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Republicans say Obama giving immigrants 'amnesty bonuses'

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Many simple replies to a complex issue.

Personally I am opposed to this "amnesty? solution, but would like to see a more comprehensive and equitable solution for all involved.

Reagan immigration act in 1986 did little to resolve the problem, Once this illegal residents became legal, they behaved as all other legal residents, they moved up the economic lagger leaving the positions they occupied before vacant, inviting other illegals to take their place. I see no reason why the same will not happen again.

-Aggressively go after those who hire them, if there is no work for them in the US, they will not come, and those already here will leave on their own, no deportations necessary,

The argument is, they do jobs Americans dont want, this is not true, Americans dont want this jobs because it pays so little, increase the pay and then those jobs will become more desirable to Americans,

Yes but it will increase prices, sure maybe it will some, but if people are making more money, the increase is a wash.

-Protect the boarders,

Once you make sure that others will not take their place, then you can deal with what you can do with the ones already here.

As far as the "bonus" is concerned,

they paid this money, it is theirs, giving them back what portion of it they deserve ,,is not a bonus , just as my tax return this year is not a bonuse, it is my money, and the goverment should thank me for letting them use it for a year.

Good post, if I may say so.

Think of running for prez?

If so, remember what's happened to Barack....wink.png

  • Like 1

My reading is fine. It is you who are misrepresenting the situation. 'Most unauthorized immigrant adults reside with immediate family members -- spouses or children'. That does not mean that the people the unauthorized immigrant lives with is also illegal or that the children are illegal.


A 13-year work program to become legal, as Prez Obama laid out in his immigration executive action.

Correctly stated... obama's unconstitutional and illegal action to grant a type of amnesty without any law passed by Congress... bending the language as you do is telling a lie

The accusations in the two posts of another poster "telling a lie" twice does not raise or elevate the quality of the discussion.

The claim is extreme, intemperate, radical so it says more about the accuser.

It is a bad road to set out on in any direction, to call a poster a liar.

removed post to allowe responce

I agree, the word "Lie" should not have being used, a more corect word, would have being

"missrepresantation" though I dont think theintent of the word lie was used as to call you a liar.

the fact remains, that language can be used to misrepesent a situation

a strock of jenius was what the name of the Dept of War was changed to the dept of Defence.

say something long enough and in the mind of some it becomes true. it makes things more palatable, i

these people are not imigrants, and what is happening is not immigration reforme

there are plenty of immigrants comming to this country, my wife was one,

this has litle to do with her, or them,

what this is , is , ilegal immigration, and these people are, ilegal immigrands

Awful post if I may say so, the central point of it coming directly from Orwell's critiques of the totalitarian doublespeak techniques presented in the post.


Many simple replies to a complex issue.

Personally I am opposed to this "amnesty? solution, but would like to see a more comprehensive and equitable solution for all involved.

Reagan immigration act in 1986 did little to resolve the problem, Once this illegal residents became legal, they behaved as all other legal residents, they moved up the economic lagger leaving the positions they occupied before vacant, inviting other illegals to take their place. I see no reason why the same will not happen again.

-Aggressively go after those who hire them, if there is no work for them in the US, they will not come, and those already here will leave on their own, no deportations necessary,

The argument is, they do jobs Americans dont want, this is not true, Americans dont want this jobs because it pays so little, increase the pay and then those jobs will become more desirable to Americans,

Yes but it will increase prices, sure maybe it will some, but if people are making more money, the increase is a wash.

-Protect the boarders,

Once you make sure that others will not take their place, then you can deal with what you can do with the ones already here.

As far as the "bonus" is concerned,

they paid this money, it is theirs, giving them back what portion of it they deserve ,,is not a bonus , just as my tax return this year is not a bonuse, it is my money, and the goverment should thank me for letting them use it for a year.

Good post, if I may say so.

Think of running for prez?

If so, remember what's happened to Barack....wink.png

I will take what happenef to Obama any daybiggrin.png

I hear people in this forum and elswere, call him an Idiot.

