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Muslim man hailed for life-saving courage during Paris siege

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It's the radicals and their grotesque interpretations of the Koran that are more to blame than the religion itself surely. Which once again comes back to people.

So looking at your statement i ask myself why are not Christians ,Jews ,Hindus ,And a legion of other faiths not causing carnage around the globe as i am sure they have many priests in these faiths who twist the facts ,could it be that Muslims are weak minded? or perhaps so many of them believe what their imams tell them, is this why they do not rise up in a multitude and take to the streets in their droves to denounce these terrible deeds . by the way i do not believe in God. but i have no problem with religion at all ,when the believers of that religion leave the rest of us alone.


Yes, a point fairly made earlier as well Ulysees.

I Recant somewhat my stance on the book. Still, as you say - most people do the right thing and ignore the nasty parts.

I just find all religion rather odd anyway, in this day and age where we have more than enough answers.


It's the radicals and their grotesque interpretations of the Koran that are more to blame than the religion itself surely. Which once again comes back to people.

So looking at your statement i ask myself why are not Christians ,Jews ,Hindus ,And a legion of other faiths not causing carnage around the globe as i am sure they have many priests in these faiths who twist the facts ,could it be that Muslims are weak minded? or perhaps so many of them believe what their imams tell them, is this why they do not rise up in a multitude and take to the streets in their droves to denounce these terrible deeds . by the way i do not believe in God. but i have no problem with religion at all ,when the believers of that religion leave the rest of us alone.

Well, to be fair, in the past Christianity has been a fair source of bloodshed.


It's the radicals and their grotesque interpretations of the Koran that are more to blame than the religion itself surely. Which once again comes back to people.

So looking at your statement i ask myself why are not Christians ,Jews ,Hindus ,And a legion of other faiths not causing carnage around the globe as i am sure they have many priests in these faiths who twist the facts ,could it be that Muslims are weak minded? or perhaps so many of them believe what their imams tell them, is this why they do not rise up in a multitude and take to the streets in their droves to denounce these terrible deeds . by the way i do not believe in God. but i have no problem with religion at all ,when the believers of that religion leave the rest of us alone.

Well, to be fair, in the past Christianity has been a fair source of bloodshed.

Fortunatly i was not about in the middle ages ,and if you are refering to the IRA troubles,if you remember it was the women marching in the streets against them that stopped them ,and that was not a world wide problem.


Yes, a point fairly made earlier as well Ulysees.

I Recant somewhat my stance on the book. Still, as you say - most people do the right thing and ignore the nasty parts.

I just find all religion rather odd anyway, in this day and age where we have more than enough answers.

You are right mainly say in the Christian faith they do ,but Muslims do not for some reason.

But getting back to the original story ,yes i believe there are many Muslims who are wonderfull human beings ,but it does seem that as far as these acts go they are not the majority.


I must pop off to work now.

I was referring to the middle ages yes. Seems like all religions have promoted violence in some way, or violent acts have been perpetrated in the name of such.

Islam is definetely top of the pack right now. Maybe I will think more about defending a person on his own merits than defending his religion

Have a nice day folks.

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"It's a nice sentiment but unrealistic. Firstly the controlled media are still on their anti-Muslim drive, whipping the public into a fear-filled hatred of all Muslims, with lots of atrocity porn and selective reporting. Apart from this token Muslim hero story, it has been a decade and more of relentless anti-Muslim fear-mongering. Manufacturing consent to bomb the innocent in foreign lands, who have done nothing. Do you think a moderate voice stands a chance of a hearing? "

Why do you think they are always decrying what Muslims do? if they were not doing these terrible things they would have nothing to report ,do you honestly believe if Christians were doing this instead of Muslims they would not report it ,i can remember when the papers were full of the Catholic and Protestant problems.


If only the good people of the Muslim community could follow this lead and help authorities root out the violent conspirators in their midst. Certainly there are heroes and lovely people among the Islamic community. They could change the world if they could find the courage.

Good idea. They need a Stazi. 'See something. Say something.' Snitch on your neighbour. That kind of thing.

It's a nice sentiment but unrealistic. Firstly the controlled media are still on their anti-Muslim drive, whipping the public into a fear-filled hatred of all Muslims, with lots of atrocity porn and selective reporting. Apart from this token Muslim hero story, it has been a decade and more of relentless anti-Muslim fear-mongering. Manufacturing consent to bomb the innocent in foreign lands, who have done nothing. Do you think a moderate voice stands a chance of a hearing?

Who armed and trained 100,000 Mujahideen? Which western powers have nurtured and supported violent Wahhabism to destabilize moderate Islam? Which country is the well-spring of extremist Islamist ideology? Saudi Arabia. Our FRIEND.

Excellent post Choctastic.


It's the radicals and their grotesque interpretations of the Koran that are more to blame than the religion itself surely. Which once again comes back to people.

