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Hello to all of you! :D

I follow already since a couple of years as a “guest-reader” with great interest the topics on your forum. This is my first post.

My wife and I have traveled already a few times to Thailand always arriving by plane. We never had problems regarding the visa.

This time however we have more time to enjoy our holiday. We decided to travel by container-ship from Germany (we are German nationals) to Thailand and – since traveling by container-ship allows us to take “unlimited” luggage with us – we will bring also our bike (it’s a BMW) with us.

Now during the past weeks I have read about so many “visa-problems” (“Farang-Prince”) therefore we would like to make sure that nothing “unexpected” happens.

When you arrive at the airport everything is pretty clear, but this time we arrive with the container-ship therefore I would like to know where we will have to go for the passport – and visa formalities?

Can we use our BMW-bike without problems in Thailand? Do we need some kind of special permit?

Looking forward to your reply! :o

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Did you get a visa from a Thai consulate before you left Germany?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Hello “Maestro”!

We have not left Germany yet, we will do so by the end of September. We will arrive in Thailand during the first days of November. We intend to stay in Thailand until the first days of January 2007. We intent to apply for a Tourist-visa! My primary question regards the arrival procedures at the port arriving by “container-ship” and eventual further needed procedures regarding my bike.

Thanks again…


You must be way out of your mind dude. A total of 2 months (back and forth) on a container ship for a short 2 months stay in Thailand! You seriously need help if you are considering to do this trip.

First, if the two of you instead worked in Germany these two months you will be on the ship and saved the money, wouldnt it cover the cost of tickets and shipping the bike.

Second, bringing you own bike to Thailand for a trip like this is not a good idea at all. You will have to put up a deposit of the bikes value at he customs I belive. This you will get back when leaving Thailand. If your bike should get stolen you might not see this money for a very long time.

You could easily rent a good bike in Thailand for 2 months traveling around. Lots of good bikes here to rent.

Have you really thought about how it is to play badminton on a steel deck for 30 days? If raining or windy, spending time in the common rooms with heavily smoking guys. You should know that this is most likely to expect being the conditions though.

How much is this trip gonna cost you.. or is it any slave work into it so its all free of charge?


With a valid 60days Tourist Visa you will have no problem to enter Thailand , the seaports all have official Immigration offices , no worries.

Not so sure about the procedure with your bike.

Might be better to check with the ADAC or similar .


Let me preface by saying I've never bee to the big port(s).

Do you know which port you'll be arriving to? Some cruise ships come to Laem Chabang (e.g. here but maybe there's also a port closer to Bangkok) so there must be some kind of tourist-knowledgeable immigration facility there but it's a big place. I'm searching again and finding "Unithai port" listed on some of these itineraries (e.g. here or here). And this post references a mysterious port.

If you do come this way please, please post a follow-up note. It would be interesting to know more details of entering/leaving the country in this way.

BTW, I've heard of people having difficulty importing cars into Thailand e.g. here or here or a thousand others. I'd expect that the bike could cause similar difficulties. I have seen BMW motorcycles for sale though e.g. at the BMW dealership at All Seasons Place. I think there's even a BMW factory in Thailand, I don't know if they make the bikes though.

To those questioning the wisdom of freighter travel, I say "to each his own". If you're curious, see here or here for starters.

You must be way out of your mind dude. A total of 2 months (back and forth) on a container ship for a short 2 months stay in Thailand! You seriously need help if you are considering to do this trip.......

I think going by sea will be a nice way to travel. Though its losing its popularity, I hear that there is some very nice accomodation on those boats.


I guess F1 knows bugger all about relaxation or ships accommodation.

Immigration and customs will arrive on your ship shortly after docking, the Captain will have radioed Immigration informing them of all passengers and crew, you will not be allowed to leave the ship until all formalities have been completed.

You must remember your visa starts the day of issue so any time at sea must be taken into consideration and sailing dates can and do change so be aware that you could overstay your visa.

