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Serious And Disturbing Email


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Checking if your computer was the source of those emails is fairly straightforward... This can be done remotely from anywhere on the planet, if your wife is computer illiterate, at which time you can install a keylogger or any other software.
Given that Tip’s wife is computer illiterate, cannot write English (and probably cannot read it well), this would be rather difficult for Tip to set up. I assume that the computer’s operating system is Windows XP and is in English.

Guided by Tip on the phone, his wife would have to configure the PC to allow remote access, look up the computer’s DNS number and read it to Tip. It would be too complicated for her. Even people who work a lot on computers would not find it easy.



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Without belaboring the point regarding violating the trust in your relationship, remember the wise words: "Trust, but verify." Reagan was no brain surgeon but he did get a few things right.

'Nuff said...

Trust.... it's a big word.... I trust my current wife, but then again I did with the first one..... if you take that example of 'please fall over backwards, someone will catch you' .... a few bruises ago I would have done it without blinking, now I'll make sure that there are some cushions on the floor..... not that I don't trust her to catch me, but there is every chance that she may get distracted by a bowl of fruit.

Trust is something between two people, it isn't open for discussion... and neither me, you or any poster on this forum has any right to really discuss how much one individual trusts another.

I'm not Tip, my wife is not his wife... only he knows what his best options are.... the best thing that this forum did was point out things that may not have occurred to him at the time.... and that has now been done to death...... I don't want to decry this forum, but sometimes it's like watching the spectators at an F1 GRAND PRIX.... who hope there is an incident.

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Well, folks, this is looking for real. Email just received from Steven 39 minutes ago.

I am hoping you will reply to me with more information. My heart is very much broken by your news.[ I am sorry] I must be sure it is right.[That all right] Can you tell me how long she has been seing this policeman?[ more than 1 year] Who is he?[he have nickname ‘ya’] And what of my pick up truck?[she and him use you car and drink by you money ] Is the damage bad?[damage the left the car] Has it been fixed?[ I know they sent repair by insurance] Please, you must tell me more if you know.

I think if you need to know this about when you go to Thailand you don’t tell everybody

Everybody to cover up this about to you Everybody know this about very well

I tell this about because it not fair for you

You can to decide by you self good luck

Please keep this about between you and me only if you need to more information can ask me

See you

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Sorry, folks, but right now I feel crushed. I've replied back requesting the sender email me his phone number. Until then I don't have much else to say right now.

Well question is why do you believe this anonymous email? To me its highly suspect. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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Hi Tipp,

I,ve read this tread from the start and mut admit that i have been dubious of the validity of this so called Stevens claim and since that last e mail i am now convinced its a cruel hoax.To me that last mail lacked any sembleance of credability :D

Stay strong mate :o

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That email looks like it was writen by an English speaker pretending to write Tinglish to me.

When my girlfriend emails me she doesn't use capitals for place names as an English speaker would and the sentences start with a capital, looks fishy.

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I believe your wife has done nothing.

I believe that all you need to worry about is who this person is, that is so obviously upsetting you. Although if you understand my first point, the second has no meaning.

My thoughts are with you mate, stay strong in your trust... :o


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Can't understand why you worry , there must be something you are not telling us ...

or do you really beleive that your wife would be having an affair in front of your father in law ?

or sending you pic's of her lover ?

You appear to be a little paranoid .

Not unheard of Kalaminsa. Father will support the daughter no matter what. If his daughter has a farnag "back up" and a BiB husband, I imagine Pa would actually be quite happy

You are on the back foot here, however I see no point in hiring a PI at this stage.

My advice, as hard as it is, leave the emotions out of any decision and just sit back and wait for the next ‘hit’ then wait for more of the jigsaw to fall into place.

That bit, right there, in bold, is GOLD advice. :o

I don't find Tippaporn to be paranoid at all.

Nor do I.

Tiip, assuming the accusations are correct, it is imparitive you dp nothing to arouse her suspicions or to put the e-mailer in danger - especially if there may be police involvement.

Thai ladies are very clever at going to ground and covering their tracks if they suspect that you might know something.

It is clear that TV members can put you in touch with a good PI who can do the job quickly and discretely.

I can't urge you enough to follow this course of action. Don't jump on a plane and go there; if you meet her on an "innocent" day you will have achieved nothing and forwarned her.

I'm afraid this kind of situation is very common in Thailand. I had an Australian friend who had spent a fortune on his Thai wife, became suspiciuous and hired a PI and discovered she was married to her "brother".

Lets hope the emails are a hoax, but you must find out for sure - as soon as possible.

Hang in there and get it sorted - my heart is with you.

I'd like to say your getting good advice, but..

