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when does low season start. pattaya is very busy right now.


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ive never seen pattaya as busy in so many years i would of thought numbers would drop off after christmas holidays. the bars , clubs and resturants are jam packed every night even up the end of say soi chaiyapoon and other small back street soi,s in naklua etc i see placed packed out every night. the beaches are full . i am here for a few more months and was recently looking for a decent long term room with pool, very hard to get but i went outside of the central area and now i have managed to get a good room with pool etc for 15k am month. i have noticed a distinct lack of russian tourists this time around.

and hey, if your coming bring something warm for nightime its bloody cold ;-)

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Thats one different report now!

Sounds plausible to me.

I was really believing all those reports about how quiet it is in Pattaya.

But as I see, the cheap charlie districts are crowded as always biggrin.png

I once made the mistake to believe that end of February would be low season enough to just jump in the car and go south without reservation at one of my favourite hotels.

It took me some time to find a reasonably priced place (favourites all booked).

This "bar season" will not be over before end of March I guess.

The locals might have a more educated guess?

As a contradiction: one of my favourite places (Opey) would be easily available for online booking (and even over Christmas and New Year it would have been). Makes me think.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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been here on off for years, its really busy now. at night not so busy maybe because of the wind and cold which obviously means less thai,s walking around.

For people looking for a "HOT" time I'd think the cold wouldn't matter.

I give post #9 by

Gsxrnz more credence. Edited by watcharacters
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The only accurate barometer of measuring a Pattaya high season is to consult experienced and long standing bargirls, mamasans, gogo girls, and bar and restaurant owners that didn't just buy their bar last week. whistling.gif

But seriously, I do know a number of business people and those working in various entertainment and hospitality areas.

The overwhelming consensus from all of those suitably qualified to offer an informed opinion is that this season is the slowest in four years and is noticeably slower than last year. Almost invariably I was advised that yes they see the streets and beaches are busy, but many Chinese just make it look busy.

Somebody also mentioned that more Thais than ever have a car/truck now, and this is making the roads look much busier than they have before and the resulting congestion gives an idea of a false "busyness".

It was also mentioned that the absence of Russians in numbers has been duly noticed, but that there is a higher number of single male Russians visiting than ever before.

Other comments were that there are many more Thais holidaying in Pattaya than in the past.

I was told that high season in the traditional sense happened for the Christmas/New Year period, and now the place is full of people that don't spend and don't consume. Nearly everybody is putting up prices to try and recoup the loss of income they are suffering.

I think you've absolutely nailed it, particularly the part about the Thais creating the illusion that central Pattaya is somehow busy. I call it the 'vortex' and its most evident to me on Buakhow and Beach Road.

There is still money to be made in Pattaya, but I believe that the period between late Jan and Songkran in April will see a lot of bars simply abandoned - you can already see this on Soi 7. Several of the Aussies I know who've been here since Xmas Day seem to be fading as the reality of their two-week millionaire lifestyle kicks in - I would expect most to be gone by late January. I'm confident that no-one will be complaining about the cold by Feb 1.

Of course, April will bring a whole other set of madness to this town, but let's take one calamity at a time ;)

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Unofficially the High Season in Pattaya starts around November 20th and ends around February 20th. The amount of Tourists in the city really has nothing to do with that. This is just the time when Hotels, Condos, and such, start to charge High Season Prices. It is not uncommon to be in a hotel during High Season, that is practically empty, and yet the room rate is double to what it was last summer, with twice as many guests then as well.

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This may be a "Troll" post...boots on the ground...living in Pattaya for years say it is eerie quiet for this time of year...

At certain times of the day, I agree 100%. Go to Soi Diana or Made in Thailand at 11pm and you'll probably wonder where all those punters hide during the day but they'll be gone in a week or two.

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you must be dreaming .go go bars are nearly empty, plenty of sightsee-ers on walking st but bars are empty. ive lived here 18 years abd never seen pattaya so quiet in jan

You've got that dead right. Never seen so many flag bearers leading busloads of Chinese tourists around WS this year. They sure crowd the place up and make it look busy, especially before 11pm. Subtract the Chinese and WS is virtually empty in real terms.

Even the bloke doing his magic act outside the Frog Bar is finding it hard. He attracts a large crowd while he does his act but as soon as he whips off his hat to collect a few baht, the predominantly Chinese and Indian watchers disperse so fast you'd think they've been fired out of a gun.

Watched the dude do his act three times over the course of about 45 minutes and I only saw him collect from 4 people. None of them Chinese or Indian.

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The last time I was there, early December, walking street was packed and a few of the bars offering bands had a nice flow of business. The gogos and other inside venues were not so busy. The street was full of Chinese, Indian and middle eastern tourists. People who were spending money in the bars were mostly western single guys, I think many locals making their rounds. I did notice an increase in the number of Thais from Bangkok. If you check out the traffic it is 98% Thais.

Overall numbers may be about the same or even up but the demographics have changed.

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I thought the opposite !

+1...It seems quiet-slow to me.

very quiet

in the market in Jomtien

there were 4 som tam makers

no there is 1

this is definitely a sign that tourist numbers are down

Interesting observation. Perhaps the three som tam makers realised that tourists don't eat the Thai speciality...that is only their GF's!

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