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Video purports to show IS militants beheading hostages


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The US sends mixed signals with a Pres named Barrack Hussein Obama waffling on how serious the IS threat is to the US!!!!

How dumb is this...the fight is in the ME at the moment...London, Paris, and New York get ready...

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Well that's Egypt firmly in the fray now, not a good move by ISIS as they are the 3rd largest force in the area.

Do you really think the muslim Egyptian army is going to risk spilling a drop of blood for some dead Chrsitians?

That has been a certainty. The Egyptian military has been spilling the blood of the Muslim Brotherhood for decades under Mubarack when it was outlawed and now the MB is once again outlawed. And if you noticed, the Egyptian military has almost daily military engagements with Al Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula and with Hamas in the Gaza Strip border.

Edited by rickirs
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Well that's Egypt firmly in the fray now, not a good move by ISIS as they are the 3rd largest force in the area.

Do you really think the muslim Egyptian army is going to risk spilling a drop of blood for some dead Chrsitians?

You were saying? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/800822-egypt-strikes-is-group-in-libya-after-video-of-mass-killing/?utm_source=newsletter-20150216-1551&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news

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Watched the videos of the Jordanian pilot being burnt and now these 21 Egyptians being beheaded. Some around me were saying are you sick in the head to watch that. If it was someone I loved I would have demanded to watch it. Having cut the throat of many sheep, pigs and deer in my time the Egyptian beheadings were different only in one way, and that is with the humanisation of it that these people being slaughtered are also mine. Watching the Jordanian pilot being burnt and prior to the fuel being lit, while not being able to be there personally, to at least via the video share and "Kia Kaha bro"..."be strong my brother". Be strong my brother as while I will never probably have to act here in my little corner of Paradise the Jordanian pilot and the 21 Egyptians now have my pact that if one of these ISIS or Islamic fundamentalists scumbags act out their evil in my little corner of life I will act for them. The memories of that Jordanian pilot are etched in my mind for ever of how evil we, or more specifically some of us, can be.

The families of these 22 who gave their lives can gain some condolence in the fact that these ISIS mongrels through their few moments of video glory have started to bring down the wrath of the nations all around them. And that is what has been needed all along rather than western nations sticking their noses in yet again. Well done to the Jordanian and Egyptians and all others in this war theatre that are uniting against this scum. Wipe them off the face of the earth.

Edited by Roadman
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Well that's Egypt firmly in the fray now, not a good move by ISIS as they are the 3rd largest force in the area.

Egypt is actually the most powerful force in the area including Africa if you don't count nukes and just look at conventional hardware - ships, tanks, aircraft etc.

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It's not per se the intervention in the Middle East that is the real problem, any more than subsequent disengagement. It's that these actions occur with no conceptual understanding that the worst scenario in all cases is Islam being allowed to take control. Yes, democratic liberal democracies would be nice, but they are an unattainable dream in the entire region, save for Israel. If every western action revolved around supporting secular tyrants who keep Islam out of power we would still have a certain amount of terrorism, but no ISIS and no Boko Haram.

The only silver lining is that the west may yet wake up just in time to save itself.

The West will wake up when it is in its neighborhoods, on its doorstep. Just now governments are beginning to call these acts Islamic terrorist acts. We have attacks in several countries recently.

It will have to be the people who wake up first because the current governments are still PC.

Edited by NeverSure
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"These cowardly actions will not undermine our determination" said el-Sissi, who also banned all travel to Libya by Egyptian citizens and said his government reserves the right to seek retaliation. "Egypt and the whole world are in a fierce battle with extremist groups carrying extremist ideology and sharing the same goals."

Egypt has the strongest military in Africa and the Middle East (other than nukes.) It's also predominately Muslim. Let's see if it puts its money where its mouth is.


That's without considering that Egypt is already engaged in a struggle with IS related organizations in the Sinai Peninsula.

Is this a couple of "show for the West" strikes like Jordan did, or is Egypt all in for a war?

