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UK anti-Semitic incidents hit record in 2014, says charity


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British Prime Minister David Cameron said Monday that the lawmakers report was hugely important, Reuters reported. No disagreements over foreign policy or politics can ever be allowed to justify anti-Semitism or any other form of racism, prejudice or extremism, he was quoted as saying.

Unless you are UK MP George Galloway, beaten in the street by an Israeli.

Like he hasn't been incredibly provocative in his "anti-Zionist" rhetoric, his "Israel free zone" etc.? Of course there is no justification for violence against him or anybody, but his case is specific to him because his rhetoric is so vile, and indeed inspires hatred against British Jews.

We have free speech in the UK as you will discover if you spend some time there.

He is also an elected MP.

Many people in the UK found the bombing of Gaza a crime against innocent people.

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I am trying to understand why anti-Zionists are so invested in denial of a real problem ... increasing antisemitism in the UK.

Perhaps because they are actually anti-Semites who hate Israel because it is a Jewish state. The anti-semitic protests against Gaza last summer made it pretty obvious. They types have two agendas that coincide, but it does not help their cause to admit the truth too publicly.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The situation is a strange one with no easy solution. After all, there has been anti-semetism since the beginning of time. There are many aspects of the problem that I personally find interesting and will use a moral equivalent to try and make a point. The point will not be popular but, I am used to that.

When we collectively talk of the current Muslim problem we speak of this particular problem as if we (the rest of the world) expects the Muslims of the world to amend their behavior and fix themselves to our liking. But, when we speak of a Jewish issue, we speak of it as if the rest of the world needs to amend itself to the Jewish liking. This has gone on since the beginning of time and will likely never be resolved. It simply is what it is.

Today, Yossi Sarid, the Israeli light Zionist veteran politician commented in Haaretz:

“In these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.”

Edited by Pakboong
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I am trying to understand why anti-Zionists are so invested in denial of a real problem ... increasing antisemitism in the UK. The only thing I can think of is that if UK Jews do really feel afraid enough to leave, most will be going to Israel. So anti-Zionist extremists of course don't want more Jews in Israel (they don't want any Jews in Israel) so perhaps that's logical. But getting real here, do you think individual British Jews would make a huge migration decision based on media reports alone? Surely such a big decision would usually involve PERSONAL experiences.


Sorry for laughing...really.... but it is funny that you try so hard to define "antisemitism" yet fail to realise that anti-Zionism is a different and separate thing.

Your "rationale" is quite flawed.

or he is just using one of the " tricks " Shulamit Aloni exposed about anti semitism in her radio interviewph34r.png


Edited by Asiantravel
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I would not pay much attention to Yossi Sarid. He is way out there on the left. He once admitted in a radio interview that his mother used to bathe him in the tub until he was 21 years old. biggrin.png

What I think Sarid is really saying in a rather satiric and exaggerated way meant for a friendly pro-existence of Israel audience (rather than for antisemites and/or anti-Zionists to viciously twist it for their obviously hostile purposes) is that right wing American Zionists are playing a DANGEROUS GAME for the future health of Israel to introduce partisan politics into the issue of the Israel-USA relationship. Specifically related to the proposed Netanyahu speech to congress which BTW is opposed by the American ADL. I agree with that as I do think most American Jews do as well, as most American Jews are not right wing. Given that in today's world the USA and Israel are where you'll find the vast majority of Jews ... this story ain't over.

Edited by Jingthing
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The situation is a strange one with no easy solution. After all, there has been anti-semetism since the beginning of time. There are many aspects of the problem that I personally find interesting and will use a moral equivalent to try and make a point. The point will not be popular but, I am used to that.

When we collectively talk of the current Muslim problem we speak of this particular problem as if we (the rest of the world) expects the Muslims of the world to amend their behavior and fix themselves to our liking. But, when we speak of a Jewish issue, we speak of it as if the rest of the world needs to amend itself to the Jewish liking. This has gone on since the beginning of time and will likely never be resolved. It simply is what it is.

Today, Yossi Sarid, the Israeli light Zionist veteran politician commented in Haaretz:

“In these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.”

You made no point as you had no valid point.

The assertion that - when we speak of a Jewish issue, we speak of it as if the rest of the world needs to amend itself to the Jewish liking - is not a general notion. With relevance to the topic at hand, the only thing expected is to be allowed to live in peace. There is nothing which requires the world to amended in any exceptional way. It is what most people yearn for.

