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Thai opinion: The Ugly American is alive and kicking

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You know what, they endlessly go on about 'face', yet millions in their population live in poverty with poor educational standards whilst the rich cream the lot. We can see it. Other countries can see it. Internationally Thailand has no 'face'. Hell, look at the human trafficking and slavery category they just won!

Start sorting out the problems, get back to a democratic system and learn to live by the rule of law, take care of your people's futures and maybe, just maybe, you Thailand, might just get the 'face' you so crave.

EXACTLY. Thanks.

Poverty? Yea...... hell in our village there are "home dwellings" that only have 2-3 walls/ no in house running water (forget about hot water) no trash pickup/ etc. and not hope for a better future b/c no real education. Yea "face" lol lol lol The world is more completely understanding what Thailand is really about.

While they fiddled......

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You know what, they endlessly go on about 'face', yet millions in their population live in poverty with poor educational standards whilst the rich cream the lot. We can see it. Other countries can see it. Internationally Thailand has no 'face'. Hell, look at the human trafficking and slavery category they just won!

Start sorting out the problems, get back to a democratic system and learn to live by the rule of law, take care of your people's futures and maybe, just maybe, you Thailand, might just get the 'face' you so crave.

This could just as easily be said about America

Actually, the next envoy is the economics guy who will lecture thailand about how get its gini coefficient closer to the USA and its benefits.


Thailand is a cargo cult society which thinks that if you create the appropriate structures -- committees, commissions, and authorities, then everything will run perfectly. They don't seem to grasp that even if you have passed the most comprehensive labor protection laws in the world, they are meaningless unless they are followed and enforced.

Thailand's elite just doesn't like being reminded of how poorly the country is regarded by much of the rest of the world, hence the outraged over-reaction.

Are you talking about Thailand ..or the US?


During the last coup after about 6 months in the Junta conjured up the boarder dispute with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple which was never in dispute that it belonged to Cambodia. They played this card in press daily until the international court ruled in Cambodia's favor. Things have been "wearing thin" lately with the Thai's over this coup so now they are playing the imperialist American, we know better,stay out of our business card. Only the Kool-Aid drinking Yellow followers will believe this diversion tactic as any critical thinking person has seen this strategy before.

THIS! Remember right after this coup all the red "weapons caches" discovered which were destined to be used in a supposed civil war? Remember how laughable they were old rusted "grenades" even brand new piles put in plain site to be "discovered" by passing people. And they have magically disappeared now.

The propaganda machine of this military dictator is seriously flawed. His is why Kim Jung P is getting so frustrated because his propaganda isnt working.

If this was a modern country with more free thinking, educated people it would never happen. There's a thread right now which country better Thailand or Philippines, and this country's current events plays right into it. Back many years ago the Philippine people and C Aquino overthrew the corrupted government of F Marcos with a "People Revolution". They were smart enough....Thailand?

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During the last coup after about 6 months in the Junta conjured up the boarder dispute with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple which was never in dispute that it belonged to Cambodia. They played this card in press daily until the international court ruled in Cambodia's favor. Things have been "wearing thin" lately with the Thai's over this coup so now they are playing the imperialist American, we know better,stay out of our business card. Only the Kool-Aid drinking Yellow followers will believe this diversion tactic as any critical thinking person has seen this strategy before.

I am critically thinking that perhaps somebody has not paid their rent in this particular "boarder" dispute ??giggle.gifgiggle.gif

I haven't the slightest idea what you are referring to. The temple was clearly Khmer in origin and even most Thai's agreed it was not theirs.

Try "Border" dispute a "Boarder" is a person who pays rent in return for board and lodging (and they say a joke is not a joke if you have to explain it!!)

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What is so wrong with wanting there to be democracy and a fair election in Thailand

The people currently in power are just scared that the Thai people will one day soon wale up and smell the coffee

and realize how bad they have it. They started to wake up 12 months ago but the military stepped in to squash their dreams.

IMO until there is an all out people revolution that is allowed to play out the cycle willl continue and Thailand will be regarded

as a 3rd world banana republic

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What the writer doesn't realise is that NO ONE CARES about Thailand courting this or that.

The world will still turn if Thailand chooses to unfriendly the USA, and the USA won't bat an eyelid.

What's the usual response in the UK or the US from people when you mention Thailand?

Don't say it. We'll get banned.

