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Frustrated Phuket beach guard lashes out at Russian tourist

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What utter BS Re the rebuttal by the "lifeguard Boss" which is a joke in itself... "life guard" or "protect" life.... but it seems more like, take life through bashing someone, THAT"S NO LIFEGUARD! Can u imagine an Ambulance/paramedic, just getting the shits and start shaping up and wanting to bash someone? GET YOUR ACT together Thailand!

I live here and there were NO BIG WAVES that day.... its blowing "OFFSHORE" this time of year, soo for the people who dont know, it makes the seas/swell, hitting the beaches calmer. In the wet season it blows onshore and hence... bigger swell hitting the beaches on the west coast of Phuket i am referring too and is relevant to this article.

For those who dont remember or know what happens here, the "wet" or "off season" is when, said big swells roll in, is the time when many farang tourists die at the hands of the "SAME" lifeguards.... go figure! Die through lack of skill and or training or support from the people who pay their meagher salary in the times when they REALLY should be doing their "job-description" in earnest when its required, OR in the " low season" no swell, get bashed and use an excuse like they were fed up with dealing with "irrational farangs in big seas"... ROFL, do they think we are all so STUPID? These same powers to be, cant educate their public servant staff ie lifeguards in this instance not to be confused with the BIB, on looking after the tourists and controlling themselves like any normal person can and SHOULD do, when paid with having the responsibility to look after the tourist? <deleted> Its just the same turd news example, in a different wrapper.....boring as usual!coffee1.gif

There have been reasonably sized waves these last days.

"They were tired" is often an excuse for bad behavior. They are punks is more to the point.

Yes, agree with you.......

They are punks because they are trying to prevent other people from drowning.

They are punks because they risk their lives to save other peoples lives.

I hope when you are in danger, one of those punks is near you to save your life.

Would you trust your life to one of these mental cases then? I wouldn't. Their job is supposed to protect swimmers, not play Thai boxing with tourists. If they can't do a days work without getting "tired" and "overwrought" without attacking people then they clearly shouldn't be in the job should they?

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someone needs to explain to these guys that the way of the thug has no place anywhere when dealing with tourists, if the water is choppy and they put up a red flag and some tourists ignore it then that Is up to them but they shouldn't expect any help if they get into trouble - up to them

Thais have a habit of overstepping their authority that they think they have when they don't and then trying to enforce it with violence, also shouting and being rude is no way to get anyone to listen, these people need to be taken to the side and given a few training days on how and how not to deal with tourists

The guy in question should be spoken too and if he still doesn't get it then sack him

Exactly, if they issue the warning and people choose to ignore it, tough shit!

There is probably more to it than this though, maybe they are obliged to save scum rather than just leave it to float around the beach. I would not want their job, it cannot be easy trying to pull a beached whale of a fat farang out of the wayer in heavy seas.


They often use terms like " i was enraged" or "i was overwrought" like it is an excuse for them and somehow it makes it ok.

So true. All the stories try to justify their actions.

"The man said that he raped her because the shirt she wore aroused him. He then strangled her because he was stressed by her screams.

What is not to understand there.


Agreed steven to a point, i am a surfer, diver, fisherman, lover of the sea, thats why i am here..... the waves of the last couple of days "were" for this time of year, larger than the norm, but still small in the scheme of things talking a 2ft swell mate. My point, is this stuff shouldn't be happening in a place which is high on the list of a holiday destination.Lets not "nit-pick" on the size of the swell, this is a deep seeded dilemma for this country just now and revolves around the way they treat the farang/expats, plus their own countrymen/woman, but the discussion is the farang "bread and butter" of this country. I love this place, i own land, have a Thai wife, love the "majority of the people and love the culture, etc... i am just fed up with the blatant stupidity and mentality of this place!

I guess its only understandable, to people that dont know this place, or people that dont have Business or a vested interest, or people that can handle stupidity better than me. Its my oopinion, not anyones else, just my rant, coz its frustrating and i try and change stuff here and u cant. :)

What utter BS Re the rebuttal by the "lifeguard Boss" which is a joke in itself... "life guard" or "protect" life.... but it seems more like, take life through bashing someone, THAT"S NO LIFEGUARD! Can u imagine an Ambulance/paramedic, just getting the shits and start shaping up and wanting to bash someone? GET YOUR ACT together Thailand!
I live here and there were NO BIG WAVES that day.... its blowing "OFFSHORE" this time of year, soo for the people who dont know, it makes the seas/swell, hitting the beaches calmer. In the wet season it blows onshore and hence... bigger swell hitting the beaches on the west coast of Phuket i am referring too and is relevant to this article.
For those who dont remember or know what happens here, the "wet" or "off season" is when, said big swells roll in, is the time when many farang tourists die at the hands of the "SAME" lifeguards.... go figure! Die through lack of skill and or training or support from the people who pay their meagher salary in the times when they REALLY should be doing their "job-description" in earnest when its required, OR in the " low season" no swell, get bashed and use an excuse like they were fed up with dealing with "irrational farangs in big seas"... ROFL, do they think we are all so STUPID? These same powers to be, cant educate their public servant staff ie lifeguards in this instance not to be confused with the BIB, on looking after the tourists and controlling themselves like any normal person can and SHOULD do, when paid with having the responsibility to look after the tourist? <deleted> Its just the same turd news example, in a different wrapper.....boring as usual!coffee1.gif