Would you please tell how much the sea trip costs?

eine gute Reise haben



The visa is valid for a set number of days from issue to enter country - it has no effect on how long you can stay in the country - Immigration grants that upon your arrival. So you only have to be sure visa will be valid from date issued until you enter Thailand. A two entry tourist visa would provide six months from issue date.


could you tell me the name of the ship , shipping line or agent that arranged your sea trip. i think it sounds great , not sure what sort of passenger facilities will be available on a container ship though.

about bringing a bike into thailand though , you should research it thoroughly before committing yourself.

the customs department here are notoriously difficult about bringing cars and bikes into thailand.

I guess F1 knows bugger all about relaxation or ships accommodation.

Immigration and customs will arrive on your ship shortly after docking, the Captain will have radioed Immigration informing them of all passengers and crew, you will not be allowed to leave the ship until all formalities have been completed.

You must remember your visa starts the day of issue so any time at sea must be taken into consideration and sailing dates can and do change so be aware that you could overstay your visa.

Would you please tell how much the sea trip costs?

eine gute Reise haben


Just some info regarding freighter travel:



I guess F1 knows bugger all about relaxation or ships accommodation.

Immigration and customs will arrive on your ship shortly after docking, the Captain will have radioed Immigration informing them of all passengers and crew, you will not be allowed to leave the ship until all formalities have been completed.

You must remember your visa starts the day of issue so any time at sea must be taken into consideration and sailing dates can and do change so be aware that you could overstay your visa.

Would you please tell how much the sea trip costs?

eine gute Reise haben


Just some info regarding freighter travel:



That looks like the maddest way to travel and, it costs as much as a return flight. Or did I read it wrong....?

I'd like to try it though, not sure the GF would though.... :o


Second, bringing you own bike to Thailand for a trip like this is not a good idea at all. You will have to put up a deposit of the bikes value at he customs I belive. This you will get back when leaving Thailand. If your bike should get stolen you might not see this money for a very long time.

"Thai Customs Department - Temporary Import of Personal Vehicles

To facilitate tax and duty free entry of the personal vehicles, the tourists/travelers are required to place a cash deposit or bank guarantee covering the full amount of liable taxes and duties with Customs. The deposits will be refunded when the vehicles, all fittings and accessories imported with the personal vehicles are exported within the time limits of temporary entry"

It should have been the bikes total tax value. If it is a new BMW and you could end up depositing quite some money.

If doing this trip please post photos of the container cruise ship and its facilities when you are back home.

I strongly recommend you to look into all sides of this trip. It imight not be as nice as you think.

Its kinda obvious that this is not anything near to a cruise ships facilities.

What if you totally not like it. What are you gonna do?

Is it cool to think that you ve got a 2-3 more weeks on that boat down to Thailand and another 4 weeks back to Germany as an ending to a nice holiday here?

October and back in January with this boat its also not such a good weather for outdoor activities for big parts of the distance.

If just for trying it out going one way i guess most people could live with that. So in your case, forget about your bike, one way to Thailand, then 3 months in Thailand instead of just 2 and then back to Germany on some cheap one way air tickets.

Here some price-ideas, albeit in US-Asia trade.


Have a look at the cosy suites in this links and the good bars. The cost is only approx 3000 US pr person for any 30 day travel. That would be somethig like 12000 US for 2 people back and forth to Thailand.

Quite a nice deal as you also might get some containers in front of your panoramic windows to shade off from the strong sun too. Good safety on board also as the pools got the hyper trendy steel fence to keep you from being thrown around in you swimwear when the storm sets in.


12.000 US minus 2000 US in air tickets.

leaves you 10.000 US or 380.000 B to spend on hotels and bike rental for 4 months.

Approx 3000 B a day hotelroom. Quite a few 4 / 5 star hotels to choose from on white sandy beaches just sipping on pina coladas watching the days go by...

You must be way out of your mind dude. A total of 2 months (back and forth) on a container ship for a short 2 months stay in Thailand! You seriously need help if you are considering to do this trip.

Well, I must be out of my mind, too, because I would jump at the chance to do a similar trip. :o

In fact, I would like to ask architect2006 if he could direct me to somewhere that I could book a passage such as this myself. Is there a web site, or a travel agent you went through, or, did you deal directly with the marine company perhaps?


Thanks a lot to all of you! :D

Especially thank you to "Mr Jones". Your information regarding the customs and immigration procedures allow us now to look forward to our holiday without having to be worried. I “saw” us already searching the port for the immigration office….

