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Arab Town To Be Built In Bangkok

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Wow-what a hail of knee jerk, xenophobic bile, this should run and run. what's the matter girls? It's not like Islam is new in Thailand is it?

Glad to see most Thais are more tolerant of their neighbours than you are!

Excepting Tak Bai, of course...

What you are missing is that these will be "rich" muslims. Or are you just worried the price of your evenings entertainment has gone up?

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Think for a moment that 2,000,000 sq feet of land alone, gonna cost them around $200million only.

1- first, How they can build such large projects with such little money?

2-secondly, New airport has been build not very far from Rama 9, and land prices are increasing

like hel_l, there will be shortage of land and so much conjunction in bangkok city and place explode in near future, i don't think government will approve such project

3-Thailand isn't muslim country, even Bangkok may have around 250,000 thai muslims, that's not even 2% of bangkok resident, such large project needs to accomdate more than 1.5 million arab

arrivals every year.

4-1.5million arab arrivals isn't possible, because unlike western tourist, 90% Arabs males to bangkok are sex tourist and don't go elsewhere except bangkok and pattaya. I thought taksin wanted to end prostitution

5-I have lived in middle east for 20 plus years, i don't think muslims from every country like to mix

up with arabs like Iranian, turkish, nigerians, malaysians, pakistanis, indonesian, ....

This project is said to launch end of this year, and complete in 5 years, but.....

This project will not happen or fails for sure


Well at least they will all be in one place...easier to keep an eye on for round-up



Wow, I wasn't going there but...maybe it will be like Dubai, a decent place...and probably not.

I think that Thailand will not have the same experience as London, Paris, other EU countries since the majority population of the country is quite different than the aforementioned.

The Arab section of Singapore, for example, is relatively safe, decent and not nearly as troublesome as those in other parts of Europe.

It will be a real stretch to even come close to what Dubai has to offer.

Good luck to all of you living in BKK, let's hope it succeeds.


Well at least they will all be in one place...easier to keep an eye on for round-up



Wow, I wasn't going there but...maybe it will be like Dubai, a decent place...and probably not.

I think that Thailand will not have the same experience as London, Paris, other EU countries since the majority population of the country is quite different than the aforementioned.

The Arab section of Singapore, for example, is relatively safe, decent and not nearly as troublesome as those in other parts of Europe.

It will be a real stretch to even come close to what Dubai has to offer.

Good luck to all of you living in BKK, let's hope it succeeds.

No, Hope not succeed, I run from fcuken middleeast, and it's chasing me now :o


Hi All - Worked in Iraq 2004 & other places in the Middle East and I do not like this idea at all. There are good reasons "they" do not feel welcome in other locations. Why invite a group of troubled people into your own "house" to put it nicely.

My suggestion would be that "they" consider South Thailand where they will be much more in-tune with the people & religion & feel much more at home with the difficulties caused by people of their own ilk.

In The Vally Of The Blind......

A One Eyed Man May Be King

A huge increase in visitors from the ME for medical care is one reason you see so many nowdays.

In year 2000, Bumrungrad saw appx. 5000 ME patients.

After 9-11, they stopped going to the US for medical.

Last year, Bumrungrad saw 70,000 ME patients.

Now, they bought the Hospital my doctor told me.

Screw you & and your doctor :D

whole tourist from middleeast were nearly 150,000 (not including india, bangladish,..) so you

are telling me half of them were sick? :o

Look at every major conflict in the world today and you will find its Muslims vs SomeoneElse....Muslims vs Hindus, Muslims vs Christians, Muslims vs Budhists etc etc...only one common factor....

No getting away from it.............................every diliberate act of unspeakable horror is linked to this group.................

It's all very well to say it's only a few radicals but thats all it takes to wipe out major cities and kill a few thousand.

whoops, sorry about that double post. That is one of the main problems: the teachings at the mosques. Will they have their own schools seperate from the other international schools? I'm waiting for someone to comeon here and badger us for being insensitive and insulting. I lived in the Middle-East for about 14 mos. It is a different world.

I believe alot of Islamic teachers in the south, go to Saudi Arabia and learn their skills at Wahabbi institutes of higher (giggle) learning. It always starts with the Mosques, and works its way into unrest and social disorder. A slippery slope it is.


So sad. A ghetto in the making. We don't need specially built enclaves for particular religions. Around where I live Bhuddist, Christian and Muslim all live side by side with no problems. Just wait until someone with a bit of clout wakes up one morning to find a loudspeaker blasting the call to prayer at full volume directly into his bedroom window five times a day. :o


I know its not fair to generalize and for sure not politicaly correct of me to write that as I look around it seems Muslim always seem to want a larger and a larger chunk of everything. Then once they have it, they arn't into sharing and they really don't seem to play well with others outside of there group. For example (that is if your non muslim) when was the last time you were invited to a mosque, Muslim social event or say a charity set up to help anyone who needed it, regardless of thier beliefs.

