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Now, NLA panel to summon US envoy

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it is also worth mentioning that the current effort by all concerned seems like a genuine effort to produce a solid base for a future sustainable democracy in the not to distant future.

What total rubbish. This isn't about democracy and never was. The same clowns will be standing for election if and when!

Let's not forget, that since 1932 the military has been in charge, of Thailand, longer than any political party, and so far their record is failure after failure after failure. They even changed the "constitution" to give themselves more power, when an elected government tried to remove their power, guess what ANOTHER coup. Democracy.... bullshit.

Well, Thai Politics for Thai People don't you think?

Doesn't matter about the history of Thai politics. It has nothing to do with another country. America, where coloureds only got the vote 50 years ago! You have to wonder if America was really ready for a Black President? Besides American democracy is not Democracy, it is about puppet governments favourable to America rather than Russia and China!

Colonial power by any other name, or means!

I'm confused. I cant see the link between the coloureds of the U.S getting voting rights and the U.S Envoy being summoned before the Thai military. Has the Thai Junta taken offence to African Americans getting the vote?

the link is democracy, Passed by Congress February 26, 1869, and ratified February 3, 1870, the 15th amendment granted African American men the right to vote. But not actually able to fully exercise that right till the mid/late 1960's!

So who has a right to talk about democracy to another country? Not America. What about if America was really ready for a black President? IMO Not.

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I was thinking, the mod on the other thread was right. We DO need Thai visa to be here next week, and all the weeks to follow.

We should ALL really tone it down, and be a bit more subtle about expressing our opinions at this time. This is more serious than other events like this earlier in the decade. I'm gonna be a lot more subtle after today, and - thinking about it and worried - we should all tone it down. I apologize for the moments I haven't, and I'll knock it off myself.

We get it enough now to hold on, right?

We actually dont NEED Thaivisa or any website we did without before and the world didnt end but it is very useful and informative. Lets remember TV is a commercial business and especially the news topics are chosen and posted by TV, it may perhaps be a good idea if TV were a little more.... careful and sensible with some topics they run that maybe are better left either out or if informative just better being posted and locked down.

Alternatively you could just stay within the rules and continue speaking as freely as you wish within those parameters.

There are many ways to make a point or phrase a view and still be understood by most .

If your getting the feeling of concern and nervousness from those ( thai ) around you thats because your tuned in, concern is there this time around and topics that show in print reactions like this one by the NLA are a very good indication as to why.


No embassy has to come in front of some NLA that appointed them-self and they can normally only be summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affair or the PM.

Don't those people have no idea how diplomatic protocol works. What certain Western governments are currently doing has been done in the past in Myanmar.

May I quote you? "No idea..."

Pretty much sums it up in my eyes. Though, I may be called before the "committee" for re-education. Completely sad for a nation that has so much going for it. Save for its govts.


Brilliant! Their embarrassing behaviour is distancing themselves further from your average Thai. With a continuation of their bullying, childish attitude their only supporters will be the TVF yellow cheer-leading team.

This government junta & the people that support them are a disgrace.

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I really hope the world laughs at these idiots.

This is the image Thailand wants in the world, they can have it. I hope the embassies keep goading them.

This is a very childish and pitiful effort to justify their undemocratic behaviour.

What is Democracy ?????????? Ahh I know, we get to vote every 4 to 5 years for a bunch of people who in the main, have never worked in their lives.

OK maybe that's not quite fair but in the UK the politicians go to University, study politics then do very little in proper jobs.

The US is a little different in that the politicians are very often business people trying to make more money. The Democratic Americans are allow to vote and

then politicians do what they like to protect their own interests.

And please don't tell me that Thailand is totally corrupt and the West is squeaky clean. HOW MANY of our DEMOCRATIC Governments have jailed the

totally corrupt BANKERS and finance companies that have ruined so many lives over the past 20 years??????????

When the Banks are found guilty of fraud they are fined, then WE the customers end up paying the fine through charges and then the next scam.


This junta isnt competent, any more than the last lot, but at least the last lot wasn't picking too many major international fights with very serious geo-political issues.

Major international fight? Nah. Handbags at dawn more like.

No surprise though that some people are taking this silly spat that I predict will be forgotten about in no time, and surmising from it, that of all of the colossal and monumental screw ups that the last administration brought us, this one minor diplomatic tiff brought to us by the current administration (with plenty of help from the Americans), supersedes it all.

