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Return to UK checklist and advice

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7 years permanently in Thailand but returning back to the UK next month.

Any advice on what I need to do.

Contacting the tax and NI office

Registration for doctor and dentist

Any more

Also, I will not have a credit rating so any advice what I can do to improve this.


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"Also, I will not have a credit rating so any advice what I can do to improve this".

Get a bank account and if they don't want to give you one ask for a 'basic bank account'.

These are not advertised but they are available, you don't need a credit score and these accounts won't have O/D facilities, but you will have a debit card and can make out standing orders. Always good to get a bank account ASAP

Go and see your doctor for something small like a cough, get in there!

Update driving licence address if necessary

The best two basic accounts are Barclays and Co-op


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Any property you get will require registration for Council tax, and then you are placed on the Poll.

Doctor will require your passport and utility bill for that address.

Tax & NI, well that would be your regional office dependent where you are going. If not then the Dept of Work and Pensions will guide you, plenty of info online.


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Nothing like the warm re-embrace of the Nanny State, when I returned home for a few years just had to reestablish who I was with an army of bureaucrats of all sorts of departments. Then tax, health, etc etc.

Don't fret, they will find you.


Thermal socks, underwear and gloves.

laugh.png Yup, buy the best goose down duvet you can afford.

And be very careful who you smile too.............sad.png

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If your work in the UK requires any special security clearances, Grab a criminal background check from the Thai Police. It'll save a lot of faffing around.

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Me, too, though double your tenure. Folk are making it out worse than it is (likely doddery old geezers that can't pull a bird the old fashioned way whistling.gif), though London might be different. I was pleasantly surprised recently how friendly people were, with genuine smiles. The supermarkets will blow your hair back, as will the smooth roads, orderly traffic, cheap cars, customer service, one price for all, comprehension in general, real pubs, real beer and tall totty. Rent and eating out is the killer but not an issue if you're earning an appropriate wage. Have a look at British Expats (site) for pointers from those that have gone before you.

Don't forget: help vote the Tories out. wink.png

I too miss many of the things you mention, especially being in a country where everyone can understand me and I can understand them.

But having lived up here in quaint old Chiang Mai for many years with all it`s imperfections, I have not yet found any no go areas, had reasons to fear for my family`s and I safety if going out or returning home after dark, or had to secure my home like Fort Knox, rarely experienced any prejudices against me because of my race or religion except for the restrictions imposed by the laws, no local authorities dictating the colours I can paint my house, or how big and where I can build a shed in our garden, no need to go into hibernation for most of the year when it becomes too cold and rainy to want to venture outside and the list goes on.

This is what the OP can expect, where in my opinion the cons outweigh the pros and again is relevant to this thread as to what the OP should put on his checklist to be prepared for once he returns to the UK.

This is why for many years in all my threads and posts I have always defended Thailand up to the hilt and hate Thai bashers, because when rating the situation between the pros and cons of living in my home countries and Thailand I realise how very very lucky I am to be in this country.

I sincerely wish the OP happiness and contentment back in the UK, but like the majority of ex-pats that leave Thailand will eventually realise what he is missing and be longing to return.

  • Like 1

Me, too, though double your tenure. Folk are making it out worse than it is (likely doddery old geezers that can't pull a bird the old fashioned way whistling.gif), though London might be different. I was pleasantly surprised recently how friendly people were, with genuine smiles. The supermarkets will blow your hair back, as will the smooth roads, orderly traffic, cheap cars, customer service, one price for all, comprehension in general, real pubs, real beer and tall totty. Rent and eating out is the killer but not an issue if you're earning an appropriate wage. Have a look at British Expats (site) for pointers from those that have gone before you.

Don't forget: help vote the Tories out. wink.png

I was with you until the last sentence.

Coming out of EU is a non starter for Ed Milliband and I want out.

Guess we'll get what we get

  • Like 2

Me, too, though double your tenure. Folk are making it out worse than it is (likely doddery old geezers that can't pull a bird the old fashioned way whistling.gif), though London might be different. I was pleasantly surprised recently how friendly people were, with genuine smiles. The supermarkets will blow your hair back, as will the smooth roads, orderly traffic, cheap cars, customer service, one price for all, comprehension in general, real pubs, real beer and tall totty. Rent and eating out is the killer but not an issue if you're earning an appropriate wage. Have a look at British Expats (site) for pointers from those that have gone before you.

Don't forget: help vote the Tories out. wink.png

And UKIP in.


Me, too, though double your tenure. Folk are making it out worse than it is (likely doddery old geezers that can't pull a bird the old fashioned way whistling.gif), though London might be different. I was pleasantly surprised recently how friendly people were, with genuine smiles. The supermarkets will blow your hair back, as will the smooth roads, orderly traffic, cheap cars, customer service, one price for all, comprehension in general, real pubs, real beer and tall totty. Rent and eating out is the killer but not an issue if you're earning an appropriate wage. Have a look at British Expats (site) for pointers from those that have gone before you.

Don't forget: help vote the Tories out. wink.png

don't forget,make sure the Labour idiots don't get back in ,vote for screaming Lord sutch,before you vote for Millifipead,and the other idiots in that party,vote Tory

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