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Omg not the Euro finish, Swisserland will get 10% up unemployment, they have an export economic what went up 30% over night to the euro, they have the problem not the EU

I hate to be a doom and gloom person, BUT the breakup of the EU and the printed Euro is getting nearer. May be the best thing for the ones trapped in the

Euro prison.

I will personaly lose through my pention,but this i give in support of a breakup of this BAD BAD Dictatorship run buy UNELECTED fools.


The Euro was doomed from the very start. How could anyone create a currency whith all the member states having different economies, pension plans all with different balance sheets and cultures? The E U is destroying Europe with it's grand plans to create a united states Europe all run by representatives unelected by the people. It has created many problems with the open migration rules. Germany now needs to raise new tax's to pay for bailing out failed states like Greece and Spain the most obvious examples.The latest move by Switzerland is the next sign of bad things to come for E U. So those wiser than I can tell me where I am wrong. but it seems to me the writing has been on the wall for a long time now. People are over taxed and going in the streets to protest the austerity measures created by the failure of the E U..I hope I am proven wrong. We shall soon see.

The Euro is no more likely to fail than the US$, for all the same reasons .... borrowing from China and everyone else, buying and selling your own bonds, having the British buy your bonds and you buying theirs ... whats the difference?

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The Euro is almost finished thats the truth, The swiss banks and investors are and have been surviving on the gold tooth fillings etc deposited by WW2 Germany ,now all is running out,and fast. The rot has set in,Watch and Wait.

that calls for a Nobel prize nomination cheesy.gif


The Euro is almost finished thats the truth, The swiss banks and investors are and have been surviving on the gold tooth fillings etc deposited by WW2 Germany ,now all is running out,and fast. The rot has set in,Watch and Wait.

that calls for a Nobel prize nomination cheesy.gif

Oh thanks so much for that, Its about time the Swiss and the Germans involved, Declared all the Jewish funds and gold stolen in WW2 amounting to Billions.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it

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this is not USA bashing ... the US$ is worth less than toilet paper (there is so much printed) and being fiat currency and considering the earning ability and time frame required to do it, the USA will NEVER be able to buy its way back into the financial system ...

Durn...and here I been exchanging my USD for baht and getting around 32 to 33 baht to the USD for that worthless paper. I just don't understand why that rate has been increasing for the last year or so.

I feel so stupid now that I haven't been exchanging my toilet paper for baht instead....I expect a roll of toilet paper will get me several thousand baht. I'll take a couple of double-ply rolls to Superrich/banks tomorrow and see what the exchange rate is....they don't seem to list an exchange rate for toilet paper on their websites. Thanks.

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The Euro is almost finished thats the truth, The swiss banks and investors are and have been surviving on the gold tooth fillings etc deposited by WW2 Germany ,now all is running out,and fast. The rot has set in,Watch and Wait.

that calls for a Nobel prize nomination cheesy.gif

Oh thanks so much for that, Its about time the Swiss and the Germans involved, Declared all the Jewish funds and gold stolen in WW2 amounting to Billions.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it

Just to add, These stolen funds are held in Swiss banks Or by Swiss banks


this is not USA bashing ... the US$ is worth less than toilet paper (there is so much printed) and being fiat currency and considering the earning ability and time frame required to do it, the USA will NEVER be able to buy its way back into the financial system ...

There have been several bourses flagged over the year and the Euro is the most prominent and successful (of course they are playing with the value, if the US$ were to be worthless, then any exports are far cheaper and all monies owed will never be paid back) ... and now that the Russia has cranking up another alternative world currency (the BRIC - Brasil, Russia, India and China), Thailand and other 'allies' carrying this junk currency will be burned big time ...

The USA is far from the best house in a bad neighborhood ... the analogy better suited, is to buy the cheapest house in the dearest street; infrastructure in Japan is modern whereas mcuh of America's infrastructure is past it's use by date and in various states of collapse ... cities and even states are bankrupt ...

That's interesting, we should be grateful for such brilliant and original economic insight.

I'm going to my nearest FX booth today with some toilet paper to see how many US$ they will give me per sheet.

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'According to a report by the chamber, the baht weakened 0.49 per cent over the course of last year ... some of Thailand's key export rivals saw much larger depreciations in the same period ... the Malaysian ringgit, at 6.28 per cent, the Singaporean dollar, at 4.41 per cent, the Indonesian rupiah, at 2.22 per cent, and the yen, ... 11.86 per cent against the greenback during the year.' And yet there is a view that the Baht has, for many years, remained within an acceptable range. Given the number of negative factors that the country has faced - and continues to face - over the years, such a massive difference in the movement of the currencies suggests the Baht remains overvalued.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Why dont govts balance their budgets and let the currency fall where it falls. Markets do work.

Theres a hot babe on cnbc who think quan. easing to the umpteenth degree has worked.in usa....lol(shes orgasmic when touting obama). All its done is make rich people richer.. Nothing to help the economy as a whole.

You want economic growth make govt smaller.