The attempted false equivalence with current Muslim issues is both nothing to do with the topic and irrelevant in as much as such assumed (as per your words) expectations are often raised in conjunction with integration issues to do with the nature of Muslim culture and religion.

Nice touch with the not quite related quote, and picking the best out of context bit. Well done.

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Well this has just degenerated in to the usual scenario where people who have no experience of a country or its people trot out the same pro Zionist rubbish.

I have better things to do with my time and am not going to waste it on a verbal brawl.

I will leave the sandpit clear for the ostriches.

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Well this has just degenerated in to the usual scenario where people who have no experience of a country or its people trot out the same pro Zionist rubbish.

I have better things to do with my time and am not going to waste it on a verbal brawl.

I will leave the sandpit clear for the ostriches.

Making a personalized version of this message for each topic you post on?

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The situation is a strange one with no easy solution. After all, there has been anti-semetism since the beginning of time. There are many aspects of the problem that I personally find interesting and will use a moral equivalent to try and make a point. The point will not be popular but, I am used to that.

When we collectively talk of the current Muslim problem we speak of this particular problem as if we (the rest of the world) expects the Muslims of the world to amend their behavior and fix themselves to our liking. But, when we speak of a Jewish issue, we speak of it as if the rest of the world needs to amend itself to the Jewish liking. This has gone on since the beginning of time and will likely never be resolved. It simply is what it is.

Today, Yossi Sarid, the Israeli light Zionist veteran politician commented in Haaretz:

“In these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.”

You made no point as you had no valid point.

The assertion that - when we speak of a Jewish issue, we speak of it as if the rest of the world needs to amend itself to the Jewish liking - is not a general notion. With relevance to the topic at hand, the only thing expected is to be allowed to live in peace. There is nothing which requires the world to amended in any exceptional way. It is what most people yearn for.

The attempted false equivalence with current Muslim issues is both nothing to do with the topic and irrelevant in as much as such assumed (as per your words) expectations are often raised in conjunction with integration issues to do with the nature of Muslim culture and religion.

Nice touch with the not quite related quote, and picking the best out of context bit. Well done.

There is definitely no equivalence. Jews are a TINY global minority. There is but ONE Jewish majority state in the world, it is Israel, and it is not large. Muslims are a major and growing segment of world population with a serious problem of a terrorist Jihadist element. There are SEVERAL Muslim dominated states in the world representing major chunks of earth geography.

Jews in France don't attack Muslim groceries and schools and start shooting Muslims just for being Muslims. Get real!

Edited by Jingthing
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Well this has just degenerated in to the usual scenario where people who have no experience of a country or its people trot out the same pro Zionist rubbish.

I have better things to do with my time and am not going to waste it on a verbal brawl.

I will leave the sandpit clear for the ostriches.

Making a personalized version of this message for each topic you post on?

Arguing with these types is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious.

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Well this has just degenerated in to the usual scenario where people who have no experience of a country or its people trot out the same pro Zionist rubbish.

I have better things to do with my time and am not going to waste it on a verbal brawl.

I will leave the sandpit clear for the ostriches.

Making a personalized version of this message for each topic you post on?

Arguing with these types is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious.

Another argument for wider use of the IGNORE function. coffee1.gif

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They types have two agendas that coincide, but it does not help their cause to admit the truth too publicly.

It seems that some will never grow tired of posting conspiracy theories.

Sorry, but "conspiracy theories" don't have TONS of obvious proof that they are correct. wink.png




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Non-observant Jews are also targeted by antisemites ... so there goes the it's only about religion theory.

There are no "two sides" of an argument that tries to rationalize hatred of Jews by blaming the Jews for being identifiable as Jews.

That garbage hate speech rhetoric is very familiar, not different than blaming gays for being beat up for being gay ... it's not on the persecuted minority, it's on the BIGOTS.

Yes I do think an individual that has posted about this for years and years ... suggesting the Jews are to blame for their own persecution for thousands of years would indeed find many kindred spirits on a Nazi forum. That's kind of obvious.

Same as if someone obsessed with blaming gays for their own persecution would fit right in at a anti-gay web forum.

Common sense really!

Edited by Jingthing
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If any of our esteemed members are domiciled in the UK they may be in danger of being excluded from social media forums. Not that I would approve of such actions, except in the most extreme cases. #nosmokewithoutfire


And a less sensationalist, more detailed version....