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Possibly had Qaddafi been left alone this particular Libyan theater of conflict would not have appeared.

Possibly had Saddam been left alone the main theather of conflict in the Middle East would not have appeared. sad.png

If Saddam and Gaddafi had been left alone they would be fighting IS or something with a different name consisting of their own people right now. The battles between the various sects of Islam and the desire to wipe out infidels were around a long time before the West woke up.

Was the West supposed to just sit still and ignore the attacks listed below? How about the ones before that and the many after, up to and including 9/11?

USA attacks. LINK

Edited by NeverSure
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These people are cold blooded killers. They kill themselves, they kill each other, they kill randomly around the world regardless of of nation;

And we need to stop blaming ourselves and do our best to wipe them out. Blaming ourselves is the idiot PC version which got us this far without us taking it seriously.

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No one is blaming themselves and no one I know is oblivious or unconcerned about IS.

The US is going after IS and has been for some time now. Washington got some of the Arab countries into a coalition and it was a slow start at first. Once the Arab countries such as Jordan and the Saudis got involved, it was only a matter of a short time before they got burned by IS. Jordan really got burned and now Egypt which was not initially involved got scorched by IS. It was inevitable and it happened in a reasonably short time.

The more comprehensive response to IS is on now. It needs to be sustained for those presently in the coalition or those ME governments that are going along with it and to bring aboard more Arab governments. .

Washington and other people I know around here are very much on top of this and are not wringing hands as if we were losing or as if we were lost in the desert somewhere. It is developing and it is developing positively for Washington and the West.

Calm down cause no one i see or know is oblivious, self-loathing or engaged in self-blame. Nobody I know is a dark side warmonger either as some here are.

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The west needs to wake up pretty smartish to the fact that IS has declared war on the west and seeks to destroy us.

We are well aware of IS, who they are and what they are about, what they are after, what they want, how they mean to get it, why.

We all are well aware.

Which is why we are determined to obliterate IS, to destroy them, to annihilate IS, to be unrelenting to kill 'em and to be intelligent and profession about going about it and in accomplishing it.

IS is as bad as any enemy of civilization in modern history and in all of history, if not actually worse than the historic worst in many ways. Even Hitler did not broadcast his crimes against humanity; neither did Tojo and the high command over there.

We are on these guys and they are going to get sent to kingdom come.

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Well that's Egypt firmly in the fray now, not a good move by ISIS as they are the 3rd largest force in the area.

Do you really think the muslim Egyptian army is going to risk spilling a drop of blood for some dead Chrsitians?

Events have proven your assertion incorrect

How many Egyptian Christians in the Egyptian military? They are, or at least were, constrained in how far they would advance in promotions, but Christians are in the regime military, as they are in Syria.

I have an American friend who was in the US military & at one time based in Egypt providing logistical support to the Egyptian military. He mentioned to me that one of the most 'successful' fighter pilots during the 1973 Egyptian / Israeli war was an Egyptian Christian.

Edited by simple1
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The west needs to wake up pretty smartish to the fact that IS has declared war on the west and seeks to destroy us.

We are well aware of IS, who they are and what they are about, what they are after, what they want, how they mean to get it, why.

We all are well aware.

Which is why we are determined to obliterate IS, to destroy them, to annihilate IS, to be unrelenting to kill 'em and to be intelligent and profession about going about it and in accomplishing it.

IS is as bad as any enemy of civilization in modern history and in all of history, if not actually worse than the historic worst in many ways. Even Hitler did not broadcast his crimes against humanity; neither did Tojo and the high command over there.

We are on these guys and they are going to get sent to kingdom come.

Nice dream you have there. Jihad is among us in our own Western countries. Islamists have immigrated and are outbreeding the native populations of the West and especially Europe.

Name for me one country that is active in ridding itself of this danger. No, each country will only respond to an attack, and only to the actual perp(s) at that time.

You don't win a war by only reacting.

