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Call for Muslim army in Australia

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The Aussies are not known for pussy footing around, I hope they maintain this stance.

Yeah...but imagine had they tried a Call to Muslim army in China?

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Maybe give them their own space deep into the "Never Never"


There are camels in the outback, I've seen them with my own eyes.

300,000 plus of them!! That could be fun. We could shoot terrorist at the same time as culling a few camels. Them black suits will be pretty easy to see against the red dirt, easier than the camels.


Maybe give them their own space deep into the "Never Never"


There are camels in the outback, I've seen them with my own eyes.

300,000 plus of them!! That could be fun. We could shoot terrorist at the same time as culling a few camels. Them black suits will be pretty easy to see against the red dirt, easier than the camels.

Where are your guns to shoot them with going to come from ?

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In 2003 I was in Tel Aviv. We spent a great night at a fantastic restaurant that was owned and run by young people. They were keen to get us to try the several different types of bread they baked themselves etc. So we spent a lot of time chatting. They predicted that we would be having more and more problems from the large and ever growing Moslem communities within are own countries. These were nice, educated, intelligent, young people working hard and running a very successful restaurant. They weren't hard liners or fanatics, just normal people expressing what they saw as a real danger. Looks more and more like they were right.

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Lakemba, say no more.

Sharia Law in Australia.....mmmmm give me a break. Obviously these people lied when they signed their citizenship applications of they are so much against living in a democratic society. I realise some of them must have been born in Australia. Perhaps the government could sponsor a flight to 'somewhere else' and let these folk out. Make the first step off the plane about 35,000 feet, that should ensure they don't cause discomfort to anyone else. Grubs.

Might be time for the Cronulla hoodlums to visit this crew and deal with them If the authorities are too busy trying to untie their hands.

Doo gooders have destroyed Australia, where the Police are busy worrying about 'offender rights' and paperwork instead of getting in the faces of crap people like this.

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Maybe give them their own space deep into the "Never Never"


There are camels in the outback, I've seen them with my own eyes.

300,000 plus of them!! That could be fun. We could shoot terrorist at the same time as culling a few camels. Them black suits will be pretty easy to see against the red dirt, easier than the camels.

Where are your guns to shoot them with going to come from ?

Safely in the hands of mostly competent people who will come into the streets and use them if deemed so necessary.

Meanwhile Australians can live their daily lives without the stresses of almost daily mall and school shootings that occur back in your homeland.

Again, you make claims that firearms are BANNED in Australia and Again you are WRONG. ;)

What part of 'Responsoble firearms control ' don't you understand?

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They may be citizens,but they are not Australians
Only Aborigines are Australian by that measure.

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and even they did .not come from Australia originally,

No they were just there for thousands of years living on a landmass before we came along, nicked it and named it. rolleyes.gif

I find this attempt at scaring the gen population laughable, Just boogyman talk, nothing more.



Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

That can be removed easily....NOT doing it is why the world is in the mess it's in.

Real Australians will come out of the woodwork soon....You can see it coming a mile off.

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Looks like Oz is going to have to come up with it's own version of Gitmo.

Canberra? Just the thought of going would make the terrorists talk :D

I was thinking Adelaide. ?

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Lakemba, say no more.

Sharia Law in Australia.....mmmmm give me a break. Obviously these people lied when they signed their citizenship applications of they are so much against living in a democratic society. I realise some of them must have been born in Australia. Perhaps the government could sponsor a flight to 'somewhere else' and let these folk out. Make the first step off the plane about 35,000 feet, that should ensure they don't cause discomfort to anyone else. Grubs.

Might be time for the Cronulla hoodlums to visit this crew and deal with them If the authorities are too busy trying to untie their hands.

Doo gooders have destroyed Australia, where the Police are busy worrying about 'offender rights' and paperwork instead of getting in the faces of crap people like this.

"Sharia Law in Australia.....mmmmm give me a break"

Don't be so sure mate, it is being seriously considered at high levels.

From the Australian Institute of Family Studies:


A quote from the paper: "The issue of whether Australia should give formal legal recognition to Sharia law in resolving family law disputes involving Muslims will be canvassed in this paper. The case for and against such recognition is outlined."

There is also the issue of Halal food. It is now almost impossible to buy food in Australia which is not halal certified. This is a major cost in the whole food supply chain where every step of the way from production to transport to selling requires the business involved to pay a muslim organisation a large monthly fee to maintain halal certification.