However we have now “second thoughts” regarding bringing our own bike. Having to make a large cash deposit seams not to make too much sense….at least not for us!!!

Well, I know we are here now a little bit out of topic, ( :D ) but since there seams to be some interest regarding “freighter tours” I am glad to inform you…

Our trip costs approx. 2000 Euro per person (everything included, also the port taxes – ONE WAY!). We intend to fly back to Germany and wanted to send only our bike back by ship…

Traveling by plane is certainly cheaper but – you might believe it or not – traveling with a container ship is a unique experience. Six years ago we went with a container ship starting from Italy to South America. We had great fun! :D The food was excellent and the facilities aboard include much more than only “badminton”. There is a pool, sauna, fitness and so on…

The accommodations are nice even luxurious, large cabins with living and sleeping area… :o

There are not that many ships offering also Thailand as a stop. Mostly you can get only passages to Malaysia, Singapore or Hong Kong. We choose the “Rickmers Reederei”.

Should somebody be interested to discuss this matter further (a special greeting goes to “goodheard” and “taxexile”!) …well, let’s do so at the “tourism section” of this great webpage!

Thanks again to all of you guys…


I dont understand - why is it so expensive to travel by container ship ? To go from thamesport to malaysia is 18 days and in a single cabin will be about 2000 Euros plus... Yes your on the ship longer than in the plane but how can the prices being quoted be justified ? Or is it just that it is sold as an alternative to a cruise and is 50% cheaper than that...

(Previously I was thinking of cheap ways to get from/to uk and thailand where the amount of time it took was not important but the cost was, and travelling by ship seemed to be a good possibility - but left it at just an idea and this thread has revealed that it isnt that cheap...)

I dont understand - why is it so expensive to travel by container ship ?
From what I've read it's mostly a way for the shipping company to supply some company to the crew on long voyages. The ships have been computerized so operate with very few crew. Passenger quarters are simply unused officer's quarters. There will probably be only a few passengers on any given run. The shipping companies make their money shipping cargo, not carrying passengers, and if it were any cheaper it might not be worth their hassle.

One thing some people here are overlooking is that these ships do stop along the way. (On the tramp ships you might not even know where you'll be stopping.) With an acceptable passport or visa (or a waiver/shore leave) you're free to get off the ship and wander around.


Guess each their own - prob be driven mad by how long it would take to get there.

Ditto in regards to the bike - think it will cause you more grief then convenience.


Sorry fxm88 I don’t want to be picky but the passengers quarters are built as “owner’s quarters”

The officers accommodation as well as the crews is decided in the design of the ship, a typical UMS ship will still carry a captain and three deck officers, a chief engineer officer and three engineer officers and a few cadets.

As for passengers to keep crew company??? What? The reason they carry passengers is for profit, I have never known a shipping company since a ship sailed over the horizon give a sh1t about the crew, they are in it for profit and no other reason.

International crew = the worst sailors in the world = cheep

UMS = unmanned machinery space = less engineers = no watch keepers = less wages to pay out.

I could go on but na

Me a syndic prove it :o



If this guy has the money and wants to do this, I don't see what the fuss is about, Visa Runner. Just let people do what they want and be happy. Sounds like a great trip to me, if I had the money. I think it's the thrill of ocean travel and that's why some love it. If you don't like that thrill, then you won't like it. Doesn't mean others won't. Wish it was cheaper than flying or I'd do it as much as possible. Maybe when I'm rich.

If this guy has the money and wants to do this, I don't see what the fuss is about, Visa Runner. Just let people do what they want and be happy. Sounds like a great trip to me, if I had the money. I think it's the thrill of ocean travel and that's why some love it. If you don't like that thrill, then you won't like it. Doesn't mean others won't. Wish it was cheaper than flying or I'd do it as much as possible. Maybe when I'm rich.

It not about that.

Of course the dude can go on and do this trip as much as he wants and to him, have a nice trip. But as this thing is going on in a forum other people are also having interest in this.

A trip like this will be an experiance as with everything else in life but considering it as something very fantastic would be wrong. There are facts here that should not be overlooked and just because a few people said it was a good way to travel doesnt mean much.

