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Want to move to LOS permamently (25 years old, not a native speaker)


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LOL don't mind some of the people on here..

forget your self esteem! let your parents send you the money! the pay out here is not even worth your time unless you find a super good gig. I actually know of a place in bangkok if your interested.. being a financial consultant.. and they will train you. Let me know if you want their info. You can get a work visa at least. also I commend you for wanting to live elsewhere on your own. I'm 35 and moved out here a year ago and love it. and I would have no shame if my parents sent me money every month!! you can live like a king off of $2,000 a month! The living expenses are very cheap and if you love to party, welp... there's plenty of that.. just beware of lady's that live off of scheming men. And as far as having things all planned out and knowing exactly what you want to do with your life.. who cares if you have no idea what your doing!! life is much more fun and exciting that way! sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself... your still young so you have plenty of time to figure things out! good luck =)

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Bunch of bigoted old muppets posting their usual drivel on here. These old farts are just jealous that they have to pay for it and hate to see young guys coming here and getting it for free...

Ignore them all, it's easy to find a hot young girl who doesn't want your money, even an Isan girl (and actually they have the best personalities).


With all women, somewhere along the line, it's going to cost you. Nothing is for free.

iyi gunler.

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If you do not care abut your career, Thailand is the place. If you do care, try Indonesia. The language is easy and you can use it in Malaysia too. See about Australia, China and Singapore, places that are dynamic.

You have been seduced by Thailand. I am the third generation of my family to have lived in Thailand, and I can tell you none of my family were thrilled about it.

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About to graduate with a degree in Management Information Systems from the most reputable university in Turkey.

Unless you get hired by a foreign company operating in Thailand, most any work that would relate to your degree would require fluency in the Thai language and at any point in your employment you could be replaced by a Thai national or simply not have your contract renewed. Tenure for anyone, especially foreigners, is never guaranteed.

I want to settle down in S.E.A permanently ...

Not likely to happen. Even in the unlikely event that you got hired, it's even less likely you'd achieve any degree of permanency either in your employment or legal residency.

Not sure why you want to come to Asia. You seem to have excellent English language skills. Probably a better plan would be to try to get employed by an international company in Turkey that also has operations in Asia and hope you can get an assignment to an Asia unit of the company once you've proved yourself. If your qualifications are insufficient to find employment in your home country, they're not going to impress anyone here, particularly if you have no experience.

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For a 25 years old English Speaker I will recommend Taiwan. Cost of living similar to Thailand. Western way of living and do business. Right place to learn Chinese ( future world's second language ) and an step to work in China. To party in Thailand with your own earnings at 25 will be not easy and cheap, and will have to depend in parents money. Indonesia is a better choice if looking for a more welcoming work environment in South Asia, and more job opportunities, specially if you are Muslim.

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Bunch of bigoted old muppets posting their usual drivel on here. These old farts are just jealous that they have to pay for it and hate to see young guys coming here and getting it for free...

Ignore them all, it's easy to find a hot young girl who doesn't want your money, even an Isan girl (and actually they have the best personalities).

Comprehension is not your strong point is it Duckboy.

The kid isn't interested in poontang.

It's about a job and career and making money.

...but you keep telling yourself you get it for free. Ha ha ha ha ha. Clown.

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Bunch of bigoted old muppets posting their usual drivel on here. These old farts are just jealous that they have to pay for it and hate to see young guys coming here and getting it for free...

Ignore them all, it's easy to find a hot young girl who doesn't want your money, even an Isan girl (and actually they have the best personalities).

There's always one....

Another troll reply from a delusional 'young gun' with laughably no advice to offer from his own delusional fantasy life from which he can give no advice; even on pulling imaginary 'hot young women for 'free' as he's never done it himself.

Sounds just the type who will (or already has) wake up one day, find the 'hot young, educated, HiSo' girl he thinks been giving it to him for 'free' has taken the his little all (namely his boiler room stealings or his 30K a month TEFL salary) while his head was up his backside, then given it to what he thought was her 'brother' who she is now shacked up with...


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OP, reading your posts you come across to me as a little spoiled kid that depend on your parents to support you.

Don't give me excuses you don't want to take money from your parents or you want to work.

You are only thinking of yourself and how to enjoy your life on your parents expenses.

Get a job first in Turkey, prove yourself that you are capable to conduct your own life and then start thinking of coming to Thailand and start partying.

You are too young and inexperienced and dreams like that don't usually have a good outcome.

I know you don't like what I say, but sometimes you have to listen to people with more experience in life than you.

I wonder if Turkish boy will take Greek advice ????? coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

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You don't state why you want to move to SEA. If it's for a career, bad place to start.

I dont really care about my career.I want a place that makes me happy, and S.E.A definitely nails it. The way of life, the climiate, unlimited dining options, buzzling nightlife, relatively low cost of living , when you combine all of these factors it looks attractive in my eyes

I once said the same things about Ulus in Ankara but woman power won the day so here I am in LOS.

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OP, by now we all know that you are a BIG man! So please get a job at your ambassee and don't start flying a plane.