However, as the say money talks, so welcome to Bangkok!

I don't see a problem. All those young men will be enchanted and find themselves busy at Nana etc. and everyone will end up a lot happier.

let's hope radicals don't commandeer the "Arab Town, as they have with so many places in the middle east. One worst case scenario could be like the imbroglio when there was a fire in a Saudi girl's school The girls ran down a stairwell, but the exterior door was locked. Firemen arrived on the scene and could hear the girls screaming inside, but lo and behold, praise be to Allah!, a group of Muslim fundamentalists blocked the firemen from doing their job - saying the girls didn't have face scarves and plus, it was not proper for fireMEN to be in proximity to girls. The result: nearly 20 girls roasted alive while the firemen were kept at bay.


This is not a place to abuse a religion or its followers. If you are interested in these kinds of topics, discussions there are lot other forums that you can probably join.

Thaivisa had always been a site where people can share their opnions freely, but sure that freedom should have some limit. Anyway, as like all other religions Islamic society also has the good, the bad and the ugly. But I don't understand, why educated peoples like you are overwhelmed with the believe that Islam is all about extremists and their doings.

Before talking about sth, dont' u think you should study a bit about that subject so that you properly learn before making any comment.

Islam is the newest among the main religions existing on the face of Earth. And again it has the most number of enemies.

Have a sensible thoughts!!!



A 2 metre square development means it will hardly be worth the developers while to build anything unless it is in miniture - do you think they mean 2 kilometre square?

This is not a place to abuse a religion or its followers. If you are interested in these kinds of topics, discussions there are lot other forums that you can probably join.

Thaivisa had always been a site where people can share their opnions freely, but sure that freedom should have some limit. Anyway, as like all other religions Islamic society also has the good, the bad and the ugly. But I don't understand, why educated peoples like you are overwhelmed with the believe that Islam is all about extremists and their doings.

Before talking about sth, dont' u think you should study a bit about that subject so that you properly learn before making any comment.

Islam is the newest among the main religions existing on the face of Earth. And again it has the most number of enemies.

Have a sensible thoughts!!!

Thankyou for your post yeasin17.

I happen to agree and have removed a post.

Please keep the discussion on topic.

Totster :o


I don't believe that this is a good idea. In good old Aussie, when you allow this sort of thing, they become very secretive and before you know it they have brought all there rules and customs here. They then expect everyone else to abide by them and our precious politicians are to worried about political correctness to refuse. We then have to change our customs to suit them. ie banning christmas celebration in schools. I hope the Thai people and government make sure that this "City" doesn't become too big. Their attitude to women is also from the dark ages and will treat everyone as infidels and scum.

Think for a moment that 2,000,000 sq feet of land alone, gonna cost them around $200million only.

1- first, How they can build such large projects with such little money?

2-secondly, New airport has been build not very far from Rama 9, and land prices are increasing

like hel_l, there will be shortage of land and so much conjunction in bangkok city and place explode in near future, i don't think government will approve such project

3-Thailand isn't muslim country, even Bangkok may have around 250,000 thai muslims, that's not even 2% of bangkok resident, such large project needs to accomdate more than 1.5 million arab

arrivals every year.

4-1.5million arab arrivals isn't possible, because unlike western tourist, 90% Arabs males to bangkok are sex tourist and don't go elsewhere except bangkok and pattaya. I thought taksin wanted to end prostitution

5-I have lived in middle east for 20 plus years, i don't think muslims from every country like to mix

up with arabs like Iranian, turkish, nigerians, malaysians, pakistanis, indonesian, ....

This project is said to launch end of this year, and complete in 5 years, but.....

This project will not happen or fails for sure

excuse me!! unlike western tourist, 90% Arabs males to bangkok are sex tourist

where exactly did you get he statistics.. or this is another of your sensible thoughts or believes?

just wondering.. why do the westerners come to thailand then??

23% of the total tourists in Thailand in the year 2005 are from Europe in comparison to 2.64% from the middle east.

i m sure all those westerners have vows not to have sex with anyone while in thailand. very interesting, isn't it..??


Well at least they will all be in one place...easier to keep an eye on for round-up



I hope you're joking, 'cuz that comment would be pretty darn ignorant and racist if you weren't.


As long as the 49% rule applies then the thai's will win out again

Whatever happens the girls will worm their way in whether through house maid, mia nois, GF, wifes, business partners

Bring it on - this will be a good one to watch


Look at every major conflict in the world today and you will find its Muslims vs SomeoneElse....Muslims vs Hindus, Muslims vs Christians, Muslims vs Budhists etc etc...only one common factor....

No getting away from it.............................every diliberate act of unspeakable horror is linked to this group.................

It's all very well to say it's only a few radicals but thats all it takes to wipe out major cities and kill a few thousand.

Do you need a history lesson?