A black man, from a single mom home, who became president of the USA!!!!

if he is an idiot, what does that meke you? laugh.png

To dance, you have to do to the bawl. Obama did ans said what he needed to get there, Unfortunately he was not inargurated Emperor, he had to setle for Presisent, and he is doing what he was elected, Presiding, with it's powers and limitation.

History will be the judge of if he did good, not me, and not you

we can all have an oppinion, but we must all realise that our Opinion comes from a perspective of limited information.


Good timing by the Congressional team that works at the White House, the Social Security tax credits.

House Speaker John Beohner continues to be the prisoner of the far right Republicans there while he and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell are each pointing at the other to get the immigration restrictions out of the bill that funds Department of Homeland Security, which includes border and immigration enforcement.

Prez Obama said he'd veto such a bill. The Congress doesn't have the votes to override a return veto by the prez.

Mitch McConnell said after the November election the R's are responsible and won't have any more shutdowns, yet that's what is coming for DHS as Congress has just begun a ten day holiday which will leave a couple of daze or so when they return. And now the R's in control of Congress are hollering about this too from back in their states.

R's want to screw immigrants and screw Prez Obama but they keep screwing themselves. Go to it boiz.

There may be a few illegal immigrants I would screw...but the illegal US Imperial Prez is not among them...


Correctly stated... obama's unconstitutional and illegal action to grant a type of amnesty without any law passed by Congress... bending the language as you do is telling a lie

The accusations in the two posts of another poster "telling a lie" twice does not raise or elevate the quality of the discussion.

The claim is extreme, intemperate, radical so it says more about the accuser.

It is a bad road to set out on in any direction, to call a poster a liar.

removed post to allowe responce

I agree, the word "Lie" should not have being used, a more corect word, would have being

"missrepresantation" though I dont think theintent of the word lie was used as to call you a liar.

the fact remains, that language can be used to misrepesent a situation

a strock of jenius was what the name of the Dept of War was changed to the dept of Defence.

say something long enough and in the mind of some it becomes true. it makes things more palatable, i

these people are not imigrants, and what is happening is not immigration reforme

there are plenty of immigrants comming to this country, my wife was one,

this has litle to do with her, or them,

what this is , is , ilegal immigration, and these people are, ilegal immigrands

Awful post if I may say so, the central point of it coming directly from Orwell's critiques of the totalitarian doublespeak techniques presented in the post.

removed posts reply to allow response

which part? not the whole thing I hope.

I agree I should have used more smilies tongue.png I will try to redeem my self in this one.

or are you referring your post where you use Orwellian doublespeak to misrepresent the status of the illegal aliens?laugh.png

and what did you do to my TVF, now my spellcheck does not work, and when I tried to use smilies, it said

"not alowed to use image extensions in this forum"

an Orwellian conspiracy to squelch my opinion

but I outsmarted the Man, I posted without smilies and then edit them in.

Sticking it to the Manthumbsup.gif


Good timing by the Congressional team that works at the White House, the Social Security tax credits.

House Speaker John Beohner continues to be the prisoner of the far right Republicans there while he and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell are each pointing at the other to get the immigration restrictions out of the bill that funds Department of Homeland Security, which includes border and immigration enforcement.

Prez Obama said he'd veto such a bill. The Congress doesn't have the votes to override a return veto by the prez.

Mitch McConnell said after the November election the R's are responsible and won't have any more shutdowns, yet that's what is coming for DHS as Congress has just begun a ten day holiday which will leave a couple of daze or so when they return. And now the R's in control of Congress are hollering about this too from back in their states.

R's want to screw immigrants and screw Prez Obama but they keep screwing themselves. Go to it boiz.

There may be a few illegal immigrants I would screw...but the illegal US Imperial Prez is not among them...

Not an appropriate forum to discuss your sexual peccadillos. Try the Gay forum laugh.png


A 13-year work program to become legal, as Prez Obama laid out in his immigration executive action.

