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US Charge d'affaires summoned in protest of its top diplomat's statement

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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

...and too many other countries just stand around with the fingers up they noses (maybe that's another orifice) doing nothing to stand up for what's right. The US isn't perfect, no country is, but at least we try to defend people who are oppressed; often with the blood of our young people. And I am very proud of my country for going after terrorists wherever they are in the world. What does your country do?

What utter rubbish (ooops sorry Garbage) My country the UK does exactly the same as the US. It funds terrorism for its own ends. CIA training camps in Afganistan. Funding ISIS in the war on Syria. Global terroists partners all over the Middle East including Saudi. Not to mention being behind the overthrow of some 50 governments since 1945 many of them democracies. The difference is The UK were and still are proud imperialists. The US denies they are. The government is bought and and paid for long before any vote is cast. Is that democracy to you. Thailand want people who buy votes out of politics and hope they succeed. I think were going off topic here a little because this is not about bashing Thailand nor the US. Its about people waking up and see the true facts as opposed to what they are told. The US if they were honest is about spreading there own form of democracy in there own national interest. Its nothing about freeing the oppressed. They have been giving there own form of oppession out to South America for years. Its the double standards when preaching to other countries like Thailand. And before you mention at least we are not like China. Thats true. But its corporate America that funded China having its iphones and such made there. Ironic that China own a large portion of the US debt.
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The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

The position expressed by the US representative was no different than that of any other western country. Are you going to accuse the EU and governments of Norway and Sweden of sticking their noses in other countries affairs?

How is the (now former) Sweden foreign minister Carl Bildt's statement different from the US statement? "I urge an immediate return to civilian government in Thailand, a restoration of democracy, and respect for human rights and freedoms."


The Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt stated that " It is of course unacceptable for all military takeovers, especially given that this has happened before." He also called for a return to civilian rule and respect for democratic order.

Are you also calling for the expulsion of the Swedish Ambassador?

The US position has not been very tough and is a lot kinder than that of the EU which spoke on behalf of its member nations. Do you recall what the EU did?

Following a meeting of EU finance ministers, the 28-nation bloc said it was halting the signing of a partnership and cooperation accord with Bangkok “until a democratically elected government is in place”. Expressing the EU’s “extreme concern” at developments in Thailand, the ministers said in a statement that the military should restore “as a matter of urgency, the legitimate democratic process and the constitution, through credible and inclusive elections”.They should also free all political detainees and respect human rights and freedoms, they said.

What now? The expulsion of all EU member ambassadors?

This isn't a position exclusive to the USA.

GeriatricKid -- Posters like Bim cannot be helped. After they buy into "Thainess" and finally go full retard, their opinions should be ignored. Just like the bar girl they rode in on.

Thailand needs the USA and the EU in so many way's its ridiculous. Our current benevolent leader General P. is trying to make a name for himself.

Bit below the belt. My wife is a middle class Thai with dual UK citizenship and never been a bar girl. Sorry. Its not about buying into Thainess and of course not all is perfect here but I would rather live here than in a Police State such as the UK who parade as democtratic. I am praying the Army sorts this mess out and returns democracy to Thailand quick. But one where votes cannot be bought like the corporate sponsers of western governments who should walk around with all the sponor logos that paid for them. Whether you like it or not the country is much more peaceful than 12 months ago.
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Whether you like it or not the country is much more peaceful than 12 months ago.

Hard to argue with that. It's a bit of a "catch 22". No doubt the junta needs time to sort things out. You can't change the entire system in a few months. It takes years. Heck, a lifetime. I'm still holding out hope, but they've got to deliver. Some things they are doing very well. Get the police sorted out and I'm sure they could lift martial law.

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I am an American citizen and have worked in the International arena for the past 15+ years.

Regularly I see American Govt top officials ignoring and/or ignorant on the sovergnity or cultural ways of foreign countries, this being an example of Washington being "out-of-touch".