Yeah right.. but of course, this was always coming... the junta was always bound to make some mistakes along the way, and the moment it did, the chorus of, 'well at least this didn't happen when Yingy was in charge', from certain people, was inevitable. They've been on standby beside their keyboards waiting for just this moment. The moment when finally, thank god, they can take a well earnt break from having to defend the no-leg-to-stand-on, indefensible stuff perpetrated by the last lot, and switch to attacking the current lot.


Guess there will a lot more foreigners summoned to explain. The Junta has no one to blame but themselves for the world turning their backs on them. They do have a small handful of expats tho who will lend a shoulder to cry on.

Thailand downgraded by US rights group

BANGKOK: -- Thailand again was placed by a US-based international rights watchdog, Freedom House, among the 51 countries and territories designated as "Not Free" on the condition of political rights and civil liberties.

It is the first time since 2007 that Thailand has been downgraded as “Not Free” when the country was under the administration of a military-appointed government that followed the 2006 coup.

Freedom House is linked to Robert Amsterdam and therefore Thaksin. It is not an independent group. It represents the interests of those who have power. Freedom House has indirectly funded the red terrorists who tried to defend the Thaksin dictatorship by attacking the voices that were being raised against Thaksin's proxy. Further Freedom House is a subsidary of the National Endowment for Democracy: A notorious right-wing organisation whose directors include many people who have a vested interest in creating turmoil/war in different parts of the world. Closely linked to the military/industrial complex that has dictated American imperialism for so long. These clowns are Thaksin's biggest international supporters and are extremely dangerous.

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"...which is perceived as interference in Thailand's internal affairs."

You have to be a very insignificant country if America is not interfering in your internal affairs, in the UK we have a general election coming up in 3 months and no doubt there will be American interference and indirect funding of certain factions.

Glade someone has the balls to tell the Yanks to FO and keep their nose out.


This junta isnt competent, any more than the last lot, but at least the last lot wasn't picking too many major international fights with very serious geo-political issues.

Major international fight? Nah. Handbags at dawn more like.

No surprise though that some people are taking this silly spat that I predict will be forgotten about in no time, and surmising from it, that of all of the colossal and monumental screw ups that the last administration brought us, this one minor diplomatic tiff brought to us by the current administration (with plenty of help from the Americans), supersedes it all.

Yeah right.. but of course, this was always coming... the junta was always bound to make some mistakes along the way, and the moment it did, the chorus of, 'well at least this didn't happen when Yingy was in charge', from certain people, was inevitable. They've been on standby beside their keyboards waiting for just this moment. The moment when finally, thank god, they can take a well earnt break from having to defend the no-leg-to-stand-on, indefensible stuff perpetrated by the last lot, and switch to attacking the current lot.

No, what's really odd is that anyone who criticizes this Junta is immediately pounced upon as being a Thaksin-loving Red-Shirt Supporting terrorist in the pay of a criminal fugitive. As if that is the only alternative to a Junta government.
I wouldn't jump on anyone who criticized the junta. Just those who do so and also suggest that in fact things were better before. That sort of a lie / delusion does mark you out... if of course you weren't already marked out by hundreds of prior posts on this forum over the years in strong support / sympathy of a certain side.

I wonder if a meeting between the US charge d'affaires and Bilaibhan Sampatisiri would play out like this:-

Meeting begins

Bilaibhan Sampatisiri - "Welcome, Sit down pees"

US charge d'affaires - "Why thank you M'am"

Bilaibhan Sampatisiri - "Why you country talk bad about Thai lan?"

US charge d'affaires - "The views expressed by our diplomats reflect the views of the US state department, they are not personal views"

Bilaibhan Sampatisiri - "But Thai lan, no same country you, Thai lan have good people take care country, you talk no good Thai lan."

US charge d'affaires - I can only repeat, the views of the US state department reflect the situation as we see it in Thailand.

Bilaibhan Sampatisiri - (picks up glass of water on table and smashes it on the ground) YOU NO UNDERSTAN THAI LAN, YOU BAD MAN, YOU GO NOW, THAI LAN NO NEED BAD PEOPLE, YOU BAD PEOPLE, FARANG, YOU GO HOME."

Meeting ends.

Really. Do you speak fluent Thai with no accent? Have you met this lady and therefore in a position to comment on her English language skills?

Or just taking the piss to belittle anything Thai.

