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Getting operated at Bumrungrad hospital - advise needed

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From my research a few years ago Bumrungrad is one of the most expensive hospitals in Thailand. A large portion of customer base is foreigners coming to Thailand for treatment, rich Thais, and folks with good insurance coverage. They have a brand name and hotel-hospital atmosphere that permits premium pricing.

Now with that being said, they are definitely a topnotch hospital not imply there are not other topnotch hospital in Thailand with lower prices and less of a plush hotel-hospital atmosphere vs just a nice hospital atmosphere.



Stop immediately and go back to your home country to have elective surgery! If it's emergency surgery, yes, have it done at Bumrungrad Hospital, since you have no other choice! I had simple torn meniscus surgery at Bumrungrad, operated by one of their top surgeon and post up care was terrible and suffered agonizing pain for approximately 6 months! Bumrungrad will ripped you off buy prescribing numerous medicines that you don't need, they just wants to make a big profit from you!

Bottom line is emergency surgery have it in Thailand, elective surgery have it done at your home country!

My concern is not the cost of the surgery since I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield medical insurance from USA. My major concerns are quality of medical, surgical and post op care and efficacy of prescribed medication!


I could not disagree with you more. The quality of care that is provided by the hotel hospitals far surpasses anything we see in North America unless you are filthy rich.

I spent 20 years with a messed up back came here and was told the surgery that could repair contacted my doctor in Canada to ask about it and she told me that was exactly the surgery that i needed.


For comparison: Had a hernia operation (invasive surgery) at St. Louis with a private room. Doctors were very professional. Surgeon very American in accent and behaviour. Got to leave the day after surgery. Total cost 57,000 Baht.


Hi Neole , I also had umbilical hernia surgery through laparoscopy at the BKK hospital last year, the cost was about 180K, Then 2 months ago I had a very large hernia done in Essan hospital (Udon Thani) & was in bed for a much longer time, cost about 60K. I really do not know what the removal mass from the stomach is Neole so I couldn't comment on this.

Neole the time your mother is spending in the hospital (especial since it is laparoscopy) seems quite long, with my laparoscopy I left the next day (35 hours) to recover at a nice hotel nearby. Mine was paid for by BUPA so I didn't have to leave early-- the whole point about laparoscopy is that it is less invasive then normal surgery. The costs you mention may be higher because of the room rate---when I was last in Bumrungrad hospital for facial reconstruction after a motor bike crash, (3 years ago) the single room (there was only 1 to each floor then,) was 14K a night --once again when I could, I left to stay in a nearby hotel (Bumrungrad also has its own apartments for 1,600 a night) & saw the doctor every day for 10 days.

Neole--I was older then your mother for all those events.

Their are 2 other options Neole, the doctors are not exclusive to Bumrungrad, they have their own surgeries in BKK, & will operate at any other hospital. Now you have seen this doctor he may be reluctant to do this, but surfing the net will find you one just as good working at the other hospital (BKK etc)

2nd option Neole is--if you are from the UK, their is a way to fast track the NH, & have elective surgery done near immediately --if you are from the UK you can PM will explain the steps for that.


Get a second opinion.

BNH hospital have good doctors and reasonable price levels.

THB 500,000 seems much to high.

Always Google the doctors.

I have had a very disasterous hernia experience at a hospital by a non competent local doctor 2014.

I did not Google comments about the doctor!!


BRG is an excellent hospital for some things. However, I would not recommend them for the procedure you are considering.

My personal preference is Samitivej on Sukhumvit Soi 49. They take a traditional team-oriented approach to care. They have advanced modern equipment. The hospital rooms for the post-surgery stay are the best I have ever seen. The nurse care was exceptional. The surgeons are world class. And the price was less than that quoted by BRG.

Definitely, I would look somewhere other than BRG.