What seams to work in the US isn't always applicable overseas on foreign soil.

US officials need to learn to stop trying to being "GOD" or do what I say and not what I do. The US has a lot of dysfunctional issues that they need to address at home on US soil. This arrogance also has given the US it's reputation of "ugly American's".

Summary - Thailand should continue to address it's own concerns, issue by issue. And overall wipe-out condoning "corruption". Examples should be made by top Govt, Business, Thai Police & Military officials. They should be fired, be made to pay back what was taken, be fined, and possibly do jail time (and not at a resort community).

Thailand has so much to offer itself and the world economies but have been in a negative spotlight since 2005/06 with the start of the various military coupes.

The current military controlled Govt has started to clean-house but need to continue across the board and through-out the country.

Instead of making insulting statements in the media, the US should work to be silent supportive partners to offer suggestions to help stabilize Thailand.

Flight Attendent?


Try to forgive US Assistant of State for Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russell as he forgot for a moment that he was speaking freely in Military Dictatorship which has no use for free speech or expressions of disapproval...


this means that they are angry because the diplomat saw a cigar and called it a cigar? bizarre

the diplomat saw something that might give the impression it could be a cigar.

But of course, unlike him, you have no doubts.


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

coffee1.gif The USA should keep their military and foreign aid home. Let other countries eat cakeclap2.gifwai2.gif


In global democracy and freedom of speech any country can say what they want about another country. It is not mingling in internal affairs, it is voicing opinion.

If you don't like it go live on the moon.

Awesome post! Actually there are a bunch of TV that do.


Whether you like it or not the country is much more peaceful than 12 months ago.

Hard to argue with that. It's a bit of a "catch 22". No doubt the junta needs time to sort things out. You can't change the entire system in a few months. It takes years. Heck, a lifetime. I'm still holding out hope, but they've got to deliver. Some things they are doing very well. Get the police sorted out and I'm sure they could lift martial law.

Problem being that there has been many juntas over the years of Thailand's existence and with all that time and experience what couple hundred years or so they still havent figured its out....

Now how's that working out for ya?


"He said he even asked the US diplomat who should be held responsible if martial law is lifted and political unrest returns to the country." Unrest already exists, which is why the junta finds martial law "necessary" in the first place. They rely on the threat of force to keep the "peace."

Back to the US and its relationship with Thailand...

Many have correctly stated that the US cares more about its economic interests and strategic position in the region than it does about democratic principles. Here is a likely scenario, based on history...

If the US feels the junta leader is a loose cannon, who is not rational or pragmatic, and Thailand is getting too friendly with the likes of China and N. Korea, then it wouldn't be out of character for the US to "interfere," which would not bode well for the good general and his buddies. Of course, direct military intervention would be out of the question. Intervention would likely be more covert, such as funding and supporting a popular opposition seen as more pragmatic. It has been done numerous times throughout history, so a word to the wise. The US is a warrior state, with more wars in its brief history than any other nation on the planet. They are not intimidated by puny despots.


The PM etal, has opened yet another can of worms & soon enough the US will decide to

ignore this, ( Thailand ), fair weather friend and make arrangements with other less stubborn/arrogant/insulting nations to spend the billions of US tax payer dollars with. Maybe then, too late as usual, the Thai Foreign Ministry "diplomats" will learn to say " incredible" or interesting" instead of " you don't understand " !


It's time for the US to do something more to punish Thailand's military for the recent coup. Pull out of the military exercises with Thailand in cobra gold. With China causing waves in the south china sea a much better strategy for the US in SEA is t hold cobra gold in the Phillipines. Another measure is to invest more interest in neighboring countries that have moved towards democracy such as Myanmar and offer loans and assistance to them instead of Thailand.


