere in thailand on my superannuation pension 80,000 baht a month

I can live " a whole year " on 80,000 Thai Baht !!!

F.J coffee1.gif

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TunnelRat69, on 12 Jan 2015 - 01:25, said:
gerry123, on 10 Jan 2015 - 08:36, said:

is it stick it to the POM season in January ??

We need a TVF dictionary - what is a POM?? half of something a cheerleader shakes??facepalm.gif

POM or POMMIE is a term used by an Australian or New Zealander to describe a British man.

It can be used in a derogatory term or a friendly term depending on the context of it's use.

When used in a derogatory manner, I often remind the person that they are on the reverse side of the world to the UK.

Si if I'm a POM does that make them a MOP

If you are going to try and educate people Faz do try to get it right.

The term is niether POM or POMMIE, the correct term is POME and

has nothing to do with being British, it is all about being ENGLISH.

It is an acronym for Prisoner Of Mother England. And I have yet to meet

an Australian who actually knows this. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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OP, i feel it a bit strange that you comment on the number of Brits living in Thailand.

Are you worried that in the long run that its going to turn out like Australia?

After all, (modern) Australia was based on the influence of our exported examples of British culture.

Give it a century and Bkk might remind you of Sydney.......................wink.png

So, exported British criminals are now British culture?

I think Bali is the second home for Aussies - not Thailand as much.

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Many English people who live here made money back home by their entrepreneurial skills or sheer hard work. But they still couldn't belong to the upper middle class or join a snooty club. For that they would have needed birth in the right class, public school and Oxbridge education and a "proper' accent ( People will deny it but England is a very class conscious society). And these people, having made money, prefer to live in Thailand where they enjoy a much higher place in society than would have been possible to achieve in England. They can live here almost as if they were in the colonial era without facing any anti-colonial feelings because Thailand was never really a colony. But more recently, the English people with far less money have been arriving and this is now affecting the image of all of them. Also some of the Thais who have suffered "subtle" discrimination during their travel to England are not too kindly disposed towards the English people who live? here (again many people will deny that there is any discrimination in England).

Why would English people with far less money affect the image of others? It doesn't take money to be polite and do the right thing. There are good and bad people all over the world both rich and poor!!

Sorry, I didn't mean to put down "English people with far less money"! I was merely reflecting the fact that most foreigners, including Englishmen, mainly deal with Thai people who provide them a service. The relationship is based on a commercial transaction in which the foreigner is a customer and the Thai shows politeness and courtesy and puts on even a smile. But the extent of his deference may vary in proportion to the affluence of the foreigner.

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OP, i feel it a bit strange that you comment on the number of Brits living in Thailand.

Are you worried that in the long run that its going to turn out like Australia?

After all, (modern) Australia was based on the influence of our exported examples of British culture.

Give it a century and Bkk might remind you of Sydney.......................wink.png

So exported British criminals are now British culture?

I think Bali is a more popular destination for Aussies than is Thailand.

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TunnelRat69, on 12 Jan 2015 - 01:25, said:
gerry123, on 10 Jan 2015 - 08:36, said:

is it stick it to the POM season in January ??

We need a TVF dictionary - what is a POM?? half of something a cheerleader shakes??facepalm.gif

POM or POMMIE is a term used by an Australian or New Zealander to describe a British man.

It can be used in a derogatory term or a friendly term depending on the context of it's use.

When used in a derogatory manner, I often remind the person that they are on the reverse side of the world to the UK.

Si if I'm a POM does that make them a MOP

If you are going to try and educate people Faz do try to get it right.

The term is niether POM or POMMIE, the correct term is POME and

has nothing to do with being British, it is all about being ENGLISH.

It is an acronym for Prisoner Of Mother England. And I have yet to meet

an Australian who actually knows this. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

every aussie i know does and please supply a link to your spelling

Edited by AYJAYDEE
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I have always been made to feel very welcome by the people that matter and make the decisions in Thailand. I have always been helped by the authorities to settle and enjoy my retirement with no hassle what so ever.

I have a good circle of true friends both English and Thai.

I asked my wife a question that was posed by another poster (Klong) - do we have business arrangement? or are you really happy to be in a relationship with an English man and share everything that I am able to provide.

After she stopped laughing became very angry at this suggestion.

I wish people would think before they post upset many people with their ill informed views.

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TunnelRat69, on 12 Jan 2015 - 01:25, said:

We need a TVF dictionary - what is a POM?? half of something a cheerleader shakes??facepalm.gif

POM or POMMIE is a term used by an Australian or New Zealander to describe a British man.

It can be used in a derogatory term or a friendly term depending on the context of it's use.

When used in a derogatory manner, I often remind the person that they are on the reverse side of the world to the UK.

Si if I'm a POM does that make them a MOP

If you are going to try and educate people Faz do try to get it right.

The term is niether POM or POMMIE, the correct term is POME and

has nothing to do with being British, it is all about being ENGLISH.

It is an acronym for Prisoner Of Mother England. And I have yet to meet

an Australian who actually knows this. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

every aussie i know does and please supply a link to your spelling

You do know what an "acronym " is don't you?? P.O.M.E.

Prisoner Of Mother England, no spelling verification required.

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You do know what an "acronym " is don't you?? P.O.M.E.

Prisoner Of Mother England, no spelling verification required.

like I said, please find a reference to POME in any urban dictionary, real dictionary or any other reference. I know I can for POM and POMMY and POMMIE. Just because you say something doesnt make it true. show me some usage.

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You do know what an "acronym " is don't you?? P.O.M.E.

Prisoner Of Mother England, no spelling verification required.

like I said, please find a reference to POME in any urban dictionary, real dictionary or any other reference. I know I can for POM and POMMY and POMMIE. Just because you say something doesnt make it true. show me some usage.

http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/pome coffee1.gif

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TunnelRat69, on 12 Jan 2015 - 01:25, said:

We need a TVF dictionary - what is a POM?? half of something a cheerleader shakes??facepalm.gif

POM or POMMIE is a term used by an Australian or New Zealander to describe a British man.

It can be used in a derogatory term or a friendly term depending on the context of it's use.

When used in a derogatory manner, I often remind the person that they are on the reverse side of the world to the UK.

Si if I'm a POM does that make them a MOP

If you are going to try and educate people Faz do try to get it right.

The term is niether POM or POMMIE, the correct term is POME and

has nothing to do with being British, it is all about being ENGLISH.

It is an acronym for Prisoner Of Mother England. And I have yet to meet

an Australian who actually knows this. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

every aussie i know does and please supply a link to your spelling

You do know what an "acronym " is don't you?? P.O.M.E.

Prisoner Of Mother England, no spelling verification required.

Do you know what a backronym is?

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