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UK General Elections 2015: Who you voting for?

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Cast my expat vote in a marginal constituency. Voted Conservative. The prevention of a Labour gov with SNP support is scary. If the jocks want the crazy nationalists as uk parliament Mps thats up to them, but the rest of the UK wont accept them dictating policy to others!

Edited by kingalfred
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John Major today.

The former Tory Prime Minister claimed a Labour-SNP administration would lead to "weak and unstable" government and would ruin Britain's economic recovery.


That may well be the case. However, can anyone take this man seriously after his affair with:


I take it you are a saint :) Do you know John?

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Just wonder how others feel about this.

I watched the SNP manifesto launch live. What was different about it was that NS was the only SNP person involved.

There appeared to be no other members of the Scottish Government around. (I suppose there had to be, but they certainly did not appear on the coverage.)

Now, what I found rather worrying was almost the whole presentation of a raft of policies was "I will do this".., "I will ensure that... ". In other words if you landed from Mars it would appear as a personal manifesto, not that of a major party in Scotland. Even the cover of the manifesto just had her picture - in red of course.

Now, I'm not trying to be argumentative with any Scots contributors on this forum, as I realise that she is the party's major asset for them at the moment. As I said in a previous post, we may not be quite seeing the old eastern bloc 'cult of personality', but it is certainly presented as a one woman band.

Considering she will not be in any UK parliament it is surprising the impression is being given that she will 'wrap Ed Milliband around her little finger".

Incidentally, the SNP manifesto could have been presented by a Scottish Labour Party - except for Trident, and this is clearly an attempt to ensure any wavering Labour voters in Scotland should have no fear of changing to SNP. A clever tactic.

So, she is a shrewd political operator with two ambitions. Firstly to obtain, and win a second referendum and, secondly, to become Scotland's first Prime Minister.

(Interestingly, I was speaking to a Scottish friend of mine this morning and he told me that she had been the leader once, but had been replaced by Alex Salmond as she was not up to the job - his view. She of course then replaced him after the referendum).

Anyway, back to the election. I think the SNP are in a win-win situation. Labour form a government and they will have considerable influence - even though there will be no coalition). They might be able to bring a Labour government down on the issue of Trident, but unlikely, as it has cross party support.

But....and this is one of the conspiracy theories, the sort of thing I know us TVF posters like to discuss.

The SNP would prefer a Conservative government, which would press on with Trident (so would Labour of course) and, crucially, produce this European referendum in 2017 and support an exit vote, after they have failed with their 're-negotiation".

You then go back to the Scots and say, "Look, we still have Trident and we are going to be taken out of Europe against our will". (That of course pre-supposes that the Scots vote is to remain in Europe, which it would be).

The SNP have said, and Nicola Sturgeon empathised this at the launch, "We will only seek a fresh referendum in Scotland if there is a fundamental change in circumstances in the UK and the Scottish people demand it".

I'm sure they would consider that proposed exit a major change and bingo.

I'm not sure whether it's the UK parliament of the Scottish parliament that can authorise a referendum on independence. That would seem to be the only uncertainty in my mind. Maybe someone could clarify this.

Whatever happens, it's going to be an interesting night in May and the days of wheeling and dealing that will follow.


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John Major today.

The former Tory Prime Minister claimed a Labour-SNP administration would lead to "weak and unstable" government and would ruin Britain's economic recovery.


That may well be the case. However, can anyone take this man seriously after his affair with:


I take it you are a saint smile.png Do you know John?

Well, actually yes, he was a customer of mine at John Lewis. Served him on several occasions, he his a decent man who loves his cricket and cares about the UK.

I watched his speech today and he says it as it is. We might just as well face it the SNP will keep going after the referendum until they get the yes they want by which time the oil be gone along with gas and all they will have is porridge and whiskey! In the meantime they will bleed the UK dry and keep banging on about Trident!

The SNP are the single most dangerous party to the UK we have ever known and if Ed wants to get into number 10 at all costs this si his route and it will be at all costs paid for by you and me.

If Scots like the way things are then you should move over the border for your own safety

If the SNP are going to go for another referendum, someone needs to sit down and assess what the ramnifications are for Scots and the rest and if its a yes to Scotland, how long before it comes to be. Get Trident down to Devonport, sort out the border and stop subsidising them.

We cannot go on letting this tale wag the dog.

Sir John is right to bring this to our attention, if you did not believe it before, think about it now, people will do anything to gain power.

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John Major today.

The former Tory Prime Minister claimed a Labour-SNP administration would lead to "weak and unstable" government and would ruin Britain's economic recovery.


That may well be the case. However, can anyone take this man seriously after his affair with:


I take it you are a saint smile.png Do you know John?

Well, actually yes, he was a customer of mine at John Lewis. Served him on several occasions, he his a decent man who loves his cricket and cares about the UK.