Yinluck didn't have any control of the situation dealing with the Dem party demontrations. The Government was without a real leader, and powerless, Prayut did what was needed to avoid caos and more violence. It is in control and with good intentions. and he knows that needs to keep Thailand neutral en times of new Cold War. Yinluck was ready to let the US to set military bases here, and that was wrong. Asia needs China and Russia support in case of any internal problem.....We already know what happens when the US intervene militarely to "help". Thailand do not need the US in its affairs.

The Philippines, Japan and Australia do not have choice, and will have to fight with the US in case of a new World War....in process....

Prayut is keeping Thailand in peace..and I wants to believe that most ASEAN countries will follow his intentions.

Well done!

You do realise that at a bare minimum the Thai armed forces are using USA or NATO compatible and provided guns and ammo.

At least they need the USA to provide spares so they can shoot and oppress the people.


Bim, I don't think that you're making sense. You wrote "I would rather live here than in a Police State such as the UK"???

Firstly, no part of the UK is a police state. This is your feeling and it is incorrect on so many levels.

Secondly, Thailand is in fact under the control of the ARMY. This is reality.

I'd rather see protesters exercise their rights in the streets every day rather than watch the ARMY step on my neck. The ARMY is a tool to protect Thailand against foreign threats, let's not forget that.

Enjoy you peace, watch your wife's freedoms erode and just wait. In due time, the corruption this dictatorship is involved in will soon present itself.

The ARMY jeeps you see driving around town aren't your friends. ARMY JEEPS!!!


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Didn't PM Prayuth yesterday assured everybody who can't escape listening that he doesn't care and that the relationship between the Junta and the US Government is good? Little White lies or fragile ego?

Relationship between Thailand and the USA is and always will be good.

But this man had no right to interfere into Thailand's politics.

Thailand does not interfere with the USA.

To take advantage of Thai hospitality and tolerance was a bad move on behalf of a representative of the USA.

I hope the PM will take notice and avoid any future, dubious visits from any country that pretends they care about democracy but in fact they only show their ignorance on Thailand's political situation.

You do understand how naive this makes you sound, right Costas?

Perhaps a few moments on your part reading a little post WW2 Thai history might help ...

For better or worse, the Thai military is only as powerful as it is now thanks to the US. Much of the basic infrastructure of this country was also built with US dollars (and much of the less pleasant side). The mess that this nation is in now is in a large part due to US cold war championing of the bad guys in the Thai military.

I know you see things in simple black and white and block out anything that might clash with the world as you see it, but the fact is the US has long been involved in Thai politics and the involvement by the general's totalitarian forebears was much welcomed. To now try and howl "don't interfere" is both dishonest and hypocritical.

Americans still living in the past......When your spouse cheat or "change"...you change spouse...or you will live with the good memories?

Countries have the same right.....The US WAS GOOD, even to countries that now are its enemies. A GOOD PAST do not means dependence for ever. The world changes.....and is not only Thailand following new ideas and supporters.

The US needs to "understand"..YES! The US is not anymore the world's leader. Share the power US! Confrontation and violence is not a solution!


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

The position expressed by the US representative was no different than that of any other western country. Are you going to accuse the EU and governments of Norway and Sweden of sticking their noses in other countries affairs?

How is the (now former) Sweden foreign minister Carl Bildt's statement different from the US statement? "I urge an immediate return to civilian government in Thailand, a restoration of democracy, and respect for human rights and freedoms."


The Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt stated that " It is of course unacceptable for all military takeovers, especially given that this has happened before." He also called for a return to civilian rule and respect for democratic order.

Are you also calling for the expulsion of the Swedish Ambassador?

The US position has not been very tough and is a lot kinder than that of the EU which spoke on behalf of its member nations. Do you recall what the EU did?

Following a meeting of EU finance ministers, the 28-nation bloc said it was halting the signing of a partnership and cooperation accord with Bangkok “until a democratically elected government is in place”. Expressing the EU’s “extreme concern” at developments in Thailand, the ministers said in a statement that the military should restore “as a matter of urgency, the legitimate democratic process and the constitution, through credible and inclusive elections”.They should also free all political detainees and respect human rights and freedoms, they said.