There have been reasonably sized waves these last days.
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I suggest some of the readers be less racist or do not live here. These guys day in day out risk their life to help and save people with very little equipment like jet-skis in Australia. Then you get people who ignore red flags which should be obvious what it means and be disrespectful. The lifeguards have to put up with disrespect probably every day. I see some of the tourists they come here and look down on Thais. They would not behave the same in their own country. Most of the tourists here are budget end people and not educated.

This is just bigotry of lowered expectation.

I have been to beaches all over Australia and have never seen an Australian lifeguard assault a tourist. Same in Bali. You seem to think that we should make allowances because these thugs are Thai.

You never heard of the Cronulla riots? Started by Australian lifeguards who didn't like Arabs. You want to see Australian lifeguards in action then take a can of VB to Bondi beach and watch the tactical response group roll up.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I wonder who controls the naughty Life Guards ....

no one!!!!!!!

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"They were tired" is often an excuse for bad behavior. They are punks is more to the point.

Yes, agree with you.......

They are punks because they are trying to prevent other people from drowning.

They are punks because they risk their lives to save other peoples lives.

I hope when you are in danger, one of those punks is near you to save your life.


Here is another fellow in charge of saving people's lives..

Want him near you?

Millions of link like that on YouTube on US police, I have more confidence in the Thai Police force eventhought many here (always the same) like to call then Police farce


"They were tired" is often an excuse for bad behavior. They are punks is more to the point.

Yes, agree with you.......

They are punks because they are trying to prevent other people from drowning.

They are punks because they risk their lives to save other peoples lives.

I hope when you are in danger, one of those punks is near you to save your life.


Here is another fellow in charge of saving people's lives..

Want him near you?

Millions of link like that on YouTube on US police, I have more confidence in the Thai Police force eventhought many here (always the same) like to call then Police farce

What's this got to do with this story?


someone needs to explain to these guys that the way of the thug has no place anywhere when dealing with tourists, if the water is choppy and they put up a red flag and some tourists ignore it then that Is up to them but they shouldn't expect any help if they get into trouble - up to them

Thais have a habit of overstepping their authority that they think they have when they don't and then trying to enforce it with violence, also shouting and being rude is no way to get anyone to listen, these people need to be taken to the side and given a few training days on how and how not to deal with tourists

The guy in question should be spoken too and if he still doesn't get it then sack him

You're not in Kansas any more, Smedly.

No we don't live in over regulated western countries.

Post after post expecting behaviour to be exactly the same as at home ( mind you in the USA the "punk" would have probably shot the Russian )

Russians have only been travelling for a relatively short number of years- their English is absolutely zero.

I don't quite understand that so many people fail to understand that this is a developing country- warts and all.

It can be a bit frustrating- but makes life a lot more interesting!

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Tchooptip, on 15 Jan 2015 - 16:42, said:
JustAnotherFarang, on 15 Jan 2015 - 15:14, said:

No need for thai apologists to insinuate that it must have been the fault of the tourists.. No matter what thai people do they not only absolve themselves of any guilt but eagerly point the finger at those they have wronged.

Mickey Mouse country that becomes more and more 2 dimensional every day.


Relax man no danger, more more Thai bashers than Thai apologists around here coffee1.gif

I often wonder about some people who believe Thailand, and Thais, are "perfect" and is someone says something negative they are called a Thai basher..... I have news for you, not all Thais are perfect and in this case it was a Thai lifeguard, and his cowardly group, who were becoming Russian bashers... but hey, I guess you would think this ok, because it is the Thai way.

and is someone says something negative they are called a Thai basher...

Try to be honest at least, you called Thailand a Mikey Mouse country but it is supposed not to be Thai bashing...please rolleyes.gif


Give him a handful of sand in the eyes and watch him backpeddle. Easy to outsmart these knuckle dragging locals if you really want to.

Weak as piss when alone, they need their dog pack to overcome one westerner.

No wonder their women abandon their pathetic lazy so called men.


I am fairly certain i actually saw the same lifeguard threatening an Indian family with a hammer a few weeks ago at Nai Harn beach

Do from this story you can deduce which of the lifeguards there this was?