I watched his speech today and he says it as it is. We might just as well face it the SNP will keep going after the referendum until they get the yes they want by which time the oil be gone along with gas and all they will have is porridge and whiskey! In the meantime they will bleed the UK dry and keep banging on about Trident!

The SNP are the single most dangerous party to the UK we have ever known and if Ed wants to get into number 10 at all costs this si his route and it will be at all costs paid for by you and me.

If Scots like the way things are then you should move over the border for your own safety

If the SNP are going to go for another referendum, someone needs to sit down and assess what the ramnifications are for Scots and the rest and if its a yes to Scotland, how long before it comes to be. Get Trident down to Devonport, sort out the border and stop subsidising them.

We cannot go on letting this tale wag the dog.

Sir John is right to bring this to our attention, if you did not believe it before, think about it now, people will do anything to gain power.

Suddenly, I can't get an image of Grace Brothers and John Inman out of my mind......... Nong as Mr Humphries - or, Betty Slocombe ?

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Suddenly, I can't get an image of Grace Brothers and John Inman out of my mind......... Nong as Mr Humphries - or, Betty Slocombe ?

For me, it's more Spitting Image ! rolleyes.gif

And when it comes to renewing one's British passport, to ask "Are you being served" would really be taking the piss, IMO. bah.gif

Going Down ... not Up, as the case may be ? whistling.gif

Thanks God it's all "in a Universe far far away" from here ! laugh.png

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John Major today.

The former Tory Prime Minister claimed a Labour-SNP administration would lead to "weak and unstable" government and would ruin Britain's economic recovery.


That may well be the case. However, can anyone take this man seriously after his affair with:


I take it you are a saint smile.png Do you know John?

No, I'm much better looking than Roger Moore. tongue.pngtongue.png

Do I know him ? Lets just say that I have been in his company on a few occasions thumbsup.gif

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Before the referendum the SNP were the bogeymen for wanting to break up the Untied Kingdom, pun intended, and now the other parties need them as the bogeymen again so they can blame somebody for not letting them have power.

For election after election the Scots and Welsh have been handed governments they didn't vote for because of the weight of English voters and it was accepted as that's how the ' democratic system ' works.

I saw an article on days ago where the author was complaining it was wrong that the fate of 38 million English voters could be in the hands of 4 million voters north of the border.

Democracy is fine until it doesn't work the way you want it.

i worked for the then colonial govt in Hong Kong and for the majority of my English colleagues the words UK, Britain and England were synonymous and therefore interchangeable and i still hear it here. I don't have an English passport or driving licence, no one does but point it out and the retort is usually an angry " you know what I mean ".

In HK I was fed up being asked what I would do when I retired and went back to England.

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Before the referendum the SNP were the bogeymen for wanting to break up the Untied Kingdom, pun intended, and now the other parties need them as the bogeymen again so they can blame somebody for not letting them have power.

For election after election the Scots and Welsh have been handed governments they didn't vote for because of the weight of English voters and it was accepted as that's how the ' democratic system ' works.

I saw an article on days ago where the author was complaining it was wrong that the fate of 38 million English voters could be in the hands of 4 million voters north of the border.

Democracy is fine until it doesn't work the way you want it.

i worked for the then colonial govt in Hong Kong and for the majority of my English colleagues the words UK, Britain and England were synonymous and therefore interchangeable and i still hear it here. I don't have an English passport or driving licence, no one does but point it out and the retort is usually an angry " you know what I mean ".

In HK I was fed up being asked what I would do when I retired and went back to England.


I take your point. This is why this election is so strange. If the SNP were to win all the seats in Scotland as the recent poll suggested then we have a number of strange outcomes - or could have!.

1. Scotland could have a 'one party state' - for want of better expression - but around 50% of the Scots voted for other parties. So, it would be nearer to only 2 million Scots deciding that.

2. If Labour win marginally more seats in England than the Tories then the "English' could end up with a Tory/Lib Dem government again, something the English never voted for.

3. If Wales have a majority of Labour MP's then the same would apply to them as in 2 above.

4. In my view there is no chance of a formal Lab/SNP pact. Whilst there could be some other 'informal' arrangement, the Queens advisers have to be convinced any formation of a government could command a majority of support, as she has to formally invite EM or DC to form a government. How that can be done, on the current polls, fascinates me. I personally would be content with a Lab/SNP alliance.

5. Because of the 'loss' of 40 or so Labour seats in Scotland, it is possible that the Tories/Lib Dems could squeak over the line with the help of NI Unionists and the couple of UKIP MP's, bearing in mind 3/4 Sinn Fein MP's never take their seats.

6. Strangely enough, the SNP might secretly welcome another Tory government. It would be so much easier then to obtain and win a referendum on independence after next years Scottish elections. It's interesting that the Sun newspaper (in England) have today described the SNP as some evil force, whilst the Sun (Scotland) is urging its readers to vote SNP. Shows how vicious it's all become.

