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Well almost

I'm running W8 on an SSD. It has the prog that makes it look like W7.

So I now have a small rotating blue circle next to my mouse pointer ... a lot of the time. I know it's caused by Antimalware Service Executable ( Windows Defender Service). It seemed to start about 3 weeks ago.

Sometimes that service is showing 2% and sometimes 16% or more, on the occasions that it shows 0 the blue circle doesn't show.. On boot up it occurs even before I connect to the internet but sometime not until I have loaded a program ... I've read that this is not that uncommon but not how to sort the problem ... I do think that the computer runs a bit slower ... well it does on TV.

I've run Malicious Software Removal Tool, Spybolt, Malwarebytes, Crap Cleaner, Housecall but nothing seems to sort the problem ... has anyone had this problem and solved it?


Try herdProtect,it has a incredible 67 scan engines,you can install it on PC

or they have a portable app.

regards worgeordie

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Strange, but some people say to check that Defender itself is excluded from its own checks.


Or you may want to try this:


Failing that, a system refresh may be the only answer.

Are you running any other antimalware programs, because not all of them work nicely with Defender.


Thanks ... I found that uninstalling Trusteer Rapport gets rid of the problem. However after logging into my bank website I'm strongly suggesred to re-install it.

I've had a couple of chat sessions with IBMTrusteer and have re-installed the programme from their link ... they gave me instructions how to remove the part of the prog which they say stops the program being removed by 'outsiders' if I still have problems so I will see how we go later.


Thanks ... I found that uninstalling Trusteer Rapport gets rid of the problem. However after logging into my bank website I'm strongly suggesred to re-install it.

I've had a couple of chat sessions with IBMTrusteer and have re-installed the programme from their link ... they gave me instructions how to remove the part of the prog which they say stops the program being removed by 'outsiders' if I still have problems so I will see how we go later.

Avoid Trusteer at all costs..............Google it and see thumbsup.gif


Similar problem here with Win7 and a hybrid disk

Typing and the keyboard stops responding

switch to a different window then back and the cursor comes back

Also programmes just stop responding,

with a little message at the top of the screen to that effect

It all started about a week ago

Scanning with HerdProtect as I write, which has been running for 3 hours so far........... whistling.gif

PS Window Defender, not active

ZoneAlarm is my main protection


Similar problem here with Win7 and a hybrid disk

Typing and the keyboard stops responding

switch to a different window then back and the cursor comes back

Also programmes just stop responding,

with a little message at the top of the screen to that effect

It all started about a week ago

Scanning with HerdProtect as I write, which has been running for 3 hours so far........... whistling.gif

PS Window Defender, not active

ZoneAlarm is my main protection

There is a lot on the internet about this problem and solutions.My problem seems to be associated with Rapport ... however I have used this prog for years with no problem.

IBM recently bought Trusteer for 1Billion US Dollars. There doesn't seem to be recent negative comments about the prog ... like there has been in the past.


I have upgraded all my drivers using Slim Drivers (free version)

but the problem persists :bah:

Very irritating


Well I'm going to give up on Win8 ... I'm now having the same problem with Rapport uninstalled ... going to put W7 back on my SSD ... surly that will sort it. I just have no idea why it started. At times ASE runs at 100% ... now its running between 17% and 40% even when disconnected from the internet.



Antimalware Service Executable

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thanks Crossy

I do not seem to have that on my Win 7

Yeah, it's new with W8.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Put W7 back and now no problem. On my SSD it loads in about 25sec ... ready for use ...and shuts down in about 7secs. at idle CPU usage seems to spend most of its time showing 00 and just kicks up to 01 now and again.

I didn't bother reformatting the disk so still have the windows.old file.

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