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If any of our esteemed members are domiciled in the UK they may be in danger of being excluded from social media forums. Not that I would approve of such actions, except in the most extreme cases. #nosmokewithoutfire


And a less sensationalist, more detailed version....


The use of the BBC as a source is unfortunate given their tendentious reporting on Israel and rationalizing antiSemitism as being a result of Israeli policy.



Edited by Steely Dan
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If any of our esteemed members are domiciled in the UK they may be in danger of being excluded from social media forums. Not that I would approve of such actions, except in the most extreme cases. #nosmokewithoutfire


From your link... " “Hitler” and “Holocaust” were among the most frequent words used on Twitter last summer during the Israeli anti-terror operation against Hamas. "

Aside from the very biased pro-Israeli "anti-terror operation" to describe the aggression which killed over 2000 mainly civilians, the sentence shows what is being contended here; that anti-Israeli sentiments are construed as antisemitic.

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If any of our esteemed members are domiciled in the UK they may be in danger of being excluded from social media forums. Not that I would approve of such actions, except in the most extreme cases. #nosmokewithoutfire


From your link... " “Hitler” and “Holocaust” were among the most frequent words used on Twitter last summer during the Israeli anti-terror operation against Hamas. "

Aside from the very biased pro-Israeli "anti-terror operation" to describe the aggression which killed over 2000 mainly civilians, the sentence shows what is being contended here; that anti-Israeli sentiments are construed as antisemitic.

The hashtags mentioned should be ample demonstration of the intent of the content therein. Just in case you can't see the misuse of one issue to support racial or religious hatred how would you react to the following hypothetical situation?


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The situation is a strange one with no easy solution. After all, there has been anti-semetism since the beginning of time. There are many aspects of the problem that I personally find interesting and will use a moral equivalent to try and make a point. The point will not be popular but, I am used to that.

When we collectively talk of the current Muslim problem we speak of this particular problem as if we (the rest of the world) expects the Muslims of the world to amend their behavior and fix themselves to our liking. But, when we speak of a Jewish issue, we speak of it as if the rest of the world needs to amend itself to the Jewish liking. This has gone on since the beginning of time and will likely never be resolved. It simply is what it is.

Today, Yossi Sarid, the Israeli light Zionist veteran politician commented in Haaretz:

“In these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.”

You made no point as you had no valid point.

The assertion that - when we speak of a Jewish issue, we speak of it as if the rest of the world needs to amend itself to the Jewish liking - is not a general notion. With relevance to the topic at hand, the only thing expected is to be allowed to live in peace. There is nothing which requires the world to amended in any exceptional way. It is what most people yearn for.

The attempted false equivalence with current Muslim issues is both nothing to do with the topic and irrelevant in as much as such assumed (as per your words) expectations are often raised in conjunction with integration issues to do with the nature of Muslim culture and religion.

Nice touch with the not quite related quote, and picking the best out of context bit. Well done.

There is definitely no equivalence. Jews are a TINY global minority. There is but ONE Jewish majority state in the world, it is Israel, and it is not large. Muslims are a major and growing segment of world population with a serious problem of a terrorist Jihadist element. There are SEVERAL Muslim dominated states in the world representing major chunks of earth geography.

Jews in France don't attack Muslim groceries and schools and start shooting Muslims just for being Muslims. Get real!

Topic is not about Israel, not about Muslims, and not about France.

UK. Jews in the UK.

Most of the posts not relating to that are simply deflections or attempts to derail the topic.

Wonder how many commenting actually live in or have been to the UK?

Perhaps our rabid posters could tell us of their experiences, in lets say, Prestwich?

Dont let the facts get in the way of a good rant, vent your spleen and spill your bile, nothing like a bit of truth distortion to suit your agenda.

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Wonder how many commenting actually live in or have been to the UK?

I wonder how many of the fanatical anti-American posters have ever been to the US or know anything about it - other than what they read on left-wing blogs. You don't have to have been somewhere to comment on it. Those are the rules.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If any of our esteemed members are domiciled in the UK they may be in danger of being excluded from social media forums. Not that I would approve of such actions, except in the most extreme cases. #nosmokewithoutfire


From your link... " “Hitler” and “Holocaust” were among the most frequent words used on Twitter last summer during the Israeli anti-terror operation against Hamas. "

Aside from the very biased pro-Israeli "anti-terror operation" to describe the aggression which killed over 2000 mainly civilians, the sentence shows what is being contended here; that anti-Israeli sentiments are construed as antisemitic.

