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US-Thai relations: A question of democracy versus obscurity?

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At least the spark of Democracy is alive. Someone who seems to understand the message Of the request to see Thailand return to civilian rule, that a military run country are counter productive.


Yes a very brave article indeed. As an expat resident, I see the move slowly but definately moving away from the west, as I see an underlying motive to

do the same to us!


The longstanding effort to find others to blame for all and sundry - including the seemingly intractable societal rift - is a strategy that risks running out of enemies. Forever scapegoating either the Shinawatra family, as unduly influential, or the rural poor, by stereotyping them as lacking any understanding of the country's problems, may wear thin with even the most radical whistling.gif My oh my what will happen to TVF and the flag waving junta loving yellow shirt brigade...

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Some seem to think that the Junta are going to be holding onto power for ever. Some have forgotten that they have promised elections when they can implement reform so all the other principles of democracy that were abused by the previous regime are adhered to.

Of course some that cry "We want Democracy" the loudest are ironically the same people that supported a regime run by an unelected criminal fugitive. Bizzaro world again!

Russel's comments about "Thai citizens feeling that they've been excluded" is the preamble the shin regimes have used to justify acts of terrorism and armed insurrection that have left hundreds of people dead. It is also the narrative used to justify engineered US-backed violence in other nations aimed at regime change.

Russel said "Thai citizens feeling that they've been excluded". Yet not one American said that when thaksin tried to push a free trade agreement though bypassing parliament and the senate. Thai citizens voted for their parliamentarians and they are supposed to represent them. Thai citizens were excluded then. No word from the USA on this exclusion of the Thai citizens. Logic to suit an agenda.

Look at the Siam Paragon bombing. After the bombing, the US Embassy in Thailand neither warned people about the violence, nor condemned it. Instead, the official US Embassy Twitter account congratulated the New England Patriots for winning the Super Bowl. They knew it was a red shirt. That is what the red shirts specialize it. I bet if a PDRC supporter was responsible for the bombing the NY Times would do an analysis of it. Logic to suit an agenda.

Look no further than when millions of Thai citizens that America said are being excluded were protesting. It did not make American news or if it did it was written off as small insignificant protests. When 3 students, I repeat 3 Thai citizens protest and are arrested the NY Times do an analysis and state these 3 are the majority! So millions on the streets are a minority. 3 on a stage. A majority. Logic to suit an agenda.

For the US to defend a prime minister openly serving as a proxy for a convicted criminal hiding abroad, and who presided over a regime that damaged the economy while literally murdering its political opponents in the streets, is a clear breach of diplomatic protocol and unbecoming of the alleged purpose of the US State Department itself. It exists to represent the will of the American people abroad, not to impose its will upon others. A bit like Chalerms Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order or CAPO. The only department that did everything apart from restoring peace and order and in fact fueled just the opposite (bizzaro world). So when the State department support a regime run by an unelected criminal fugitive, but do not support a Junta that is offerering reform to ensure the country is not run by unelected criminal fugitives that is not democracy according to the US. It is a lack there of! Logic to suit an agenda.

America said "The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the action" and that is why America have been molding Thailand since the Vietnam war to be a united front against China alongside Pakistan, Korea and Japan. It is no secret and the US began this effort during the Vietnam war as shown here. They then highlighted this push again here. Because of that America is not going anywhere and all this noise is just that. Noise. They must be desperately worried that Thailand will go against their dreams by joining China and making noise is their way of showing their frustration that the time and money they invested in swaying Thailand to its agenda is not paying off.

This could not be further from democracy than a drunk blind mans dart from the dart board at 50 meters. Democracy is a swell handle for them to use though. It keeps the gullible hooked.

Not some think but actually is the sad state of Thailand politics. Staging 12 successful and 9 unsuccessful coup since 1912 or 5 years per coup is holding the country hostage by the military and no difference holding power for ever. Rest of your post I not bother to read as your usual irrational self-serving troll.

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Perhaps the US administration would be more amenable if those drafting the new Thai Constitution kept in mind the words of Thomas Paine.