1. Chill out.

2. Don't accuse your wife of anything from a distance unless your actually wanting to split.

Some excellent advice from many people, but enough to tear a man in a thousand different directions.

Tip, Klown here, mate.

Here´s a little story for you.

It´s not going to make you feel any better wahtsoever, but I think it´s good for you to know this.

I didn´t post anything yesterday about this, but now some time has passed.

(some of you have read this story elsewhere about a year ago.)

My ex TGF with whome I was together for two and a half years, went awol on me.

When I spent a few months in Europe 2003 she was a saint.

When I returned in 2003 I moved into her appartment in BKK and we lived in sin quite happily.

We broke up due to a variety of reasons at the end of that year.

AFTER we broke up, maybe a YEAR later, one of my farang friends, an irish dear friend of both HER and ME told me, that when I had gone to Europe, she´d hooked up with an older Belgian man on an island down south.

When I returned, she actually flew up from the island, re-installed her appartment, and that´s where we moved in together.

Upstairs two floors up was a single man living with two kids.

He was an ex boyfriend of hers. Now same same brother.

We often times hung out all together. He came to Kanchanaburi once or twice too.

Right. Those are the details.

Put them together and you get

A Highly educated Thai (university plus) computer scientist Woman of thirty years old at the time.

With a Farang BF who has no money and lives hand to mouth most months, though generous witht he little he has (me).

A older belgian man who supports her financially from some beach down south (presumably trusting her stories)

And this ex bf, smae same brother, who i DID find out, knows all about me, knows all about belgian man, and is her HUSBAND THROUGHOUT.

BTW, when we broke up she was pregnant-. It has not been proven that the child was mine, but those who had seen the child in her brief life span thought it very likely.

So what now.

1. Well, invest in a P.I. If he proves you right, you´ll have spent a fortune to lose all you had.

2. Wait and see. Maybe nothing untoward, or maybe something but somehting that´ll pass.

3. Re adjust yourself, to a more thaistyle attitude: What ever is good for the pmoment.

Somebody in one of these posts mentioned that you are always number one when you are in country.

That doesn´t sound bad. In the meantime, live and let live.

Painful, but maybe with an "attitude adjustment" it could be done.

I wouldn´t.

Don´t torture yourself.

If you are wrong, you lose.

If you are right, SHE LOSES YOU!

Edited by kayo
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I once changed some t/cheques at a bank where my GF had a friend. A week later I had a phone call asking me to come back into the branch as they had 'over paid' me. I said "NOTHING I CAN DO". I then got a call from the 'manager' who said unless I came into the branch to pay back what I owed they would report me. I told them they were "shit out of luck as I was in Malaysia". When I asked my GF about it she was able to deny all. They could not have got my phone and email address from anyone else.

Just a tale about emails.

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I believe your wife has done nothing.

I believe that all you need to worry about is who this person is, that is so obviously upsetting you. Although if you understand my first point, the second has no meaning.

My thoughts are with you mate, stay strong in your trust... :D

I agree Red.

Tipp, as suggested by others and it is my feeling also. This seems to be a farang trying to talk "Tinglish". Is it worth asking the guy the send you an e-mail...written in Thai, with every detail. Say that you can read Thai well enough and you want to make it easier for him to explain everything, as you don't want to get anything wrong. Then maybe Bambi, Meadish or one of the other top speakers could verify if it is written by a Native speaker.

If he doesn't, well it's suspect that's he's a Thai. It might be worth a try.

Good luck mate :o

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I tell this about because it not fair for you

Tip, sorry about your situation but this smells like somebody is very jealous here .

The only thing this "Steven" wants is you to seperate from your wife .

You still might want to double check on a few points such as the car repair by insurance (surely there must be some paper evidence around if that is the case), just to get a piece of mind . Honestly it is easy to make somebody worried when far away .

I have had a very similar situation back 2 years ago when i got married ....the jealous Party was an "Expat" .... in your Case could it be a jealous Female friend of your Wife? Or do you have "Friends" that do not wish you a happy Life with your Wife?

I would communicate with "Steven" a bit longer ... maybe He(or she) write something that makes it possible for you to identify Him/her .

If you find confirmation about the car or other people confirm the same as "steven" said , maybe then a PI is good.

Whats Steven Email? is it yahoo ? or Hotmail?if so, maybe add him/her to your MSN/Yahoo messenger & Chat? Communicate with him/her(chat or email) ...the more the better...

Hope any of this helps,

Good luck in resolving this,

rcm :o

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Sorry, folks, but right now I feel crushed. I've replied back requesting the sender email me his phone number. Until then I don't have much else to say right now.

