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Taking Thai GF Skiing in the Alps - Good or Bad Idea?


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yes she will enjoy the snow....from the bar drinking a nice cup of coffee!! I am yet to meet any thai women that are remotely athletic.take her for a tour around Europe you will have a much better time together.instead of you up a mountain and her on own in a strange country!!!

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Since you are a novice skier yourself ...

I would think that taking your Thai lady to the bunny hill for a day or two of fun sking would be great fun for both of you,

how can ya go wrong watching a pretty Thai lady in ski pants playing in the snow...

Then Apre Ski hanging in the lodge around the fireplace always good fun...


I have seen in the past

people rushed into trying to ski,

not used to the equipment or the lifts or the mountain..

Forced by other skiers into going up the hill above there expierience level...

No fun for them at all..

They had a terrible time as its not easy to get on and off some lifts with ski's on ..

Then at the top looking down they were scared to death...

One run all day ski's off to the bar for the rest of the day..Finished.

so go slow at first is best...good luck...

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Go for Club Med!!!

It might sound expensive on paper but it is all inclusive ; and a lot cheaper if you book from their Thai office.

We have been for a few years in row -during Songkran holidays- to places where you can practice spring ski.

Villages: Val d'Isere & Chamonix, France (booked from Thailand) ; the 1st one being Roi Soleil - Saint-Moritz, Switzerland (package paid in Brussels).


Nowadays, we are homesteading and cannot leave the orchards unattented during that period.

Enjoy your ski holidays. cool.png

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Years ago I was in exactly the same shoes as the Op... I took my Girlfriend to France Skiing....

Firstly I took her for lessons on a dry slope in the UK a week before we hit the snow.. (we'd flown back to the UK for Christmas and went skiing in the New Year).

She also had lessons on the first couple of days - this helped a lot.

Additionally we were with other friends, the men could all ski, the girls were all new to the sport - they learnt together.

The culmination of a weeks holiday was a race home along a 30 minute blue run - great fun.

We have since skied throughout Europe numerous times since, oh, we are now also married and missed skiing this year (we now have an infant) we'll be back on the slops next year with a 2 year old.

One issue I have found: Skiing in December / January is very cold and even with excellent kit, her own boots etc my Wife suffers the cold to such a degree I've decided our next Ski trip will be late Feb / March - thus OP, your timing is perfect.

Another point: Some locations are much easier to learn than others - eg. Austria is harder, French Alps are generally easier with better groomed slopes.

Yet another point: don't go cheap on kit - if your GF gets cold it'll ruin your day - Get good clothing, ensure she is warm and happy, you will then be happy.

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As an expert skier, my opinion a stupid idea, take her to a. Beach, why put her through anything that will make every muscle and bone in her body hurt.? Ever go on a ski slope and count the blacks and orientals ?

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Which is why i suggested ice skating. He can go off and do his skiing and she can wobble around on skates for an hour or two.

The skating sore legs will be bad, but not as bad as skiing legs. And she can still wear her silk undies.

Men also, should try the silk under ski suit undies. Very warm.

And yes, in my forty years of going to ski resorts and skiing i have seen lots of blacks and orientals. Some of them my friends.... so Mr Ableguy - not nice. When you live in UN town in the middle of Europe... not all whiteys, sorry.

I don't ski now. But still enjoy the afters...

Whatever, i am sure you will have a lovely time in Europe. PM me if you are anywhere near Geneva, we could meet for a drink. Not up in the mountains!!!

Edited by Patsycat
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Silk long johns are the warmest.

But as Swiss said, there may not be much snow at Easter. Even so, the views are spectacular.

If there is a chance you are able to ski, get her a couple of lessons. And it's true, you use muscles that have never been used before!! And all the carrying of the paraphinalia!!

Is there not an indoor ski place in Bangkok? She could have a try there. Or ice skating is nice too, most resorts even without too much snow keep their ice rinks open.

It'll be expensive, where ever you go.

indoor ski place in Bangkok?

Last mentioned in 2013 as a project.

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Silk long johns are the warmest.

But as Swiss said, there may not be much snow at Easter. Even so, the views are spectacular.

If there is a chance you are able to ski, get her a couple of lessons. And it's true, you use muscles that have never been used before!! And all the carrying of the paraphinalia!!