So looking at your statement i ask myself why are not Christians ,Jews ,Hindus ,And a legion of other faiths not causing carnage around the globe as i am sure they have many priests in these faiths who twist the facts ,could it be that Muslims are weak minded? or perhaps so many of them believe what their imams tell them, is this why they do not rise up in a multitude and take to the streets in their droves to denounce these terrible deeds . by the way i do not believe in God. but i have no problem with religion at all ,when the believers of that religion leave the rest of us alone.

I know of quite a few anti pro life Christians who did nasty things including murder. Sure Muslims do a lot more. Also don't forget there are Buddhist that kill Muslims in the neighboring countries here. I believe part of it is education, if you got a lot of ignorant people its easy to control them with religion. But nobody singles out Americans for being violent with all the mass killings and shootings they seem to have in their country. Seems every year it happens. We don't hold all Americans responsible for this (and we should not)

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Let's put this in perspective. There have been dozens of murders and Antisemitic attacks carried out by Muslims on the French Jewish population. Things have got so bad there is a steady exodus of around 10,000 Jews leaving France every year. Such is the level of bullying in French state schools that a report they initiated stated that it was getting to the point where Jewish children could no longer be educated in French state schools.

Surveys found negative views and stereotyping of Jews in 74% of the French population, so this is not a minority view.

Coming to the case of this brave man, yes of course I applaud his actions regardless of his faith. Being from Mali means there is a good chance he is a Sufi Muslim not brought up on a diet of hatred like Wahabbi and Salafi Muslims, indeed the Sufi Muslims in Mali were themselves persecuted when the local branch of Al Qaeda set up there. Let it not be forgotten that he was employed by a Jewish business, which shows there can be good relations between Jews and Muslims.

Finally I do have some concerns that a story such as this may be misused for political ends, Wahabi and Salafi indoctrination of French Muslims is a huge problem, it is vital not to lose sight of this and let the extremists hide under the coattails of the moderates and a desire to protect them.


Good job that wasn't America. They would have shot Mr Bathily immediately before discovering he wasn't the terrrrrrorist.


Not at all, but the the perpetrators of such atrocities still represent a minority.

Islam has 1.57 billion adherents. A "minority" is still a heck of a lot of terrorists.

This article is about ONE person


Right. And the Saudi's are our chums.

Only because they have oil ,if they didnt they would still be ,no i wont go theresmile.png

ps your going to be late for workthumbsup.gif

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Well then, its just a plain miracle that I'm not murdered in my sleep every night by all the locals round here who are evidently just waiting to kill and persecute the infidels at the behest of their faith.

Try telling them you are gay, or stand on the town hall steps denouncing the evil doings of their prophet, or condemn the passages which incite violence in the Koran- then see how they react to the infidel.

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Good man and I am glad he is alive and well,unfortunately,one swallow does not make a summer,and there are so many of his faith that are far from being like him

And there are many millions more who are not.... coffee1.gif

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The world needs the other 1.6 billion Muslins to be like him and peace will be upon this earth...

Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing

John Stuart Mill (1867)

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Well then, its just a plain miracle that I'm not murdered in my sleep every night by all the locals round here who are evidently just waiting to kill and persecute the infidels at the behest of their faith.

Try telling them you are gay, or stand on the town hall steps denouncing the evil doings of their prophet, or condemn the passages which incite violence in the Koran- then see how they react to the infidel.

That's called trolling, and it deliberately expects to create a reaction....much like posting adverse comments about red-neck racism in an online anonymous forum.....

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Good man and I am glad he is alive and well,unfortunately,one swallow does not make a summer,and there are so many of his faith that are far from being like him

And there are many millions more who are not.... coffee1.gif

i totally agree , but make excuses as much as you like and i am sure i will never change your mind ,its the ones in his faith around the world that are commiting atrocities and so many more that will not condem them ,as i have said before ' there are none so blind as those who do not want to see' so carry on telling us how many good muslims there are (we agree) but so many are not and untill you accept this fact ,the western world is in danger of being overrun.

And please note ,i do not see Jews ,Bhuddists ,Hindus or any other faiths making demands that we do what their religion demands,like we have in Europe.


Good man and I am glad he is alive and well,unfortunately,one swallow does not make a summer,and there are so many of his faith that are far from being like him

And there are many millions more who are not.... coffee1.gif

i totally agree , but make excuses as much as you like and i am sure i will never change your mind ,its the ones in his faith around the world that are commiting atrocities and so many more that will not condem them ,as i have said before ' there are none so blind as those who do not want to see' so carry on telling us how many good muslims there are (we agree) but so many are not and untill you accept this fact ,the western world is in danger of being overrun.

And please note ,i do not see Jews ,Bhuddists ,Hindus or any other faiths making demands that we do what their religion demands,like we have in Europe.

and the Christian factions have more or less stopped slaughtering each other........


Good man and I am glad he is alive and well,unfortunately,one swallow does not make a summer,and there are so many of his faith that are far from being like him

And there are many millions more who are not.... coffee1.gif

i totally agree , but make excuses as much as you like and i am sure i will never change your mind ,its the ones in his faith around the world that are commiting atrocities and so many more that will not condem them ,as i have said before ' there are none so blind as those who do not want to see' so carry on telling us how many good muslims there are (we agree) but so many are not and untill you accept this fact ,the western world is in danger of being overrun.