It think people traveling this way not in any way are representing the common traveler or holiday seeker.

Try to open a travel company and see your customer numbers after a year and you ll get the idea. Remember to do a profile on your clients to :D

The whole thing is more close to weirdo than normal.

Facts like:

If you cant stand it after 1 week - Where do you go?

If you get sick - What do you do? Your travel insurrance will NOT pay for a long distance chopper to pick you up out there!

Drinking occurs on the ship - If any conflicts with passengers or crew, where to go or what to do?

There is no wether guarantee.

The facilities are not that great. More similar in standard to jails in northern Europe, motels or cheap hotels. Actually the common rooms looks just a bit over in standard compared to a not so bad jails.

People have been dissapointed after coming to holiday destinations wanting to go home or move to another place. Think about that.

From an average income point of view there is also no sense between the cost and what you get.

There are thousands of more interesting things to do and see around the world than the big blue ocean from a container ship for 1 month.

I guess there is a reason for why you dont see this an option down at your local travel agent. :o


Freighter travel is a whole genre of travel that some people get and some don't. Not for those simply looking to go from A to B.

Some freighter devotees love the peace and solitude, some just love the sea. I know a couple of novelists who take a long freighter trip (60-90 days) to finish off their novels relatively free of distractions. Compared to most cruise ship travel they're a bargain, averaging US$100/day including accoms, all meals and wine.


For a writer I agree totally that it would be a very good way of traveling. As a writer and you are on this ship to get some work done. Would make it impossibele to compare with a traveler.

I ll put it this way. If you ran a travel agency and someone came to your office and wanted something of a different holiday and came up with maybe this idea. What would you do?

If being liable to your client that he had a pleasant holiday and if not he would have the right to make a claim to your company about his holiday resulting in a payback. How would your terms on this destination look like??

Most likely something like "This travel is not possible to refund in anyway"


It not about that.

Of course the dude can go on and do this trip as much as he wants and to him, have a nice trip. But as this thing is going on in a forum other people are also having interest in this.

A trip like this will be an experiance as with everything else in life but considering it as something very fantastic would be wrong. There are facts here that should not be overlooked and just because a few people said it was a good way to travel doesnt mean much.

It think people traveling this way not in any way are representing the common traveler or holiday seeker.

Try to open a travel company and see your customer numbers after a year and you ll get the idea. Remember to do a profile on your clients to :D

The whole thing is more close to weirdo than normal.

Facts like:

If you cant stand it after 1 week - Where do you go?

If you get sick - What do you do? Your travel insurrance will NOT pay for a long distance chopper to pick you up out there!

Drinking occurs on the ship - If any conflicts with passengers or crew, where to go or what to do?

There is no wether guarantee.

The facilities are not that great. More similar in standard to jails in northern Europe, motels or cheap hotels. Actually the common rooms looks just a bit over in standard compared to a not so bad jails.

People have been dissapointed after coming to holiday destinations wanting to go home or move to another place. Think about that.

From an average income point of view there is also no sense between the cost and what you get.

There are thousands of more interesting things to do and see around the world than the big blue ocean from a container ship for 1 month.

I guess there is a reason for why you dont see this an option down at your local travel agent. :o

I think to Travel on the Container Ship can be very relaxing ....having had the past 15 years mostly spent at Sea i can understand why they travel by Containership and not a Cruise Liner. No Crowds , more space , no or less annoying announcements through the Ships PA System, you get to know the Captain and may join his Table on more than just one occasion, drinking does happen on CruiseShips too so this is no valid point to be worried, during a World Cruise and Cruise Vessels when you are between LA and Papeete you can't go anywhere either can't see your worries...according to SOLAS regulations there must be medical trained staff on Board any Oceangoing Vessel- in case you get sick.

Honestly the Conflicts that i have seen on Cruise Ships have been between Passengers themselves so a containership might even be safer. Have you ever been on a ContainerShips Cabin for Pax? I saw some of them , and they are often better and more spacious as you would get on some of the Cruise Liners.

Weather guarantuee isn't given anywhere , not even when you are in thailand ....

I can imagine that this kind of Travel is more for the "individualist" , so it isn't for everyone.

I wish them a good & enjoyable trip to Thailand :D

rcm :D

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