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The perfect reason for NOT learning Thai.


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The only smart thing you said is:

"Thai themselves cannot communicate with each other in it"\

which is totally true.

Their language is so shiiity and unclear that I get mad so many times even if I can speak fluently. It really show the way they think...


because I am smart and most of them are not even able to learn over easy English.

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Thailand.. No brain, No pain...

Astonishingly, conversing in good enough English with an educated Thais such a lawyer,

taking the pains to explain over and over again in minute details as to what should be said

and done only to find out the next day that all we have talked about went in one ear and came

out the other with out register any different what so ever with him... so speaking English with the local

with the locals is largely waste of time in most case....

Would not matter what language you wrote that comment in, it would still be bs !

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The only smart thing you said is:

"Thai themselves cannot communicate with each other in it"\

which is totally true.

Their language is so shiiity and unclear that I get mad so many times even if I can speak fluently. It really show the way they think...


because I am smart and most of them are not even able to learn over easy English.


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Simple answer,

Don't leave things you consider important to your woman.

Nothing to do with learning Thai, all to do with your misses being useless.

How easy is that?

I say I say!

No need for that! LOL

His wife may just have a different agenda to the OP.

She might just have wanted the beds to be where they ended up.

Just sayin.

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Farangs commonly make a mistake. They only use one part of their brains (usually the left side) to communicate, Thais (like many Asians) use both sides. There are psychologists for training how to use both sides of the brain to communicate in groups. You will be surprised how much is hidden in the opposite-to-heart side of your brain.

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Farangs commonly make a mistake. They only use one part of their brains (usually the left side) to communicate, Thais (like many Asians) use both sides. There are psychologists for training how to use both sides of the brain to communicate in groups. You will be surprised how much is hidden in the opposite-to-heart side of your brain.

Really............Drat, I lost drag races because of that.........Damn...........facepalm.gif

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Let me get this right...the wrong mattress went on the wrong bed.

Why don't you and the Missus move it yourselves.

Swallow the pride old son. Nobody will see you lose face - close all the curtains/blinds first.

I read the bit about it weighing 4 tons - come on lets get real!!

It might be awkward to handle but it's still only a mattress.

But you didn't (get it right). The mattress story is not the actual problem; it's only the context. And even if it had been quickly and easily solved, it would still be the context for a deeper—and apparently intractable—problem. Of course, if anybody thinks my interpretation is invalid, please feel free to let the flaming continue! Lmao

A thousand apologies.

Next time PM me and we can exchange phone numbers. My missus will call your missus and then she can hand the phone to the people who cannot get it right and she will sort them out.

Another free service from Mudcrab Inc

I really think that the real point has been missed.

His wife may just have a different agenda to the OP.

She might just have wanted the beds to be where they ended up.

If he would have "sorted it", then the poor bugga would have to live with an angry wife.

A bad example from the OP.

Perhaps he would reward us by returning to his thread and providing another example?

(Is he a troll?)

Edited by laislica
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The only smart thing you said is:

"Thai themselves cannot communicate with each other in it"\

which is totally true.

Their language is so shiiity and unclear that I get mad so many times even if I can speak fluently. It really show the way they think...


because I am smart and most of them are not even able to learn over easy English.

Not being one to criticise unnecessarily I do feel the need to point out the obvious - perhaps one should achieve a modicum of English fluency before criticising the language skills of others?

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I don't get the OP's 'not wanting to question' the delivery men. My wife has no hesitation in asking questions or, if she wanted something like a mattress moving, asking the guys to do it. All very politely and nicely, of course, but I don't think 'face' comes into it.

As to learning the language, if/when I move here, I will certainly try to get some Thai under my belt. I live in Greece, and I know for a fact that my ability to deal with most things in the language makes life one hell of a lot easier, particularly when dealing with people in the government, even if they know how to speak English. The fact that I've made the effort to communicate in their own language (even though my Greek is not really very good) tends to make them much more inclined to help, rather than hinder. They see it as a compliment and as respect. I would have thought that the same would apply in Thailand.

Of course, it helps enormously in many situations. But there are plenty of others where ignorance is bliss.

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Downside of learning Thai is that you get to hear what the majority of Thai people talk about on a daily basis: the most inane, trivial conversations and gossip that I've ever heard in my life. Yes, you can become totally fluent in Thai with a lot of work, but then what are you going to talk about? When I reached a level where I could understand 75% or so of what I heard around me, I completely lost interest in the language.

Your first clue should have been when it takes forty-some characters and twenty-some vowels for a vocabulary that is 15% of what English has.

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As I learn Thai very slowly I just find that all those conversations i didn't understand and still don't fully understand, they are just shooting the breeze.

I am keen to continue to learn Thai

Maybe then we can get to the point much more quickly.

There are countless good reasons for learning the language of any country you go to live in or visit often, including getting to the point quicker.

I have found it just makes everyday things that used to be a drama that much easier. And you can have a bit of fun interacting with the locals.