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The west needs to wake up pretty smartish to the fact that IS has declared war on the west and seeks to destroy us.

We are well aware of IS, who they are and what they are about, what they are after, what they want, how they mean to get it, why.

We all are well aware.

Which is why we are determined to obliterate IS, to destroy them, to annihilate IS, to be unrelenting to kill 'em and to be intelligent and profession about going about it and in accomplishing it.

IS is as bad as any enemy of civilization in modern history and in all of history, if not actually worse than the historic worst in many ways. Even Hitler did not broadcast his crimes against humanity; neither did Tojo and the high command over there.

We are on these guys and they are going to get sent to kingdom come.

Nice dream you have there. Jihad is among us in our own Western countries. Islamists have immigrated and are outbreeding the native populations of the West and especially Europe.

Name for me one country that is active in ridding itself of this danger. No, each country will only respond to an attack, and only to the actual perp(s) at that time.

You don't win a war by only reacting.

This is exactly what Washington has been saying about IS from the start.

Washington has been aware of IS from before this operation began. The Arab capitals have known about it besides, perhaps sooner which is why a number of 'em have become involved in the coalition, which I heard today Turkey is thinking it too has to join with some more of other Arab governments soon to follow (Turkey is not Arab, I know, I know...get a grip youse guys).

All of us are well aware Washington has always said it only takes one terrorist to succeed one time whereas the government has to be successful and effective 100% of the time. That's of little consolation but it is the reality. Take some comfort in the fact It is more probable you or your family will be hit by lightening than by a terrorist attack.

Christ on a bike, you know the US has been highly successful in fending these things off from both foreign and domestic bases.

Is our infrastructure ready? Somewhat. Are first responders in the communities ready? Quite. Is the Pentagon's Continental Command (USA Homeland Defense) ready? Entirely. Etc.

That is just all I can really say to you about that because while nothing is assured, that would also mean we are not doomed nor are we about to become extinguished.

If you people insist on being hysterical because you have convinced yourselves the entire country is asleep and only your people know anything, or that only your people care -- only you people -- then go ahead and run up and down the hills while howling at the moon on this one too

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No one is blaming themselves and no one I know is oblivious or unconcerned about IS.

The US is going after IS and has been for some time now. Washington got some of the Arab countries into a coalition and it was a slow start at first. Once the Arab countries such as Jordan and the Saudis got involved, it was only a matter of a short time before they got burned by IS. Jordan really got burned and now Egypt which was not initially involved got scorched by IS. It was inevitable and it happened in a reasonably short time.

The more comprehensive response to IS is on now. It needs to be sustained for those presently in the coalition or those ME governments that are going along with it and to bring aboard more Arab governments. .

Washington and other people I know around here are very much on top of this and are not wringing hands as if we were losing or as if we were lost in the desert somewhere. It is developing and it is developing positively for Washington and the West.

Calm down cause no one i see or know is oblivious, self-loathing or engaged in self-blame. Nobody I know is a dark side warmonger either as some here are.

Wouldn't comparing the pure evil of ISIS now in 2015 to the Crusades, which followed centuries of Islamic terror be considered self-loathing or self-blame?

As for downplaying the threat of ISIS do I need to remind you of the Varsity team comment?

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The militant speaker then pointed northward across the red-stained waves and said, "We will conquer Rome, by Allah's permission."

It is interesting that the sort of rhetoric these characters come out with, always strongly evokes events in the era of the Crusades.

One example : In 1266, following his conquest of Safed (in today's Israel), Baibers allegedly had the heads of 1,500 Crusader adult males hacked off and stuck onto spikes surrounding the Citadel, to instil terror, then sold the captured Women and Children into slavery. Mmm, sound familiar?

