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Tourists Protest Patong’s Beach Chair Ban

Jacob Maslow

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Tourists at Patong Beach are protesting the “no chair” policy, vowing never to return to Phuket. A call for a compromise has been made to address the problem.

The Mayor of Patong, Chalermluck Kebsup, is calling for a compromise after tourists become outraged over beach chair ban. Several incidents on Patong Beach sparked the plea. Tourists became angry after police asked them to remove their beach chairs to comply with the new policy.

Videos and photos of the outraged tourists have been circulating the Internet, and some of those recorded tourists vowed to never return to Phuket if the ban isn’t lifted.

Local police started enforcing the rule on February 12 and have since been facing resistance from tourists. Akanit Danpitaksat, Patong’s Police Deputy Superintendent, said that some tourists refuse to move their chairs, some cry and others claim that they’ll never visit Phuket again. Akanit stated that the police have been as polite and understanding as they can be, but are still required to follow orders and enforce the new rule.

Nevertheless, concerns are growing over the effect the beach chair ban will have on tourism. It’s a double-edged sword for authorities. If they allow tourists to use loungers, the public will complain about the lack of enforcement of the ban. If the ban is enforced, tourists complain.

For tourists – especially elderly tourists, loungers make their beach stay more comfortable. But the “no chair” policy is still in place for now, and the local police are required to enforce the rules. A compromise may be in the works to resolve the issue. A proposed idea of allowing elderly tourists to use loungers in the 10% of beach sections that allow vendors has been pitched to Governor Nisit.

While the proposed idea is out on the table, no solution has been found as of yet. Local officials hope that government offices meet to address this problem and determine whether to keep the ban in place, remove it or find a compromise.

-- 2015-02-17


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It's a stupid move to ban the beach chairs on the beach. Instead of banning it they should try to control it and fix fix far prices.. More bad decisions being made by people put in charge by the new Junta government.

This is an example of unintended consequences. In creating a rule banning beach chairs, which was clearly aimed at beach chair vendors, they did not take into account people who bring their own chairs to the beach. But who in this country is every know for their foresight?

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The solution to this is so incredibly simple and it fixes issues on both sides. Allow Thai vendors to have beach chairs and umbrellas for rent, but they are not to be placed on the beach until the tourist rents them. This gives some money back to Thai vendors and allows a convenient way for tourists to be able to lay on the beach with or without an umbrella and without having to drag their own beds down to the beach.

The authorities are just not using their heads. Allowing Thai vendors to do it the old way takes up way too much room on the beach with chairs that ARE NOT rented and it made the beaches look totally unnatural and ugly. Thai authorities need to go take a look at other beaches around the world and see what works.

The solution to this sounds incredibly simple but the vendors won't stick to it. The authorities know this, hence the scorched earth policy. Who knows the Thai mindset better than another Thai? Certainly not the farang.

Let the tourists sit on mats under the Casuarina trees, same as the locals. Who gives a stuff about them anyway.

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Main point in all internet content seen on this so far, is that LOL blames the Tourists, not themselves. LOL shows no respect for Tourists, just disdain- they'd rather we just put our money in a box at Bumi and turnaround when we get here.

CWMcMurray- good day to you and thanks for concise view of the how's to have avoided this.

Typical, graft for them or they get in our way. News articles have some of these police stooges blaming Tourists for carrying their own loungers to beach, they probably want us (buy) to have work permit to do that.

Lies like usual when they're caught being unintelligent. Lot of complaints at police station chief officer says Tourists wouldn't listen when told there is 10% of beach allowing their own loungers, but no law saying that probably just wanted to get folks out of station so they could close and get home to ignore the Tourists.

Earlier responders very spot on, there were ways that this chaos can be avoided, but that involves strategic thinking or any kind of thinking at all. First rule should have been to listen to Tourists issue, but no, now the news gets to FB, Twitter, and travel blogs. TAT can't stop the talk once we start tattling on how messed up Thailand is since Junta and getting more and more messed up every day, at least the greedy, illegal, politicians under Thaksins family members did what they had to to coax our tourist dollar out of us by letting us just enjoy and be kept out of all the 3rd world bullshit of Thailand. Vietnam is looking better every year over the past four or five, rights for tourists, customer service, real transportation, no piss cups in any cities unless committ"ed" a crime. Cost living now par to Thailand, since junta has screwed up who want to put money into Thailand. Chinese money is bad money, Chinese tourism, Ruskies, Arabs, and Indians brings lots less dollars that dollars spent by Americans and Aussies, and others from Europe. but PM wants it so he doesn't have to learn how to fix LOL.

Yep ,a good point in there. You can go to the beach with your own chair but in order to do this you need a work permit to carry a chair as you are doing a Thai out of a job.

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The issue of what is the rule is also completely overwhelmed by the complete lack of communication, between the islands administrators, police, orbortor, on each beach, on each day..

A quick run down of the recent 'laws'.

First it was no operators..

Then it was own beds own umbrellas ok..

