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Turkish tourist killing on Samui takes new twist

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The enigma, that is Thailand!

Give it a bleedin rest mate - this crap happens EVERY day on the streets of London !!!

No pal it dosnt, what loony bin let you out ?

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The enigma, that is Thailand!

Give it a bleedin rest mate - this crap happens EVERY day on the streets of London !!!

Only in your imagination it does

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Channel 3 reported Sunday that police had conducted an investigation.....

I wonder how many thousands of man hours went into the investigation?

Maybe got a crack CSI team in, who obviously think outside the box: "let's check the cctv".

Mind numbing.

You clowns are priceless - what do you want it to be called if not an investigation ?

The police were allegedly confronted with a concocted story - then as everyone is innocent until proven guilty (unless you're a Thai Visa half brained conspiracist wannabee detective) - the police then INVESTIGATED and have very quickly ruled out the given version of events and came, possibly to the right decision where justice will now be done.

In the UK this would probably have taken a whole lot longer followed by a billion pound 'inquiry' into nothing much !

Though it really isn't surprise you have a numb brain - it'll be all the whining taking its toll !

Apologies. Should have included an 'irony alert' in my post for those who have suffered an irony bypass.

The investigation should have taken about an hour, not required an autopsy and then after the autopsy, check the cctv.

From my limited knowledge of police investigations, when an incident occurred outside any night club I've worked at, the cctv is the first thing they look at. Usually within an hour of the incident.

Not sure if it's medically proven, but it would appear that an irony bypass can cause bouts of severe irritability.

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Please...can someone tell me if this is a misspelling/wrong word...or if not what do they mean as I don't understand....

"raised his hands to give him a wai"...... and then also..... "and the Turkish man was seen waling behind the bar manger"

Other then that, it seems like a dirty deed and attempted cover-up.... the police seem to have done their job, despite cynicism from many here.... Although why they didn't check CCT footage before the stories raised suspicion is beyond me?!?.... surely that should have been the first thing to do while establishing what happened!?


Cool Samui

You sure it's not a 1st april joke?.......As the story sounded strange the police checked the video....

.Shall I have a coffe ,look TV ,a hore ,or kill the last custumer.......

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I bet his bank accounts are much lower now than before the shooting....

Police should get records pre and post and compare..I have heard some terrible stories about bank employees taking advantage when an opportunity like this happens....


Until the police officially release the video, there's still time for bank transfers to take place and videos to get lost.

What do you mean,....Bank transfers ? are you crazy,..?..Cash only will do........!!! ...Bank transfers leave traces.....!!!


By the way,....this is how business is don on Koh Samui.....Bang,..Bang....it happened so many times before....


Funny I almost posted on the original report that it's likely the gun was planted on him.

Once again the world gets the true meaning of Thainess; where life is cheap and where Thais feel so superior than any other race they can take a life without consequence and over the most trivial of matters.

Seriously you could offer me $10 million tax free to visit Thailand and I would turn it down without blinking an eye-lid. Why anyone would want to visit or live in the cesspit of humanity ( or lack of humanity ) is beyond my comprehension.

Is that offer still on the table?


Why isnt this main news headlines ?

Shot by two guys ... bar owner and the helper..

Turkish chap is not drunk and is shot by first almost certainly the owner hes arguing with and then when he crawls to the street the other guy pops him again.


Hes an Expat, he had no gun, this is a cold blooded murder, middle of the daytime, end of story.

" Police later found from the video footage that the revolver belonged to Kabin and it was put into Polot’s hands in a setup as Kabin did not realiz that Polot was also carrying his own pistol."

Cold blooded murder, yes, but he was, (according to police cheesy.gif ) carrying his own gun, and he was apparently also quite well known to be a sort of farang protector/mafia type character,so if this is correct, IMHO, no big loss, and the justice system will deal with the bar owner and the other guy appropriatelycheesy.gif


Seriously you could offer me $10 million tax free to visit Thailand and I would turn it down without blinking an eye-lid. Why anyone would want to visit or live in the cesspit of humanity ( or lack of humanity ) is beyond my comprehension.

Yet you're lurking around TV without getting paid a dime.

PURE BS'er, you would engage in a orgy with 10 thai man if they paid you 100 grand, can't imagine what you'd do for 1 million, let alone 10

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Well, maybe I'll be forgiven for my tinfoil hat remarks saying it looked like a murder.

Here were my reasons.

it is actually the other way around, you must look within your heart and find a way to forgive those that quell critical thinking and debate.


Why only several days after the shooting was the CCTV footage reviewed? Wouldn't that be the first thing the police would check?

I think they would have to leave the police station and drive over to Nathon to do that


Bangkok Post still have not updated their original Story of self defence from the Security Guard.

Very quiet on Bad News that effects Tourism negatively here on Samui.


It didn't take long for the apologists to stick their heads up.

It may come as a surprise to you that many tourists don't find an endless round of similar looking temples and buffaloes or watching water fall over a cliff or rice growing to be their idea of a holiday.

Actually your attitude really sucks.

Tourist should be safe wherever they go the same as any other person and more so when patronising an establishment that caters predominantly to tourists.

Obviously to confusing for hanno

The story clearly says the gun was planted on the Turk.

Quality Hosts. wai2.gifwai.gif

"The clip showed the man crawling out and Kabin walking to him and shooting him at close range."

All those islands are ruled by thugs.

Yep... They are... But maybe if the quality of the tourist was better, the quality of the host would be better too...