What now? The expulsion of all EU member ambassadors?

This isn't a position exclusive to the USA.

GeriatricKid -- Posters like Bim cannot be helped. After they buy into "Thainess" and finally go full retard, their opinions should be ignored. Just like the bar girl they rode in on.

Thailand needs the USA and the EU in so many way's its ridiculous. Our current benevolent leader General P. is trying to make a name for himself.

Bit below the belt. My wife is a middle class Thai with dual UK citizenship and never been a bar girl. Sorry. Its not about buying into Thainess and of course not all is perfect here but I would rather live here than in a Police State such as the UK who parade as democtratic. I am praying the Army sorts this mess out and returns democracy to Thailand quick. But one where votes cannot be bought like the corporate sponsers of western governments who should walk around with all the sponor logos that paid for them. Whether you like it or not the country is much more peaceful than 12 months ago.

Bim- What makes you think UK is a Police state? Maybe I have missed it.


Didn't PM Prayuth yesterday assured everybody who can't escape listening that he doesn't care and that the relationship between the Junta and the US Government is good? Little White lies or fragile ego?

Relationship between Thailand and the USA is and always will be good.

But this man had no right to interfere into Thailand's politics.

Thailand does not interfere with the USA.

To take advantage of Thai hospitality and tolerance was a bad move on behalf of a representative of the USA.

I hope the PM will take notice and avoid any future, dubious visits from any country that pretends they care about democracy but in fact they only show their ignorance on Thailand's political situation.

Where were you in 1967 Costas when the Generals took over by force?. They were in power for 7 years before democracy was restored. Plenty of Countries criticised that coup particularly as it occurred in Greece where the idea of modern democracy was born. Did you hail the military takeover there as much as you are hailing the coup in in Thailand? Perhaps you were too young to remember, what did your parents think at the time?

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Bim, I don't think that you're making sense. You wrote "I would rather live here than in a Police State such as the UK"???

Firstly, no part of the UK is a police state. This is your feeling and it is incorrect on so many levels.

Secondly, Thailand is in fact under the control of the ARMY. This is reality.

I'd rather see protesters exercise their rights in the streets every day rather than watch the ARMY step on my neck. The ARMY is a tool to protect Thailand against foreign threats, let's not forget that.

Enjoy you peace, watch your wife's freedoms erode and just wait. In due time, the corruption this dictatorship is involved in will soon present itself.

The ARMY jeeps you see driving around town aren't your friends. ARMY JEEPS!!!

Then allow me to elaborate. Try demonstrating in London without Police consent and see how far that gets you or reading out the names of the War dead at the Cenotaph which will land in you jail. The UK has the highest concentration of CCTV cameras of anywhere in the world and a Government that can openly spy on your email and phone calls. I have witnessed many times tourists in London harrassed and pictures deleted on there phones or cameras. I too was a victim on Euston Station taking a photo of my son whilst seeing him of on the train an event that reminded me of a visit I made to East Germany many years before and the same thing happened. Now where I live the Thai Army did indeed visit last week and where very pleasant and not one had a gun. I hope they live up to there promise of removing corruption from Thailand. No one has mentioned here that at every election my wife votes in there are party officails paying people to vote for them. That is what has to go. The UK just use fear lies and pander to prejudice for your vote. Unlike the intimidating Police at Heathrow with guns my experience landing in Bangkok could not have been more different. Since the 1911 Parliament Act the UK has been tiptoeing towards a Police State and only now is it in Full Gallop. You must walk around with blinkers on. And they are welcome to the prison they are now building because once the these laws are in place they will be near impossible to get rid of. Even the PSCOs walk around like little stassi. Ifor one will never go back.
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Bim- What a load of made crap. and someone who served their country and lost friends. Your comments about War Dead i find offensive. And have nothing to do with this topic.

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Doesn't stirring up some good old "Yankee Go Home-ism" provide some political capital / diversion from INTERNAL pressures for the current Thai government?

