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Thailand: New liquor sale restriction comes into force


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Can anyone explain the "logic" in not allowing alcohol sales between 2pm and 5pm? What is its purpose? What is is supposed to achieve? You can't stop off and have a beer on the way to pick the kids up from school?

It's to give the problem drinkers 3 hours to sober up before they buy another shot of lao khao.

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"Under the new restriction stipulated in the announcement of the PM’s Office, alcoholic drinks are available on sale two periods within a day – from 11 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to midnight."


because the thai is weak ,has no will power and given the chance will drink till he is fall down drunk ? huh is that why ?

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Can anyone explain the "logic" in not allowing alcohol sales between 2pm and 5pm? What is its purpose? What is is supposed to achieve? You can't stop off and have a beer on the way to pick the kids up from school?

It doesn't apply to bars so, don't worry, you can still get tanked up to collect your children

The policy, though a farce, came into restriction of sales 2 to 5 to stop kids from boozing after school, when they thought they were most inclined to do so, just after school. (I think they're more inclined to booze in the evening at home with their old man & family etc).

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This morning in Lamphun the military visited a liquor shop owned by a friend of my wife. She was selling alcohol at the wrong time. She "offered" 3.000 baht to close the matter......no way, they refused and brought her somewhere (maybe police station to pay the right fine or else.....), she is not yet back.

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Ive been refused beer in 7/11's so many times i now check the time when i enter. It really is a pain in the butt as we nip over the market to buy the evenings food @ 4pm ready to cook @ 5 when we round off the day.

It just means i have to go in the corner shop next door n buy leo instead of heineken

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This is new ?

It is if they finally passed it as law. Even some of the bigger shops ignored it including foodland until recently, Villa can buy anytime still i think. Nobody has ever been prosecuted for selling out of hours as it was never an actual law.

Foodland has had the restriction since it was first announced, so has Villa.

Not true Foodland Suk soi 5 sold anytime until last year nearby Villa still does

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The rule came into affect due to school kids buying alcohol. So the times during kids going to school and after school restricts the sale when kids are out of school. 2pm to 5pm is when kids are returning home from school.

How many kids going to School after 12 midnight? Pretty sure it's it's illegal to sell to kids anytime, if not why not make it so and save the rest of us inconvenience

Edited by dragonfly94
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This morning in Lamphun the military visited a liquor shop owned by a friend of my wife. She was selling alcohol at the wrong time. She "offered" 3.000 baht to close the matter......no way, they refused and brought her somewhere (maybe police station to pay the right fine or else.....), she is not yet back

let us know if they charge her. People say the west has nanny states but in some ways the country that used to be so laid back has overtaken them, Just look at the laughable pixilating out of cigarettes and drinks in films, they treat people here like children. I even saw the breasts on a Rubens like painting pixieled out in a film. Meanwhile it's still the capital of SEA prostitution, illegally of course!

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Being an early bird and like to go shopping early to beat the traffic in Bangkok, its impossible for me to buy a decent bottle of wine when I want to. If I would purchase more than 20 liters (about 29 bottles of wine), I would have no problem. These rules are just plain stupid.

You only have to purchase 10 liters not 20 liters.

I have got caught out a few times when I forgot what time it was but I just went to the mom and pop stores or i increased the amount i purchased.

Actually this law has increased the amount i drink because when I have 10 liters in the house i tend to drink whenever I want but if i don't have the alcohol in the house I have to decide if i want to get in the car to go buy some. I usually end up not going instead.

For example I went to makro to get a couple of bottles of wine but due to traffic or whatever it ended up being 2 or 3 minutes after 2 pm and they wouldn't let me buy only 2 bottles so I ended up getting 10 liters. Now I will end up drinking a lot more this week than i normally would have.

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Actually this law has increased the amount i drink because when I have 10 liters in the house i tend to drink whenever I want but if i don't have the alcohol in the house I have to decide if i want to get in the car to go buy some. I usually end up not going instead.

See? Drinking is killing your motivation.

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This is new ?

Not at all. I can only hazard that there's more to the story but the reporter didn't get it that it's the new (unreported) restrictions that are actually the news.

I wonder what the new restrictions are?

Shhhhh, they are not being reported.

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Didn't Thaksin bring this law and times in years ago? I have seen the signs in 7/11 and supermarkets for years. So the junta are claiming this as thier initiative.