Suppose you think the banned disgraced former PM is eloquent with a high command of the English language? After all she wrote her master's thesis in it.

Hey Mr. Baerboxer, you need to chill out a little and learn to love Mr. Obama et al. So many 'negative waves' so early in the morning. As for Khun Bilaibhan and her English language ability, I have no idea but I did see Dr. Pornchai Rujiprapa,Thailand's Minister of Information and Communication Technology interviewed on Channel News Asia last night and he could not speak a word of English. I suspect that reflects the whole group, did you ever hear Chan Ocha speak in English?

True Rami. But why should Thai politicians speak English in Thailand? Hard to really guess their individual ability. I met 2 Thai ambassadors (not to the UK). One spoke perfect English, the other so so. One ex government minister is a personal acquaintance for over 20 years. His English is very good and his wife even better.

Hard to judge but unkind to stereotype. In all fairness I've met Thais with very poor English skills who somehow obtained Masters in Aussie. So Yingy ain't the only one.

Remember, foreign language skills need constant practice too. They deteriorate if not practiced.

"Negative waves so early in the morning" - sounds like Oddball in Kelly's Heroes - magic smile.png

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for those that have access to it or can download it or I believe it is on youtube - this is a must see program called "bitter lake" it has some very revealing truths about our history these last 70 odd years, you might actually get a picture of why the world is in the (shit) it is in now, and guess who is responsible or should I say could have handled it better - you decide


The one thing that all right minded people and leaders encourage is FREEDOM OF SPEECH, I would add.

There is no country in the world has total freedom of speech and going forward the way things are evolving the semi freedom is going to be restricted more than it is now, the public and media in the US and Europe have regulations and they are governed by a set of rules enforced by the regulators and the courts, I wish you would stop posting this nonsense - go do a little research on the subject before connecting with that keyboard again


I think Mr Russell should have also talked about accountability, responsibility and transparency in a democratic society and that election is not the only thing making up democracy.

Obviously he was very biased. If USA keeps going like this and trying to dictate things to other countries without considering the history and situations, they may be giving more fire power to anti-American countries.


If the Junta had not made so much fuss, everybody would have quickly forgotten about it. By continuously complaining, they just publicise more this event and let more people know that the U.S. is not on their side. But they are too stupid to understand that.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being the leader of a country is a very very important role. There are 66 million people who rely on that person being of sound judgement and intelligence to do the job. It is not a role to be given over to negligent incompetents, and I think we would all agree that Yingluck is both.

Such as Thailand's piss poor form of democracy that allows idiots like this to be put into the top position in the first place, things need to be done to shield the nation from such absurd happenings.

Unfortunately the nation is so full of moronic individuals that the head moron would likely get voted back into power, because the Thais just don't get it. So things like impeachments are necessary to save the idiots from themselves.

But it is obvious Yingluck WAS negligent, and that negligence DID allow massive corruption to flourish, so that impeachment was 100% justified. Even if it WAS politically motivated, then that motivation is justified in itself for the above reasons.

This is maybe what the NLA should be explaining to the US rather than whinging like kids. If you think the US is wrong, then just explain it to them till they understand. Fortunately for the Yanks, their electorate is a bit better educated.... hang on..... Bush, Obama..... Maybe not.

Your last sentence says it all. I have viewed posts on TV where the British and Australians are sometime bewildered by actions of their respective present or former PM's just as we Americans do the same of our presidents. The difference is we don't take to the streets and get violent or let the military overthrow them, put in a puppet legislature and impeach them or jail them for incompetence or negligence. They finish their terms and fade into history. Heck, we all too often reelect them. The point is we let the democratic process take its course.

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Guess there will a lot more foreigners summoned to explain. The Junta has no one to blame but themselves for the world turning their backs on them. They do have a small handful of expats tho who will lend a shoulder to cry on.

Thailand downgraded by US rights group

BANGKOK: -- Thailand again was placed by a US-based international rights watchdog, Freedom House, among the 51 countries and territories designated as "Not Free" on the condition of political rights and civil liberties.

It is the first time since 2007 that Thailand has been downgraded as “Not Free” when the country was under the administration of a military-appointed government that followed the 2006 coup.