I absolutely agree. With the new give away on the table...that is 'free' college to all, I just wonder how that potential new government program will morph into a multi billion dollar never ending hole. It simply amazes me that people think that anything for 'free' is truly free. An old wise man (my father) once told me long ago that anything that is given by the government must be taken from someone first. This is mostly pointed at the ever expanding US government's 'free' programs...education, health, the list never ends, nor does the ever increasing size of the deficit. So too it appears that this comment can be pointed to other states social welfare programs all around the world. The shining light should be pointed that these social programs, created by those elite scholars are decidedly pointed at the poor and not so scholarly...for their vote...so the perpetual wheel keeps turning it seems.


what can I say ... pib and paddyjenkins, such witty repertoire ... and your offerings of sage advice and compelling contrary argument ... well if you are septic tanks, it will give me small satisfaction to say I told you so .... but I do understand your willful blindness, knowing there is SFAyou can do about it ... but prime bungie jumpers sans the elasticized rope ...


what can I say ... pib and paddyjenkins, such witty repertoire ... and your offerings of sage advice and compelling contrary argument ... well if you are septic tanks, it will give me small satisfaction to say I told you so .... but I do understand your willful blindness, knowing there is SFAyou can do about it ... but prime bungie jumpers sans the elasticized rope ...

Ok. Let's have a date then by which the USD will be zero value....or at least some measurable time scale? Next year? Next month? When?

I would offer a contrary argument, but that requires an argument to be contrary to, all I see so far is the rantings of an idiot. How much money have you lost so far by betting on the demise of the US and its currency?

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paddyjenkins .. such inviting words ... perhaps it is beyond your capabilities to format a contrary argument and this, call me the idiot ...

I haven't lost a cracker, but I'd bet plenty of dubious fund 'managers' in the USA have financially incapacitated a few of their clients ...

as to the definitive time frame; I make a small wager that a significant shift in the US$ exchange rate will become more evident in the next 12 months; sooner than later, the writing is on the wall for the US$, but while the greedy hang onto the vague and wasted hope the USA will make good, the chook without its head continues to run around the paddock


paddyjenkins .. such inviting words ... perhaps it is beyond your capabilities to format a contrary argument and this, call me the idiot ...

I haven't lost a cracker, but I'd bet plenty of dubious fund 'managers' in the USA have financially incapacitated a few of their clients ...

as to the definitive time frame; I make a small wager that a significant shift in the US$ exchange rate will become more evident in the next 12 months; sooner than later, the writing is on the wall for the US$, but while the greedy hang onto the vague and wasted hope the USA will make good, the chook without its head continues to run around the paddock

Ok, still no actual argument from you but you predict the USD will collapse within 12 months which i will take to mean a decline of 50% or more. So lets follow the dollar index as an average over currencies and see what happens. My prediction is we will see no more than normal volatility...no collapse.


my argument is the US$ is stuffed ... your argument (put so succinctly) is that it is not

so are you a Yank?

You have made a statement, not an argument. You have also made a prediction, lets see who will be right. If the USD index has not fallen by 50% or more in the next year then you will be wrong. No point in debating with you, because i guess, at best, you will regurgitate the content of the various nut job conspiracy theory websites that you have been programmed by. I very much doubt we would be able to discuss economics in any meaningful way....no more so than i would be able to play chess with a pigeon.

As for my nationality, how is that relevant? Does believing the USD wont go to zero somehow imply to you that I must be American? You however, I would guess to be Australian, which is funny, because your currency has fallen by what, 30% in 6 months. So, matey, you have lost 30% compared to the USD....LOL, which means you have lost about 25% ish in THB terms.


The Euro was doomed from the very start. How could anyone create a currency whith all the member states having different economies, pension plans all with different balance sheets and cultures? The E U is destroying Europe with it's grand plans to create a united states Europe all run by representatives unelected by the people. It has created many problems with the open migration rules. Germany now needs to raise new tax's to pay for bailing out failed states like Greece and Spain the most obvious examples.The latest move by Switzerland is the next sign of bad things to come for E U. So those wiser than I can tell me where I am wrong. but it seems to me the writing has been on the wall for a long time now. People are over taxed and going in the streets to protest the austerity measures created by the failure of the E U..I hope I am proven wrong. We shall soon see.

You must be German or Brit. One of the few good decisions the British government has made in decades was to stay out of the Euro. Many years ago Bradford built a ring road with huge signs proclaiming "Financed by the European Union". Which actually meant that British taxpayers gave £2,000,000 to Brussels, yet were supposed to be grateful for getting £800,000 back. And that was before all the really poor countries joined with the begging bowl held out. What does Germany or the UK get out of the EU?


my argument is the US$ is stuffed ... your argument (put so succinctly) is that it is not

so are you a Yank?

You have made a statement, not an argument. You have also made a prediction, lets see who will be right. If the USD index has not fallen by 50% or more in the next year then you will be wrong. No point in debating with you, because i guess, at best, you will regurgitate the content of the various nut job conspiracy theory websites that you have been programmed by. I very much doubt we would be able to discuss economics in any meaningful way....no more so than i would be able to play chess with a pigeon.

paddyjenkins ... you are such a tosser, you make statements (no doubt based on best outcomes for you) but have no plausible argument or knowledge of what you speak about ... there is no debate when you put forward nothing to argue any point ... so one comes (easily) to the conclusion that it is you who is the 'nut job' ... and cement this by observing you would be unable to play a pigeon in chess, no doubt fearing being beaten like the soft-cock you are ... perhaps you should review the website/s you visit for your carefully researched diatribe ...