It is in Islam's own early history that Muhammad himself oversaw the distribution of both the treasure and human slaves after conquests, following tribal war tradition. Today's historians suggest that he shouldn't be judged by today's standards, but viewed as a man of his time and environment. Maybe so, but you can see which vat ISIS dip into for their inspiration, and no amount of domesticated Muslim organisations in the West telling them that 2015 CE isn't 624 CE, will dissuade them from their momentum. For them, those days of old are not a faint wishy washy distant blurry irrelevancy. For them, the battle and momentum was only put on hold and is now resuming. It is a difference in perception of time that is unfamiliar to us, and it was my observation long ago that even the average Muslim in the middle east learns about age old battles of the Islamic history.

In Europe we also have certain dates in early military history that do the rounds, but not quite to the same extent and certainly not the same fervour with which they are retold in the Muslim world. Shia in Iran take this to a whole new level. Various foriegn fighters flocking to join ISIS are one thing, and we tend to hear more about them as being local gangsters / strays with not much of a prior connection to Islam but as disgruntled outcasts seeking a convenient violent outlet with a facade attached. Our media works hard to dismiss them as petty thugs / losers. ISIS locally are the ones whos minds are less known about, regarding how they perceive the world in their immediacy and further afield. It seems to me that they perceive the world in a very similar way to people in the 1200s did, going by the rhetoric quoted above and heard in their psychological terror videos.

Mind boggling atrocities used to occur in the 1200s, carried out by both sides with a directness and acceptance that can be very hard for us to grasp today, but not for ISIS. ISIS merely see the phase of time between the drawing of Sykes-Picot and now, as a short pause in proceedings.

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The west needs to wake up pretty smartish to the fact that IS has declared war on the west and seeks to destroy us.

We are well aware of IS, who they are and what they are about, what they are after, what they want, how they mean to get it, why.

We all are well aware.

Which is why we are determined to obliterate IS, to destroy them, to annihilate IS, to be unrelenting to kill 'em and to be intelligent and profession about going about it and in accomplishing it.

IS is as bad as any enemy of civilization in modern history and in all of history, if not actually worse than the historic worst in many ways. Even Hitler did not broadcast his crimes against humanity; neither did Tojo and the high command over there.

We are on these guys and they are going to get sent to kingdom come.

Nice dream you have there. Jihad is among us in our own Western countries. Islamists have immigrated and are outbreeding the native populations of the West and especially Europe.

Name for me one country that is active in ridding itself of this danger. No, each country will only respond to an attack, and only to the actual perp(s) at that time.

You don't win a war by only reacting.

This is exactly what Washington has been saying about IS from the start.

Washington has been aware of IS from before this operation began. The Arab capitals have known about it besides, perhaps sooner which is why a number of 'em have become involved in the coalition, which I heard today Turkey is thinking it too has to join with some more of other Arab governments soon to follow (Turkey is not Arab, I know, I know...get a grip youse guys).

All of us are well aware Washington has always said it only takes only one terrorist to succeed one time whereas the government has to be successful and effective 100% of the time. That's of little consolation but it is the reality. Take some confort in the fact It is more probable you or your family will be hit by lightening than by a terrorist attack.

Christ on a bike, you know the US has been highly successful in fending these things off from both foreign and domestic bases.

Is our infrastructure ready? Somewhat. Are first responders in the communities ready? Quite. Is the Pentagon's Continental Command (USA Homeland Defense) ready? Entirely. Etc.

That is just all I can really say to you about that because while nothing is assured, that would also mean we are not doomed nor are we about to become extinguished.

If you people insist on being hysterical because you have convinced yourselves the entire country is asleep and only your people know anything, or that only your people care -- only you people -- then go ahead and run up and down the hills while howling at the moon on this one too

I do agree that Washington is "somewhat" on top of this domestically but Europe and Australia aren't. They are still in a PC fog. They are still allowing mass immigration. For cripe's sake, France is 20% Muslim. These immigrants are outbreeding the traditional inhabitants by a wide margin and in 30 years... ??

Something has to reverse this. The "militarization of police" has started in Europe and will continue, but it's still only reactionary. The terrorists strike and they are hunted down, only to leave gawd knows how many on the loose.