I now wish the Scots had won the independence referendum, although I was violently opposed to it last September. I suspect, but can only guess, that many English people now share that view.

Dunno about you mate, but I will be up around 4am next Friday, glued to the box, to follow the saga.

My only regret is my postal vote has not yet arrived and, unless it does in the next couple of days, I've had it.

I should have used the proxy route.

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4. In my view there is no chance of a formal Lab/SNP pact. Whilst there could be some other 'informal' arrangement, the Queens advisers have to be convinced any formation of a government could command a majority of support, as she has to formally invite EM or DC to form a government. How that can be done, on the current polls, fascinates me. I personally would be content with a Lab/SNP alliance.

If the voting on election day pans out as the polls stand today.

The only way a Majority Government can be formed is with SNP with either Labour or Tory.

All other Parties combined along with one of the main Parties, would still not have enough seats to form a Majority Government.

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If the remainder (isnt that how divorces work?) had been asked re breaking up the union last year I suspect the outcome might have been different.If it comes up again I hope the English get the 'female' side of any agreement re assets :)

Edited by evadgib
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4. In my view there is no chance of a formal Lab/SNP pact. Whilst there could be some other 'informal' arrangement, the Queens advisers have to be convinced any formation of a government could command a majority of support, as she has to formally invite EM or DC to form a government. How that can be done, on the current polls, fascinates me. I personally would be content with a Lab/SNP alliance.

If the voting on election day pans out as the polls stand today.

The only way a Majority Government can be formed is with SNP with either Labour or Tory.

All other Parties combined along with one of the main Parties, would still not have enough seats to form a Majority Government.

Sure. But you know - as a Scot I assume - the SNP will never enter anything with the Tories, as it would be political suicide. So, Lab/SNP looks about right. As I said before, the SNP manifesto seemed really good to me, with the exception of Trident, and that will go through whoever's in charge.

I hope we keep this thread going when the horse trading begins. There's always the possibility of a last minute surge for the Tories giving them, say, 295 seats and the Lib/Dems and Ulster Unionists providing just enough to get over the line.

For us in Thailand, although I'm not stopping, the markets would want to see the Tories back in power. You would see a small bounce upwards for the pound.

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Milliband has just cut his and his Party's throat.

There will be no Labour government if it involves a coalition or a deal with SNP, Ed Miliband has said.

The Labour leader told BBC Question Time he "couldn't be clearer" there would be no deals between the parties.


At least you got one part correct. There will be NO Labour Government.

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Milliband has just cut his and his Party's throat.

There will be no Labour government if it involves a coalition or a deal with SNP, Ed Miliband has said.

The Labour leader told BBC Question Time he "couldn't be clearer" there would be no deals between the parties.


At least you got one part correct. There will be NO Labour Government.

Yes i watched that, he was insistent he would not get into bed with SNP.

Milliband seems so naive when he alks. Who watched the program last night? he did the majority of his 30 minutes with one hand in his pocket, I suppose that will be in our pocket should he get in

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Milliband has just cut his and his Party's throat.

There will be no Labour government if it involves a coalition or a deal with SNP, Ed Miliband has said.

The Labour leader told BBC Question Time he "couldn't be clearer" there would be no deals between the parties.


At least you got one part correct. There will be NO Labour Government.

Yes i watched that, he was insistent he would not get into bed with SNP.

Milliband seems so naive when he alks. Who watched the program last night? he did the majority of his 30 minutes with one hand in his pocket, I suppose that will be in our pocket should he get in

I appreciate you don't much like Labour and I have no issue with that. But...

I watched the programme in full. You cannot expect Ed Milliband (whether you like him or not) to say to potential and existing Labour voters in Scotland "Ok, just go ahead and vote SNP, we'll do a deal"

I know the Labour Party in Scotland has real problems, but I don't believe for one minute they will lose every seat in that country. (I'll eat humble pie on this thread if I'm wrong).

I thought Nick Clegg was the worst of the three.

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watched the programme in full. You cannot expect Ed Milliband (whether you like him or not) to say to potential and existing Labour voters in Scotland "Ok, just go ahead and vote SNP, we'll do a deal"

I know the Labour Party in Scotland has real problems, but I don't believe for one minute they will lose every seat in that country. (I'll eat humble pie on this thread if I'm wrong).

The issue is that he has now backed himself into a corner from which he cannot escape. That is why he was trying to force Cameron to rule out a coalition with UKIP. The Labour Party, it appears are now slipping slightly in the polls, they are not in a position to win a majority so he has in effect just killed any chance that he might have had of getting the keys to Downing St. Who else is he going to do a deal with ? It certainly will not be UK and I am not convinced that the Lib Dums will be in any position to try and form a coalition. My personal thoughts are that the Lib Dums are going to get a shock.

I have a feeling that very soon, you are going to find out what humble pie tastes like. wai.gifwai.gif

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