The hashtags mentioned should be ample demonstration of the intent of the content therein. Just in case you can't see the misuse of one issue to support racial or religious hatred how would you react to the following hypothetical situation?


"Hitler" is not an antisemitic cry. Neither is "holocaust". Both, however, have been used by anti-Zionists in their castigations of Israel.

I'm not saying the terms are apt, and I consider the terms are very misplaced if directed at a Jew.

But people will call anti-Israeli/anti-Zionists antisemites for it. That too is wrong.

And that, too, is where much of the reported so-called antisemitism comes from....spinning anti-Israel sentiments into antisemite attacks..

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If any of our esteemed members are domiciled in the UK they may be in danger of being excluded from social media forums. Not that I would approve of such actions, except in the most extreme cases. #nosmokewithoutfire


From your link... " “Hitler” and “Holocaust” were among the most frequent words used on Twitter last summer during the Israeli anti-terror operation against Hamas. "

Aside from the very biased pro-Israeli "anti-terror operation" to describe the aggression which killed over 2000 mainly civilians, the sentence shows what is being contended here; that anti-Israeli sentiments are construed as antisemitic.

The hashtags mentioned should be ample demonstration of the intent of the content therein. Just in case you can't see the misuse of one issue to support racial or religious hatred how would you react to the following hypothetical situation?


"Hitler" is not an antisemitic cry. Neither is "holocaust". Both, however, have been used by anti-Zionists in their castigations of Israel.

I'm not saying the terms are apt, and I consider the terms are very misplaced if directed at a Jew.

But people will call anti-Israeli/anti-Zionists antisemites for it. That too is wrong.

And that, too, is where much of the reported so-called antisemitism comes from....spinning anti-Israel sentiments into antisemite attacks..

If you can't work out that Hitler or the Holocaust are antiSemitic then you are beyond reason. They are not invoked out of a desire for a two state solution.
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If any of our esteemed members are domiciled in the UK they may be in danger of being excluded from social media forums. Not that I would approve of such actions, except in the most extreme cases. #nosmokewithoutfire


From your link... " “Hitler” and “Holocaust” were among the most frequent words used on Twitter last summer during the Israeli anti-terror operation against Hamas. "

Aside from the very biased pro-Israeli "anti-terror operation" to describe the aggression which killed over 2000 mainly civilians, the sentence shows what is being contended here; that anti-Israeli sentiments are construed as antisemitic.

The Israeli "...anti-terror operation against Hamas" has entered the lexicon as the Gaza Massacre of 2014 [google it] because of the large number of non-combatants killed in the fifty-day assault that claimed the lives of 2,254 Palestinians including 538 children.
Gentle reminder, this thread is about UK antiSemitism, not Gaza. Even if every word you wrote about Gaza were true it would still be small potatoes to what several Islamic nations or groups have managed, 2000 in a day by Boko Haram for example. Moreover to equate a foreign dispute with the persecution of a minority group in the UK is acceptance of the concept of original sin, the very cornerstone of antiSemitism or racism in general.
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From your link... " “Hitler” and “Holocaust” were among the most frequent words used on Twitter last summer during the Israeli anti-terror operation against Hamas. "

Aside from the very biased pro-Israeli "anti-terror operation" to describe the aggression which killed over 2000 mainly civilians, the sentence shows what is being contended here; that anti-Israeli sentiments are construed as antisemitic.

The hashtags mentioned should be ample demonstration of the intent of the content therein. Just in case you can't see the misuse of one issue to support racial or religious hatred how would you react to the following hypothetical situation?


"Hitler" is not an antisemitic cry. Neither is "holocaust". Both, however, have been used by anti-Zionists in their castigations of Israel.

I'm not saying the terms are apt, and I consider the terms are very misplaced if directed at a Jew.

But people will call anti-Israeli/anti-Zionists antisemites for it. That too is wrong.

And that, too, is where much of the reported so-called antisemitism comes from....spinning anti-Israel sentiments into antisemite attacks..

If you can't work out that Hitler or the Holocaust are antiSemitic then you are beyond reason. They are not invoked out of a desire for a two state solution.

Don't confuse the issues. Indeed Hitler was an antisemite and the holocaust was a display of antisemitism, but comparing, say, Netanyahu to Hitler, or the ethnic cleansing by Israel of Palesrtinians to the holocaust is not antisemitism, it's anti-Israel or anti-Zionism. You're suggesting the very mention of those to H words is antisemitism, which is ridiculous.

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