Correctly stated... obama's unconstitutional and illegal action to grant a type of amnesty without any law passed by Congress... bending the language as you do is telling a lie

The constitution states the president has prosecutoral discretion over the executive branch, which includes the US Citizenship and Immigration Service which is a part of the Department of Homeland Security. The SCOTUS has confirmed the authority of the executive in these respects.

Prez Obama signed executive orders last November under the authority of existing laws on the books, Title 18 of the United States Code of Laws which pertain specifically to Immigration and Naturalization.

To say the president acted unconstitutionally and/or illegally is, shall we say, to be uninformed...grossly uninformed and with a great political prejudice.

Stretch and Over Reach ... obama has applied laws and regulations meant to apply actions towards one or a few into applying it to Millions ... another exaggeration and embellishment


A 13-year work program to become legal, as Prez Obama laid out in his immigration executive action.

Correctly stated... obama's unconstitutional and illegal action to grant a type of amnesty without any law passed by Congress... bending the language as you do is telling a lie

The constitution states the president has prosecutoral discretion over the executive branch, which includes the US Citizenship and Immigration Service which is a part of the Department of Homeland Security. The SCOTUS has confirmed the authority of the executive in these respects.

Prez Obama signed executive orders last November under the authority of existing laws on the books, Title 18 of the United States Code of Laws which pertain specifically to Immigration and Naturalization.

To say the president acted unconstitutionally and/or illegally is, shall we say, to be uninformed...grossly uninformed and with a great political prejudice.

Stretch and Over Reach ... obama has applied laws and regulations meant to apply actions towards one or a few into applying it to Millions ... another exaggeration and embellishment

No matter how persistently and thickly you keep slicing it, it's still baloney.


A 13-year work program to become legal, as Prez Obama laid out in his immigration executive action.

Correctly stated... obama's unconstitutional and illegal action to grant a type of amnesty without any law passed by Congress... bending the language as you do is telling a lie

The constitution states the president has prosecutoral discretion over the executive branch, which includes the US Citizenship and Immigration Service which is a part of the Department of Homeland Security. The SCOTUS has confirmed the authority of the executive in these respects.

Prez Obama signed executive orders last November under the authority of existing laws on the books, Title 18 of the United States Code of Laws which pertain specifically to Immigration and Naturalization.

To say the president acted unconstitutionally and/or illegally is, shall we say, to be uninformed...grossly uninformed and with a great political prejudice.

Stretch and Over Reach ... obama has applied laws and regulations meant to apply actions towards one or a few into applying it to Millions ... another exaggeration and embellishment

You mean Obama is acting uncostitutionaly, and both the Republicans and Spreme Court is missing it?

what a bunch of Maroonsthumbsup.gif


Perpetuating an obama lie - via exaggeration, embellishment and fabrication - reflecting the original obama untruth has become an art form of certain manic TVF posters .


Stretch and Over Reach ... obama has applied laws and regulations meant to apply actions towards one or to a few into applying it to Millions ... another exaggeration and embellishment of presidential powers...

But some obamabots can never recognize the truth of the matter via overt intent and join in to disguise and deflect the truth... Thus they become inbred incestuous twins of obama - complicit in furthering the trampling of the U.S. Constitution ... applauding obama in his unconstitutional actions and lawbreaking


Perpetuating an obama lie - via exaggeration, embellishment and fabrication - reflecting the original obama untruth has become an art form of certain manic TVF posters .

what untrues are these ? and are they anything like WMD's


everything you say is correct, except for the last sentence IMO, You can deal with the current illegals in the best possible way, but unless the availability of work for them is addressed, they will simply be replaced by a new crop of illegals

It has happened in the past, and I don't see why it will not happen again

They could secure the border but they refuse. Securing that border would be a lot cheaper than the current plan.

They could instantly deport anyone found to be in the country illegally. Try crossing Thailand's border, staying and working and see what happens to you.

Many of the same crybaby Americans who want to give illegals amnesty in the US completely understand why Thailand won't.

