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Prayut govt 'may stay on longer'

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Prayut govt 'may stay on longer'

BANGKOK: -- Experts believe tenure could exceed people's expectations

PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha's government may stay in power longer than most people expect, a leading scholar has predicted.

Chulalongkorn University political scientist Thitinan Pongsudhirak said: "This interim period could be longer - longer than most of us might think."

Thitinan was talking to a symposium at the German Embassy on Wednesday evening, when academics met to talk about the current political situation.

He added that there might be an unintended consequence as a result. While he did not specify what that might be, he said it was clear that the military was trying to turn back the clock on politics.

"In terms of its [the military] culture, it is retrograde. Their culture is essentially retro in time although on one hand they wish to have modernity in line with the 21st century," he said.

"The Army is not set up to rule in the globalised 21st century. I'm afraid that the interim [period of military governance] could be indefinite."

Thitinan said the majority of Thais were still supportive of the military and few protests had been observed, but he said it should be recognised that Thailand is owned by the people and not the few.

Thammasat University political scientist Prajak Kongkirati said Thai society had not yet managed |to debunk the myth of a military coup being a tool to end a political crisis.

Prajak said the reliance on military coups was dangerous for society in the long run as Thailand would become trapped in a cycle of coups.

"The current coup did not fulfil the aspiration of the People's Democratic Reform Committee but it fulfilled the aspiration of the military elites," he said.

The symposium was organised by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in honour of its outgoing resident director Marc Saxer, who warned that the political crisis was only the tip of an iceberg - an underlying transformation crisis facing society.

Although there was a semblance of calm and stability after the coup last year, the reality was different, Saxer argued.

"A coup d'etat is a quick fix that closes the system in order to gain short-term stability. It seems as if everything returned to stability," said Saxer. "We're in a vertigo of change but a new order has not yet emerged."

He said economically Thailand faced a middle-income trap while politically, MPs and Parliament must be made accountable and Parliament's decisions must be inclusive.

Thai society, he said, needed a new social contract that included horizontal decision-making processes.

He acknowledged, however, it would take a while before the |transformation crisis was transcended.

Many Thais, he said, still adhered to a Buddhist cosmology based on a belief in good people.

The conservative middle class eventually turned to the military when that was combined with the fact that the majority of voters were rural poor and deemed to have been manipulated by populist policies under Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Prayut-govt-may-stay-on-longer-30253103.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-01

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PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha's government may stay in power longer than most people expect, a leading scholar has predicted.

This comes as a surprise to no one.

Yes, and it's a bit too early in the morning to take this earth shattering suggestion on board.

Didn't see the chances of that ever happening ! giggle.gif

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You don't need to be Einstein to work out that the timeline for reforms and the constitution that P.M. Prayuth - O set out was far short of the mark and this has already been discussed , it depends whether the people understand that to get it right it would take up to 3 years, otherwise you end up with a hastily finished Constitution much like the Thaksin design 2004 , the ball is in Prayuth - O court., I personally would like to see the finished product once and for all done correct , however my modelling would be far different to the present administration's proposals.coffee1.gif

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OK Enough!

I've removed several posts with thinly disguised reference to the Monarchy, along with the replies to them.

If you spot anything that breaks the rules please use the "Report" button, do not reply to said poat, it makes it difficult to trace all references to it.

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What was the alternative to the coup....... Civil War. Which scenario do you prefer?

A democratic election with the military helping to protect voters and venues a reasonable alternative perhaps?

A democratic election with a new party running with Prayut..... the best alternative perhaps?

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What was the alternative to the coup....... Civil War. Which scenario do you prefer?

A democratic election with the military helping to protect voters and venues a reasonable alternative perhaps?

A democratic election with a new party running with Prayut..... the best alternative perhaps?

The man who removed democracy?

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What was the alternative to the coup....... Civil War. Which scenario do you prefer?

A democratic election with the military helping to protect voters and venues a reasonable alternative perhaps?

As elections with full scale vote buying are worthless I assume that you agree that the military prevents that as well.

So after the election the military would put 75% of the elected politicians into jail, right?

And than?

Or we just have another fake elections with the richest buy themself into power.

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What was the alternative to the coup....... Civil War. Which scenario do you prefer?

A democratic election with the military helping to protect voters and venues a reasonable alternative perhaps?

A democratic election with a new party running with Prayut..... the best alternative perhaps?

The man who removed democracy?

Sonthi who did the coup before was in the coalition with Yingluck.....

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I have no issue with the current government staying as long as is needed provided it results in a robust constitution and political system that can actually last more than 2 years and has enough checks and balances to prevent the unrivalled abuse we witnessed from the last government.

It still amuses me how any country can have a convicted criminal that should be in jail as PM, can you imagine the scenario if he hadn't managed to evade arrest and was actually running things from a jail cell in between his court visits - the mind boggles

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If, and it is a big if, the Prayut Govt is going to hang on to power for much longer, then I urge Prayut to calm down and not take things so personally - otherwise he'll burst a blood vessel during one of his press conferences.

I heard that Gen Prem was a master at this in his hey day - a supreme manifestation of talking softly but carrying a big stick.

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