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Cha-am: Disoriented Norwegian woman lost in forest for 23 hours


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Into the Woods: Disoriented Norwegian woman lost in forest for 23 hours
By Coconuts Bangkok

CHA-A search and rescue mission for a missing Norwegian woman in Cha-am ended happily when a helicopter search crew spotted her under a tree near her hotel.

Toskardal Schikora, 76, reportedly separated from her friends for a walk on the Cha-am beach Tuesday afternoon and became lost in the woods after injuring her leg.

Her friends received a call from her at 7pm, in which Schikora said she’d fallen over something near a tree and felt faint. The call was cut off.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2015/01/22/woods-disoriented-norwegian-woman-lost-forest-23-hours

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-01-22

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Elderly Norwegian lost and found after 26-hour search in Cha-am

Photo: Thai Rath

CHA-AM: -- A 76-year-old Norwegian tourist was reported missing after she went out for a late afternoon walk on January 20 in Phetchaburi’s Cha-am seaside town, triggering a massive search operation.

An exhausted Hanne Schchikora Toskardal was found with a sprained angle 26 hours later around 6 pm on January 21 in an isolated area covered with trees and tall grass just outside Cha-am — not too far from the place she had been staying.

Police was first alerted by the woman’s friends that she made a call on her mobile phone around 7 pm saying she sprained her angle and was feeling dizzy after getting lost in a jungle.

Police and a group of friend went out in search but could not find her as it was dark. Toskardal called again one hour later to say she was resting under a tree. That’s when her mobile phone signals disconnected and subsequent calls failed to reach her.

Local police called off the search shortly after midnight.

The next morning, dozens of policemen and local volunteers, with sniffing dogs, combed the nearby tropical jungle looking for Toskardal. A police helicoptor was dispatched to join the search.

The search went on all day on January 21 but they couldn’t locate her until one person decided to try calling her mobile phone again. This time she picked up the phone and reported hearing people calling to her and the sound of helicoptor overhead.

Based on her description of the surrounding, the search party zeroed in on a isolated spot not far away from the hotel resort she had been staying and found her to the relief of her friends and rescuers.

Source: Thai newspapers

Source: http://scandasia.com/elderly-norwegian-found-after-26-hour-search-in-cha-am/

-- ScandAsia 2015-01-22

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How can you lose Granny? Most likely were smashed.

Had she been Thai this thread would be three pages long with all the pontificating about Thai culture and supposed irresponsibility or indifference to the welfare of friends or family members.

If she was travelling with friends it sounds like she's fairly independent for her age and there was no particular reason why she should have been kept on a leash ... until now.

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Disoriented Brit Lost in Thailand for 23 Years. Still Can't find any b****y Exit.

Glad they found her. Doubt anyone will find me.

"Still Can't find any b****y Exit."

Be grateful. When you do make your exit, if it's reported here on TV, you and your nearest & dearest will become the focal point for childish humor and rampant conspiracy theories.

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Disoriented Brit Lost in Thailand for 23 Years. Still Can't find any b****y Exit.

Glad they found her. Doubt anyone will find me.

"Still Can't find any b****y Exit."

Be grateful. When you do make your exit, if it's reported here on TV, you and your nearest & dearest will become the focal point for childish humor and rampant conspiracy theories.

"Lighten up crank "

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They searched for more than six hours. We must be in Thailand. Since authorities have the means to do it, they could have just tracked the call or the old lady's cell and find her in about thirty minutes.

Get real,, even the sniffer dogs failed and they were leading the search.

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Poor old lady. Glad she was found OK, but the mushroom comment was HILARIOUS!

FWD to 1:15

When my Mom was about 70, she went with my younger brother for a walk in the woods.

She took a roll of toilet paper with her & left little pieces hung on trees as she went so she could find her way out.

Edited by jaywalker
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