Something to consider in viewing this little show.

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General first said "will have elections soon". General then later said: " need more time to "stabilize" the country and bring about reforms". Uh huh. And those reforms are what. the ones that he wants? Oh it is sad to see such things in this modern age


Americans still living in the past......When your spouse cheat or "change"...you change spouse...or you will live with the good memories?

Countries have the same right.....The US WAS GOOD, even to countries that now are its enemies. A GOOD PAST do not means dependence for ever. The world changes.....and is not only Thailand following new ideas and supporters.

The US needs to "understand"..YES! The US is not anymore the world's leader. Share the power US! Confrontation and violence is not a solution!

Where was there any mention of violence by the US with regards to Thailand? The US fully understands what's going on here. Better than almost all of us here. If they are not the world leader anymore, than who is?


Bim, I don't think that you're making sense. You wrote "I would rather live here than in a Police State such as the UK"???

Firstly, no part of the UK is a police state. This is your feeling and it is incorrect on so many levels.

Secondly, Thailand is in fact under the control of the ARMY. This is reality.

I'd rather see protesters exercise their rights in the streets every day rather than watch the ARMY step on my neck. The ARMY is a tool to protect Thailand against foreign threats, let's not forget that.

Enjoy you peace, watch your wife's freedoms erode and just wait. In due time, the corruption this dictatorship is involved in will soon present itself.

The ARMY jeeps you see driving around town aren't your friends. ARMY JEEPS!!!

Then allow me to elaborate. Try demonstrating in London without Police consent and see how far that gets you or reading out the names of the War dead at the Cenotaph which will land in you jail. The UK has the highest concentration of CCTV cameras of anywhere in the world and a Government that can openly spy on your email and phone calls. I have witnessed many times tourists in London harrassed and pictures deleted on there phones or cameras. I too was a victim on Euston Station taking a photo of my son whilst seeing him of on the train an event that reminded me of a visit I made to East Germany many years before and the same thing happened. Now where I live the Thai Army did indeed visit last week and where very pleasant and not one had a gun. I hope they live up to there promise of removing corruption from Thailand. No one has mentioned here that at every election my wife votes in there are party officails paying people to vote for them. That is what has to go. The UK just use fear lies and pander to prejudice for your vote. Unlike the intimidating Police at Heathrow with guns my experience landing in Bangkok could not have been more different. Since the 1911 Parliament Act the UK has been tiptoeing towards a Police State and only now is it in Full Gallop. You must walk around with blinkers on. And they are welcome to the prison they are now building because once the these laws are in place they will be near impossible to get rid of. Even the PSCOs walk around like little stassi. Ifor one will never go back.

You think the government here doesn't spy on your email and phone calls? 5555 Or that tourists here are not harassed by the police? 55555


Bim, I don't think that you're making sense. You wrote "I would rather live here than in a Police State such as the UK"???

Firstly, no part of the UK is a police state. This is your feeling and it is incorrect on so many levels.

Secondly, Thailand is in fact under the control of the ARMY. This is reality.

I'd rather see protesters exercise their rights in the streets every day rather than watch the ARMY step on my neck. The ARMY is a tool to protect Thailand against foreign threats, let's not forget that.

Enjoy you peace, watch your wife's freedoms erode and just wait. In due time, the corruption this dictatorship is involved in will soon present itself.

The ARMY jeeps you see driving around town aren't your friends. ARMY JEEPS!!!