Kick them out and secure the border.

The illegals in the US are illegal. Please tell me what part of the word illegal Obama doesn't understand?


everything you say is correct, except for the last sentence IMO, You can deal with the current illegals in the best possible way, but unless the availability of work for them is addressed, they will simply be replaced by a new crop of illegals

It has happened in the past, and I don't see why it will not happen again

They could secure the border but they refuse. Securing that border would be a lot cheaper than the current plan.

They could instantly deport anyone found to be in the country illegally. Try crossing Thailand's border, staying and working and see what happens to you.

Many of the same crybaby Americans who want to give illegals amnesty in the US completely understand why Thailand won't.

Kick them out and secure the border.

The illegals in the US are illegal. Please tell me what part of the word illegal Obama doesn't understand?

His 13-year work program to citizenship, implemented in phases until all the many boxes have been checked/ticked. Even medical doctors or lawyers don't experience a 13-year program of preparation toward their goal, which for them is a prized prestigious degree. For the unfortunate undocumented immigrants, it is citizenship of the United States.


everything you say is correct, except for the last sentence IMO, You can deal with the current illegals in the best possible way, but unless the availability of work for them is addressed, they will simply be replaced by a new crop of illegals

It has happened in the past, and I don't see why it will not happen again

They could secure the border but they refuse. Securing that border would be a lot cheaper than the current plan.

They could instantly deport anyone found to be in the country illegally. Try crossing Thailand's border, staying and working and see what happens to you.

Many of the same crybaby Americans who want to give illegals amnesty in the US completely understand why Thailand won't.

Kick them out and secure the border.

The illegals in the US are illegal. Please tell me what part of the word illegal Obama doesn't understand?


This not as simple as you would like it to be,

Mass deportations, how would that look, how much will iy cost? How will this play with the Hispanic community?

what about children born here? or children not born here but grew up here ?

In Florida where I have a home and at a point had a business,there was a large presence of illegal aliens, it effectively made me uncompetitive in my field unless I also employed illegal aliens

after the past economic downturn construction halted, and there was no work for them.

Overnight they disappeared , No deportations necessary

The boarders will never be secured enough . If you dont deal with the incentive, there will always be those desperate enough to come.

We also share culpability in the fact that they are here, to punish their children , and separate families well, what can I say………

eliminate the incentive, accept your culpability in the problem, pay living wages so that legals would want to do the job, develop an affective guest worker program, and and resolve other problems that people more informed in this problem than me, are aware of,

Simple solutions to complex problems have only one thing is common, they are destined to fail.


This is an entertaining thread. With the progressive liberal hysteria and Sireneou's off and on spell-check problem, it's a laugh a minute.

Think I'll bookmark this one. cheesy.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Stretch and Over Reach ... obama has applied laws and regulations meant to apply actions towards one or to a few into applying it to Millions ... another exaggeration and embellishment of presidential powers...

But some obamabots can never recognize the truth of the matter via overt intent and join in to disguise and deflect the truth... Thus they become inbred incestuous twins of obama - complicit in furthering the trampling of the U.S. Constitution ... applauding obama in his unconstitutional actions and lawbreaking

This is an entertaining thread. With the progressive liberal hysteria and Sireneou's off and on spell-check problem, it's a laugh a minute.

Think I'll bookmark this one. cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3- alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Good to see the post recognize hysteria when hysteria presents itself....trouble is, it is right extremist far out hysteria as in the upper above.

And when sirineou wins his Pulitzer I'll want to claim the credit of discovering him biggrin.png


They could secure the border but they refuse. Securing that border would be a lot cheaper than the current plan.

They could instantly deport anyone found to be in the country illegally. Try crossing Thailand's border, staying and working and see what happens to you.

Many of the same crybaby Americans who want to give illegals amnesty in the US completely understand why Thailand won't.

Kick them out and secure the border.

The illegals in the US are illegal. Please tell me what part of the word illegal Obama doesn't understand?

