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France is at war against terrorism, not Islam, PM Valls says


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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

Yet their allegiance was to Allah not France, which shows that some muslims may be French on paper, but not in mind, no matter how long they have lived in France (or other countries).

Even if one accepts this, which Muslim country should these disloyal French citizens be sent back to? (as per godden's post).

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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

Yet their allegiance was to Allah not France, which shows that some muslims may be French on paper, but not in mind, no matter how long they have lived in France (or other countries).

Even if one accepts this, which Muslim country should these disloyal French citizens be sent back to? (as per godden's post).

Then they should be tried for treason

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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

Then they should abide by French laws,you cannot have it both ways

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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

Yet their allegiance was to Allah not France, which shows that some muslims may be French on paper, but not in mind, no matter how long they have lived in France (or other countries).

Even if one accepts this, which Muslim country should these disloyal French citizens be sent back to? (as per godden's post).

No idea, ask godden.

My point was simply that your post shows that being born and raised in France does not necessarily make a muslim French, except on paper. I bet that thought is running through the head of many non-muslim Frenchmen these days.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Even if one accepts this, which Muslim country should these disloyal French citizens be sent back to? (as per godden's post).

Then they should be tried for treason

Then they should abide by French laws,you cannot have it both ways

Fair enough. If they are French citizens then France needs to deal with them as such. Pretty sure that there are relevant rules which could be applied. As it stands with these guys, its a moot point.

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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

True but most of these people have double nationality (France and Algeria for example).

Sending muslims back to their countries is only a matter of political will...There is a French political party, Le Bloc Identitaire, whose main objective is this Remigration.

Here are 26 measures to implement this Remigration :


The first one is to stop the Right of Soil..

Another one is the expulsion of foreigners committing crime or petty crime.

Creation of national fund to encourage muslims to go back to their countries.

Keep the social welfare system for Europeans.

Defense of our culinary identity and refusal to submit to foreign forbidden food in shops, school canteens, etc.

Ban sermons in Arabic. Also ban foreign imams preaching.

Large movements of population have happened before. Not long ago, summer '62, one million europeans leave Algeria in what will be called ' The suitcase or the coffin' retreat...

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With all this rending of garments over Islamic fundamentalism, it's great to see they are finally going into Saudi Arabia to put a... stop... to....

... oh... They are targeting Syria, you say. A 'secular' state, currently resisting hordes of imported terrorists. Not Saudi Arabia?

Funny old world.

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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

True but most of these people have double nationality (France and Algeria for example).

Sending muslims back to their countries is only a matter of political will...There is a French political party, Le Bloc Identitaire, whose main objective is this Remigration.

Here are 26 measures to implement this Remigration :


The first one is to stop the Right of Soil..

Another one is the expulsion of foreigners committing crime or petty crime.

Creation of national fund to encourage muslims to go back to their countries.

Keep the social welfare system for Europeans.

Defense of our culinary identity and refusal to submit to foreign forbidden food in shops, school canteens, etc.

Ban sermons in Arabic. Also ban foreign imams preaching.

Large movements of population have happened before. Not long ago, summer '62, one million europeans leave Algeria in what will be called ' The suitcase or the coffin' retreat...

I don't know that most of "these people" in fact possess double citizenship. Could be for first generation immigrants, probably not the case from then on. People holding French citizenship are not foreigners.

As far as I understand, Le Bloc Identitaire is also not very fond of Jews, or for that matter, any ethnic minority. A bit extreme by their own right. Not subscribing to xenophobia, thanks.

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With all this rending of garments over Islamic fundamentalism, it's great to see they are finally going into Saudi Arabia to put a... stop... to....

... oh... They are targeting Syria, you say. A 'secular' state, currently resisting hordes of imported terrorists. Not Saudi Arabia?

Funny old world.

Mixing between dealing with issues in-country and foreign policy. Not that there is no connection, of course there is.

Focusing on one does not erase the other. Not doing a thing about problems at hand because not all things touching on the issue are dealt with?

