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To anyone in the PEA service area: Has your electricity price increased with the New Year ?

And - where do you live - house/apartment/other, and name of province please.


edit: I was looking at the FT baht/unit which is not correct.

Let me sort it & get back to you

Ok PEA Chiangmai we live in a Condo & pay direct to PEA

Looks like last 3-4 months hover around 4.37 to 4.48 baht per unit (after service charges or total price/usage)

We have not been billed for 2015 yet as we have not completed a month of

the new year.

But one thing I do notice on Decembers bill that is a new format & I had not seem before is

now in the base rate (before service charges) if you use from 0-150 units the price is 2.76 baht per unit

From 168 units & up? it is 3.73 baht per unit.

I do not understand why 0-150 then 168 & up?

But in any case we average 350-430 units a month here

We cannot really complain as where we lived before we paid $200+ per month

So $60 or less seems a great deal for us.


^^^ Don't you mean 6.9 baht per unit?

I know folks who do pay a higher rate like what you mention but they pay thru a condo management etc.

If you set up your own service direct with PEA it is cheaper. I guess condo managements tag on something

Our final costs for last 3-4 months hover around 4.37 to 4.48 baht per unit (after service charges or total bill price/usage)


^^^ Don't you mean 6.9 baht per unit?

sorry mate got to pass on that on to much information

Two sentences too taxing for one?



i thought electric had gone down

Yep, thats what was in the press.

The Ft (fuel surcharge) for the next four months (Jan to April) shall go down due to the fallen oil prices.

Og course the first bill for 2015 has not yet been written, so I can not check.

Rising electricity prices: I remember that there are plans in the pipeline to raise base prices.

But I can not remember where I have read that.

For the rest: I am not aware of actual changes in the tariff structure (price-quantity-scale, 0 to 150 kWh, 151 to 400, 401 and up).

See here (still applies although Ft has not been updated for 2558/2015):


News about the reduced Ft rate for Jan to April 2015:


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^^^ Don't you mean 6.9 baht per unit?

sorry mate got to pass on that on to much information

Two sentences too taxing for one?

I get emails all the time asking for the information the op asks for.

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I lived in BKK first 3 years, another year in Hua Hin and now back in BKK last 3 years. My bills have consistently a bit below 6,000 baht/month - a consequence of all my rented 1-bedroom condos being designed without any natural free flow of air through the rooms (windows that do not open) and air con on most of the time. But, I expect, under the same conditions back in the US, my electric bills would be similar to Thailand.

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