Then allow me to elaborate. Try demonstrating in London without Police consent and see how far that gets you or reading out the names of the War dead at the Cenotaph which will land in you jail. The UK has the highest concentration of CCTV cameras of anywhere in the world and a Government that can openly spy on your email and phone calls. I have witnessed many times tourists in London harrassed and pictures deleted on there phones or cameras. I too was a victim on Euston Station taking a photo of my son whilst seeing him of on the train an event that reminded me of a visit I made to East Germany many years before and the same thing happened. Now where I live the Thai Army did indeed visit last week and where very pleasant and not one had a gun. I hope they live up to there promise of removing corruption from Thailand. No one has mentioned here that at every election my wife votes in there are party officails paying people to vote for them. That is what has to go. The UK just use fear lies and pander to prejudice for your vote. Unlike the intimidating Police at Heathrow with guns my experience landing in Bangkok could not have been more different. Since the 1911 Parliament Act the UK has been tiptoeing towards a Police State and only now is it in Full Gallop. You must walk around with blinkers on. And they are welcome to the prison they are now building because once the these laws are in place they will be near impossible to get rid of. Even the PSCOs walk around like little stassi. Ifor one will never go back.

You think the government here doesn't spy on your email and phone calls? 5555 Or that tourists here are not harassed by the police? 55555

Im still trying to work out if Bim is a wind up merchant or not. Armed Police at Heathrow means UK is a Police State! lolcheesy.gif

  • Like 2

Bim, I don't think that you're making sense. You wrote "I would rather live here than in a Police State such as the UK"???

Firstly, no part of the UK is a police state. This is your feeling and it is incorrect on so many levels.

Secondly, Thailand is in fact under the control of the ARMY. This is reality.

I'd rather see protesters exercise their rights in the streets every day rather than watch the ARMY step on my neck. The ARMY is a tool to protect Thailand against foreign threats, let's not forget that.

Enjoy you peace, watch your wife's freedoms erode and just wait. In due time, the corruption this dictatorship is involved in will soon present itself.

The ARMY jeeps you see driving around town aren't your friends. ARMY JEEPS!!!

Then allow me to elaborate. Try demonstrating in London without Police consent and see how far that gets you or reading out the names of the War dead at the Cenotaph which will land in you jail. The UK has the highest concentration of CCTV cameras of anywhere in the world and a Government that can openly spy on your email and phone calls. I have witnessed many times tourists in London harrassed and pictures deleted on there phones or cameras. I too was a victim on Euston Station taking a photo of my son whilst seeing him of on the train an event that reminded me of a visit I made to East Germany many years before and the same thing happened. Now where I live the Thai Army did indeed visit last week and where very pleasant and not one had a gun. I hope they live up to there promise of removing corruption from Thailand. No one has mentioned here that at every election my wife votes in there are party officails paying people to vote for them. That is what has to go. The UK just use fear lies and pander to prejudice for your vote. Unlike the intimidating Police at Heathrow with guns my experience landing in Bangkok could not have been more different. Since the 1911 Parliament Act the UK has been tiptoeing towards a Police State and only now is it in Full Gallop. You must walk around with blinkers on. And they are welcome to the prison they are now building because once the these laws are in place they will be near impossible to get rid of. Even the PSCOs walk around like little stassi. Ifor one will never go back.


I'd love to read your thoughts regarding today's news from our leader??

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha stated today that martial law which has been eased for the past several months will now be strictly enforced in view of the overall political climate in the country.

In addition, he stated that individuals who have made public dissenting comments will be asked to report themselves.

Gen Prayut stated the reasons for calling in Surapong Tovichak-chaikun, the former Foreign Minister along with other leading figures from the Phue Thai Party for attitude adjustment during an interview held today.

The prime minister said he was forced to do so because of recent public dissenting comments which are inappropriate in light of the volatile political climate.

At the same time, he said the former minister for the Ministry of Energy, Pichai Niropthaphan, will also be asked to report himself for similar reasons.

Gen Prayut was furious, however, when asked to comment on report of an attempt to hold campaign to encourage the public to wear red shirts every Sunday.

He rebuked the question by angrily asking if such a proposal was considered appropriate.

Meanwhile Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan who is also the minister for the Ministry of Defense, also clarified the reason for calling in the aforementioned individuals for attitude adjustment.

He explained that they will be talked to and made to understand the government’s stand.