But lets leave that in abeyance for now and keep an eye of the fate of the (doomed) US$ ...


The Euro was doomed from the very start. How could anyone create a currency whith all the member states having different economies, pension plans all with different balance sheets and cultures? The E U is destroying Europe with it's grand plans to create a united states Europe all run by representatives unelected by the people. It has created many problems with the open migration rules. Germany now needs to raise new tax's to pay for bailing out failed states like Greece and Spain the most obvious examples.The latest move by Switzerland is the next sign of bad things to come for E U. So those wiser than I can tell me where I am wrong. but it seems to me the writing has been on the wall for a long time now. People are over taxed and going in the streets to protest the austerity measures created by the failure of the E U..I hope I am proven wrong. We shall soon see.

The original plan as drawn up by the six founding members of the EU was a good idea actually. It envisaged a single market with a common currency which functions without having to contend with FX rates and import tariffs as Thailand is now experiencing with the Baht.

Where it went wrong was inviting every nation who wanted to become a member with open arms without conducting the necessary checks to ensure their economies were up to scratch.

As for the current situation, it's about to get a whole lot worse once QE is introduced today as widely expected. It will inevitably weaken the Euro which will discourage imports while making exports much more attractive.

I don't know what percentage of EU visitors contribute to the income derived from Tourism, but with Euro likely to drop to around 35 Baht or possibly even lower, the cost of staying a couple of weeks in Thailand is likely to increase significantly and may dissuade visitors altogether until the end of 2016 when QE is expected to end.


The Euro was doomed from the very start. How could anyone create a currency whith all the member states having different economies, pension plans all with different balance sheets and cultures? The E U is destroying Europe with it's grand plans to create a united states Europe all run by representatives unelected by the people. It has created many problems with the open migration rules. Germany now needs to raise new tax's to pay for bailing out failed states like Greece and Spain the most obvious examples.The latest move by Switzerland is the next sign of bad things to come for E U. So those wiser than I can tell me where I am wrong. but it seems to me the writing has been on the wall for a long time now. People are over taxed and going in the streets to protest the austerity measures created by the failure of the E U..I hope I am proven wrong. We shall soon see.

You must be German or Brit. One of the few good decisions the British government has made in decades was to stay out of the Euro. Many years ago Bradford built a ring road with huge signs proclaiming "Financed by the European Union". Which actually meant that British taxpayers gave £2,000,000 to Brussels, yet were supposed to be grateful for getting £800,000 back. And that was before all the really poor countries joined with the begging bowl held out. What does Germany or the UK get out of the EU?

You're only looking at one side of the argument.

The UK benefits from free trade with the whole of the EU without the imposition of import tariffs as would otherwise be the case. If you want a good example of that, look at the withdrawal of Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) which is now affecting Thai exports.

In addition, as a member state, it has a voice on decisions affecting the EU as a whole.

Also, it enjoys investment from foreign companies which view the UK as a favourable means of accessing the EU free market. If the UK were to exit as has been suggested by those who cannot see the wood for the trees, businesses like Japanese car manufacturers will move their operations to other locations in the EU with the subsequent job losses for UK workers. Even Airbus has hinted that a UK exit will cause it to reconsider its aircraft wing manufacturing plant currently sited in Wales which employs 100,000.

The UK is not a huge country like the US or China and won't be able to absorb the loss of business confidence should it ever decide to leave the EU. That would be catastrophic for Sterling with the value of the £ plummeting to new depths unimaginable in today's market.


my argument is the US$ is stuffed ... your argument (put so succinctly) is that it is not

so are you a Yank?

You have made a statement, not an argument. You have also made a prediction, lets see who will be right. If the USD index has not fallen by 50% or more in the next year then you will be wrong. No point in debating with you, because i guess, at best, you will regurgitate the content of the various nut job conspiracy theory websites that you have been programmed by. I very much doubt we would be able to discuss economics in any meaningful way....no more so than i would be able to play chess with a pigeon.

paddyjenkins ... you are such a tosser, you make statements (no doubt based on best outcomes for you) but have no plausible argument or knowledge of what you speak about ... there is no debate when you put forward nothing to argue any point ... so one comes (easily) to the conclusion that it is you who is the 'nut job' ... and cement this by observing you would be unable to play a pigeon in chess, no doubt fearing being beaten like the soft-cock you are ... perhaps you should review the website/s you visit for your carefully researched diatribe ...

But lets leave that in abeyance for now and keep an eye of the fate of the (doomed) US$ ...

Naa its not doomed ,,,,,Wind up merchant ..:)

.....Like your style Its the fuxxkxxx Euro that is doomed The fouth Reich is doomed,,, In Fact we are all doomed

We have always been doomed.. 555,,,

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