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Are radio signals from space broadcasts by alien life?

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Are radio signals from space broadcasts by alien life?

COPENHAGEN: -- An unknown radio signal, which may have come alien life or from a black hole, colliding neutron stars, has been picked up by astronomers live for the first time ever. Its origins remain mysterious.

The fast radio bursts are quick, bright flashes of radio waves that last only milliseconds, but still emit as much energy as the sun in an entire day.

This is the first time that these radio waves have been spotted live. The first burst was picked up in 2007 by sifting through old data at the Parkes Radio Telescope in Eastern Australia. Only seven others have been seen since then.

This time, the mysterious waves were picked with the use of 12 telescopes in Australia, Chile, Germany, Hawaii, India, California and the Canary Islands.

Because they observed the radio waves in real time, they were also able to try and find other wavelengths, like x-rays or infrared to find out their source...but remained unable to find anything.

“The fact that we did not see light in other wavelengths eliminates a number of astronomical phenomena that are associated with violent events such as gamma-ray bursts from exploding stars and supernovae, which were otherwise candidates for the burst,” Daniele Malesani, of the University of Copenhagen, told Astronomy Magazine.

The radio waves were polarized, which suggests that they were near an object with a large magnetic field.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/54794/are-radio-signals-space-broadcasts-alien-life

-- eTN 2015-01-23

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" bright flashes of radio waves that last only milliseconds, but still emit as much energy as the sun in an entire day. "

What the..? Emits that much energy...in a milisecond?

Obviously I don't understand the physics of radio waves....what equipment could handle that?


This so intriguing, you can't expect aliens to converse in the same way we do. I hope they figure this out.

Our signals being sent out (in search of contact) are, by human logic, logic, ie binary "one plus one equals two" to try to show that there is intelligence transmitting and not some other phenomenon.

Any alien life (the rationale goes), if advanced enough to receive the signals, should be able to decipher, or at the very least recognise that there is a pattern and know that there is intelligence here.

It is imperative that these radio signals detected are analysed albeit they are of millisecond duration. Who knows....alien logic and thinking may take only a millisecond to convey.....conversely, all the bursts over the last decade should be analysed together as alien logic and thought may have sent one small message over a decade in several milisecond bursts.

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This so intriguing, you can't expect aliens to converse in the same way we do. I hope they figure this out.

Our signals being sent out (in search of contact) are, by human logic, logic, ie binary "one plus one equals two" to try to show that there is intelligence transmitting and not some other phenomenon.

Any alien life (the rationale goes), if advanced enough to receive the signals, should be able to decipher, or at the very least recognise that there is a pattern and know that there is intelligence here.

It is imperative that these radio signals detected are analysed albeit they are of millisecond duration. Who knows....alien logic and thinking may take only a millisecond to convey.....conversely, all the bursts over the last decade should be analysed together as alien logic and thought may have sent one small message over a decade in several milisecond bursts.

Those signals should be analysed by chinese, Thai, African, etc., people to look for logic which is not "western" ;)

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" bright flashes of radio waves that last only milliseconds, but still emit as much energy as the sun in an entire day. "

What the..? Emits that much energy...in a milisecond?

Obviously I don't understand the physics of radio waves....what equipment could handle that?

Much bigger stars, binary systems and black holes for starters. Our sun is big to us, but is tiny compared to some suns out there - it is too small to make a black hole (or anything like one) when it eventually runs out of hydrogen.

Interestingly if you were a super advanced alien species that wanted to send out a message far and wide - small powerful burst is the way to go, there is less scattering that way and they stay more intact. Most signals from space are very faint, this must have sent the oscilloscope off the charts!

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" bright flashes of radio waves that last only milliseconds, but still emit as much energy as the sun in an entire day. "

What the..? Emits that much energy...in a milisecond?

Obviously I don't understand the physics of radio waves....what equipment could handle that?

What the..? Emits that much energy...in a milisecond?

Mick Jagger?


Alvin Stardust, init!


"Are radio signals from space broadcasts by alien life?"

No, they are just random posts by TVF posters.