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As a Muslim, I’m fed up with the hypocrisy of the free speech fundamentalists raises some excellent points; among them being:-

You think you’re defying the terrorists when, in reality, you’re playing into their bloodstained hands by dividing and demonising. Us and them. The enlightened and liberal west v the backward, barbaric Muslims......

....Yes, the attack was an act of unquantifiable evil; an inexcusable and merciless murder of innocents. But was it really a “bid to assassinate” free speech (ITV’s Mark Austin), to “desecrate” our ideas of “free thought” (Stephen Fry)? It was a crime – not an act of war – perpetrated by disaffected young men; radicalised not by drawings of the Prophet in Europe in 2006 or 2011, as it turns out, but by images of US torture in Iraq in 2004.....

.....And why have you been so silent on the glaring double standards? Did you not know that Charlie Hebdo sacked the veteran French cartoonist Maurice Sinet in 2008 for making an allegedly anti-Semitic remark? Were you not aware that Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that published caricatures of the Prophet in 2005, reportedly rejected cartoons mocking Christ because they would “provoke an outcry”...

It is not Islam that is the problem; it is not the majority of ordinary law abiding Muslims which is the problem.

The problem is groups like ISIS, who want to topple Muslim governments as much as, if not more than, they want to topple non Muslim ones, and the radicalisation of, mainly young male, Muslims in the West so they support those aims and even wish to join the fight.

Demonising an entire religion and all it's many and varied followers is not going to solve that problem; but it could very easily make it worse.

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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

True but most of these people have double nationality (France and Algeria for example).

Sending muslims back to their countries is only a matter of political will...There is a French political party, Le Bloc Identitaire, whose main objective is this Remigration.

Here are 26 measures to implement this Remigration :


The first one is to stop the Right of Soil..

Another one is the expulsion of foreigners committing crime or petty crime.

Creation of national fund to encourage muslims to go back to their countries.

Keep the social welfare system for Europeans.

Defense of our culinary identity and refusal to submit to foreign forbidden food in shops, school canteens, etc.

Ban sermons in Arabic. Also ban foreign imams preaching.

Large movements of population have happened before. Not long ago, summer '62, one million europeans leave Algeria in what will be called ' The suitcase or the coffin' retreat...

I don't know that most of "these people" in fact possess double citizenship. Could be for first generation immigrants, probably not the case from then on. People holding French citizenship are not foreigners.

As far as I understand, Le Bloc Identitaire is also not very fond of Jews, or for that matter, any ethnic minority. A bit extreme by their own right. Not subscribing to xenophobia, thanks.

Nice try for the reductio ad hitlerum but Le Bloc Identitaire is pro jews and pro Israel. It is often mocked as Le Bloch Identitaire on the French nationalists fora for such a position...

For 40 years we have had people complaining about xenophobia in Europe, see the result : 2390 mosques (trovetamosquee.fr), Muslims in pyjamas everywhere, muslim ladies wearing carnival outfit all year round, europeans eating ritually sacrificed meat without knowing and now those people whimpering about xenophobia being killed for non sharia approved drawings...

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Just send all the muslims back to their muslim countries, problem solved.

The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

Yet their allegiance was to Allah not France, which shows that some muslims may be French on paper, but not in mind, no matter how long they have lived in France (or other countries).

Even if one accepts this, which Muslim country should these disloyal French citizens be sent back to? (as per godden's post).

Why, the Caliphate of course, as its followers recognize no nation except Islam. Geographically speaking it come down to parts of Syria,Iraq or Nigeria.
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The terrorists who carried out the Charlie Hebdo were French citizens, born in France. coffee1.gif

Yet their allegiance was to Allah not France, which shows that some muslims may be French on paper, but not in mind, no matter how long they have lived in France (or other countries).

Even if one accepts this, which Muslim country should these disloyal French citizens be sent back to? (as per godden's post).

Why, the Caliphate of course, as its followers recognize no nation except Islam. Geographically speaking it come down to parts of Syria,Iraq or Nigeria.

