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Where to stick my tax disc?

Swamp Thing

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I've got my green book. Just a few days short of six months in the waiting. It's like winning the lottery! Well, more like winning a coin toss.

So I'm on a white plate and I've got a tax disc.

But where do I put the tax disc on a PCX? I've bought one of those clear plastic tube holders, with the intention of attaching it to the number plate. But, on reflection, it seems a bit easy for a light-fingered person to unbolt it and make off with it if I put it in that position.

Are there any other places I could attach it that would be more secure? I've tried looking for ideas online, but haven't come up with anything.

Or should I tape it to the underside of the seat with clear plastic tape?

Thanks for any replies.

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2 bikes

One visible and stuck to the "fishbone" between my legs using a sticky transparent square.

One not visible, laminated and kept in my topbox.

Both technically illegal. I have never had a problem though.

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I've had a couple go missing. Not sure if they were stolen or fell off. I take a colour photocopy now and use that for the display and keep the original under the seat with a copy of the green book. Not sure if that's 100% legal but never had an issue.

My latest one is in one of those tubes attached to the underside of the rear plate. See how that goes...

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Guess most people must be keeping the sticker under their seats. I've been checking out dozens upon dozens of bikes, and 99% do not display the sticker anywhere. Mine is in a plastic holder screwed into the side of the number plate - but it's too easy to be stolen, so under the seat from now on.

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People steal them. My old Nouvo had it taped to the fairing and someone took the time to cut it off my bike. It was expired; stupid thief.

I suggest a color copy visible in front so the cops don't pull you over and keep the real one under the seat.

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I take a colour photocopy now and use that for the display and keep the original under the seat with a copy of the green book.

I've decided to go for this idea.

I've attached a plastic tube holder to the number plate and put a photocopy in the tube. I will keep the original under the seat, along with a copy of the green book. A belt and braces approach.

Thanks to JonnyF for the tip and thanks to everybody for the replies.

Never had my stolen but will go this way from now on. Great idea JonnyF!

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I keep mine under the seat in a small zipper bag along with my accident insurance. There is no safe place to keep a tax disc an a motorbike, without risking it getting stolen or wet with the rain. If the BiB don't like it too bad, just give them 100 Baht.

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I'm on my 4th PCX and it has always been under the seat because I know a few guys that had theirs nicked.. My harley I have it mounted on the fount end but I don't leave the bike parked unattended on random Soi's.


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