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Former Thai PM Yingluck to face criminal corruption charge: attorney general


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Corrupt People .... Making Examples of Corrupt People!

Insanity that is so ridiculously transparent. Hypocrisy at its best!

They actually take their pious decisions seriously and want people to think ...that they are handing down justice.

Another great laugh for all ... courtesy Thailand..... Thainess.

If only an International Anti - Corruption Kangaroo Court was in existence, nearly every politician in Thailand would go down.

For that matter.... a great percentage of nearly all politicians - Globally.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yingluck, the kingdom's first female premier and the sister of former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, is already facing an impeachment vote later Friday over her administration's populist rice subsidy programme, which funnelled cash to her rural base but cost billions of dollars and inspired protests that felled her government.

What is AFP on about? The protesters didn't bring down the government it was yet another illegal military coup under the pretense that it was the only way to bring peace.

AFP write rubbish - usually aimed at showing the Shins in the best possible light.

Yingluck dissolved parliament due to the mass protests caused by trying to ram through an amnesty bill, which would whitewash her brother, in a very unsavory manner. She was then removed from the role of caretaker PM due to an illegal act involving nepotism. The PTP caretaker government were then removed in a peaceful military coup after failing to maintain law and order.

Very, very little of the cash was funnelled to her rural base according to a World Bank report and the poor farmers themselves. Where the money went to may come out in the impending criminal hearings.

"Where the money went to may come out in the impending criminal hearings." Certainly hope so.

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Yingluck, the kingdom's first female premier and the sister of former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, is already facing an impeachment vote later Friday over her administration's populist rice subsidy programme, which funnelled cash to her rural base but cost billions of dollars and inspired protests that felled her government.

What is AFP on about? The protesters didn't bring down the government it was yet another illegal military coup under the pretense that it was the only way to bring peace.

"Illegal Military coup"??? clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Banned from politics for life, Significant asset seizure, imprisonment for 10 years and only allowed to visit Siam Paragon once every 6 months and that would be a good start and send the message that you were sincerely trying to improve the country and clamp down on elitism and corruption.

I would not put her behind bars, too many innocent people would suffer, a-la 2010. The Shin family has done enough damage to Thailand, best thing to do with her is exile to Dubai, or wherever her evil bro is hiding out now.

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To Costas. You say you not want her to go to jail but it will be a good deterent for others to think twice, well I see it as a good encouragement to do the same because being a high politician she got away with it. Her and her cronies knew it was going to be a big earner for them all planned and I bet from advice from you know who.

She and all the others should be fined and assets confiscated to pay the loss back and long term prison.

If ordinary business people fiddled the government from tax and GST they would be fined a lot and jail term so what you say about that Costas!!!!!!

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They are a vile family and she annoys me by always looking so smug and arrogant......like her Square Head fugitive Brother.

As someone said earlier 'She actually ain't too bright' letting her Brother use her.....a few slabs short of a full patio me thinks.

She must make sure she takes a bowl to the prison for her rice and ironically she will be reminded of her Scam each time........

Otherwise she will have to use her cupped hands as a vessel....that IS true!

No doubt the Khow Ling followers will find it another excuse to riot.

Edited by English 1
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Yingluck, the kingdom's first female premier and the sister of former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, is already facing an impeachment vote later Friday over her administration's populist rice subsidy programme, which funnelled cash to her rural base but cost billions of dollars and inspired protests that felled her government.

What is AFP on about? The protesters didn't bring down the government it was yet another illegal military coup under the pretense that it was the only way to bring peace.

"Illegal Military coup"??? clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

As opposed to a legal military coup. You know, the one where you go and see the local poo-yai and he gives you bit of paper saying it is ok to launch your military take-over. biggrin.png

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They are a vile family and she annoys me by always looking so smug and arrogant......like her Square Head fugitive Brother.

As someone said earlier 'She actually ain't too bright' letting her Brother use her.....a few slabs short of a full patio me thinks.

She must make sure she takes a bowl to the prison for her rice and ironically she will be reminded of her Scam each time........

Otherwise she will have to use her cupped hands as a vessel....that IS true!

No doubt the Khow Ling followers will find it another excuse to riot.

More proactive than your form or lack of expression.

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And please, no Chang fuelled barroom theorising or claims that she wasn't elected. Only a fool would claim such (although these forums seem to host a few who claim so over and over).

Oh, she was 'elected' alright. But if you call buying of votes and coercion as actually being elected, then more fool you.

Whatever happens here, idea is to make it so she cannot be a part of the junta's new and improved 'democratic' Thailand. whistling.gif

Equally, a refusal by the NLA to impeach Yingluck could mobilise the same upper and middle class Thais who led the protests that eventually toppled her government.
The middle class rules the hive the rest are worker bees. Personally I cannot see the middle and upper class wanting to get their hands dirty. They would have to bring Khun S out of buddisthood and toss him the baton again.
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I don't like Yingluck, not because of herself, after all she is a not so bright, presentable lady, an ideal woman in my opinion, but for the damage she has caused to her country as a PM.

I don't think she will ever go to jail and I don't wish so, but this will be a good warning to all future politicians attempting to bribe the nation for their own benefit.

A warning? That you can be very corrupt but you won't go to jail???