If the tourists went to somewhere off the beaten track instead of the 'party islands', Phuket or Pattaya... They would see good quality and welcoming Thai hospitality...

Want to go to a place crawling with overweight perverts and act the thug? Expect the locals to act the thug back...

Som nam nah

Probably been to nakon si nowhere a couple of times and think all the stupid inane grinning is because they like him.

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Why isnt this main news headlines ?

Shot by two guys ... bar owner and the helper..

Turkish chap is not drunk and is shot by first almost certainly the owner hes arguing with and then when he crawls to the street the other guy pops him again.


Hes an Expat, he had no gun, this is a cold blooded murder, middle of the daytime, end of story.

" Police later found from the video footage that the revolver belonged to Kabin and it was put into Polots hands in a setup as Kabin did not realiz that Polot was also carrying his own pistol."

Cold blooded murder, yes, but he was, (according to police cheesy.gif ) carrying his own gun, and he was apparently also quite well known to be a sort of farang protector/mafia type character,so if this is correct, IMHO, no big loss, and the justice system will deal with the bar owner and the other guy


Yes, they will receive due process thanks to CCTV, and we are reminded that in LOS things are never, ever, what they seem to be. The first version was suspected by some people simply because in that version no Thai was at fault...... but that is the usual situation - right?

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Mass tourism during the last few years is destroying Thailand very quickly.

Lots of money is too be made. It will attract low lifer scum both ways.

As far as the bar manager, put him in jail and throw away the keys.

Thailand used to be very nice and that is what attracted me.

If I wouldn't have invested so much I would have been gone.

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Mass tourism during the last few years is destroying Thailand very quickly.

Lots of money is too be made. It will attract low lifer scum both ways.

As far as the bar manager, put him in jail and throw away the keys.

Thailand used to be very nice and that is what attracted me.

If I wouldn't have invested so much I would have been gone.

Well said.

I Fully agree.

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Now somethings comes to my mind, maybe they are all paid to kill tourists? why? because therefore in the near future the Thais will have their country for them selves. Or maybe there is some plan cooked up in Dubai to Chemtrail the place so that the Thais go crazy and kill as many tourist as possible, cheat on them, rob them of in Jewelry and Tuk Tuk scams. But as I can say there was a double Mafia at Samui in 1989 and witnessed a murder during Dinner there just 2 tables away, the Guy walking in draw the Gun and fired 4 times and then simply walked out. Nothing happen after. We the Falangs where advised when the Police has shown up to do not say anything and we where never asked even. The way it looks like right now it has totally accumulated 10 fold like the Koh Tao incident, because only a Baboon will believe that the 2 Burmese Guys did that!

The Country was more or less cool and relaxed to live in till 2001 when it then became a personal Fifedom for 1 Family, since then all has gone down the drain and now the Military tries to build up an Stone age utopian society while living in international fast connected online communication.

I am on my way to Uruguay, to the rest welcome and enjoy your time.


Why isnt this main news headlines ?

Shot by two guys ... bar owner and the helper..

Turkish chap is not drunk and is shot by first almost certainly the owner hes arguing with and then when he crawls to the street the other guy pops him again.


Hes an Expat, he had no gun, this is a cold blooded murder, middle of the daytime, end of story.

" Police later found from the video footage that the revolver belonged to Kabin and it was put into Polot’s hands in a setup as Kabin did not realiz that Polot was also carrying his own pistol."

Cold blooded murder, yes, but he was, (according to police cheesy.gif ) carrying his own gun, and he was apparently also quite well known to be a sort of farang protector/mafia type character,so if this is correct, IMHO, no big loss, and the justice system will deal with the bar owner and the other guy appropriatelycheesy.gif

do you trust what police is saying? they first said the Turkish guy was carrying a gun and tried to shoot the bar guys and they shot back at him.

but it was, as we thought, they planted the guns in his hand and most probably to this waist too. Police is just trying to save the influenced guy! and sure millions of baht have been already transferred from the family of the murdered to some other accounts:)

and lets say do you trust the police who checks cctv cameras days after? which i believe they checked it in the first place ASAP and they were aware of the situation but tried to save the influenced guy. But after the autopsy clarified things a bit and they understand that they cannot cover the mess then cctv cameras was put on the table. and maybe Turkish authorities were also checking this case with the police?

most probably it is one of these tough guys that cannot hold something back home or wanted by authorities coming to Thailand from their countries like brits, israelis, american hitmans etc.

still, i just cannot believe like a Turkish guy comes to Thailand plays mafia and protection ring etc and 100 k thb in his pocket along with lots of drugs and two guns like one is not enough. like there are no Thai mafia here. Do you really think they let a Turkish guy doing such things in a small island like Koh Samui where everybody know everyone? and maybe he has one gun or he is a troublesome guy, i dont know, just speculation but still it is not a reason to get killed on the ground like a dog.

this is just plain cold blooded murder but just bc the guy is Turkish, lots of prejudice in this thread and focus slides to nowhere or lets say somewhere discriminative.

if the victim lets say from UK, sure the comments here will be different, no? frankly?

please do not focus on the nationality of the victim. just focus on the fact that, this is a cold blooded murder and an alleged setup by planting guns, drugs, money on the victim and it might happen any of us regardless of our nationality.

hope the murderers get life sentence without the possibility of parole. but i dont think so like most of the Thais getting away from a murder of farang and released after some years.

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