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Want to move to LOS permamently (25 years old, not a native speaker)


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Abaya + niqab + god only knows

I forgot to add the following disclaimer "I am not Charlies Aunt and this is not (as far as I know) a picture representing the wife of any profitable person".


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Forget about Asia. Without any qualifications other than your Turkish University (have a look and see what it's world ranking is). Get a real job in Europe and some business experience, and some" living on your own experience" that will help you grow. Also you need to learn English language if you want to exist in the "real world" I wish you luck, but you have a lot of growing to do before you can come to Thailand with what you have said so far.

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Great place to visit and travel around but not a great long term prospect for a young fellow. Spend some time, get it out of your system, find a beautiful Thai lady to settle down with then go home. The long term option is more suited to those who are older and have a pension or other passive income, and even a large amount of those guys are leaving these days. I for one would never live in Thailand though I do love to visit with my wife.

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Thanks for all the replies, and those who say I'm trolling, why would I lie about something like this? The point is I'm trying to settle down in S.E.A permanently, I wouldnt be a TV member if I didnt frequent Thailand so much. I know many people share my dream here too. I received a very detailed message from a valuable TV member, would like to thank him from here, going to read it througly.I would like to thank everyone giving me ideas, but the people who are accusing me of trolling are trolling here themselves, making up BS stories that I came here for a girl I met on Thaifriendly. The normal route most people take is working their ass off in the west by being a corporate slave, and retiring at 50-60, then coming here when they've lost their youth. But I want to try an alternative way, and jump start my career from here, S.E.A is best enjoyed when you're young. I'd probably head to my country when I'm older, its better to be a young person here.

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Take your parents money...visit the cities you have interest in...learn the language and culture...while probing the SE Asia area for a job using the internet and large newspaper classifieds...good luck...

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Forget about Asia. Without any qualifications other than your Turkish University (have a look and see what it's world ranking is). Get a real job in Europe and some business experience, and some" living on your own experience" that will help you grow. Also you need to learn English language if you want to exist in the "real world" I wish you luck, but you have a lot of growing to do before you can come to Thailand with what you have said so far.

I have an excellent command of both written and spoken English, English is not the issue here.

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Wow. Nothing gets the old guard's adult diapers in a bunch like somebody under 50 wanting to move here and make a go of it - especially if they're not here for the women.

Ignore these bitter old fools. They just don't want to share their playground with anyone younger than them.

They're great whenever you're feeling down, though. Reading some of these replies makes you realise your life must be pretty fantastic in comparison.

Edited by Sirbergan
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You don't state why you want to move to SEA. If it's for a career, bad place to start.

I dont really care about my career.I want a place that makes me happy, and S.E.A definitely nails it. The way of life, the climiate, unlimited dining options, buzzling nightlife, relatively low cost of living , when you combine all of these factors it looks attractive in my eyes

But have you been here before?

SEA is great but sift through some of the suggestions as putting out the word "permanently" is a premature.

Come for a visit on a tourist visa and check out those other countries. And, do it at your parents expense.

You have a lot of research to do. Good luck.

Edited by Friendly Stranger
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You don't state why you want to move to SEA. If it's for a career, bad place to start.

I dont really care about my career.I want a place that makes me happy, and S.E.A definitely nails it. The way of life, the climiate, unlimited dining options, buzzling nightlife, relatively low cost of living , when you combine all of these factors it looks attractive in my eyes
But have you been here before?

Yes I spent most of my childhood in s.e.a

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Welcome Thailand please come soon

another digital pikey/movie actor/Ed visa abuser/Walt/wannabee/quality tourist in the in the making

Good to see the B.O.M. (Bitter Old Men) are at it again. Taking aim

at anyone young enough to manage a stiffy without a blue pill and

willing to have a go at a life less structured and ordinary.

Even the fat Greek felt emboldened enough to weigh in with a couple

of bitter digs about the guy's age as if he doesn't want to be reminded

of what it was like to be young and attractive to women for more than

an ability to pull a few baht out of his pocket every month.

When it all comes down to it, you people just want to feel

special in some way even if, in reality, you're all pretty dull and boring.

I thank the stars every single day that I never turned out-and

never will turn out-like you people bah.gif alt=bah.gif>

Oh dear, another proven, exposed cyber fantasist, with nothing to add to the topic, trying to make out he's a 25 year old millionaire with a bird he's not paying for or who probably pays the rent for his 2500B a month Udomsuk grindhouse.....He'll be making things up about takeaways and wine next....

Oh dear. Another thoroughly predictable defecation of a post

replete with the same, tired old assumptions about fan rooms,

boiler room earnings or living on Pot Noodle. Can't bear the fact

that smarter people are travelling light and have no allegiance to

Thailand beyond its compelling cost of living, lovely weather and

amazing food.

You're welcome to continue thinking your way is the only way and

stagnate while the rest of the world rolls right past you.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Welcome Thailand please come soon

another digital pikey/movie actor/Ed visa abuser/Walt/wannabee/quality tourist in the in the making

Good to see the B.O.M. (Bitter Old Men) are at it again. Taking aim

at anyone young enough to manage a stiffy without a blue pill and

willing to have a go at a life less structured and ordinary.

Even the fat Greek felt emboldened enough to weigh in with a couple

of bitter digs about the guy's age as if he doesn't want to be reminded

of what it was like to be young and attractive to women for more than

an ability to pull a few baht out of his pocket every month.

When it all comes down to it, you people just want to feel

special in some way even if, in reality, you're all pretty dull and boring.