Freedom House is linked to Robert Amsterdam and therefore Thaksin. It is not an independent group. It represents the interests of those who have power. Freedom House has indirectly funded the red terrorists who tried to defend the Thaksin dictatorship by attacking the voices that were being raised against Thaksin's proxy. Further Freedom House is a subsidary of the National Endowment for Democracy: A notorious right-wing organisation whose directors include many people who have a vested interest in creating turmoil/war in different parts of the world. Closely linked to the military/industrial complex that has dictated American imperialism for so long. These clowns are Thaksin's biggest international supporters and are extremely dangerous.

Where is the link to Amsterdam and Thaksin, I cant find it. It was apparently founded in 1941 and I not sure what Amsterdam and Thaksin were doing back then.

Many on here claim that there was no Democracy in Thailand under the Shins so why would Freedom House be jumping into bed with Thaksin.

Freedom House states that its Board of Trustees is composed of "business and labor leaders, former senior government officials, scholars, writers, and journalists". All board members are current residents of the United States. It does not identify itself with either of the American Republican or the Democratic parties. The board is currently chaired by William H. Taft IV. Taft assumed chairmanship of the board in January 2009, succeeding Peter Ackerman. Other current board members include Kenneth Adelman, Farooq Kathwari, Azar Nafisi, Mark Palmer, P. J. O'Rourke, and Lawrence Lessig,[1] while past board-members have included Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Samuel Huntington, Mara Liasson, Otto Reich, Donald Rumsfeld, Whitney North Seymour, Paul Wolfowitz, Steve Forbes, and Bayard Rustin.

I cant find Amsterdam or Thaksin mentioned anywhere. Many on TV claim that Thaksin is controlling the world media and many powerful politicians around the world are his puppets now Freedom House? This is getting ridiculous.

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This junta isnt competent, any more than the last lot, but at least the last lot wasn't picking too many major international fights with very serious geo-political issues.

Major international fight? Nah. Handbags at dawn more like.

No surprise though that some people are taking this silly spat that I predict will be forgotten about in no time, and surmising from it, that of all of the colossal and monumental screw ups that the last administration brought us, this one minor diplomatic tiff brought to us by the current administration (with plenty of help from the Americans), supersedes it all.

Yeah right.. but of course, this was always coming... the junta was always bound to make some mistakes along the way, and the moment it did, the chorus of, 'well at least this didn't happen when Yingy was in charge', from certain people, was inevitable. They've been on standby beside their keyboards waiting for just this moment. The moment when finally, thank god, they can take a well earnt break from having to defend the no-leg-to-stand-on, indefensible stuff perpetrated by the last lot, and switch to attacking the current lot.

No, what's really odd is that anyone who criticizes this Junta is immediately pounced upon as being a Thaksin-loving Red-Shirt Supporting terrorist in the pay of a criminal fugitive. As if that is the only alternative to a Junta government.
I wouldn't jump on anyone who criticized the junta. Just those who do so and also suggest that in fact things were better before. That sort of a lie / delusion does mark you out... if of course you weren't already marked out by hundreds of prior posts on this forum over the years in strong support / sympathy of a certain side.

You think when the junta has finished and moved on thailand will be in a strong position to move forward?

Nowhere near....


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being the leader of a country is a very very important role. There are 66 million people who rely on that person being of sound judgement and intelligence to do the job. It is not a role to be given over to negligent incompetents, and I think we would all agree that Yingluck is both.

Such as Thailand's piss poor form of democracy that allows idiots like this to be put into the top position in the first place, things need to be done to shield the nation from such absurd happenings.

Unfortunately the nation is so full of moronic individuals that the head moron would likely get voted back into power, because the Thais just don't get it. So things like impeachments are necessary to save the idiots from themselves.

But it is obvious Yingluck WAS negligent, and that negligence DID allow massive corruption to flourish, so that impeachment was 100% justified. Even if it WAS politically motivated, then that motivation is justified in itself for the above reasons.

This is maybe what the NLA should be explaining to the US rather than whinging like kids. If you think the US is wrong, then just explain it to them till they understand. Fortunately for the Yanks, their electorate is a bit better educated.... hang on..... Bush, Obama..... Maybe not.

Your last sentence says it all. I have viewed posts on TV where the British and Australians are sometime bewildered by actions of their respective present or former PM's just as we Americans do the same of our presidents. The difference is we don't take to the streets and get violent or let the military overthrow them, put in a puppet legislature and impeach them or jail them for incompetence or negligence. They finish their terms and fade into history. Heck, we all too often reelect them. The point is we let the democratic process take its course.

The solution to stengthening democracy is not to rip it up.