The US is in a slightly better position because the numbers are fewer, the government is watching, and frankly, the citizens themselves are armed. Put another way, those punks aren't going to succeed in my neighborhood. End of.

Europe is in danger, the danger is increasing, and I don't see anything being done about it as a proactive measure.

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No one is blaming themselves and no one I know is oblivious or unconcerned about IS.

The US is going after IS and has been for some time now. Washington got some of the Arab countries into a coalition and it was a slow start at first. Once the Arab countries such as Jordan and the Saudis got involved, it was only a matter of a short time before they got burned by IS. Jordan really got burned and now Egypt which was not initially involved got scorched by IS. It was inevitable and it happened in a reasonably short time.

The more comprehensive response to IS is on now. It needs to be sustained for those presently in the coalition or those ME governments that are going along with it and to bring aboard more Arab governments. .

Washington and other people I know around here are very much on top of this and are not wringing hands as if we were losing or as if we were lost in the desert somewhere. It is developing and it is developing positively for Washington and the West.

Calm down cause no one i see or know is oblivious, self-loathing or engaged in self-blame. Nobody I know is a dark side warmonger either as some here are.

Wouldn't comparing the pure evil of ISIS now in 2015 to the Crusades, which followed centuries of Islamic terror be considered self-loathing or self-blame?

As for downplaying the threat of ISIS do I need to remind you of the Varsity team comment?

Do you know anyone who does that?

I don't know anyone who does that.

Haven't heard it, haven't seen anyone do that, haven't read anyone who does that.

Not here or around here, not in Washington, not in Europe, Israel...not anyone anywhere, any time.

We can't kill everyone you know....nor should we try.

Obliterate IS and annihilate them, yes or at least have that as our goal. But we just can't kill everyone nor should we try.

Remember Fallujah in 2004? We had to kill 'em all to rescue the city from mass slaughter and genocide, so we did do that. It was a vicious fight and we did that. the varsity team killed 'em all there and then, even though it took some time. Col Sierra, commander of the Third Heavy "Iron Brigade" Combat Team now deploying to Kuwait, was executive officer (2nd in command) of the 2nd Battalion of the 7th Cavalry Regiment at Fallujah. http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/conflictiniraq/p/fallujah.htm

Just not kill every one everywhere all the time. Right?

Edited by Publicus
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The militant speaker then pointed northward across the red-stained waves and said, "We will conquer Rome, by Allah's permission."

It is interesting that the sort of rhetoric these characters come out with, always strongly evokes events in the era of the Crusades.

One example : In 1266, following his conquest of Safed (in today's Israel), Baibers allegedly had the heads of 1,500 Crusader adult males hacked off and stuck onto spikes surrounding the Citadel, to instil terror, then sold the captured Women and Children into slavery. Mmm, sound familiar?

It is in Islam's own early history that Muhammad himself oversaw the distribution of both the treasure and human slaves after conquests, following tribal war tradition. Today's historians suggest that he shouldn't be judged by today's standards, but viewed as a man of his time and environment. Maybe so, but you can see which vat ISIS dip into for their inspiration, and no amount of domesticated Muslim organisations in the West telling them that 2015 CE isn't 624 CE, will dissuade them from their momentum. For them, those days of old are not a faint wishy washy distant blurry irrelevancy. For them, the battle and momentum was only put on hold and is now resuming. It is a difference in perception of time that is unfamiliar to us, and it was my observation long ago that even the average Muslim in the middle east learns about age old battles of the Islamic history.

In Europe we also have certain dates in early military history that do the rounds, but not quite to the same extent and certainly not the same fervour with which they are retold in the Muslim world. Shia in Iran take this to a whole new level. Various foriegn fighters flocking to join ISIS are one thing, and we tend to hear more about them as being local gangsters / strays with not much of a prior connection to Islam but as disgruntled outcasts seeking a convenient violent outlet with a facade attached. Our media works hard to dismiss them as petty thugs / losers. ISIS locally are the ones whos minds are less known about, regarding how they perceive the world in their immediacy and further afield. It seems to me that they perceive the world in a very similar way to people in the 1200s did, going by the rhetoric quoted above and heard in their psychological terror videos.

