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The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

That's what Japan thought in WWII.

Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

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If there is a next world war it will not be the USA/western alliance verses China and Russia it will be Russia, USA and western allies battling the Chinese. Russia has a massive border with China, Russia has a minimal population density and massive natural resources that China would need to fight any prolonged war. China is so overpopulated that it cannot feed itself and has long since used up most of its resources.

One thing that you do not mention Pepper me is on what front the war would be fought. If the war predominately was fought in N. America, or Africa or the open seas of the Pacific the USA would prevail, because of the fact that you can have superiority in military numbers in uniform but if you cannot project power

Edited by bassman
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The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

That's what Japan thought in WWII.

Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

My goodness, this is the most childish and biased tirade of knee-jerk bigotry I've seen here yet. You don't even know history. The U.S. won the war against Japan in a bloody campaign island by island, all the way a across the Pacific...not because of two nuclear bombs. Those were only to avoid a final invasion of the Japanese mainland. As for Vietnam, you've been listening to too much popular wisdom. Fact is, the Tet Offensive broke the back of the North Vietnamese capabilities, and the only reason the U.S. army didn't pursue them up north was because the American people would no longer stand for it. Street riots were throwing LBJ into disarray. And if all you want to talk about is military ineffectiveness, please try to remember that your precious Commonwealth empire is long dead and gone, broke after WWII. Britain further needed IMF cash infusion in 1976. Oh-- and "your lot" as you so rudely put it love to fantasize that Britain in the War of 1812 succeeded in all its objectives. Here you need yet another history lesson: The Battle of New Orleans was the worst defeat in British military history. Also the British Admiralty ordered British ships not to engage with American frigates. They were too solid and cannon balls bounced off them.

To denigrate the US military as ineffective against the superior Chinese?! To underestimate them, no. To be sensible, yes. You asked for it.

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If there is a next world war it will not be the USA/western alliance verses China and Russia it will be Russia, USA and western allies battling the Chinese. Russia has a massive border with China, Russia has a minimal population density and massive natural resources that China would need to fight any prolonged war. China is so overpopulated that it cannot feed itself and has long since used up most of its resources.

One thing that you do not mention Pepper me is on what front the war would be fought. If the war predominately was fought in N. America, or Africa or the open seas of the Pacific the USA would prevail, because of the fact that you can have superiority in military numbers in uniform but if you cannot project power

If there is a next world war it will not be the USA/western alliance verses China and Russia it will be Russia, USA and western allies battling the Chinese. Russia has a massive border with China, Russia has a minimal population density and massive natural resources that China would need to fight any prolonged war. China is so overpopulated that it cannot feed itself and has long since used up most of its resources.

One thing that you do not mention Pepper me is on what front the war would be fought. If the war predominately was fought in the Americas, or Africa or the open seas of the Pacific the USA would prevail, because of the fact that you can have superiority in military numbers in uniform but if you cannot project power than those on the back lines do not count. There is only one country on this planet that can fight a war anywhere and it is not your homeland (that empire long since collapsed) or your (personal friends) N. Korea, Russia or China. It doesn’t seem that you have a real good recollection of history but let me refresh your memory, in the Falkland’s the UK used the American made F-111 long range bombers, but refueling was done by the USA because the UK did not have the capability for long range refueling. And today the Brits don’t even have a long range bomber.

Not sure about who invented the computer, remember the Chinese/Japanese had the abacas way before the 1700’s, but no doubt the guy with the idea of a world wide web was Brit, however he took his ideas to the USA. Stodgy old Europeans investors rarely have the balls to risk money on new ideas and those that do invest through the USA. And the world wide web is a product of the USA Department of Defense and as Mr. Snowden can attest they control it today.

What say you?

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The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

That's what Japan thought in WWII.

Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

My goodness, this is the most childish and biased tirade of knee-jerk bigotry I've seen here yet. You don't even know history. The U.S. won the war against Japan in a bloody campaign island by island, all the way a across the Pacific...not because of two nuclear bombs. Those were only to avoid a final invasion of the Japanese mainland. As for Vietnam, you've been listening to too much popular wisdom. Fact is, the Tet Offensive broke the back of the North Vietnamese capabilities, and the only reason the U.S. army didn't pursue them up north was because the American people would no longer stand for it. Street riots were throwing LBJ into disarray. And if all you want to talk about is military ineffectiveness, please try to remember that your precious Commonwealth empire is long dead and gone, broke after WWII. Britain further needed IMF cash infusion in 1976. Oh-- and "your lot" as you so rudely put it love to fantasize that Britain in the War of 1812 succeeded in all its objectives. Here you need yet another history lesson: The Battle of New Orleans was the worst defeat in British military history. Also the British Admiralty ordered British ships not to engage with American frigates. They were too solid and cannon balls bounced off them.

To denigrate the US military as ineffective against the superior Chinese?! To underestimate them, no. To be sensible, yes. You asked for it.

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The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

That's what Japan thought in WWII.

Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

I won't argue with you about ignorance : you are clearly an expert.

In the midst of your largely incorrect childish rhetoric, you show you must get your info exclusively from the media and TV. For example, the reason the USA pulled out of Vietnam was because of media reporting stirring public opinion. After the Tet offensive failed, the VC were pretty much beaten.

Learn to read then get some books on these subjects before you try to tell us how it is again.

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This is all pure conjecture. If there is another world war there will only be losers except for the money people who generally back both sides in any given conflict.

As for which side the Thais will support we shall only know this when we see whose army is marching in the streets, whose aircraft are flying in the skies and whose navy is alongside supporting their military.

One useful pointer would be to ask the question who has the most gold in the world?

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The US just cut a deal to move back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base in the Phils. It also has Diego Garcia and Guam. It also has 11 Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups.

Who needs Thailand?

Nobody is doubting what the US military hardware and bases are.

What happens if those bases are wiped out rather quickly?

The hardest part of winneng a war is not the hardware, it is the logistics and the US would be spread far too thin across the globe. It is NOT going to concentrate all its efforts in the western pacific.

If it goes off, the US, will have problems in that region. A single torpedo below the waterline and that is an aircraft carrier lost.

That's what Japan thought in WWII.

Every carrier is accompanied by a carrier group of ships. There are destroyers which mean submarine destroyers. They can detect and destroy a submarine before it gets into effective range.

The US can hit and destroy a torpedo too.

China doesn't have stealth. The US can shoot down an ICBM.

These are the things that China doesn't have when I say its technology is antiquated. Neither it or Russia is ready to take on the West and they know it.


I wondered how long it would be before we got the old WW11 rubbish.... First off, this is NOT 1940. All of Russias allies will have much more advanced technology just as much as the US have, also the Japs only lost because the US nuked the,m.... IO doubt they would dare think about using nukes in the next conflict because it will be the end of the USA and probably all of us.

If that is all you can come up with, then you are very ignorant of current military .... Look how long it took them to sort out Afgahistan and Iraq and they did nothing in Vietnam....... You are kidding yourself, even US military experts would agree with me...... and they do.

Russia, China, India and the middle east can collapse the US economy in days, and they will as part of the war effort, and the US will collapse on top of this war...... The USA have no chance and I pray to god that the UK and the EU come to their senses soon. France and half of the EU countries will back down against Russia mate.

As for technology...... Typical American attitude, think everyone are backwards compared to them.... Russia has some of the finest military technology in the world, so does China.... and you lot don't have a clue exactly what China or Russia has.

One of the most advanced countries in the world for military hardware is Israel, and it sells its advances to everyone with the cash and China has plenty of that.... then they copy it and mass produce it..... You have no idea what they have, only China knows that. So carry on and underestimate it.... Prepare to be shocked.

Your technological advances did not help you in Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs.....

"Vietnam where you got your <deleted> handed to you and fled with your tails between your legs....."

ROFL. Yeah. that's what happened.. cheesy.gif

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China and Russia allies? You cannot be serious! Thailand wouldn't even be in the equation. Even so, would be hard pressed not to think Thailand backing China, as they are the rising star as a world power.