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Costas2008, on 23 Jan 2015 - 06:18, said:

I don't like Yingluck, not because of herself, after all she is a not so bright, presentable lady, an ideal woman in my opinion, but for the damage she has caused to her country as a PM.

I don't think she will ever go to jail and I don't wish so, but this will be a good warning to all future politicians attempting to bribe the nation for their own benefit.

Wow!!! Not even close, my yellow shirt fried! Yingluck is brighter than most and I'm sure that this includes you. Many regimes have caused as much financial damage or more than her's and this is especially true for all the juntas. It does not take a keen eye for the obvious to see what is happening here. The minority yellow shirt elite (or whatever they call themselves now) want to rule Thailand forever! They make charges and the judiciary (and now the government) are their people to make whatever laws they desire to keep in power. Anybody that challenges them are jailed or threatened with jail so they will leave the country and no longer be a problem. I am truly amazed that you fail to grasp this. I guess you have not been here long enough yet!!!

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she may leave, which is what they want

It must now be what majority wants now they know the facts, they didn't believe before. It will save a considerable amount of tax payers money if she FLED the scene as most guilty Thais do. Her brother is another example.

What the general public are not aware is reports from near every Jangwat of bosses quitting their work especially in government offices fearing the comeback on their corrupt ways for 3 years.

Amazing how many posters are still insisting that it is the present government that is wrong for pressing the case. No matter who is in charge it has to be way, if not Thailand will be doomed.

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Think NLA performed in the most honest way of any Thai Gov't, in many years, by impeaching Yingluck & not Somsak & Nikom.

Hopefully both sides of political divide & Thai people will accept what has occurred & allow the country to reconcile & re-unite.

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Costas2008, on 23 Jan 2015 - 06:18, said:

I don't like Yingluck, not because of herself, after all she is a not so bright, presentable lady, an ideal woman in my opinion, but for the damage she has caused to her country as a PM.

I don't think she will ever go to jail and I don't wish so, but this will be a good warning to all future politicians attempting to bribe the nation for their own benefit.

Wow!!! Not even close, my yellow shirt fried! Yingluck is brighter than most and I'm sure that this includes you. Many regimes have caused as much financial damage or more than her's and this is especially true for all the juntas. It does not take a keen eye for the obvious to see what is happening here. The minority yellow shirt elite (or whatever they call themselves now) want to rule Thailand forever! They make charges and the judiciary (and now the government) are their people to make whatever laws they desire to keep in power. Anybody that challenges them are jailed or threatened with jail so they will leave the country and no longer be a problem. I am truly amazed that you fail to grasp this. I guess you have not been here long enough yet!!!

MINORITY from where is your figures ??? never mind all the flannel about others to side track the TOPIC. we are discussing HER not yellows reds or Kelly's arm hole. A start has to be made if Thailand can ever escape from the corrupt ways. whether that be the army or another style government. Ha Ha Ha suppose you will want another election to get her re elected this has been said by the Minority of TVF posters for a long time-------notice they are not wanting one now. sour grapes if you ask me.

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if, and that is a big if, she believes what she said, 'democracy died today' and if she wants to do something that only she can do for democracy in Thailand, then she does not do what the junta wants (flee), but she stays, fights and loses - because she will lose - and she becomes a political martyr and uses that platform of martyrdom to expose the ruling elites and their military allies for what they are.

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That would be the route to reconciliation- not!

Reconcilliation is a phrase used by Thais to justify dropping charges against them. They don't know the meaning of the word.

I could start to explain 'Accountability' and 'Justice', but they such foreign concepts I might as well not bother.

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Think NLA performed in the most honest way of any Thai Gov't, in many years, by impeaching Yingluck & not Somsak & Nikom.

Hopefully both sides of political divide & Thai people will accept what has occurred & allow the country to reconcile & re-unite.

I dont know where you got the warped since of idea that its fair?? But, sadly it has nothing to do with fair.....

What other country in the world impeaches its leader because of failed policy?? Answer is they dont! They use their democratic power and vote them and their party out of office! You guys live in a strange world here on TV....

But then again this is not nor ever been a true democracy. The military and royalist have ruled since creation....and still do.

Edited by 2fishin2
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Wouldn't it be cheaper to give the whole family one last free ticket each on Thai Airways and dump the lot of them in Dubai ? Seize all Shin assets in Thailand and as soon as they arrive at said destination cancel all their passports. Then and only then would this bunch of thieves be in Thailand's past forever.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Think NLA performed in the most honest way of any Thai Gov't, in many years, by impeaching Yingluck & not Somsak & Nikom.
Hopefully both sides of political divide & Thai people will accept what has occurred & allow the country to reconcile & re-unite.

I dont know where you got the warped since of idea that its fair?? But, sadly it has nothing to do with fair.....

What other country in the world impeaches its leader because of failed policy?? Answer is they dont! They use their democratic power and vote them and their party out of office! You guys live in a strange world here on TV....

But then again this is not nor ever been a true democracy. The military and royalist have ruled since creation....and still do.

Don't undestand "...got the warped since.."?, presume you mean sense? Your correct in saying it has nothing to do with "fair"; didn't use "fair" in my comment. I said they performed in an "honest way", which is different to fair. Can be honest without being fair!

You ask what other country would impeach b/c of failed policy? The US, UK, recently Spain to name a few.

Need to get your facts straight if you're going to be critical, otherwise don't say anything!!

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