NO, just re-enforcing the existing law ?? Why speak the JUNTA.??.....why not speak previous MAFIA PTP. ???. be honest Chooka.

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Being an early bird and like to go shopping early to beat the traffic in Bangkok, its impossible for me to buy a decent bottle of wine when I want to. If I would purchase more than 20 liters (about 29 bottles of wine), I would have no problem. These rules are just plain stupid.

Awwwww.........we'll change the law just to suit you.

You can't have a nap and then go shopping again at 11am. Or stay up late and go to the shop at 11pm?

But it seems you have solved your own problem...buy in bulk!!

Or is the issue much deeper - you can't buy wine in the early hours when you need it?

I must ask..where do you go shopping early to beat the Bangkok traffic? What are you buying so early in the morning?

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Didn't Thaksin bring this law and times in years ago? I have seen the signs in 7/11 and supermarkets for years. So the junta are claiming this as thier initiative.

NO, just re-enforcing the existing law ?? Why speak the JUNTA.??.....why not speak previous MAFIA PTP. ???. be honest Chooka.

ok to be honest I used the term Junta because they announced these new liquor sale restrictions as stated in the headline. I didn't say the PTP because the junta ousted them in coup and the Junta is now in control of the country
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This is new ?

It is if they finally passed it as law. Even some of the bigger shops ignored it including foodland until recently, Villa can buy anytime still i think. Nobody has ever been prosecuted for selling out of hours as it was never an actual law.

Foodland has had the restriction since it was first announced, so has Villa.

I don't know which Villa you shop in, but the Villa near my home sells any amount of alcohol any time of day, any day of the year.

New Year baskets also contain alcohol in the form of whiskey. (This is also illegal).

Even if Villa stop selling , then the local shop next door to the police station will sell all day long. No ploblem!

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Actually this law has increased the amount i drink because when I have 10 liters in the house i tend to drink whenever I want but if i don't have the alcohol in the house I have to decide if i want to get in the car to go buy some. I usually end up not going instead.

See? Drinking is killing your motivation.

Actually it is the other way around. When i have alcohol in the house i am motivated to drink. When it isn't here it is hard to get me motivated to get off my butt to go buy it.

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"The new restriction on sale of alcoholic drinks has come into force throughout the country as of January 7."

So it started 16 days ago? Has anyone noticed yet?

I thought it had started about 8 years ago? Isn't that the times anyway or are they saying this now includes bars and restaurants or something?

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Can anyone explain the "logic" in not allowing alcohol sales between 2pm and 5pm? What is its purpose? What is is supposed to achieve? You can't stop off and have a beer on the way to pick the kids up from school?

As I recall, it was around 2003 when some brainiac dreamed this up as a way to keep teenage kids from drinking on their way home from school.

It seems like I am the only one (current powers that be included), that recalls this bizarre "reasoning".

Checking ID cards was never mentioned back then, nor does it seem to be mentioned very much at all, unless the BIB raid some place in Pattaya.

With it you could explain the 2-5 PM ban, but what about the midnight to 11 AM?

Sorry Dude, all I remember was the part about keeping kids from drinking on their way home from school.

Probably some busy-body tossed the night - morning stuff in there along the way. They probably heard Roadhouse Blues by The Doors in 1968 or so & had a bee in their bonnet over a beer in the mornings ever since.

"I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer".

Hell, I do it from time to time.


I must admit though, Thailand isn't the only place with stupid boozing times. 0200 - 0700 in most places I've been in the USA, along with dry Sundays.

Fairly inane stuff that only makes busy-body politicians feel good and smug about themselves.

I used to work in N. Indiana where it was dry on Sundays, so I'd drive 10 miles into Michigan to get a 12-pack.

I'm in Mt Vernon GA right now. No beer on Sundays, but I can drive 10 miles to Vidalia & get a 12-pack on Sunday.

In Thailand I can get refused beer at 10 AM and just walk next door to the Mom & Pop shop and get it.

Oh yeah....can't buy ONE case of beer at Makro before 11 AM, but you can buy TWO.

Buddy of mine wanted to grab a case of beer for me once because I'd done him a favor. I wound up with two cases as they wouldn't sell him only one thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Edited by jaywalker
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