Plus many Thais have blood ties to China. Also, too, although I've found most Thais are friendly to Americans who behave themselves they aren't very fond of the IMF, which is America's financial bully-boy. They also see America as being very hypocritical on human rights questions, where the Chinese don't berate other countries for not following their directions. I find the idea that China would back Russia dubious at best. That's like the idiot idea back in the Vietnam War days, that there was a monolithic world Communism, when in truth the Chinese and Russians split in 1953 and were very hostile to each other.

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Way off topic here, but could you please explain how, when or where the British invented the computer, or internet. The Greeks and the guys at CERN would like to know as well as I.

The originator of the programmable computer concept was Charles Babbage.

Charles Babbage, FRS (/ˈbæbɪ/; 26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) was an English polymath.[1] A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, Babbage is best remembered for originating the concept of a programmable computer.


Later in WW11 Alan Turing refined it and eventually cracked the Enigma code that is credited to have won the war.... Not the Americans. Without Turing the Nazis would have pummeled the Yanks trying to cross the Atlantic.

Alan Mathison Turing, OBE, FRS (/ˈtjʊərɪŋ/ TEWR-ing; 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, mathematical biologist, and marathon and ultra distance runner. He was highly influential in the development of computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of "algorithm" and "computation" with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.[3][4][5] Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence


Finally you have Tim Berners Lee..... the inventor of "HTTP" and the "world wide web" and pioneered the first "server to client over internet" transfer which is the fundamental basics of the entire internet still used today.


Or am I going to be challenged with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs......... lol.

For the record, the highest decorated soldier during the Vietnam war was also a British Soldier...... For those who didn't know smile.png

Later in WW11 Alan Turing refined it and eventually cracked the Enigma code that is credited to have won the war.... Not the Americans. Without Turing the Nazis would have pummeled the Yanks trying to cross the Atlantic.

If they had not crossed the Atlantic, you my friend would be speaking German now.

You Britts had already lost the war.

Churchill was begging for American support.

The Japanese bombing Pearl Harbour is all that saved your limey butts!

​You got out of the war with you little island nation and a number of your people did survive, but you lost everything else that mad Britain a powerful and important nation.

​Wait, there is one more thing you did not lose...your arrogance!

It's time to lose that too.

The sun has been setting on your "Empire" every day for 70 years now!

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I must have been sleeping a VERY LONG TIME,, so therefore a question for you writing World War11,, when did we come to WW eleven really....... Just for you to learn a bit... It is meant to be roman numbers not arabic...... and it spells with 2 big II;s

So try again boys..... WORLD WAR II


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Bars are open again boys. Put this hypothetical nonsense thread to rest...

Agree. What a bunch of sheeps TV members are, responding to something that will never happen. Why not ask what will happen if the US and EU goes to war? How about China and Japan? Or Samsung and Apple? Or men and women? So many gullible rubes on TV.

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China is the mother country of the Thais...an extended family...

China is in close proximity to Thailand...the US is half way around the world...

China has as strong economy as the US...China has a mighty military...

What decision would you be inclined to make if you were the Military leader of Thailand?

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Bars are open again boys. Put this hypothetical nonsense thread to rest...

Agree. What a bunch of sheeps TV members are, responding to something that will never happen. Why not ask what will happen if the US and EU goes to war? How about China and Japan? Or Samsung and Apple? Or men and women? So many gullible rubes on TV.

This is a forum guys.

An open discussion on what WE would like to talk about.

If you are more interested in the trend of bar girls currently getting heaver and less attractive...go to that thread.

Why even bother to click on a thread that yau sre not interested in, just to criticize it?

Now, go find something you care about and think you know something about and bless those posters with you wisdom and judgement.

Maybe you could go start a thread about "What a bunch of Sheeps TV members are" ( hint....it is sheep, not "sheeps" )

or maybe a thread about" what poor grammar some TV members use"

Thanks for the constructive input guys!

Get it???

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I must have been sleeping a VERY LONG TIME,, so therefore a question for you writing World War11,, when did we come to WW eleven really....... Just for you to learn a bit... It is meant to be roman numbers not arabic...... and it spells with 2 big II;s

So try again boys..... WORLD WAR II



The last nine world wars were rather small and insignificant, you just did not notice them!

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Way off topic here, but could you please explain how, when or where the British invented the computer, or internet. The Greeks and the guys at CERN would like to know as well as I.

