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Saudi delays more flogging of blogger on medical grounds

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Uh, ya ... well if they can catch you, they'll flog you. If they can't, perhaps they'll send someone to eradicate your whole publication. The root of all this terrorism, is of course or at least very likely, the ultra-conservative and well-funded, isn't it?

How considerate of these babaric animals

If the left want anymore proof that Muslims are lying Saudi Arabia condemed the attacks in Paris but on the other hand are lashing this guy 1000 times and putting him in prison for 10 years if he survives

ALL FOR THE SAME THING, Insulting a barbaric pedophile warlord from the 14th century


Only if it is Allah's will that he die.

That is really an awful joke. Like saying one can be beheaded and only die if a deity confirms the head rolling about on the sand will kill the person.


My God, even my kids, back in the days when corporal punishment was permitted, usually learned their lesson with one swat on the backside with the bare hand.

What do they expect that 1,000 lashes will accomplish?

I am usually a little forgiving of different cultures, but this goes beyond ridiculous.

They wish to accomplish his death by torture for insulting Islam. Pure & simple. Inhuman pond scum that they are! 1,000 lashes? Impossible to live through.


Islamic bastards.

Come on, NS, don't hold back!

(PS. I totally agree.)

But surely this has nothing to do with Islam? After all he only offended the Wahabs religious establishment.
  • Like 1
But surely this has nothing to do with Islam? After all he only offended the Wahabs religious establishment.

He was convicted by Sharia law. Does Sharia law have anything to do with Islam?


He will die of internal injuries. The kidneys will be the first to go.

The injuries he's sustained already could be enough to kill him.

Have you watched the video of one set of 50 lashes?

You can hear them and count them:

I'm sure they hurt but I think your mind is assuming they are being administered like in a scene from a British public school film where the headmaster takes a run-up and lashes out with all his strength.

This here is not the case.

Count them. 50 little taps on his legs, backside and back. Ooch, ouch.

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Come on guys. Nothing to do with Islam.

Saudi authorities on Friday postponed the second round of public flogging of a blogger convicted of insulting Islam

Badawi was sentenced in May to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for criticizing Saudi Arabia's powerful clerics and ridiculing the country's morality police

Anyone would think that the author, AYA BATRAWY of Associated Press, wants people to think that it IS all about Islam.


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He will die of internal injuries. The kidneys will be the first to go.

The injuries he's sustained already could be enough to kill him.

Have you watched the video of one set of 50 lashes?

You can hear them and count them:

I'm sure they hurt but I think your mind is assuming they are being administered like in a scene from a British public school film where the headmaster takes a run-up and lashes out with all his strength.

This here is not the case.

Count them. 50 little taps on his legs, backside and back. Ooch, ouch.

Looks more to do with the public humiliation of being hit I suppose - dragged out once a week for 50 public smacks.

Still, given the prison sentence and the fines for this Saudi citizen, the punishment does seem pretty harsh compared to 15 years in a Thai prison for being a naughty blogger.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He will die of internal injuries. The kidneys will be the first to go.

The injuries he's sustained already could be enough to kill him.

Have you watched the video of one set of 50 lashes?

You can hear them and count them:

I'm sure they hurt but I think your mind is assuming they are being administered like in a scene from a British public school film where the headmaster takes a run-up and lashes out with all his strength.

This here is not the case.

Count them. 50 little taps on his legs, backside and back. Ooch, ouch.

Looks more to do with the public humiliation of being hit I suppose - dragged out once a week for 50 public smacks.

Still, given the prison sentence and the fines for this Saudi citizen, the punishment does seem pretty harsh compared to 15 years in a Thai prison for being a naughty blogger.

You're right - this is very different to previous incidents I've been made aware of.


How considerate of these babaric animals

If the left want anymore proof that Muslims are lying Saudi Arabia condemed the attacks in Paris but on the other hand are lashing this guy 1000 times and putting him in prison for 10 years if he survives

ALL FOR THE SAME THING, Insulting a barbaric pedophile warlord from the 14th century

If their prophet was a pedophile, which he was and married a 6 year old girl, then that should tell you all about their stupid religion, they don't have a picture of the prophet because nobody likes to see a nonce on a poster, Say what you want now I don't give a shit, that is my opinion, and about another 2 billion


Only if it is Allah's will that he die.

The severe sentencing and torture is all about politics.

From the OP "Criticism of clerics is seen as a red line because of their influential role in supporting government policies"


And not to forget that both the liberals and the conservatives in USA, UK, etc etc. Political SA is as democratic as North Korea.

In compare to SA the Iran is democratic has a lot more human rights and specially women rights but media want to tell us that they are evil.....while "we" supply modern weapons to SA....


There is an irony here. A liberal blogger in Saudi Arabia takes on the religious establishment and westerners, are horrified at the way he is treated.Yet should a western Liberal such as Bill Maher go off reservation and criticize Islamic intolerance and barbarity he is called every name under the sun.

Once again the feeling toward radical Islam and terrorism is not divided by liberal/conservative. I am pretty liberal and I agree with Maher on many things, but far from all. Let's remember, these beatings are also used by the conservatives as a reason for invading. Not the only reason, but it's a big one.

Countries have the right to their own laws and to enforce those laws. Those who can't abide by them must be fined, imprisoned or executed. If they aren't a citizen, then deportation works fine.

We have to work toward making it a better world. Public beatings probably is counterproductive in the long run.

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