Honestly, Thailand needs to wake up to the fact it's in its own little introspective bubble and the rest of the World considers it to be the World's [fill the blank, begins with 'B']

I thought it was two words that start with a W and an H.


Well, he's kind of right. If the USA hadn't meddled in Thai politics for the past 50 years or so we wouldn't be in this situation, mainly due to the fact that military wouldn't be so powerful and the generals wouldn't be so rich. Theres also other things which I can't of course post in this forum...

Ok prove all this with factual evidence....


What the writer doesn't realise is that NO ONE CARES about Thailand courting this or that.

The world will still turn if Thailand chooses to unfriendly the USA, and the USA won't bat an eyelid.

What's the usual response in the UK or the US from people when you mention Thailand?

Don't say it. We'll get banned.

Honestly, Thailand needs to wake up to the fact it's in its own little introspective bubble and the rest of the World considers it to be the World's [fill the blank, begins with 'B']

I thought it was two words that start with a W and an H.

Don't even go there Uncle.

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Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. Thais can be really really stupid sometimes. I doubt any actually read or understood exactly what he said in that speech. All they know is what they were TOLD, by someone who had an agenda.

Grow up Thailand.

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Now i see a problem with the usual self righteous thai bashers.

Here's the deal. If you have been reading this forum long enough you would know that the shinawatras aren't loved here and the fact that they have chinese blood in them makes it even worse.

Then you have america supporting the shinawatras and questioning the present thai govt which causes the US to be bashed and that's a big no no here it's just the typical farang reaction obviously. It's also not a coincidence that the ones that support america and the rest of the west happen to be anti thaksin/shinawatra so now they are in a fix. Thaksin being chinese = china and an american official asking for a fair trial and getting bashed by the thai side well they cannot support the american side now cos that means supporting thaksin and the chinese side.

He's not popular here? Why has his parties won every election here for the past 15 years then?

Not a fan of his but that's kind of an undeniable fact....


The US never learn...not even when is living in a totally "New World" and "Global Economy".....In the 60's and 70's with the excuse to win the Cold War with Russia, the US/CIA get into internal affairs in democratic countries in South America replacing Democratic Governments with Military Dictatorships, killing thousand of innocent people in the way....Chile, Argentina, Brazil.... thousands of innocent people.

After 50 years of control and corruption, even with the end of the Cold War, those countries, and most South America countries are now elected Democratic Socialist Governments, doing well economically without the US help, and getting into alliances with Russia, China, etc. Mexico is getting close to that, even with so close connection with the US. Sure, the US propaganda never will admit that.....like never will admit that the US is making a mess getting into Muslim countries now...killing more this time...and its own people.

The US sub-estimated South America, and it doing the same with Asia...and its will have a surprise again...Prayut Government was not imposed by any foreign "CIA"....and its is very Thai...foreigners like it or not. Prayut becomes a very popular leader. His lack of Politic "education" may be not good for PR with other politicians...but.....he connects very well with PEOPLE...and Thailand, like any country in the World, belongs to its PEOPLE, and Prayut will become an elected PM if he runs for it. No doubts about, and better to the US understand that.

Was this supposed to be funny? Why are you comparing the US's involvement in the overthrow of governments a half century ago with a diplomat giving an opinion?

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"third-world country."

Didn't bother to read the rest. This is the apparent truth certainly in terms of diplomacy and many other aspects. Yes, Thailand, your current behaviour deserves to be patronised.

You are proving their point perfectly.

Sit down and start behaving like a grown up.

Go your separate ways? Where would Thailand prefer to go? Into the loving arms of China?

Hahahaha. Reap your own crop from that plan if you like. Either man up and play by the rules or take the criticism and make your own path.

I have a feeling,that soon enough someone is going to have a quiet word with this NLA and tell them to wind their necks in. Because if this rhetoric keeps up like this the USA might just take it seriously and tell them to f*** right off and go and get into bed with China.good luck.

"third-world country."

Similarly, your post should be read no further.

It is odd that considering you didn't read any further than the 1st paragraph you were able to quote from the last sentence of the 11th paragraph, i.e. the very last phrase.


Like Thais could do without seven-eleven.

None of us can.

I can. Hardly ever been in one apart from when travelling and stop for fuel then it is normally just stretching the legs in the aircon. I come from Aust and wouldn't even know where find one there.

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