Dissertation on First Principles of Government (July 1795)
"It is the nature and intention of a constitution to prevent governing by party, by establishing a common principle that shall limit and control the power and impulse of party, and that says to all parties, thus far shalt thou go and no further."
I would add another of his sentiments:- "It is pleasant to observe by what regular gradation we surmount the force of local prejudice as we enlarge our acquaintance with the world."
I am skeptical as to whether anyone holding the reins of Thai policy making will give Titipol Phakdeewanich's article consideration or reply to it in a positive manner.
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Preposterous Thai tripe. Terribly written article. Surprising that a newspaper would even publish such tripe.

"Preposterous Thai tripe" . That says it all right there. Shameless.


whistling.gif Thailand and the Thai government need to understand.............

The U.S. has no friends, only allies.

Allies are what can benefit them right now, when they need help.

It is like an old girlfriend who wants to make up with you.

Thailand needs to be able the question ," But honey, just what can you do for me NOW, right now ?

I know we has some good times before, but what can you do for me right now" ?


The 181 year relationship,( excluding the year Thailand was a Japanese ally ), will remain but some of the freebies will slowly disappear as the Ambassadorship already has. Many in the US congress already questioning Thailand's value to the US and taxpayers want much foreign aid be discontinued except in humanity , Earthquakes, eruptions, disease ), situations as much money sent. here and elsewhere simply disappears

and not used properly. Maybe the US and others have/are guilty of interfering with domestic problems

but no more than a father directing and, sometimes criticizing the son's activities. I, for one, support the US ending aid just to be nice and feel Cobra Gold should be discontinued completely as the US can train their own

in the US and save a few BILLION dollars every year.

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It may be me...but is The Nation actually growing 'a pair'???

In recent months it seems to have moved from it's usual sycophantic mush, to actually publishing some actually rather good, thoughtful editorials.

On the actual topic of the article it was actually good to see a Thai journalist actually realize that for the US, Thailand is expendable.

The days of it being a 'useful' regime in the region when military coups could be tolerated against the backdrop of communism in SE Asia, are long gone. It's strategic position, which gets touted as frequently as a whore drops her underwear, is a nonsense. For the US, Vietnam, The Philippines, Japan & Singapore now are much more useful in the restraint of China's ambitions in the South China Sea.

If the Junta believes that whipping up a new scapegoat for the Thai chattering classes, now that the Shin's are no more will solve the ill's of the country, well go for it. The US doesn't really need to care any longer what Thailand thinks or does, and reading US press none of this latest storm in a teacup even gets a mention.

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Some seem to think that the Junta are going to be holding onto power for ever. Some have forgotten that they have promised elections when they can implement reform so all the other principles of democracy that were abused by the previous regime are adhered to.

Of course some that cry "We want Democracy" the loudest are ironically the same people that supported a regime run by an unelected criminal fugitive. Bizzaro world again!

Russel's comments about "Thai citizens feeling that they've been excluded" is the preamble the shin regimes have used to justify acts of terrorism and armed insurrection that have left hundreds of people dead. It is also the narrative used to justify engineered US-backed violence in other nations aimed at regime change.
Russel said "Thai citizens feeling that they've been excluded". Yet not one American said that when thaksin tried to push a free trade agreement though bypassing parliament and the senate. Thai citizens voted for their parliamentarians and they are supposed to represent them. Thai citizens were excluded then. No word from the USA on this exclusion of the Thai citizens. Logic to suit an agenda.
Look at the Siam Paragon bombing. After the bombing, the US Embassy in Thailand neither warned people about the violence, nor condemned it. Instead, the official US Embassy Twitter account congratulated the New England Patriots for winning the Super Bowl. They knew it was a red shirt. That is what the red shirts specialize it. I bet if a PDRC supporter was responsible for the bombing the NY Times would do an analysis of it. Logic to suit an agenda.
Look no further than when millions of Thai citizens that America said are being excluded were protesting. It did not make American news or if it did it was written off as small insignificant protests. When 3 students, I repeat 3 Thai citizens protest and are arrested the NY Times do an analysis and state these 3 are the majority! So millions on the streets are a minority. 3 on a stage. A majority. Logic to suit an agenda.
For the US to defend a prime minister openly serving as a proxy for a convicted criminal hiding abroad, and who presided over a regime that damaged the economy while literally murdering its political opponents in the streets, is a clear breach of diplomatic protocol and unbecoming of the alleged purpose of the US State Department itself. It exists to represent the will of the American people abroad, not to impose its will upon others. A bit like Chalerms Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order or CAPO. The only department that did everything apart from restoring peace and order and in fact fueled just the opposite (bizzaro world). So when the State department support a regime run by an unelected criminal fugitive, but do not support a Junta that is offerering reform to ensure the country is not run by unelected criminal fugitives that is not democracy according to the US. It is a lack there of! Logic to suit an agenda.
America said "The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the action" and that is why America have been molding Thailand since the Vietnam war to be a united front against China alongside Pakistan, Korea and Japan. It is no secret and the US began this effort during the Vietnam war as shown here. They then highlighted this push again here. Because of that America is not going anywhere and all this noise is just that. Noise. They must be desperately worried that Thailand will go against their dreams by joining China and making noise is their way of showing their frustration that the time and money they invested in swaying Thailand to its agenda is not paying off.
This could not be further from democracy than a drunk blind mans dart from the dart board at 50 meters. Democracy is a swell handle for them to use though. It keeps the gullible hooked.