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I wouldn't jump on anyone who criticized the junta. Just those who do so and also suggest that in fact things were better before. That sort of a lie / delusion does mark you out... if of course you weren't already marked out by hundreds of prior posts on this forum over the years in strong support / sympathy of a certain side.

You think when the junta has finished and moved on thailand will be in a strong position to move forward?

Nowhere near....

"When the junta has finished...."....... well, who knows....I can't answer that any more than you can. We'll wait and see.

What i do know is that it is preposterous to be using this minor diplomatic episode to be lamenting the loss of the last administration, with words like, "this wouldn't have happened under Yingy". Maybe it would have, maybe it wouldn't, but have you suddenly forgotten all the things that did happen under her?

You must have if you think the junta have now surpassed the last mob for screw ups.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Being the leader of a country is a very very important role. There are 66 million people who rely on that person being of sound judgement and intelligence to do the job. It is not a role to be given over to negligent incompetents, and I think we would all agree that Yingluck is both.

Such as Thailand's piss poor form of democracy that allows idiots like this to be put into the top position in the first place, things need to be done to shield the nation from such absurd happenings.

Unfortunately the nation is so full of moronic individuals that the head moron would likely get voted back into power, because the Thais just don't get it. So things like impeachments are necessary to save the idiots from themselves.

But it is obvious Yingluck WAS negligent, and that negligence DID allow massive corruption to flourish, so that impeachment was 100% justified. Even if it WAS politically motivated, then that motivation is justified in itself for the above reasons.

This is maybe what the NLA should be explaining to the US rather than whinging like kids. If you think the US is wrong, then just explain it to them till they understand. Fortunately for the Yanks, their electorate is a bit better educated.... hang on..... Bush, Obama..... Maybe not.

Your last sentence says it all. I have viewed posts on TV where the British and Australians are sometime bewildered by actions of their respective present or former PM's just as we Americans do the same of our presidents. The difference is we don't take to the streets and get violent or let the military overthrow them, put in a puppet legislature and impeach them or jail them for incompetence or negligence. They finish their terms and fade into history. Heck, we all too often reelect them. The point is we let the democratic process take its course.

The difference is that advanced democracies, such as those you mention, have systems in place that check and prevent a government from massive abuses.

If a government is breaking the law with its abuses, it's not for the people to decide whether or not they are happy and accepting of this practice, and if they are, well that's fine, the government can go on breaking it. That's not the way democracy works in the West, and it's not the way it should work here. In the West it is prevented, (well most of the time anyway), thanks to having things like independent bodies that help to monitor the government, and that the government can't simply put in its pocket by installing all their own mates and relatives in it, in top positions. This is what helps prevent a government from taking a complete stranglehold on power. This is what prevents a Ferdinand Marcos or a Hun Sen from getting into power in Britain, Australia or America, and staying there for twenty odd years. Thailand doesn't have the luxury of a democratic system that can prevent that sort of thing from happening. That's why they have coups (well at least it's one of the reasons - i'm not arguing that that there aren't other reasons), and it is why when coups happen, there is usually little or no resistance from the people.

Can you imagine a coup in America happening without any resistance? Of course not. Is that because Amercians are a brave and outspoken people who will stand up for democracy whereas Thais are sheepish and meek and don't care about it? Of course not. It's rather that Americans have a democratic system that prevents massive abuses without coups, whereas Thais don't.

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englishoak post # 12.

I'd say some in that lot could do with a spell at one of those attitude adjustment camp of theirs. wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4XwDTX7uci


However I would go one step further and suggest that both Thailand and America could do with time in their assorted''adjustment camps.''

All they said was the junta lacks democratic integrity and legitimacy.

To be perfectly honest, who doesn't think that about just about every Thai official they ever meet? In their spiffy uniforms covered in chest candy having never served a moment in combat, or barely done a days work.

They lack legitimacy and integrity in every thing they do, let alone running a country. Who are these great appointees who dare to lecture from their appointed pulpits?

Who are they to dare to jeopardise the single most important strategic military alliance thailand has. Just who the hell do they think they represent by apparently summoning their superior ally? They are nothing. Not legitimate,not representative and not qualified to represent anything to do with diplomacy on behalf of the country.

They are a sham and should get on with their business and leave the stage exit left forthwith, before they do some real permanent damage.

Agree. Only ones who need re-adjustment is the army and it's personnel. The whole institution should be re-organized and persons following "the invisible hand" moved to inactive positions.

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