There is one thing I will not scrimp or try to cut costs on....... MY HEALTH.biggrin.png

My Thai wife keeps telling me that she will not put my bank account in my burning box; she is going to keep the cash.laugh.png

I have trusted Bumrungrad with my life a couple of times. On a heart test, the surgeon himself ask if I have insurance and when I said no, he himself knocked down the price. Very interesting that it appears the actual doctor has some influence on the charges. I do not bargain with my health, but this was a nice gesture.thumbsup.gif

If, as you say, cost is no object, why are you asking? You are already at the best. Arabs do not fly here to get their nails done... they fly to Bumrungrad for a very good reason.

  • Like 1


I had a laproscopic operation for bowel cancer in April this year at Bumrungrad. Dr. Theeraporn was the surgeon. Operation was successful. I was very happy with quality of care. Price quoted (including 8 days in hospital in a single room (no ICU needed) was THB750k-850k. I left after six days and the actual cost was somewhat lower (cannot remember exact amount).

You also mention a 'stomach mass'. If this has not already been investigated, you may need to factor in the cost of post-op pathology tests on what is removed.

If you need more detail, mail me on my Gmail address(rory.keelan) and I will try to help.

  • Surgeon is very good
  • Nursing quality was also very good.
  • Room very comfortable.
  • Food dreadful
  • Price is at high end so other hospitals would be a possibility.

just had new hip at kings hospidal ,sirajah, went to bungenrad 750k plus, siringrad 425k quote 450k absolutely fabulous ,is the kings hospidal. 5 months just walked 18 holes and won the comp, go to siingah for a second oppinion, i thought bungrad was only after the money, is first rate


I do not want to sound alarmist but be very careful. Ten years ago I went to Bumrungrad for a simple headache that had been around for a few days. I was sent to a neurologist who diagnosed early onset Alzheimer's and sent me for an MRI at a cost of 30,000 baht. In addition he prescribed several drugs - Stilnox, Tranxeme which is used to treat anxiety, acute alcohol withdrawal, and seizures and a number of other drugs that I cannot remember which were extremely expensive. Obviously it was not Alzheimer's because I am able to write this story.

I also had laser surgery on my eyes at Bumrungrad for acute angle glaucoma about 6 years ago. Upon returning home to Australia I was told by an eye specialist that the surgeon had done the operation the easy way, into the lower hemisphere of my eyes instead of the upper and therefore I now suffer with glare very badly. I then had to attend the hospital for checks - at first weekly, then monthly for a long time and finally every 3 months. That too was very expensive 3000 baht per visit..My Australian doctor told me that was a blatant rip-off because once laser surgery is performed no more than one check-up is necessary.

In addition, I once had very bad shoulder pain and went to BNH Hospital and was put onto a neck stretching machine every day for a month at several thousand baht each day. It was diagnosed as a pinched nerve in my neck. They tried to talk me into an operation on my neck costing 300,000 baht. Thank God I declined. I subsequently found out, upon another trip home that it was indeed an injured rotator cuff in my shoulder.

Also at BNH I had been treated for reflux for many months and in spite of presenting myself at the hospital at 1 or 2 AM several times with extreme pain in my abdomen nothing was ever done apart from giving me reflux pills and once, a pill to push up my rear for constipation which I did not have. In 2010 I returned home for a while and went to my doctor for some reflux pills and he refused them and sent me for a CAT scan. It was cancer in my pancreas and I was immediately operated on and I am one of the 5% who survive that disease.

I can relate other less dramatic stories that have happened to me and also friends of mine in Thailand. It seems to me that medicine in Thailand is not a health service but an industry devoted to making money.

I do not doubt that Thailand has some good doctors but Bumrungrad in particular seems to be only interested in making money. PLEASE BE CAREFUL.


Please get a second opinion, one of the posters said his friend paid 800,000 baht just to have a stent placed in his heart at Bumrungrad. I was rushed to Vibhavadi Hospital in Bangkok with total blockadge of 1 heart valve they did an angioplasty and put in a stent spent like 10 hrs in ICU with a nurse constantly with me. Was released in 2 days and total cost was 187,000 baht far less than the posters cost of 800,000 at Bumrungrad. They did a great job and I feel fine now.