Two notable exceptions are Dick Smith and Lindt. Lindt were fairly vocal in their refusal to bow to the halal mafia in Australia.

  • Like 1

Lakemba, say no more.

Sharia Law in Australia.....mmmmm give me a break. Obviously these people lied when they signed their citizenship applications of they are so much against living in a democratic society. I realise some of them must have been born in Australia. Perhaps the government could sponsor a flight to 'somewhere else' and let these folk out. Make the first step off the plane about 35,000 feet, that should ensure they don't cause discomfort to anyone else. Grubs.

Might be time for the Cronulla hoodlums to visit this crew and deal with them If the authorities are too busy trying to untie their hands.

Doo gooders have destroyed Australia, where the Police are busy worrying about 'offender rights' and paperwork instead of getting in the faces of crap people like this.

"Sharia Law in Australia.....mmmmm give me a break"

Don't be so sure mate, it is being seriously considered at high levels.

From the Australian Institute of Family Studies:


A quote from the paper: "The issue of whether Australia should give formal legal recognition to Sharia law in resolving family law disputes involving Muslims will be canvassed in this paper. The case for and against such recognition is outlined."

There is also the issue of Halal food. It is now almost impossible to buy food in Australia which is not halal certified. This is a major cost in the whole food supply chain where every step of the way from production to transport to selling requires the business involved to pay a muslim organisation a large monthly fee to maintain halal certification.

Two notable exceptions are Dick Smith and Lindt. Lindt were fairly vocal in their refusal to bow to the halal mafia in Australia.

This must stop. Australia is pregnant, it was #*^% ed yesterday.

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For a list of Halal certified foods go here: http://www.halalchoices.com.au/product_lists_halal.html

Aninteresting artical here: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/halal-easter-eggs-and-cat-food-where-big-money-meets-religion-20130327-2gujc.html#ixzz3BXc8nQPS

From the above: ''A wholesale chicken supplier in Perth lost $120,000 a year over three years because he wasn't halal certified,'' she said. ''The chickens he sold had been ritually slaughtered and were halal, but because he would not pay for certification he found all his outlets were forced to boycott him. He was outraged and held out for three years but had to give in to save his business. …"


300,000 plus of them!! That could be fun. We could shoot terrorist at the same time as culling a few camels. Them black suits will be pretty easy to see against the red dirt, easier than the camels.

Where are your guns to shoot them with going to come from ?

Safely in the hands of mostly competent people who will come into the streets and use them if deemed so necessary.

Meanwhile Australians can live their daily lives without the stresses of almost daily mall and school shootings that occur back in your homeland.

Again, you make claims that firearms are BANNED in Australia and Again you are WRONG. wink.png

What part of 'Responsoble firearms control ' don't you understand?

Here's something for all you Aussies to think about...


When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.


What part of that don't you understand? Ask the families of those lost in the Lindt Coffee Shop how they feel about concealed carry now?

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I hope the anti halal mob walk or ride their bike to work and row themselves to Thailand.

I hope they have given up eating meat too given about 90% of meat in oz is halal certified (I must admit my local butcher told me that over Christmas but he had no issue with the way it was slaughtered at least in oz and said it made no didference to the quality of the meat).

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300,000 plus of them!! That could be fun. We could shoot terrorist at the same time as culling a few camels. Them black suits will be pretty easy to see against the red dirt, easier than the camels.

Where are your guns to shoot them with going to come from ?

Safely in the hands of mostly competent people who will come into the streets and use them if deemed so necessary.

Meanwhile Australians can live their daily lives without the stresses of almost daily mall and school shootings that occur back in your homeland.

Again, you make claims that firearms are BANNED in Australia and Again you are WRONG. wink.png

What part of 'Responsoble firearms control ' don't you understand?

Here's something for all you Aussies to think about...


When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.


What part of that don't you understand? Ask the families of those lost in the Lindt Coffee Shop how they feel about concealed carry now?

They probably feel greatful they lived in a society that isn't shot up every 10 seconds like somewhere else.

Let's face it, you've got far less chance of being gunned down in an Australian Cafe as opposed to an American Mall or Schoolyard.

2 victims probably wouldn't even make the news in the states.

Sad, isn't it?

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Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

At least now the government knows who to keep a VERY CLOSE eye on.



Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

I don't believe too many would object them joining the group that has plans for a one way trip to Mars.



Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

At least now the government knows who to keep a VERY CLOSE eye on.

Very labour intensive.....they will need a bigger budget and more operatives.

Easier if they just ...........

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