His 13-year work program to citizenship, implemented in phases until all the many boxes have been checked/ticked. Even medical doctors or lawyers don't experience a 13-year program of preparation toward their goal, which for them is a prized prestigious degree. For the unfortunate undocumented immigrants, it is citizenship of the United States.

They are NOT "undocumented workers", you left wingnut. They are ILLEGAL immigrants. I asked you before "what part of "illegal" don't you understand? You still won't use the word "illegal" because it doesn't fit your agenda.

Obama is stomping all over US law on immigration.

Your continued spin is outrageous to anyone who understands the law and The English Language. You want to help people who got to where they are by committing a crime. You want to aid and abet criminals.

Once again, please tell me: "What part of illegal in illegal immigrant don't you understand?

  • Like 1

They could secure the border but they refuse. Securing that border would be a lot cheaper than the current plan.

They could instantly deport anyone found to be in the country illegally. Try crossing Thailand's border, staying and working and see what happens to you.

Many of the same crybaby Americans who want to give illegals amnesty in the US completely understand why Thailand won't.

Kick them out and secure the border.

The illegals in the US are illegal. Please tell me what part of the word illegal Obama doesn't understand?

His 13-year work program to citizenship, implemented in phases until all the many boxes have been checked/ticked. Even medical doctors or lawyers don't experience a 13-year program of preparation toward their goal, which for them is a prized prestigious degree. For the unfortunate undocumented immigrants, it is citizenship of the United States.

They are NOT "undocumented workers", you left wingnut. They are ILLEGAL immigrants. I asked you before "what part of "illegal" don't you understand? You still won't use the word "illegal" because it doesn't fit your agenda.

Obama is stomping all over US law on immigration.

Your continued spin is outrageous to anyone who understands the law and The English Language. You want to help people who got to where they are by committing a crime. You want to aid and abet criminals.

Once again, please tell me: "What part of illegal in illegal immigrant don't you understand?

Taking it a step further to precipitate another rant, it is true that since Prez Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, he and every president since have, in the six additional laws enacted during their terms, established illegal immigrants as a protected minority class of the society.

That thought and reality launches the far right extremists into high earth orbit, but it is the fact and the reality of the actions since 1986 of Presidents Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush and now Prez Obama.

Prez Reagan and his successors also issued executive orders or actions to correct oversights in the seven laws, principally to protect the family situation and well being of undocumented immigrants and their families. This was a radical change of immigration policy dating back to the first years of World War II which had encouraged temporary migration of Mexicans primarily to the US to work, in their case in the fields in agriculture in the South and the Southwest US.

Illegal immigrants being welcome to the US began early in WWII to support the war manufacturing and production efforts. This was done irrespective of family considerations of the immigrants and the policy was carried forward until late in the Carter administration, furthered by Prez Reagan .

I reiterate that immigration is a central pillar of the United States since before there was a United States, whether it be immigrants that are documented or undocumented. This drives the right wild.

Absolutely wild.


They are NOT "undocumented workers", you left wingnut. They are ILLEGAL immigrants. I asked you before "what part of "illegal" don't you understand? You still won't use the word "illegal" because it doesn't fit your agenda.

Obama is stomping all over US law on immigration.

Your continued spin is outrageous to anyone who understands the law and The English Language. You want to help people who got to where they are by committing a crime. You want to aid and abet criminals.

Once again, please tell me: "What part of illegal in illegal immigrant don't you understand?

Taking it a step further to precipitate another rant, it is true that since Prez Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, he and every president since have, in the six additional laws enacted during their terms, established illegal immigrants as a protected minority class of the society.

That thought and reality launches the far right extremists into high earth orbit, but it is the fact and the reality of the actions since 1986 of Presidents Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush and now Prez Obama.

Prez Reagan and his successors also issued executive orders or actions to correct oversights in the seven laws, principally to protect the family situation and well being of undocumented immigrants and their families. This was a radical change of immigration policy dating back to the first years of World War II which had encouraged temporary migration of Mexicans primarily to the US to work, in their case in the fields in agriculture in the South and the Southwest US.