Presuming most of the posters are residing in Thailand, they indeed are aliens - thus alien life crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m


" bright flashes of radio waves that last only milliseconds, but still emit as much energy as the sun in an entire day. "

What the..? Emits that much energy...in a milisecond?

Obviously I don't understand the physics of radio waves....what equipment could handle that?

What the..? Emits that much energy...in a milisecond?

If you want a wild idea, they're not broadcasts but directed energy weapons. Fortunately, they're not directed at us.

This so intriguing, you can't expect aliens to converse in the same way we do. I hope they figure this out.

Our signals being sent out (in search of contact) are, by human logic, logic, ie binary "one plus one equals two" to try to show that there is intelligence transmitting and not some other phenomenon.

Any alien life (the rationale goes), if advanced enough to receive the signals, should be able to decipher, or at the very least recognise that there is a pattern and know that there is intelligence here.

It is imperative that these radio signals detected are analysed albeit they are of millisecond duration. Who knows....alien logic and thinking may take only a millisecond to convey.....conversely, all the bursts over the last decade should be analysed together as alien logic and thought may have sent one small message over a decade in several milisecond bursts.

Those signals should be analysed by chinese, Thai, African, etc., people to look for logic which is not "western" wink.png

Using western technology and equipment to analyse them no doubt!

You need to be analized! (spelling intentional )


Signals from television here on earth also travel out through space.

What intelligent alien life would want to contact us after seeing that garbage??

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Bet it turns out to be a fragment of a Radio 4 broadcast that bounced off a passing asteroid, most likely The Archers.

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1st things first.

Proof read the bull shit you type.

COPENHAGEN: -- An unknown radio signal, which may have come alien life or from a black hole, colliding neutron stars, has been picked up by astronomers live for the first time ever. Its origins remain mysterious.

None of this makes any sense.

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1. Time travel to the past is not possible. Otherwise, we'd have people from the future popping in all the time.

2. There are no aliens SMART ENOUGH to figure out how to send either analog amplitude (AM) or frequency (FM) modulation signals nor digital (PCM) signals, because we would have heard them.

So, if there's life "out there", it's in the form of bacteria or other simple life forms...


1. Time travel to the past is not possible. Otherwise, we'd have people from the future popping in all the time.


There's always lots in here..... ;)


Poor humanity. We have always thought that we are the sh!t and the universe keeps reminding us that we are just a tiny little spot.


1. Time travel to the past is not possible. Otherwise, we'd have people from the future popping in all the time.

2. There are no aliens SMART ENOUGH to figure out how to send either analog amplitude (AM) or frequency (FM) modulation signals nor digital (PCM) signals, because we would have heard them.

So, if there's life "out there", it's in the form of bacteria or other simple life forms...

I see.

So, Captain Kirk (or Avon, for Blakes 7 fans) need only venture into unchartered territory with water pistols filled with Dettol?

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I'll go with a blitzar. If it were aliens with that much power, if they wanted to say hi they'd simply wrap up space-time, do the wormhole and pop out near Jupiter somewhere... then invade! Incidentally, I'm with Hawking on this; have a look-see, yes, but best avoid actively seeking contact as there is a good chance that that something out there with the brains to pick us up would likely have the power to take us out after nicking our women. whistling.gif

  • Like 2

1. Time travel to the past is not possible. Otherwise, we'd have people from the future popping in all the time.

2. There are no aliens SMART ENOUGH to figure out how to send either analog amplitude (AM) or frequency (FM) modulation signals nor digital (PCM) signals, because we would have heard them.

So, if there's life "out there", it's in the form of bacteria or other simple life forms...

"bacteria or other simple life forms"..????... controlling UFOs?


Given the hundreds or thousands of years and lots more - that it takes for signals to travel interstellar - if we receive a message now from a culture just about the same level as ours, by the time we're reading it they'll have built the wormhole ship and will arrive shortly. Whether they bother with such a crude life-form as ours is debatable. No more than we bother with the insect world. Just bugs to be squashed if they get in the way.......

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