He asked that the people allow the government and the National Council for Peace and Order time to do its job in accordance with the roadmap that has been laid out.


The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

I'm glad they do, most of the free world owe them a bebt for the loss of so many of their sons (& daughters).


I am an American citizen and have worked in the International arena for the past 15+ years.

Regularly I see American Govt top officials ignoring and/or ignorant on the sovergnity or cultural ways of foreign countries, this being an example of Washington being "out-of-touch".

What seams to work in the US isn't always applicable overseas on foreign soil.

US officials need to learn to stop trying to being "GOD" or do what I say and not what I do. The US has a lot of dysfunctional issues that they need to address at home on US soil. This arrogance also has given the US it's reputation of "ugly American's".

Summary - Thailand should continue to address it's own concerns, issue by issue. And overall wipe-out condoning "corruption". Examples should be made by top Govt, Business, Thai Police & Military officials. They should be fired, be made to pay back what was taken, be fined, and possibly do jail time (and not at a resort community).

Thailand has so much to offer itself and the world economies but have been in a negative spotlight since 2005/06 with the start of the various military coupes.

The current military controlled Govt has started to clean-house but need to continue across the board and through-out the country.

Instead of making insulting statements in the media, the US should work to be silent supportive partners to offer suggestions to help stabilize Thailand.

Flight Attendent?

Stewardesses on American airlines (i.e. American, United,...) are the worst and why I intentionally fly it's Asian code share (i.e. ANA, Korean Air, or Emirates). There these stewards are polite, respectful, and have an attitude of pleasing the customer.

Numerous occasions on United Airline flights, I pushed the button for service and no answer. Then I went to the area where they were at and asked for a pop. A steward said "they were on break and would assist me when done".

After paying approx. $7K for a Business Class ticket, I changed my primary airlines - my way of positive reinforcement (their pocket books).

  • 1 month later...

Hey Bim! Check out the most recent statement regarding your beloved General:


Thai junta chief threatens to hold onto power


BANGKOK: -- Thailand's junta chief warned detractors Wednesday that he would hold onto power indefinitely if they continued to oppose his plans for the kingdom in a heated press briefing ahead of an overseas trip.

Prayut Chan-O-Cha, who was appointed as prime minister a few months after seizing power in a coup last May, appeared irritated when he met reporters shortly before flying to Brunei, frequently raising his voice and shaking his head.

"If the situation remains like this I can tell you that I will hold on to power for a long time," he said after denouncing those who criticise the country's lack of democratic progress.

"Why is there all this fuss about elections?" he also asked. "(If there's no election) will anyone die?"

The former army chief imposed martial law two days before the military takeover that followed the ousting of Yingluck Shinawatra's democratically elected government after months of often violent street protests.

He has vowed to return power to an elected civilian government but only once reforms to tackle corruption and curb the power of political parties are codified in a new constitution.

Rights groups say basic freedoms have fallen off a cliff since the military took over with political gatherings banned, the press muzzled and tough lese majeste legislation increasingly used to stifle political opposition.

Prayut, a blunt-speaking career army man, has little time for such criticisms.

While he often jokes with his press pack he also gets irritated when reporters push him for answers during daily briefings.

"I want to tell all of you that I am not discouraged but I am getting more angry. I am a fighter. So don't say anything to discourage me," he said during Wednesday's press meeting.

Earlier this month the Thai Journalists Association criticised Prayut for saying he wanted to punch a reporter "in the face" when he was pressed on his government's results.

In December he was also filmed throwing a banana skin at a camera man, though that incident caused more merriment than concern.

His off the cuff remarks often spark a mixture of surprise and derision.

This week he was lampooned online -- and even in some sections of the mainstream media -- for insisting Thailand under martial law was still a "99.99 percent" democracy.

In October he also apologised after suggesting pretty tourists in bikinis could be more vulnerable to attack following the murder of a young British couple on a resort island -- a remark that caused international anger.

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