And please note ,i do not see Jews ,Bhuddists ,Hindus or any other faiths making demands that we do what their religion demands,like we have in Europe.

Its funny to see immigrants complain about other immigrants in their home country. Did you convert to Buddism ? Do you speak the language ? Do you live in a farang getto like Pattaya ?

So many similarities with immigrants in your own country, but its better to put them down of course. I begin to see the English as some of the most racist countries in the world. Next time the Germans must help us beat the English when set up the camps. How the world can change.

  • Like 1

Good man and I am glad he is alive and well,unfortunately,one swallow does not make a summer,and there are so many of his faith that are far from being like him

And there are many millions more who are not.... coffee1.gif

i totally agree , but make excuses as much as you like and i am sure i will never change your mind ,its the ones in his faith around the world that are commiting atrocities and so many more that will not condem them ,as i have said before ' there are none so blind as those who do not want to see' so carry on telling us how many good muslims there are (we agree) but so many are not and untill you accept this fact ,the western world is in danger of being overrun.

And please note ,i do not see Jews ,Bhuddists ,Hindus or any other faiths making demands that we do what their religion demands,like we have in Europe.

Its funny to see immigrants complain about other immigrants in their home country. Did you convert to Buddism ? Do you speak the language ? Do you live in a farang getto like Pattaya ?

So many similarities with immigrants in your own country, but its better to put them down of course. I begin to see the English as some of the most racist countries in the world. Next time the Germans must help us beat the English when set up the camps. How the world can change.

I wont bother to argue with you ,your replies are not inteligent enough ,no one cares about a few immegrants in a country i and my fellow English/American ,ect are not settling here in our millions ,demanding special privalages most of us are married to local women ,(who do not have to convert to our faith to be with us) we build a few churches ,but the priests in many of them do not preach hate against Thailand and Bhuddist ways, i dont demand that Stores sell only meat killed in a certain way(by the way neither did the Jews who came to Britain years ago) i had no problem when a small amount of Muslims came to my country and just blended in ,but if you cannot see what is happening in the west then ,what can i say? sorry but people like yourself have nothing to discuss so best we dont.

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You got a problem with truer words when spoken?? I am even sure the hero would agree that he himself might be a one off. Smell the coffee yet pal? There was no hate about


i totally agree , but make excuses as much as you like and i am sure i will never change your mind ,its the ones in his faith around the world that are commiting atrocities and so many more that will not condem them ,as i have said before ' there are none so blind as those who do not want to see' so carry on telling us how many good muslims there are (we agree) but so many are not and untill you accept this fact ,the western world is in danger of being overrun.

And please note ,i do not see Jews ,Bhuddists ,Hindus or any other faiths making demands that we do what their religion demands,like we have in Europe.

Its funny to see immigrants complain about other immigrants in their home country. Did you convert to Buddism ? Do you speak the language ? Do you live in a farang getto like Pattaya ?

So many similarities with immigrants in your own country, but its better to put them down of course. I begin to see the English as some of the most racist countries in the world. Next time the Germans must help us beat the English when set up the camps. How the world can change.

I wont bother to argue with you ,your replies are not inteligent enough ,no one cares about a few immegrants in a country i and my fellow English/American ,ect are not settling here in our millions ,demanding special privalages most of us are married to local women ,(who do not have to convert to our faith to be with us) we build a few churches ,but the priests in many of them do not preach hate against Thailand and Bhuddist ways, i dont demand that Stores sell only meat killed in a certain way(by the way neither did the Jews who came to Britain years ago) i had no problem when a small amount of Muslims came to my country and just blended in ,but if you cannot see what is happening in the west then ,what can i say? sorry but people like yourself have nothing to discuss so best we dont.

Much heard complaints about immigrants in the UK

- They dont speak our language (do you speak Thai ?)

- They live all together (do you live close to a lot of farangs like in Pattaya)

- Seen plenty of complaints about Thailand from you (Muslims do the same)

- You guys are always complaining about the lack of products for farangs in shops (just look up Thaivisa)

Face it we have act (in some ways) quite similar to immigrants in your home country. My points are the main points about immigrants.. i know as i see them on Dutch sites too. Guess what we do the same here not speaking the language living together expecting immigration to speak perfect English instead of us speaking Thai.

I have seldom seen a group more complaining about immigrants as the English.. while they all caused it themselves by raping and pillaging their colonies in the past gathering the wealth. Now you guys get some of the stuff back from then and you moan like old wives.

Do I like all those immigrants, no I don't like the extremist and maybe I don't like them as groups together. I was quite right wing before I came here and realized I am an immigrant and though I am not demanding things. I am also not assimilating in a way that is required of Muslims in the west to appease the worst of the bigots. If i were still living in Holland I would have a right to complain but as an immigrant myself I watch my words as I see the problems they face.

That of course does not make those terrorist attacks a good thing and I condemn them but I am fairly sure that the majority just want to be left in peace and likes the freedoms in the west. The extremist need to be deported. I just don't tar them all with the same brush like the GOMS on this board.

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