The originator of the programmable computer concept was Charles Babbage.

Charles Babbage, FRS (/ˈbæbɪ/; 26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) was an English polymath.[1] A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, Babbage is best remembered for originating the concept of a programmable computer.


Later in WW11 Alan Turing refined it and eventually cracked the Enigma code that is credited to have won the war.... Not the Americans. Without Turing the Nazis would have pummeled the Yanks trying to cross the Atlantic.

Alan Mathison Turing, OBE, FRS (/ˈtjʊərɪŋ/ TEWR-ing; 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, mathematical biologist, and marathon and ultra distance runner. He was highly influential in the development of computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of "algorithm" and "computation" with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer.[3][4][5] Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence


Finally you have Tim Berners Lee..... the inventor of "HTTP" and the "world wide web" and pioneered the first "server to client over internet" transfer which is the fundamental basics of the entire internet still used today.


Or am I going to be challenged with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs......... lol.

For the record, the highest decorated soldier during the Vietnam war was also a British Soldier...... For those who didn't know smile.png

I was recently told by another britt that a Britt invented the internet.

I googled it and found nothing about it on the Thai version of Google or wikipedia.

I googled it again on the American version of Google..again, nothing.

It turns out it is listed in the British version of Google, but could not be found anywhere else.

I have been told that every country writes their own version of history.

Could it be each country writes their own version of Google as well?

We all know Al Gore invented the internet..that's his version of history anyway!cheesy.gif

As far as high decorations go...look at the british royalty..more decorations than a Pattaya lady boy!

Some even wear dresses!wai2.gifpost-147745-0-97866400-1422887215_thumb.

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Bars are open again boys. Put this hypothetical nonsense thread to rest...

Agree. What a bunch of sheeps TV members are, responding to something that will never happen. Why not ask what will happen if the US and EU goes to war? How about China and Japan? Or Samsung and Apple? Or men and women? So many gullible rubes on TV.

This is a forum guys.

An open discussion on what WE would like to talk about.

If you are more interested in the trend of bar girls currently getting heaver and less attractive...go to that thread.

Why even bother to click on a thread that yau sre not interested in, just to criticize it?

Now, go find something you care about and think you know something about and bless those posters with you wisdom and judgement.

Maybe you could go start a thread about "What a bunch of Sheeps TV members are" ( hint....it is sheep, not "sheeps" )

or maybe a thread about" what poor grammar some TV members use"

Thanks for the constructive input guys!

Get it???

Willy, willy, willy, as an American, you should know better. So you think a war between China/Russia and the US is a possibility? Well let's see, you do know the extent of America's nuclear capability. That the US has enough nukes to wipe out all life on this planet. And more than once. So if an actual "war" was to occur and a country, say, China, Russia, France, or any other nuclear capable country were to send just one nuke America's way, what do you think would happen to said country? They would be incinerated. And we're not talking months, weeks, or even days. We're talking a matter of minutes. So do you understand the stupidity of this conversation? China is not stupid. Nor are the Russians. Which is more than I can say about the folks on this forum who are even discussing this possibility.

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Foreign policy of every country is driven by self-interest. Currently, and for the past ten or twenty years, the perception has been that this Century is the Century of a resurgent China. If that still holds true, and China continues to reinforce the idea with loans, expertise and soft power, I expect Thailand will perceive its future, as has historically been the case, to lie with its ethnically similar and geographically proximate neighbour.