Well said. I do not want to knock the USA in particular, but Washington's crazy actions these days do enable us to all too easily be able to do exactly that these days with their dangerous lies, misinformation, arrogance and corruption. So blame the understandable massive current Worldwide US knocking on Washington and nobody else.

It is high time the decent US folk did something about ridding themselves of this corruption and wickedness in Washington and forget BOTH the Democrat and Republican parties next time they have elections. Lets honestly face it the Democrats are not that much better than the right wing fat cat pond life in the Republican party, as both are now fully and undemocratically controlled and paid off by Corporate America and no longer by the US people who democratically put them into power !!!. Clearly US Democracy is all but dead (getting like that in the UK too) so they have no right to spout off to Thailand whilst the currently unelected military based Government is I truly believe sincerely doing all they can to properly restore what will hopefully be this time a better and truer democracy, that is if the Thai folk allow that to happen as I believe the majority will do so.

Most normal Thai folk I speak to seem to support this temporary Junta Government in there commendable endeavours which I hope we are all clearly seeing many benefits already and a lot of positive hard work form them too. Sure probably none of us can agree with everything they are doing but they are doing it, it seems, honestly and with good intentions with Thailand's well being in their hearts.

I am not saying my own country the UK is a lot better but ATM Washington really take the biscuit in their arrogant self proclaimed "exceptional" and "indispensable" dangerous view of themselves !!! Similar posturing to what we saw with past dangerous and arrogant leaders like Hitler and Stalin came out with back last century and look at the results and damage that caused !! I think more nations really need to break away from being US vassal puppet states, as we are hopefully seeing some signs of that happening in Europe now, but only small signs as yet. Personally I really do not want to see Thailand or any of the rest of the World controlled and ruled by corporate run Washington and their evil corrupt ways aiming at total world domination if we sit back and allow that to happen.

Just my two cents worth and I believe what many folk in this World now feel too. No response needed and juvenile flaming will be completely ignored of course. It is really NOT intended to offend or upset any ordinary US folk as I have many US friends here and back in the USA, and I know a lot of them do keep their eyes and minds open, and thus will and do agree with this viewpoint too, and not without sound sensible and logical reasoning of course.

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whistling.gif Thailand and the Thai government need to understand.............

The U.S. has no friends, only allies.

Allies are what can benefit them right now, when they need help.

It is like an old girlfriend who wants to make up with you.

Thailand needs to be able the question ," But honey, just what can you do for me NOW, right now ?

I know we has some good times before, but what can you do for me right now" ?

You are so wrong about that point. The US has long standing friends. Friends it would come to defend in the middle of the night anywhere, any time. Friends it shares intelligence with and friends who have access to anything the US has.

Even if the friends sometimes don't appreciate it, the US is loyal. Let someone lay a finger on the UK or Germany or several other European countries or Canada or S. Korea or up until now Thailand and some others around the world and see what happens to them. Right now.

Sometimes the US is much better a friend than its friends are.

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If the army and the so called parliament keep throwing their toys out of the cot for being reminded that they promised a return to democracy, then if may well be in jeopardy.

Of course, the USA could just look down their noses at these stupid tantrums for public consumption and wait for the Thais to grow up.

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