And if everything else fales, you can always dream.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why am I being bashed for wanting to become a pilot? Its a great job, you fly, get to meet new people everyday and plus have a bunch of hot F/A's serving under you biggrin.png

Lukecan, do you have experience as pilot – i.e. been flying small planes already and having an A-certificate or military training...?
Schools and training for being a commercial pilot is a quite long route, and if you are going to pay yourself, it can be costly as you will need quite a lot of flying hours in smaller 1 or 2-engine aircrafts for experience, before you move up to commercial planes.
Some times commercial airline may be in such a need of pilots, that they will pay and train all the way, but more likely you will need a more private education, or a civil education based on previous military training.
A pilot of profession is a (very) well-paid job, especially if you can move up as First Officer or Captain. smile.png
PS: Unfortunately I used – and still use – glasses, so I could never fulfill my own “dream” of becoming a pilot, but I did take the full theory up to captains level (C+D), plus navigation and flight planning, and worked for decade with planning in a major airline, so I know from aviation school friends and colleagues a bit about the long route up there – a few of them never managed to finish due to the high costs... whistling.gif
And by the way: Today the pilots sits in a locked and almost barricaded cockpit – due to terrorism – so not that much contact with new people and the hot F/A’s, however you may have some fun on long-distance routes with stop-over… tongue.png
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Which Sock-puppet are you going to use next? I don't understand how people can tell you with no skills its going to be all ok in a Third world Country, Are you sure that's not you writing ?

You will be in for a big surprise $ wise and job wise trust me.

If that advice makes you feel better, go for it but becoming a man will be with you , not mommy and daddy as your sock puppet, written by you says, that's ba advice to tell a young man and if you wish to believe it, that's up to you, I get all the pussy I want ,ill give you my facebook page if you want to see a handsome man, but you got to have some job or action, you are writing your bogus replys,you don't fool me, any way good luck son,grow to be a man not rely and brag mommy and daddy are always there for you even if they are, try to do like a real man by yourself, and quit pretending people are writing in favor of you if they aren't, you are writing those comments kid,pussy will cost you youl see,,,later dude....

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Really a spoiled kid. Studying every night after partying (a perfect student). Nightlife, partying, eating spots, etc. Wants to be a pilot without a discipline mind. Will kill hundred is aviation accidents for sure if ever got the chance.

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Why do I have a feeling OP is just trolling here.

I don't think so.

He definitely has the same arrogant, ingrained sense of privilege many "Diplobrats" (or similar) I was at University with seemed to have; can walk into a top uni never having to worry about bills, having to work, sh*tty digs etc, can afford to faff about as the safety net will always scoop them into the same job and Mummy and daddy had....clearly thinks life owes him a privileged life consisting of a highly skilled job in an exotic location with a top drawer bit of crumpet, While wanting to put on a show of independence, he will at least invoke the 'do you know who my parents are?' or "My parents are....." lines a few times a year when things get a bit sticky....

He's already thinking he's "God's gift to women" without realising all these 'hot women" he gets with such ease in the West are only interested in his background and money; Rest assured that if Mummy and Daddy were factory workers in an Ankara suburb he'd probably still be a virgin....

I wish the kid well but seeing as life has handed him all these advantages, why not use them?

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Once you get you pilot license you could apply for a job with Susi Air in Indonesia ;-



Just read the Susi air job advertisement and although i have a Private Pilot's

Licence, i wouldn't want to fly commercially withought much more flying hours

and higher ratings,, i got really scared just reading the application,,, made me

think of the maybe underqualified Air Asia pilots,,, scary stuff

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Back in the day (again) I worked in Ankara for a couple of years and met many nice clever, highly qualified and hard working Turkish lads. I also saw lots of stunning young ladies (this was before Guinessbottlism was compulsory) and some of them were Kurdish with extensive skills in hand grenading, bomb making, etc. I suppose that many of their daughters have now graduated to anti-isis sniping, but I would thoroughly recommend that a committed layabout like you, girds up his loins, takes his Turkish manhood in hand (figuratively speaking of course) and asks one of these young Kurdish ladies to check out the size of your hairy Turkish balls, which must be enormous to post a missive like this.

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Welcome Thailand please come soon

another digital pikey/movie actor/Ed visa abuser/Walt/wannabee/quality tourist in the in the making

Good to see the B.O.M. (Bitter Old Men) are at it again. Taking aim

at anyone young enough to manage a stiffy without a blue pill and

willing to have a go at a life less structured and ordinary.

Even the fat Greek felt emboldened enough to weigh in with a couple

of bitter digs about the guy's age as if he doesn't want to be reminded

of what it was like to be young and attractive to women for more than

an ability to pull a few baht out of his pocket every month.

When it all comes down to it, you people just want to feel

special in some way even if, in reality, you're all pretty dull and boring.

I thank the stars every single day that I never turned out-and

never will turn out-like you people bah.gif

YS or is it CH commenting ? is this a marketing drive to recruit new members of the ALBC ,the poker grind or your latest gay tourism promotion video ?

like CH you seem to have a fixation with old men :o

Edited by Soutpeel
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Welcome Thailand please come soon

another digital pikey/movie actor/Ed visa abuser/Walt/wannabee/quality tourist in the in the making

Good to see the B.O.M. (Bitter Old Men) are at it again. Taking aim

at anyone young enough to manage a stiffy without a blue pill and

willing to have a go at a life less structured and ordinary.

Even the fat Greek felt emboldened enough to weigh in with a couple

of bitter digs about the guy's age as if he doesn't want to be reminded

of what it was like to be young and attractive to women for more than

an ability to pull a few baht out of his pocket every month.

When it all comes down to it, you people just want to feel

special in some way even if, in reality, you're all pretty dull and boring.

I thank the stars every single day that I never turned out-and

never will turn out-like you people bah.gif

Oh dear, another proven, exposed cyber fantasist, with nothing to add to the topic, trying to make out he's a 25 year old millionaire with a bird he's not paying for or who probably pays the rent for his 2500B a month Udomsuk grindhouse.....He'll be making things up about takeaways and wine next....

Edited by ThePlant
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