"every diliberate act of unspeakable horror is linked to this group" is quite the bold and misconceived statement.


whoops, sorry about that double post. That is one of the main problems: the teachings at the mosques. Will they have their own schools seperate from the other international schools? I'm waiting for someone to comeon here and badger us for being insensitive and insulting. I lived in the Middle-East for about 14 mos. It is a different world.

I believe alot of Islamic teachers in the south, go to Saudi Arabia and learn their skills at Wahabbi institutes of higher (giggle) learning. It always starts with the Mosques, and works its way into unrest and social disorder. A slippery slope it is.


In the context of this toppic, it may interest some of you as to what some well-known and proven visionary said on this subject over 107 years ago:


"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities - but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."

-Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899).

Man your doing it again. Last time you send this Churchill's hate rant it got DELETED.

Do you really believe in it. I can see many embarassing mistakes on his comments from commerce, to science and culture.

Bangkok is a huge metropolis, which usually are colourful MULTIcultural places. So what's wrong with it when someone wants to live here. You can, why can't they?


From here on in, the ME will be on an increasingly "sellers' market" with their oil exports. So where are they going to invest all their income?

When something similar occurred just over 30 years ago, London went from having a West End to having a Middle East End because the Brits sold them all the hotels etc there. It was called 'recycling the petro-dollar'.

So long as Thailand sticks rigidly to "foreigners can't own LAND in Thailand" and "visa extensions are only for retirees and spouses of Thai citizens" it should be able to survive the ill-effects of all this ME investment money sloshing about.

Thailand can expect to manage without selling out anything of great importance just to get ME investment money. The high price of oil and gas is going to make for a reduction in grain yields in the West, where those yields have been kept up by massive applications of the fertiliser made from the gas and oil that is now becoming too expensive. So the demand for, and price of, Thai rice will bring much more income into Thailand (with which it will be able to buy its oil and gas, and have some to spare.)

This 'Arab town' need present no problem, provided the land is only leased and its visitors are kept subject to the present visa regulations. But the Thai government will have to be tough enough to withstand the pressures that will be exerted to try to weaken those requirements.

I don't believe that this is a good idea. In good old Aussie, when you allow this sort of thing, they become very secretive and before you know it they have brought all there rules and customs here. They then expect everyone else to abide by them and our precious politicians are to worried about political correctness to refuse. We then have to change our customs to suit them. ie banning christmas celebration in schools. I hope the Thai people and government make sure that this "City" doesn't become too big. Their attitude to women is also from the dark ages and will treat everyone as infidels and scum.

Sadly, you are correct. :o

Aussie girls around here have started wearing the scarf so they don't have to put up with the abuse from the ratbags.

Most are on hols up at the Gold Coast, (Qld) perving on the bikinis.

They'll be back.


Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

Please read the Forum Rules.

Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

Thanks for your understanding.

On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

Please read the Forum Rules.

Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

Thanks for your understanding.

On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

what ever we are all tired of killing thats all


Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

Please read the Forum Rules.

Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

Thanks for your understanding.

On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

what ever we are all tired of killing thats all

Which has nothing to do with the subject of this thread. :o

Please also stay on topic.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

Please read the Forum Rules.

Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

Thanks for your understanding.

On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

Are we supposed to say nice things about them? :o


Racism is so ugly when it comes to the Middle East. Please allow me to extract the hypocrite in the uglier posters.

There's a China Town in Bangkok and it's not Yaowarat. It's called Parliament. Heads nodding?

"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent" - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Pu Dee Angrit - Thanks for your fairness and clarity.

Charles Edward Frith

This is not a place to abuse a religion or its followers. If you are interested in these kinds of topics, discussions there are lot other forums that you can probably join.

Thaivisa had always been a site where people can share their opnions freely, but sure that freedom should have some limit. Anyway, as like all other religions Islamic society also has the good, the bad and the ugly. But I don't understand, why educated peoples like you are overwhelmed with the believe that Islam is all about extremists and their doings.

Before talking about sth, dont' u think you should study a bit about that subject so that you properly learn before making any comment.

Islam is the newest among the main religions existing on the face of Earth. And again it has the most number of enemies.

Have a sensible thoughts!!!

Thankyou for your post yeasin17.

I happen to agree and have removed a post.

Please keep the discussion on topic.

Totster :o


Anti-arab and anti-muslim comments will not be tolerated on this forum.

Please read the Forum Rules.

Continued violations of the rules will result in warnings and/or suspensions issued to offenders.

Thanks for your understanding.

On behalf of the ThaiVisa moderating team.

Are we supposed to say nice things about them? :o

not from me but i siad what i had to to bad it got censored


I hope this post is not seen as anti Muslim or anti Arab however feel free to view this as anti terrorist.

So does this mean we will soon be seeing metal detectors at the sky train and subway? No joke I am serious about this. Some terrorist will no doubt find their way here and blend in with the increased population in Bangkok caused by this Arab town until they explode. I prefer to keep this city named Bangkok and not BANGkok.

I feel sorry for what the terrorist have done in image to the good people from those parts of the world.

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