I suggest some of the readers be less racist or do not live here. These guys day in day out risk their life to help and save people with very little equipment like jet-skis in Australia. Then you get people who ignore red flags which should be obvious what it means and be disrespectful. The lifeguards have to put up with disrespect probably every day. I see some of the tourists they come here and look down on Thais. They would not behave the same in their own country. Most of the tourists here are budget end people and not educated.

Please explain to me how faulting a lifeguard for attacking someone is racist.

Police risk their lives every day and are not allowed to attack people.

Fire fighters - nope, not allowed to attack.

Hmmm, Life Guards, - no, I don't think I saw - shout, kick and gang up on swimmers - in the handbook.

And who are you to tell anyone "do not live here"?

Maybe the tourists are not the only ones who are not so well educated.

So, again, please, please explain how this is racist.

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These lifeguards are simply displaying their "Thainess" for tourists...as the PM has high regard for displays of "Thainess"...


I am fairly certain i actually saw the same lifeguard threatening an Indian family with a hammer a few weeks ago at Nai Harn beach

Do from this story you can deduce which of the lifeguards there this was?

If you actually left your office once in a while, and actually went to the beach... instead of trying to drum up customers on forums your comments might have some credibility.


There was probably a language deficit as well, on both sides. He should have shouted his warning and if the Russian ignored him,well, let him drown.

The Russian probably said, "Spasibo" (thank you), and the life guard heard, "Kick me". Sorta like the monk on the train smacking the crap out of farang who he thought called him a buffalo. smile.png


I would like to give the benefit of doubt to the lifeguards. It could have been they are being given stern reminder of their jobs everyday by their superior to protect the life of the tourists by constantly looking out for imminent dangers from strong waves. Thus a heavy responsibility is rested upon them. Well, things have not gone wrong with lives otherwise everybody would appreciate their early warning. Just move on mates.......


Red is the international color for danger. The Russians who come to Thailand are alcoholic slobs. I have to side with the lifeguards on this one. All day in the heat while tourists tempt fate by going into choppy water that is clearly marked.

I remember a bunch of idiot Russians leading a group of Thai kids across the boons in Pattaya. So you tell me who is the monkey in the "monkey see, monkey do" scenario. I also remember a dead kid being pulled out of the water that day.

The lifeguards are there to protect idiots from themselves. If one needs a bit of an ass-kicking to get the message through his stupid head, then so be it.

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I would like to give the benefit of doubt to the lifeguards. It could have been they are being given stern reminder of their jobs everyday by their superior to protect the life of the tourists by constantly looking out for imminent dangers from strong waves. Thus a heavy responsibility is rested upon them. Well, things have not gone wrong with lives otherwise everybody would appreciate their early warning. Just move on mates.......

Strong waves this time of year?

It's the calmest time of year as the wind blows from eat to west.

There is no rips, surf or anything. Just flat water.

I bet he is just protecting his turf just like a street dog does a Styrofoam filled garbage bag.


Whatever happened there shouldn't. Even touching is suppose to be prohibited. It is an insult and should be reported to police. Thais should learn the proper behavior. It is not Thai way, it's international way. Maybe Police will learn this too with any reports that follows and register. Signs with as suggested here multilingual wordings could do the trick. Swimming prohibited. Swim at own risk, if red flag posted.


I suggest some of the readers be less racist or do not live here. These guys day in day out risk their life to help and save people with very little equipment like jet-skis in Australia. Then you get people who ignore red flags which should be obvious what it means and be disrespectful. The lifeguards have to put up with disrespect probably every day. I see some of the tourists they come here and look down on Thais. They would not behave the same in their own country. Most of the tourists here are budget end people and not educated.

So that gives them around to start fighting??? Remember that 80% of this country is uneducated.. But that doesn't give me or anyone any right to fight them...

"Remember that 80% of this country is uneducated."

That's got to be the most bizarre, inaccurate and irrelevant, if it were true, quote for a long time.


If a moronic farang wants to endanger themselves in treacherous water so what?

If a misguided Baywatch employee thinks he owns the beach, let him help to engender tourist understanding of Thainess, and aggravate tourism. And ultimately lead to a better understanding of the real quality of Thai service.

Thai service industry aggressor attacks farang;)

Happy days in the land of smiles


Should start a tv series called Phuket Rescue. Life guards kicking tourists when they get out of line.


Was the surf really up and getting dangerous or was it sunset and time for the lifeguards to punch the clock.
The red flags are out 360 days a year judging from the hundreds of beach visits I have made in Phuket.
I have always made my own decision. (mostly went for a swim, but sometimes it was to rough)
I have never had a problem with a lifeguard, but theses guys should all be fired, they are definitely
in the wrong job. Bring in some Australian professionals.


I've been a lifeguard myself in the past, I do go to Phuket to surf when the surf is up and I know exactly how the lifeguard feels. Easy to lose one's head when people are sometimes just plain stupid.

So how many people you kicked or hit?

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