Mind boggling atrocities used to occur in the 1200s, carried out by both sides with a directness and acceptance that can be very hard for us to grasp today, but not for ISIS. ISIS merely see the phase of time between the drawing of Sykes-Picot and now, as a short pause in proceedings.

ISIS locally are the ones whos [sic] minds are less known about, regarding how they perceive the world in their immediacy and further afield. It seems to me that they perceive the world in a very similar way to people in the 1200s did,

Amen and for sure and they are equally willing to embrace death in like and similar ways and with the same menacing temper.

One of the burdens the United States carries in the ME is that it is the natural inheritor of Sykes-Picot and the closely related Balfour Declaration besides.

Westminster knew Balfour's notions would appeal to Prez Woodrow Wilson's two closest advisers, Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, both of whom were appointed to the Supreme Court, Brandeis by Wilson and Frankfurter later by FDR who was of like mind., not to mention to also enjoy the sympathy of Lloyd George.

ISIL are indeed Muslim fanatics, which separates them from the common everyday billion Muslims globally.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well that's Egypt firmly in the fray now, not a good move by ISIS as they are the 3rd largest force in the area.

Do you really think the muslim Egyptian army is going to risk spilling a drop of blood for some dead Chrsitians?

They have started already, plenty of blood I would guess hitting training camps

Egypt says it has bombed Islamic State targets in Libya, hours after the group published video showing the apparent beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians.

State TV said the dawn strikes had targeted camps, training sites and weapons storage areas.

Libyan officials said Egypt had hit targets in the militant-held city of Derna in co-ordination with Libya.


I got that one wrong and I admit it. The west should take note of the quick response both by Jordan and Egypt.

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Well that's Egypt firmly in the fray now, not a good move by ISIS as they are the 3rd largest force in the area.

Do you really think the muslim Egyptian army is going to risk spilling a drop of blood for some dead Chrsitians?

Events have proven your assertion incorrect

How many Egyptian Christians in the Egyptian military? They are, or at least were, constrained in how far they would advance in promotions, but Christians are in the regime military, as they are in Syria.

I have an American friend who was in the US military & at one time based in Egypt providing logistical support to the Egyptian military. He mentioned to me that one of the most 'successful' fighter pilots during the 1973 Egyptian / Israeli war was an Egyptian Christian.

Happy to be proven wrong on this one.

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I do agree that Washington is "somewhat" on top of this domestically but Europe and Australia aren't. They are still in a PC fog. They are still allowing mass immigration. For cripe's sake, France is 20% Muslim. These immigrants are outbreeding the traditional inhabitants by a wide margin and in 30 years... ??

Something has to reverse this. The "militarization of police" has started in Europe and will continue, but it's still only reactionary. The terrorists strike and they are hunted down, only to leave gawd knows how many on the loose.

The US is in a slightly better position because the numbers are fewer, the government is watching, and frankly, the citizens themselves are armed. Put another way, those punks aren't going to succeed in my neighborhood. End of.

Europe is in danger, the danger is increasing, and I don't see anything being done about it as a proactive measure.

Posts removed to premit response.

Sorry, but you keep making inaccurate claims concerning populations and lack of forthright action by some governments. e.g. I currently reside in Australia and your claims concerning the governments' lack of action and immigration policy are false. Another example; it is accepted that currently the French Muslim population is estimated at less than 10%.

Pew is is usually an acceptable source of info and their research claims the Muslim birth rates in most countries has dramtically reduced due to a number of factors. The more rabid claims the Muslims will be in the majority in some European countries in the coming 20 / 50 years are nonsense.

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