Is there not an indoor ski place in Bangkok? She could have a try there. Or ice skating is nice too, most resorts even without too much snow keep their ice rinks open.

It'll be expensive, where ever you go.

indoor ski place in Bangkok?

Last mentioned in 2013 as a project.

Sorry, my bad, Should have been good project for all these men that now want to take their ladies to the slopes.

Get them acclimatized. And knowing the equipment that the have to wear and carry, Good luck,

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Wow, didn't expect so many replies, thanks all! Even from real ski instructors.

Those who were wondering, my main point wasn't asking "what does my girlfriend like", but rather knowing that how easily someone totally new can adapt to such sport and conditions. Someone was asking about our ages, we are both in our mid twenties, so hopefully not too old to learn new skills! Someone mentioned snowboarding, that would be a good idea too since then we would be both starting from scratch.

She is of the adventurous type and definitely up for it. I wouldn't even consider buying new clothes for a one time trip.. luckily my sister is her size and the gf has agreed to borrow those as long as they are "fashionable" ;)

She isn't too sporty, but regularly does some types of light exercice. I'm sure she would also do it if there is some specific type of exercise that she could start now before trip that would prepare her for skiing.

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Wow, didn't expect so many replies, thanks all! Even from real ski instructors.

Those who were wondering, my main point wasn't asking "what does my girlfriend like", but rather knowing that how easily someone totally new can adapt to such sport and conditions. Someone was asking about our ages, we are both in our mid twenties, so hopefully not too old to learn new skills! Someone mentioned snowboarding, that would be a good idea too since then we would be both starting from scratch.

She is of the adventurous type and definitely up for it. I wouldn't even consider buying new clothes for a one time trip.. luckily my sister is her size and the gf has agreed to borrow those as long as they are "fashionable" ;)

She isn't too sporty, but regularly does some types of light exercice. I'm sure she would also do it if there is some specific type of exercise that she could start now before trip that would prepare her for skiing. Start jumping rope...

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I've gone skiing with a few Thai girls before. Usually the excitement is there but make sure she's properly and I can't stress this enough, properly dressed up. Not in a light jacket that just looks cute. Also ask yourself if she's athletic, that will greatly impact her ability to pick up sports and have fun quickly. My wife is not athletic in the slightest and spent most of the time falling down which led to a lousy experience.

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A few years ago I escorted a group of around 40 Thai MBA students on a trip around South Korea. This was in the depths of winter. One of the arranged activities was skiing, which only a couple of the students had tried before. I was surprised that the students, without exception, really enjoyed themselves and kept going long after I'd given up.

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Depends on how athletic she is. And how much she likes athletic activities. Only you know that. Or maybe you don't. She also might be sore after first time. Prepare to do alternate things like snowmen, sledding etc. Lots of photo opportunities there! Sounds like tons of fun but go with the flow as far as what she finds fun.

A great mutual experience and romantic as heck. I think you will find out more about each other too.

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The excercise we did at School in Switzerland before the ski season was to sit against a wall, without a chair.

I actually tried it last night, i lasted about 30 seconds. It pulls your thigh muscles. But then i am old enough to be your granny.

And that was in shorts, try with ski boots, and all the rest. I hate the winter.

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Haven't read all the replies, but my advice would be to go for it, but be sure to kit her out in proper skiwear,

the wife experienced one of the worst snows in Scotland in 30 years on only her first visit to Scotland, she had winter clothing on but not skiwear, although the kids had ski suits, couldn't get the wife inside as she was having so much fun in the snow, she suffered pains in her feet for months later,

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Someone mentioned snowboarding, that would be a good idea too since then we would be both starting from scratch.

Snowboarding is extremely difficult in the beginning, and it will be more difficult for her since she's never skied and is really starting from scratch. You fall down and wipe out constantly. You spend half your time digging your face out of the snow and getting back up. You really get bruised and beat up, much more so than when learning to ski. It's very difficult for a beginner to even do easy slopes without wiping out constantly.

In the long run it is easier to become a good snowboarder than a good skier, but in the beginning snowboarding is really brutal. I don't recommend it for her first snow adventure in Europe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two scenarios- one is she loves it. Are you going to be able to indulge her frequently with skiing trips? Other, she hates it, and you feel guilty for taking her there.

Unless you are prepared to take her skiing again in the future, or leave the ski slopes early, is it a good idea to go at all- OTY.

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