And all the Catholics to the Vatican?

How about those affiliated with Muslim organizations which do not recognize or have anything to do with the so-called Caliphate? How about Shia Muslims?

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Some perspective on the history at Charlie Hebdo.

If the implication by the "Zionist conspiracy" crowd is that the magazine didn't publish cartoons offensive to many Jews, that implication is total crapola.

On specific cases, who knows the details except the parties involved. Like any magazine, you would assume they had editorial standards of some kind, even a magazine famous for rocking the boat as Charlie Hebdo.

Be super clear that identifying with


and being disgusted by the mass murders of magazine publishers by Islmaic Jihadists is in no way suggestive of approving of all the content the magazine ever published!

Yes, this link is from a pro Zionist website and the name of it is satiric. Deal with it:

If you support free speech, you must support the right to free speech that offends you as well.


Edited by Jingthing
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Numerous off-topic, inflammatory posts and replies have been removed.

This topic isn't about capital punishment or advocating the killing of people.

This topic isn't about the Philippines.

Stay on-topic, please.

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Obama says Europe should integrate Muslims to curb terrorism

President Obama warned Europeans "not to simply respond with a hammer" in working against radicalization among its Muslim populations, and argued that the United States had an advantage on this front because American Muslims are better integrated into society.

“Our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There is, you know, this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition that is probably our greatest strength,” Obama said Friday, as he stood next to British Prime Minister David Cameron at a news conference. “There are parts of Europe in which that's not the case, and that's probably the greatest danger that Europe faces.”

The comments were an unusually public bit of cultural analysis and counsel at a forum typically reserved for demonstrations of support and solidarity. In this case, Cameron politely disagreed with the American president's assessment of immigrant communities in the United Kingdom.


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Obama says Europe should integrate Muslims to curb terrorism

President Obama warned Europeans "not to simply respond with a hammer" in working against radicalization among its Muslim populations, and argued that the United States had an advantage on this front because American Muslims are better integrated into society.

“Our Muslim populations, they feel themselves to be Americans. There is, you know, this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition that is probably our greatest strength,” Obama said Friday, as he stood next to British Prime Minister David Cameron at a news conference. “There are parts of Europe in which that's not the case, and that's probably the greatest danger that Europe faces.”

The comments were an unusually public bit of cultural analysis and counsel at a forum typically reserved for demonstrations of support and solidarity. In this case, Cameron politely disagreed with the American president's assessment of immigrant communities in the United Kingdom.


Is Obama alluding to no go zones by any chance? I wonder what pearls of wisdom the POTUS has for how Europe can integrate its Muslims, such as slowing down the rate of immigration and kicking out the radicals. On that score I doubt it seeing as Obama let 300,000 into the U.S that year and will no doubt veto any attempts to deal with illegal aliens.

The relatively peaceful relations with U.S Muslims is probably down to numbers rather than anything else, I should post him the David Woods video on the three stages of Jihad. At least Obama got a warm welcome in Dearborn, which is not a no go zone, unless you are a proselytizing Christian.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Yes, this link is from a pro Zionist website and the name of it is satiric. Deal with it:

Alex Jones eat your heart out. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

The content of the link, regardless of nature of media source of the link, does show actual offensive-to-Jews Charlie Hebdo cartoons. Yet, curiously, Jews have not reacted to them like Muslims have to offensive-to-Muslims cartoons. Catholics have not reacted to offensive-to-Catholics cartoons like Muslims have to offensive-to-Muslims cartoons. This kind of terrorist violence reaction to free speech that offends is clearly a Muslim thing. No, of course not all Muslims, but enough to be a problem.

When a Jew, Catholic, Muslim, or Atheist, etc. identifies with JE SUIS CHARLIE they are not necessarily APPROVING or AGREEING WITH any and all specific speech per se; rather they are endorsing the civilized principle of freedom of expression and the civilized principle of not reacting to free speech that does sometimes offend with MASS MURDER.

Edited by Jingthing
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