Even if the email is real i think you give up to quick. In the end you're away from home most of the time so what's she supposed to do? Maybe she's got herself a lover so what else is new? Men

( including myself) have affairs all the time, not because we don't love our wifes but because we're living apart from our loved ones for long periods due to work, business etc. I guess for women it works the same so you can't really be surprised when she becomes emotionally (not necessarily sexual) involved with another man.

At the moment except for hearsay you don't even know if she's really having an affair so you need some definite proof first before you allow yourself to become an emotional wreck.

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That email looks like it was writen by an English speaker pretending to write Tinglish to me.

I'm going to back step a little and have to agree with chippie regarding the writting. I've seen a lot of english written by Thais, by very good writers and very poor writers, and this doesn't fit the stylings at all. The accurate spelling doesn't match the terrible grammatical errors nor the fact he is using contractions. Even the grammatical errors do not match the typical Thai errors in structure.

mrbojangles comment about having him/she write an e-mail in Thai is good.

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I'm sceptical about these mystery emails. I've seen a few cases where jealous people have tried to interfere in someone else's relationship (mostly because they were a jealous ex, but not all). What does this person have to gain by telling you about this? Not much. Unless they had a vested interest in trying to split you up...that's the real issue here.

Ask her and get it over with. Good chance she will be able to guess where they come from - and then hopefully you can stop worrying about it.

That email looks like it was writen by an English speaker pretending to write Tinglish to me.

I agree. I edit Tinglish all day and this doesn't look 'authentic' to me.

Good luck.

Edited by Crushdepth
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Sorry if someones already mentioned this but, a previous poster mentioned finding paperwork corresponding to this apparent crash.

If its your insurance policy, can't you just call them. If it is, calling them would raise no suspicions with anyone there as no-one exept you and the insurance company would ever know. You would then know if a claim has been made....

You with me or...............?


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Just had a BREAKING NEWS THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe copper is trying to get with her.

She want´s to stay loyal to you and refuses, but they become friends.. just friuends...

Copper is getting frustrated, and is trying to break you and her apart.... copper, htinks he´s a good cop, and falsifies emails....

In which case, there is nothing to worry about except a BAD FRIEND, with a JAI DAM!

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Maybe I'm wrong to do so but I fear the worst. Therefore, emotionally I'm not quite 'there' right now. Have been reading your posts and for those who are still highly skeptical about the sender of the emails I pray, I truly do, that your judgments are right. No one has a clue as to how much I love this woman.

If the sender is another farang trying to move in then pity him. But that just creates another possible scenario. My mind is torturously reeling with possibilities right now and I have no way of proving any of them out.

A PI is an absolute necessity right now.

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I hope you read Redrus point about ringing your insurance sompany because he is spot on.You can find out if a claim has been submitted..if so well perhaps something is afoot, however if not as i suspect you can surmise that Steven is full of shit!!!!

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Maybe I'm wrong to do so but I fear the worst. Therefore, emotionally I'm not quite 'there' right now. Have been reading your posts and for those who are still highly skeptical about the sender of the emails I pray, I truly do, that your judgments are right. No one has a clue as to how much I love this woman.

If the sender is another farang trying to move in then pity him. But that just creates another possible scenario. My mind is torturously reeling with possibilities right now and I have no way of proving any of them out.

A PI is an absolute necessity right now.

I hope post 219 didn´t go unnoticed.

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No one has a clue as to how much I love this woman.

If the sender is another farang trying to move in then pity him.

Obviously you love this woman a lot so wouldn't you feel happy for her if she met somebody that she could love the same or more as you?

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Sorry to hear that this is still eating you up. I can only imagine how you are feeling right now.

Do you know any policemen by the name 'ya'? Redrus idea about contacting the insurance company is a top one, as least if there has been an accident then you will have established that she is not being entirely open with you. If there has been no claim then all is kosher and you can deduce that the email is telling porkie pies (lies).

It all revolves around this vehicle and accident mate. The insurance company may have the name of the driver/passengers on file too.

Good luck

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yeah.. even if there was that much love, Meom, wouldn´t it be proper for the woman then to ask the man for a speeration, so that both could then pursue their new pursuits...??

If it happened in the West I would say yes but in Asia I'm not so sure. TIT after all.

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No one has a clue as to how much I love this woman.

If the sender is another farang trying to move in then pity him.

Obviously you love this woman a lot so wouldn't you feel happy for her if she met somebody that she could love the same or more as you?

Yes, I would, meom. If she met someone who it turned out for her to be a truer love then I'd have no problem with that. People have to follow their hearts, whether or not anyone else understands. That's tough to do and sometimes tougher to grant someone that right. But if she's been playing me for a year then that's different. Stringing someone along, and there's no evidence that it would stop once I got back, is about as cruel as you could treat another human being.

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