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US statement 'wounded' Thailand, Deputy Foreign Minister says

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The pro Junte will soon rejoice for one more reason : they won't have to read opinions from foreign countries or people who doesn t like the Dear commandante : soon internet will be purged of all those wounders to only leave the good old Prayut alone

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Just as the USA mix with the undemocratic barbaric Saudi dictatorship. hypocrites! ignore the 250'year old childish nation.

Absolutely right, couldn't agree more, ignore...and while your at it, pay back the foreign aid.

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The truth 'Wounds' most Thai's in influential positions. They are used to doing whatever they want without question or repercussions of any sort.

Basically; they don't like it 'up them' when anyone from the outside tries to challenge their massive ego's. To them 'Planet Thailand' is perfect in every way.

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"It is very disappointing and we regard it as interfering with Thailand's domestic political affairs," the deputy minister said.

​XENOPHOBIA in its purest form...Once again, Thailand's repose simply adds the way the international community is starting to see Thailand for what it is..corrupt, money buys freedom.

its easy to shout wake up Thailand.....this attitude is tattooed within their DNA.

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Daniel Russel is a diplomatic novice and doesn't have clue as to what he did. He needs to be recalled by the US. He has no real diplomatic experience, and was only a staffer before being appointed by Obama in July 2013. Enough - get rid of him.

His message may be that which was given to him by Washington.

I am not privy to diplomatic communications or intrigues between the US Department of State and the White House.

I don't know if he is aware or not as it pertains to "what he did".. I don't know him and have never asked.

His recall is not within my authority and I have so little "inside" information, it would be presumptuous to profess to know otherwise.

What constitutes experience varies. Again, I don't know him, his education, his superiors tat guide him nor the mentors he may have learned from. Not being in the diplomatic circle, my knowledge is limited to what I read, which is often sparse, inaccurate and vague.

Then again, I am not in charge and my knowledge is limited in these matters.

As for the credibility of having "real diplomatic experience", Neville Chamberlain had many years of diplomatic experience. His dealings with a certain mustachioed creature makes Mr. Russel's delivery of this message seem insignificant.


Another example of dinosaurs that have been sitting in army offices all their working lives....where no-one is allowed to question or remark to any of their decisions.....but are permitted to kowtow to them all day.......now the world openly questions and makes statements in the negative.

What exactly do they expect?

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And if Thais start being against the USA, Americans will be very surprised..........

What have we done to them to be against us?blink.png

So are you saying that the U.S should get on thier knees and bow and kiss the feet of glorious leader prayuth?

Yes he is.


The US suspended $4.7 million in security-related aid to Thailand, roughly half of its annual assistance to the kingdom, following the coup.

Why does Thailand need this in the first place?

They are perfectly at liberty to turn it down. It is not Thailand doing America the favour by accepting their freebies, you know..

You know, it is actually. The other would be 100% from China, and the US would not like that. Nor would I.

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My country, The United States, is a Republic that spends a huge amount of money and lives "bringing Democracy" to countries all over the world ( if they want it or not ).

The can not be seen supporting any country, including Thailand, who has strayed from the democratic process.

Thailand will have elections or keep getting closer to China and North Korea. It is their choice.

They can not have it both ways.

The USA has done a lot for the Thai military and infrastructure since Vietnam.

Maybe the new government thinks it is time to snuggle up to some different buddies?

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As a long term expat living the relatively quiet life here must agree with the Deputy ministers comments

and feel wounded ? yes for all Thai national and also for the hundreds of thousands of other foreign nationals who for now fault on their own found this wonderful country been torn apart with the terrible bad feeling, being handed out by bad press, slanging matches by many people where fanatical thugs run riot on the streets many unnecessary deaths,

now these recent comments passes by an American diplomat who was in essence making what was reported as a protest with reference to a political person being removed from office was termed as "politically motivated"

lets now be honest the present leaders of this nation are really in the forefront of the movement to bring Thailand back from the brink of a terrible "abyss" and they need and should have our 100% full support we trust that they are aware of this as a fact and lets hope with our support they manage to keep Thailand rising fore ever up wards and away from such a serious confrontational 'Abyss " seen in so many countries around the world even now

let us tell all these people to deal with all the negative problems in their own countries and leave our sovereign nation to Deal squarely with what is a internal problem and to be blunt and tell them "mind your own Business "

Er, Mr Vegetariantutor:

Been eating a lot of veggies lately, have you?