I thank the stars every single day that I never turned out-and

never will turn out-like you people bah.gif alt=bah.gif>

Oh dear, another proven, exposed cyber fantasist, with nothing to add to the topic, trying to make out he's a 25 year old millionaire with a bird he's not paying for or who probably pays the rent for his 2500B a month Udomsuk grindhouse.....He'll be making things up about takeaways and wine next....

Oh dear. Another thoroughly predictable defecation of a post

replete with the same, tired old assumptions about fan rooms,

boiler room earnings or living on Pot Noodle. Can't bear the fact

that smarter people are travelling light and have no allegiance to

Thailand beyond its compelling cost of living, lovely weather and

amazing food.

You're welcome to continue thinking your way is the only way and

stagnate while the rest of the world rolls right past you.

smart people? if he was so smart he wouldnt be here looking for ideas how to survive without his mommy and daddy! lol

I never said I'm smart, but ı'm probably above average intelligence. I just wanted some feedback from TV members, eventough 80% of the posts are bullshit, the 20% makes up for it. I thank all the guys in the 20% for providing valuable ideas, I'll definitely look into it.

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The normal route most people take is working their ass off in the west by being a corporate slave, and retiring at 50-60, then coming here when they've lost their youth. But I want to try an alternative way, and jump start my career from here, S.E.A is best enjoyed when you're young. I'd probably head to my country when I'm older, its better to be a young person here.

Hmmm, not sure I would agree with this. I thoroughly enjoyed my youth back in the USA...and made a good living while building up a secure retirement. Most of S.E.A. want to see their own citizens in key jobs, not foreigners. Sure you can probably get by and have a good time in your youth. But by the time you're ready to "head to (your) country when you're older," you're going to realize that you've pissed away your most productive years with nothing to show for it.

It's your life....good luck.

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Once you get you pilot license you could apply for a job with Susi Air in Indonesia ;-



Just read the Susi air job advertisement and although i have a Private Pilot's

Licence, i wouldn't want to fly commercially withought much more flying hours

and higher ratings,, i got really scared just reading the application,,, made me

think of the maybe underqualified Air Asia pilots,,, scary stuff

Scary maybe - He is a young lad looking for adventure and excitement. He would have the freedom, fun and prestige of being a "bush" pilot while clocking up the hours to possibly work for a major airline at a later date,

If I was 100 year younger I would consider it.


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The normal route most people take is working their ass off in the west by being a corporate slave, and retiring at 50-60, then coming here when they've lost their youth. But I want to try an alternative way, and jump start my career from here, S.E.A is best enjoyed when you're young. I'd probably head to my country when I'm older, its better to be a young person here.

Hmmm, not sure I would agree with this. I thoroughly enjoyed my youth back in the USA...and made a good living while building up a secure retirement. Most of S.E.A. want to see their own citizens in key jobs, not foreigners. Sure you can probably get by and have a good time in your youth. But by the time you're ready to "head to (your) country when you're older," you're going to realize that you've pissed away your most productive years with nothing to show for it.

It's your life....good luck.

"S.E.A is best enjoyed when you're young"

How do you know this?

Corporate slave? You did say you wanted to teach in SEA.

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Have to say I don't really want to be a passenger with a pilot who 'wants a flying gig' ?!!

What makes you think I wont take my job seriously and adhere to all the safety rules? Lots of young lads call teaching in thailand a teaching gig, and some of these folks are really great teachers they do their best to give thai kids a good English education.

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Life is best enjoyed as early as you can. Even if it annoys those who feel you should live through a few decades of misery first like they did.

if you plan it right , life is enjoyed at every stage. this kid sounds like he's headed for misery at the back end.

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At 25 what do most young fellas have on their mind? Unless you're a Stephen Hawking you are probably thinking with your small head and not your big one. It seems to me that he's in search of totty and is using this career thing as a cover story.

As we used to say in the mob 'you need to get some time in' before you start playing with the big boys. My lad wanted to come and stay in BKK with me when he was 18. I told him OK then I would ship him upcountry after a couple of days to stay with relatives. He admitted then that he wanted to come and....well...you know, so the move never happened

I saw more than one youngster in BKK back in the day who moved here with the same intentions and ended up living with, and being supported by, a bar girl. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I would be interested to know how this pans out if he does make the move.....

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The normal route most people take is working their ass off in the west by being a corporate slave, and retiring at 50-60, then coming here when they've lost their youth. But I want to try an alternative way, and jump start my career from here, S.E.A is best enjoyed when you're young. I'd probably head to my country when I'm older, its better to be a young person here.

Hmmm, not sure I would agree with this. I thoroughly enjoyed my youth back in the USA...and made a good living while building up a secure retirement. Most of S.E.A. want to see their own citizens in key jobs, not foreigners. Sure you can probably get by and have a good time in your youth. But by the time you're ready to "head to (your) country when you're older," you're going to realize that you've pissed away your most productive years with nothing to show for it.

It's your life....good luck.

"S.E.A is best enjoyed when you're young"

How do you know this?

Corporate slave? You did say you wanted to teach in SEA.

I dont think teaching 10-15 hours a week qualifies as being a "corporate slave"

I recently had a summer internship at a well known investment bank, decided that the corporate world is definitely not my cup of tea.Too much politics going on, and a lot of people are obsessed with their career. Add to that the working environment is a tough one, I had days where I had to leave the office at 7pm, some of my colleagues worked until 10-11pm to finish the tasks given. I asked them why the hell they were sacrificing their private time without asking for overtime pay, the generic reply given was that they wont make it to a higher level If they didnt work overtime voluntarily.

They were slaves of the system, they had car payments, mortgage payments to keep up with. I'm fortunate enough not to worry about these things.

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