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I don't think there is too much chance of WWIII, but there is a very good possibility of a shooting war in the S. China Sea area in the next few years. Russia has shown some signs of backing China, air space intrusion into Japan for one and just the danger of Russia in EU causes the US to spend more money, time, troops etc. in the EU theater. Given the current dear leader's willingness to climb in bed with the Chinese, at present I believe that is the way Thailand would go, although most Thais I speak with don't like the Chinese. The Thai/Chinese Hi-So may own much of this country, but the people are not Chinese. Another couple of years might bring a different situation. While the only way anybody will win a complete, land invasion, war with China is with nukes, I think even the short sighted US government might have enough sense to stay out of a true land battle there. Of course, recent history doesn't show a lot of brain power in the US government. Sea power, air power, island invasions, Japan practicing that with USMC-kinda' strange sounding, China will lose. Don't forget it wasn't that long ago that Vietnam beat China in a small land war, but lost one at sea. No love lost there. Vietnam's main help during the American War was Russia. One thing to remember also, the US is exhausted after years of stupid, ill advised war. Equipment needs to be replaced and fresh troops trained. The economy and the corporate government is teetering and the world sees the weaknesses in the US, Americans don't. Perhaps one of the reasons for the push from China and Russia at the present time. And NO there is not a deficit problem, there is a revenue problem. Time will tell, my bet is a small shooting war in the area with the US drawn in. China will lose that one or figure a quick way out. The dear leader may being playing both ends against the middle, and while he may actually outsmart the US, the Chinese will have him and Thailand for breakfast. Just my thoughts.

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I must have been sleeping a VERY LONG TIME,, so therefore a question for you writing World War11,, when did we come to WW eleven really....... Just for you to learn a bit... It is meant to be roman numbers not arabic...... and it spells with 2 big II;s

So try again boys..... WORLD WAR II


Oh my and heavens to Betsy!. A "11" instead of a "II". What sharp little eyes you have. Very impressive indeed. Why such an egregious blunder just kills the entire argument and undermines every point he made, doesn't it?

Maybe it's YOU who should try again. Go back and overlook a trivial typing error and address the actual content of the message.

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For the most part Thailand has maintained most of its territorial integrity in a world dominated by the big colonialist powers for about 300 years. The names of the big players have changed and several of the dominant empires have ceased to exist altogether. Thailand remains indisputably Thai. Methinks that this will be the case when the curtains come down on the American Empire as well. China has not been much for territorial expansion, although recently it has expressed a desire to regain those sea outposts that were lost during its long decline in past centuries, and it has an historical and familial relationship with Thailand. Unless the loony neo-cons in the USA manage to get us all killed in a nuclear war with Russia, China will be everybody's best friend in this hemisphere.

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For the most part Thailand has maintained most of its territorial integrity in a world dominated by the big colonialist powers for about 300 years. The names of the big players have changed and several of the dominant empires have ceased to exist altogether. Thailand remains indisputably Thai. Methinks that this will be the case when the curtains come down on the American Empire as well. China has not been much for territorial expansion, although recently it has expressed a desire to regain those sea outposts that were lost during its long decline in past centuries, and it has an historical and familial relationship with Thailand. Unless the loony neo-cons in the USA manage to get us all killed in a nuclear war with Russia, China will be everybody's best friend in this hemisphere.

Yeah, I guess you really can't say the South and East China Seas China's laying claim to don't really count as "territory", can you? 'Guess that gets China off the "expansionist" hook. How clever. (Though I doubt countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, etc., would much agree...)

"China will be everybody's best friend in this hemisphere." ROFL. You're killin' me here... cheesy.gif

Just another obsessive America-hater. Amazing how that can distort a person's entire world view.

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For the most part Thailand has maintained most of its territorial integrity in a world dominated by the big colonialist powers for about 300 years. The names of the big players have changed and several of the dominant empires have ceased to exist altogether. Thailand remains indisputably Thai. Methinks that this will be the case when the curtains come down on the American Empire as well. China has not been much for territorial expansion, although recently it has expressed a desire to regain those sea outposts that were lost during its long decline in past centuries, and it has an historical and familial relationship with Thailand. Unless the loony neo-cons in the USA manage to get us all killed in a nuclear war with Russia, China will be everybody's best friend in this hemisphere.

Yeah, I guess you really can't say the South and East China Seas China's laying claim to don't really count as "territory", can you? 'Guess that gets China off the "expansionist" hook. How clever. (Though I doubt countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, etc., would much agree...)

"China will be everybody's best friend in this hemisphere." ROFL. You're killin' me here... cheesy.gif

Just another obsessive America-hater. Amazing how that can distort a person's entire world view.

I agree with you Hawker.

I can think of 300,000 Chinese who would not call China 'China's best friend" let alone everybodies in the hemisphere!

If they could speak........they can not!

How easily some people forget!


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