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The U.S. really needs to stop this great hypocrisy criticizing Thailand for a lack of democracy while at the same time fully supporting and even praising Saudi Arabia where women cannot even drive. In fact this strong recent support should be further questioned when we are being told that the reason the American oil industry is in trouble is because of Saudi Arabia trying to wipe out U.S. drilling by lowering the price. Interestingly, many believe the lower price is simply market manipulation in an effort to punish Russia and Iran. The recent praising of Saudi Arabia would almost make one believe the latter.

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As an American with the love for Thailand this is embarrassing and insulting to Thai's and/or any foreign Govt.

Usually speeches at Intl forums are reviewed for "political appropriate comments" and shared with EMBASSY for their review for political correctness and comments.

US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel should be consoled on his inappropriate comments and restricted to prevent similar actions, regardless of country.

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One should clean first in front of his own door, so much concerning the Americans.

Of course it is politically driven, since PM is a politcal job, is it?

The facts were clear, good that even a PM cannot get away clean.

If a manager of a private company is setting that much money in the sand, the guy is sacked

and if he was wrong doing he will be held accountable, these are common lawa, or I am wrong?

Congratulations to the Thais that they had the guts to sack Yingluck. I feel sorry for her

because obviously she was not intelligent enough for the job, but that in itself is no excuse, is it?

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Its there countrylet them run it how they see fit .I wish my government would quit trying to change the world . It cant even fix itself .

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I declare that if I had just landed from Mars I would be thinking this country is now being run by a group of spoilt children.

Summoning officials to early morning meetings over a reasonable statement by a US official is merely going to demonstrate the complete lack of diplomatic understanding by this countries current leaders regarding the protocol that should exist between civilised nations.

Agreed. But having done five years myself in uniform, it doesn't surprise me. Senior officials simply don't consider dissent. That's why military governments ultimately fail.

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He implied during an address at Chulalongkorn University that the impeachment of Yingluck was "politically driven".

What on earth caused him to come up with a crazy idea like that?

Those who are "wounded" need to grow some balls and a stiff upper lip...

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the chineese thai run thailand, soon the thais the laotions that is will realize how much thailand future is gonna be china owned, thats just my opinon.

soon most of the relstate bubble is gonna burst , whos gonna buy, the same folks that just bought the waldorf historian hotel in new york usa= the chinesse.

once that land rail train gets put in and asean gets rolling thailand will see were the socialist in charge behind the scenes have divided up the peices leased out what they dont own back to you wonderful red n brown shirters.

thailand should start a new campaign in its country= free speech, leave the happiness crap to its own devise.

one can only hope that next 3 day tour from april 14th to the 17th of all them chinese coming for new years thai style saves the day america ruined wai2.gif


I think that actions of the current military government are improving Thailand.

The US seems to be supporting the complacency with corruption of the previous government. Could the US be involved in proliferating and supporting corruption throughout Thailand?

If the lawyer of YL gets an invitation for attitude adjustment,because he said YL's impeachment was not right,then there is something wrong in Thailand,and the USA. has all right to say something

I agree with what you say but didn't the lawyer make an unsubtle comment about "amnesty for Yingluck or no reconciliation"?

Whatever the outcomes of the corrupt Thaksin government, followed by an illegal coup, followed by a period of 'reforms" Thailand can not go back to allowing a government, any government, that operates by threats, coercion, intimidation and open attacks and murders. Regardless of what party they claim to be.

The transition from feudal hierarchy controlled by factions drawn from a very wealthy unprincipled elite, and that includes the Shin clan, to a democracy is not simply achieved by holding an election. The same boys and girls playing the same game of musical chairs won't achieve diddly squat. Rather the criticize perhaps the American was trying to gather more information so a constructive suggestions can be made.

His words very clear using "impressions" and "could be" rather than accusing.

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Ask yourself: If the US believed the junta had the country unswervingly on the path to a democratic state with full individual and group rights, open elections, rule of civilian law, etc. as advertised, would those particular actions have been taken and comments made? In the absence of a forthcoming high-level apology or retraction, I think the answer is obvious.


Self opinionated Americans once again thinking they know everything there is to know about everything. They should confine their comments to there own domestic situation.

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And if Thais start being against the USA, Americans will be very surprised..........

What have we done to them to be against us?blink.png


I'm sure they will lose sleep over some xenophobic, clueless, superstitious, Tin Pot autocrat.


And your statement is misleading: Perhaps some wannabe "Generals", but not Thais in general.

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