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Yet Another Reason I Love My Wife ...

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these are my 2 new ones waiting for me when i get home from this tip in angola,

ive seen them on skype and pictures, cant wait to be playing with them on the lawn, that if i can get away from my 2 big ones,,lol,


please move this back to the general, were more people will see it,





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sorry forgot to mention about your wife,,

im with you on this too, my wife loves our dogs, to to the extent that i do, but ive seen the love she shows them,

the care your wife showed to your dog was great my freind,

i know when we lost big blacky to a snake bite my wife cried many over the phone to tell me, she said i know he your friend,

so some thias can understand how we feal about our pets,,

and may I add to your last sentence " and some, quite a few, feel the same, or even deeper. " I speak from experience. We had to part with our dog after 13 years and my wife, who is Thai, suffered more than I did, and that is saying something.

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these are my 2 new ones waiting for me when i get home from this tip in angola,

ive seen them on skype and pictures, cant wait to be playing with them on the lawn, that if i can get away from my 2 big ones,,lol,


please move this back to the general, were more people will see it,



Do you know what breed they are?

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That was a heartwarming story, thank you for posting.

Sometimes we undervalue the things closest to us, I've had 5 dogs now through my life I've had to watch them either pass away or be put down due to increasing pain and it's never anything less than heart wrenching.

My (thai) wife loves our current dog, a Shih Tzu, she'd never had a dog before, she walks around 7 miles with him each day, even in bad weather, I would hate to think how she would feel if anything happened to him, although she appreciates his time here is limited.

Good luck, I hope you find another "friend" to keep you and your wife company smile.png

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RIP Dooley.

Looks like a top dog.

To avoid this very thing, some people never get dogs.

Never done an RIP before.

RIP Dooley

BTW, if you see a Chocolate-spot Dalmation up there (the canine equivalent of a male cardigan-sweater model in an upscale knitting magazine) his name is Beau.

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RIP Dooley.

What a lovely story. You made me cry, we all have lost beloved pets and it never gets easier. But the joy that they bring and the memories they leave last forever. I still have a rather "dog-eared" piccie of my first cat, Simba, who i got for my sixth birthday!! 45 years ago!!! And for 30 of those years my family never told me he had actually been a she.... devastated i was!!

Your wife is a diamond.

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Great post.

I lost my big boy last year. I stayed at the vet, in his cage for 3 days as he fought kidney failure and lost.

Big old bastard fought to the end, but when the kidney goes, nothing can be done.

Getting another dog helps, but you will find yourself wandering past where Dooley was buried talking to him like he was just resting. You never forget. Never.

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They get into your hearts thru the brain.

Lying with my dying cat for hours and stroking her and talking to her just broke me up into little pieces.

And she purred up until her last breath. I think that is because she heard my voice.... her mama. who loved the little furry socks off her. And in revenge from above she chose to die on Valentines Day. 16 years old.

There is a thread here about her, Saturna. And the love and support i recieved was really helpful to get me over that loss, her ashes sit on my coffee table.

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Let me first say RIP Dooley and great to see humans on this forum.

Its very hard to loose man best friend, just remember he had a great life and went in peace with your wife next to him :)

On the subject of Thai, many Thai love animals but many also simply do not know how to look after them.

When my old girl passed last year(15 years old), my maid(Thai) who knew her only for 1 year, cried her eyes out in the Vets, making the Vet and nurses also cry.

When i found pup on the road after being hit by a car with broken legs, broken spine and jaw, my maid daily helped with cleaning and feeding(he could not move) for months and months.

Now he runs around in his wheelchair and she loves him to death,even when he occasionally takes a chunk out of her skin when she plays really rough with him :)

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This is the first time I have read a thread on TVF that didn't contain a huge amount of posts knocking the OP for no reason than to be bloody minded. What is it about dogs that makes people human?

They're the best friends you will ever have.

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This is the first time I have read a thread on TVF that didn't contain a huge amount of posts knocking the OP for no reason than to be bloody minded. What is it about dogs that makes people human?

They're the best friends you will ever have.

yes you can ask my wife the same question,as she has never had any children he is not only her best friend but a son she never had.when you see the both of them together,WELL if she had to choose me or her son.


she would love to meet up with the op's wife.

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This is the first time I have read a thread on TVF that didn't contain a huge amount of posts knocking the OP for no reason than to be bloody minded. What is it about dogs that makes people human?


Maybe the very fact that the dogs aren't human.

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This is the first time I have read a thread on TVF that didn't contain a huge amount of posts knocking the OP for no reason than to be bloody minded. What is it about dogs that makes people human?


Maybe the very fact that the dogs aren't human.

...and often provide better company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just going through "My content" saw this thread.

And it seemed entirely appropriate at this time to add another comment.

My wife "Wan: is quietly sitting eating her breakfast as I write this post,

I am looking at her and thinking just how lucky I am.

I have now been home from a seven day stay in the hospital in Banglamung after an accident which left me with 5 broken bones in my leg and being a biggish lad and 70 years of age this has made any movement, even though I am very ft for may age hard work.

MY wife has been there every day at the hospital, taking care of my every need and just holding my hands when I was wracked with pain, the pain at seeing me suffer was also etched on her face.

I have now been home for three days and she has taken care of me , changing two dressings on my leg and daily and having to do all the needed WC care as well.

I made light of being cosseted in previous threads because some of our more "redneck:" or "macho" members were pouring scorn and sarcasm on people like me who had had the cowardice to let their wives take total control over their gutless lives.

Well it s with great humility and some pride that I can say again

"That I am very lucky to be one of the "cosseted" member of TV.

Of course I wouldn't have shared control with anyone unless I really did love and trust the person in the first place would I?

I do not take credit for selecting my wife but I do feel eternally lucky that Wan is the person she is.

She personifies all that is best in Thai womanhood and I am the one who is "privileged" by her marrying and taking care of me!

Just sayin!

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I'm just going through "My content" saw this thread.

And it seemed entirely appropriate at this time to add another comment.

My wife "Wan: is quietly sitting eating her breakfast as I write this post,

I am looking at her and thinking just how lucky I am.

I have now been home from a seven day stay in the hospital in Banglamung after an accident which left me with 5 broken bones in my leg and being a biggish lad and 70 years of age this has made any movement, even though I am very ft for may age hard work.

MY wife has been there every day at the hospital, taking care of my every need and just holding my hands when I was wracked with pain, the pain at seeing me suffer was also etched on her face.

I have now been home for three days and she has taken care of me , changing two dressings on my leg and daily and having to do all the needed WC care as well.

I made light of being cosseted in previous threads because some of our more "redneck:" or "macho" members were pouring scorn and sarcasm on people like me who had had the cowardice to let their wives take total control over their gutless lives.

Well it s with great humility and some pride that I can say again

"That I am very lucky to be one of the "cosseted" member of TV.

Of course I wouldn't have shared control with anyone unless I really did love and trust the person in the first place would I?

I do not take credit for selecting my wife but I do feel eternally lucky that Wan is the person she is.

She personifies all that is best in Thai womanhood and I am the one who is "privileged" by her marrying and taking care of me!

Just sayin!

i tooooo am one of those "privileged" 28yrs.mine has looked after me,and over 3yrs.our beloved,if you dont believe me come and ask him.

love me love my dog.

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