Illegal immigrants being welcome to the US began early in WWII to support the war manufacturing and production efforts. This was done irrespective of family considerations of the immigrants and the policy was carried forward until late in the Carter administration, furthered by Prez Reagan .

I reiterate that immigration is a central pillar of the United States since before there was a United States, whether it be immigrants that are documented or undocumented. This drives the right wild.

Absolutely wild.

You still won't answer me because my question doesn't fit your agenda. You want to go off on tangents about what someone else did. It reminds me of a child about to get into trouble who cries "But mommy, Johnny did it too."

Just please answer me. "What part of "illegal" in "illegal immigrant" don't you understand?

The 13-year work program for undocumented immigrants that in phases leads to citizenship.

That is a long row to hoe.

It sends a message to other prospective immigrants to do it the right and far easier and quicker way, while simultaneously taking care of the families presently in the United States and which have been working in the US over a period of years.

Don't you get tired of getting the one same answer to the one same question.....


You still won't answer me because my question doesn't fit your agenda. You want to go off on tangents about what someone else did. It reminds me of a child about to get into trouble who cries "But mommy, Johnny did it too."

Just please answer me. "What part of "illegal" in "illegal immigrant" don't you understand?

The Associated Press has issued guidance in its stylebook that they will not use the term illegal immigrant. http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/04/no-more-illegal-immigrants/?_r=0

The grounds being that the illegality pertains to the action not the person.


This is the final warning. Continued pedantic, nonsensical, off-topic posts WILL result in suspensions.


Obama should be prosecuted for buying votes because thats all this is.

political spam

Immigration has been a central pillar of the United States since before there was a United States. The Democratic party, which is 20 years older than the Republican party, has always represented immigrants and has done so broadly, inclusively, effectively.

Prez Obama is no different concerning immigration to the United States than was the first of the predecessor party's presidents, Thomas Jefferson. Prez Obama is not different than the first literally speaking Democratic party Pres Andrew Jackson and others, to include Presidents Grover Cleveland, FDR, John Kennedy, LBJ.

The most prominent Republican party president that was open to accommodating illegal immigrants was Ronald Reagan who learned the explosive nature of the word "amnesty," which only the immigration snipers use today.

There is more to immigration than politics but immigration policies like any other policy includes politics. There are however aspects to immigration that transcend politics.....

If we look to institutional actors, racialized politics seems to play the largest role in determining whether those actors are pro or anti immigration. The question that arises is whether these coalitions will hold if our nation ever moves beyond anti and pro immigration to seriously debating the particular issues of immigration reform. Or will the racialized politics that drive myths about crime waves and conspiracy theories about a Mexican takeover of the Southwest, or Muslim’s preparing to enact Sharia Law, prevent the public from engagement with the specifics of immigration reform?


Immigration to the US was different 100 years ago or 50 years ago. People came to be Americans. Now they come and just make little India or little Pakistan or little Middle East or little what ever. They do not come to be Americans with their heart and sole. Another thing they do is get a western passport then run back overseas to work as a "Canadian" or "American" then figure out every scam they can to beat taxes as much as possible but still hold that passport. I thought we gave them passports because we needed Engineers or Doctors in our country........I did not know we gave them passports to go back outside the country and work so they make more money.

  • Like 1

Immigration to the US was different 100 years ago or 50 years ago. People came to be Americans. Now they come and just make little India or little Pakistan or little Middle East or little what ever.

Uh Huh....


The Chinatown centered on Grant Avenue and Stockton Street in San Francisco, California, (Chinese: 唐人街; pinyin: tángrénjiē; Jyutping: tong4 jan4 gaai1) is the oldest Chinatown in North America and the largestChinese community outside Asia. It is the oldest of the four notable Chinatowns in the city. Since its establishment in 1848, it has been highly important and influential in the history and culture of ethnic Chinese immigrants in North America.


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