Most of the people who are against learning the lingo are either thick as bricks, plain lazy, lacking imagination or are dumb rednecks who would not lower themselves to a level beneath the one they are on now. biggrin.png

Actually, there are many intelligent farangs who've lived here for years, who can speak two or three European languages, but just don't get on with the Thai language.

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Maybe its best you dont understand what they are saying about you sometimes. I can understand about 35% of it and can tell you they can very rude in front of you. I have learnt to let it go as u feel thais have a far more inferior society. A friend used to call them savages. I believe they are still in the fuedal ages.

My friend used to say that "they made good pets" but I

had to disagree because they are too disobedient :-)

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Since learning to understand conversational Thai I now have the pleasure of listening to my wife and her friends/family all constantly talk about how much they paid for everything and what is the best iPhone or tablet that is currently out, for hours on end, every time they meet up.

It was better before I realised how shallow, immature and petty they all are.

This is of course the best reason for not learning Thai, that you don't understand all the idiots around you. It's bad enough to sit on a London bus understanding the idiocy of people's conversations; in Thailand I've no doubt it's far worse, given the much lower levels of education and muddled thinking processes of most Thais.

The other reason is that you don't understand all the insults or careless talk concerning you that people mouth: ignorance is bliss in this case. However, if you do have enough Thai to understand and call people out for their insulting talk, it does have a devastating effect; I've seen Thai-speaking friends do it, and the clear loss of face suffered by the Thai person is wondrous to witness.

If you were among the Thai elite that send their kids overseas to get educated, you might join them in keeping questions and education at a minimum in Thai society in order to maintain mindless labor and blind obedience.

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Downside of learning Thai is that you get to hear what the majority of Thai people talk about on a daily basis: the most inane, trivial conversations and gossip that I've ever heard in my life. Yes, you can become totally fluent in Thai with a lot of work, but then what are you going to talk about? When I reached a level where I could understand 75% or so of what I heard around me, I completely lost interest in the language.

Evidently, you are so high-and-mighty that you cannot sustain any passion for relentlessly repetitive conversations, for discussing at length things of almost no consequence, or perhaps re-re-re-confirming some previously agreed arrangement, all while maintaining a facial expression of joy. I feel sorry for you and all your Thai bashing mates.

What a peculiar exercise in irony, very self-contradictory. What the heck side are you on?

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I am not fluent in Thai. Infact I only know a few word but I am fluent enough in English to know that a mattress does not "literally" weigh a ton. smile.png

And how much Thai does it take to say, "No!" and point upstairs? You train the dog or the dog will train you because somebody is getting trained, guaranteed.

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Maybe its best you dont understand what they are saying about you sometimes. I can understand about 35% of it and can tell you they can very rude in front of you. I have learnt to let it go as u feel thais have a far more inferior society. A friend used to call them savages. I believe they are still in the fuedal ages.

My friend used to say that "they made good pets" but I

had to disagree because they are too disobedient :-)

We've got 7 stooges here.

Bet your pets?

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As I learn Thai very slowly I just find that all those conversations i didn't understand and still don't fully understand, they are just shooting the breeze.

I am keen to continue to learn Thai

Maybe then we can get to the point much more quickly.

There are countless good reasons for learning the language of any country you go to live in or visit often, including getting to the point quicker.

I have found it just makes everyday things that used to be a drama that much easier. And you can have a bit of fun interacting with the locals.

Most of the people who are against learning the lingo are either thick as bricks, plain lazy, lacking imagination or are dumb rednecks who would not lower themselves to a level beneath the one they are on now. biggrin.png

Actually, there are many intelligent farangs who've lived here for years, who can speak two or three European languages, but just don't get on with the Thai language.

Because it is totally impractical. Where you going to use it? It is totally unnecessary in Thailand.

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I don't get the OP's 'not wanting to question' the delivery men. My wife has no hesitation in asking questions or, if she wanted something like a mattress moving, asking the guys to do it. All very politely and nicely, of course, but I don't think 'face' comes into it.

As to learning the language, if/when I move here, I will certainly try to get some Thai under my belt. I live in Greece, and I know for a fact that my ability to deal with most things in the language makes life one hell of a lot easier, particularly when dealing with people in the government, even if they know how to speak English. The fact that I've made the effort to communicate in their own language (even though my Greek is not really very good) tends to make them much more inclined to help, rather than hinder. They see it as a compliment and as respect. I would have thought that the same would apply in Thailand.

Of course, it helps enormously in many situations. But there are plenty of others where ignorance is bliss.

You can ask directions in Thai and they'll still point you in the wrong direction, so what's the use?

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Never made any effort to learn Thai, never will and my wife is happy I don't. It's never been a disadvantage when in LOS and I could care less what Thais say or think about me. Other than the fact that the woman I love has Thai blood I'm not into the Thai thing at all and she prefers it that way so it's all good.

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I am not fluent in Thai. Infact I only know a few word but I am fluent enough in English to know that a mattress does not "literally" weigh a ton. smile.png

The misuse of "literally" has now got so bad that the proper meaning seems to be a goner. Some new dictionaries are actually giving alternative meanings for it to acknowledge all the people who just bung it in to highlight what they're saying.

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