You can google their address but I can recomend them as a top class hospital with reasonable (not cheap) rates and great care.


They saved my life, my wife also. On another occasion. I never looked at the price, I bowed my head and thanked God.

These were both serious emergency.

Best of luck.


Indeed Bumrungrad is probably the most expensive but it's like staying at a Hilton!

I was once told by a young Dr who does some work there..'if i as a Dr was going to be operated on in any hospital in Thailand I would be very careful who I chose! Interesting.

I know nothing of the Dr in this case but I can highly recommend Professor Dr Chanvit general surgeon who teaches too.

I trust him 100% in all respects and he trained in England!

Avoid the Bangkok Hospital as when I went there for a Hernia Op an old Dr who was assessing my health, after I had had a Chest X-Ray, told me You have a Cyst on the right Lung and the left Ventricle of your Heart is no working....

I looked at him and said NO I don't think so....he sent me for amnothe X-Ray and then said 'Oh it's not a Cyst...It's the shadow of your Right NIPPLE! Clearly trying a Con trick which could have led to MAJOR SURGERY!

I wish you good luck with your Mothers Op.


For the third time:

Again - not just a hernia operation. Removal of a mass in the stomach as well.

Which seems inconsistent with both elective surgery and laparoscopic approach. Really need the OP to come back and clarify this. Makes considerable difference and renders comparison to people's hernia operations irrelevant.


For 4, I should say you're asking the wrong people - unless there is a doctor or other medical specialist who can competently answer it.

Bumrungrad is expensive, period. One of the best hospitals is Chulalongkorn; government run, but not easy to get into.

But you mention insurance. Does it cover your mother? If so, why have the operation here, at all?


half million baht sounds a bit pricy. I have my membership card, I signed up in 2013. keep in mind that Bumrungrad is

a international Hospital, and have Doctors who speak English, Farsi, Chinese, Thai. etc that costs money.


Hello again and I hope you get your Mum's problems resolved.

No I am not a Dr but like many people have experience of Bumrungrad, Bangkok Hospital AND Chulalongkorn ( when a friend went there).

I recommended Professor Chadwit at BRG because I trust him completely and be assured you cannot trust all Dr's even in BRG!!

As I said before Bangkok Hospital tried to con me into Major Surgary when there was NOTHING wrong with my Heart or Lungs....I was there for a Hernia!

Chulalongkon does have good Drs BUT again I consider you need to know which they are!

Also, downstairs in Main Reception is like a cattle pen and you wait hours before going up to the department and then you wait again!

It's the old story ...You get what you pay for.....but as I said even the top places have Sharks!.....Dr Chadwit is the Man believe me!

The Op your Mum is having is Major Surgery, not like a simple Hernia.

Best wishes



I had an hernia operation 3 months ago at Phyathai Hospital in Sri Racha,this was open surgery for an inguinal hernia and the total cost including pre op tests were less than 80.000 Baht with a 1 night stay included.

Laparascopic surgery is more expensive,maybe twice what I paid for open surgery but nowhere near 500,000 Baht.


Re MAECHANMAN comment and others who are quoting costs for an INGUINAL HERNIA repair.

This guys Mum is going to have an UMBILICAL HERNIA repaired AND a MASS ( Growth ) removed from her stomach ...

2 separate procedures and an Umbilical is more involved than an Inguinal.

As they say RTFQ ! Read the F....... Question !

I still vote for Prof. Dr Chadwick at Bumrungrad.




The major cost and reasom for the surgery is likely the gastric mass. So we are we talking about a gastrectomy and lymph node dissection cost ? The umbilical hernia repair is likely an incidental.


The major cost and reasom for the surgery is likely the gastric mass. So we are we talking about a gastrectomy and lymph node dissection cost ? The umbilical hernia repair is likely an incidental.

That would cost a lot more than 500000, way over a million.

As Sheryl pointed out several times, we know nothing about this case. And OP disappeared.

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