Then it was no beds no umbrellas

Then it was umbrellas but no beds only towels or mats

Then it was to be restricted to zones to rent them

Then it was not in zones if own stuff but rented stuff in zones

Then it was no anything with threat of arrest

Then the governor said it was ok no one was getting arrested own chairs and umbrellas fine

Then the pol chief said again threat of arrest.

Then the governor again said no its ok but please inside the 10% zone with umbrellas

Then the police are out saying no beds..

Thats not making it up, thats the various different commands from on high in the recent debacle.. Now each one of these u turns wasnt communicated properly, was mumbled and miss translated, was described in wording that could be interpreted multiple ways.. Then of course you have vested interest telling flat out lies. At each stage its the tourists being penalized hassled punished and generally left to deal with it, go collect their property from the police station, etc etc..

Its a organisational clusterfuck of epic proportions.. The phrase "cant run a deckchair concession" sounds like cant run a pissup in a brewery.. But thats what it is.. I mean how hard is it to run an annual or maybe 3 year open bidding auction for the right to operate (with responsibilities to do so) on a fixed number of chairs and fixed size of operation ?? This money could then be openly and transparently accounted in spending on providing essential beach services, lifeguards, freshwater showers, toilets, waste removal.. I mean its as simple as a middle school business plan project.. But no, thats beyond them.

When we blame the choices that are made, the 'backwards' one way system, the broken middle rd, the flood drainage, etc etc.. We just have to come back to this, it isnt the choices that re made, there are no choices being made.. The whole thing is just organic randomness with zero accountability, zero effective planning, and just a money grab from top to bottom.

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Let's be honest on how to end this conflict - BAN tourists from the beaches!

They don't spend much money on the beach and only complain about the waterside scams. Better they stay quietely in the center of town and spend their day shopping and eating in the markets. Maybe TAT will think of a novel scheme to get tourist money without any tourist issuees.

I suggest that tourists be encouraged to visit any other country than Thailand but that their country of origin must send to Thailand a stipend (ie., 15%?) for every lost baht by each tourist. Or maybe tourists can be "invited" to have working vacations on Thailand's fishing boats. Would would pass up free room and board?

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I just watched one of videos on Facebook about confrontation with Thai police and tourists and can not believe how cynical policeman was towards tourists complaining about chairs.....

Just simply he said , "you don't like it go home" and complain from there" ? ...to people who are coming there last 20 years....

I am usually very liberal person but never ever met so stupid idea any place in the world that could be even proposed not to be implemented like it just happened in Tailand .

They are really don't like as much .....Maybe future hand in hand with China slowly showing us true face of some people in LOS ?

It is sad .

Still can't believe in such stupidity.

One way they try to kill all bars life like it was before hence even can not go to the beach ??? (I personally can not sit on the ground ...back problem)

This is not a joke ....THIS IS BEGINNING OF NIGHTMARE bah.gif

Edited by gigman
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I just watched one of videos on Facebook about confrontation with Thai police and tourists and can not believe how cynical policeman was towards tourists complaining about chairs.....

Just simply he said , "you don't like it go home" and complain from there" ? ...to people who are coming there last 20 years....

I am usually very liberal person but never ever met so stupid idea any place in the world that could be even proposed not to be implemented like it just happened in Tailand .

They are really don't like as much .....Maybe future hand in hand with China slowly showing us true face of some people in LOS ?

It is sad .

Still can't believe in such stupidity.

One way they try to kill all bars life like it was before hence even can not go to the beach ??? (I personally can not sit on the ground ...back problem)

This is not a joke ....THIS IS BEGINNING OF NIGHTMARE bah.gif

That video is a beach chair renter talking to the (Danish I think) farangs saying when you go home, you can complain...

The other video of the cops trying to take chairs from farangs resisting, the cops are very polite, but clearly have no idea on how to deal with a challenge to thier authority.. They dont want to make an incident but also want the people to give up their chairs.

Its an administration mess.. The guys you see at the beach are just caught between the rock and the hard place.

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The law should have been to control remove the vendors not remove the beach chairs. However, it's not just the beach chairs, it's everything the Thai's do. These stupid pricks don't realise that it only takes a couple of videos or bad publicity to ruin tourism. They are certainly doing a great job at that. Another couple of years and all Thai's might as well return home cause there will be nothing left here. If no tourists, then people will close doors, if people close doors then there will be less tourists and the cycle will continue until there is nothing left. Stupid stupid people.

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The solution to this is so incredibly simple and it fixes issues on both sides. Allow Thai vendors to have beach chairs and umbrellas for rent, but they are not to be placed on the beach until the tourist rents them. This gives some money back to Thai vendors and allows a convenient way for tourists to be able to lay on the beach with or without an umbrella and without having to drag their own beds down to the beach.

The authorities are just not using their heads. Allowing Thai vendors to do it the old way takes up way too much room on the beach with chairs that ARE NOT rented and it made the beaches look totally unnatural and ugly. Thai authorities need to go take a look at other beaches around the world and see what works.

The solution to this sounds incredibly simple but the vendors won't stick to it. The authorities know this, hence the scorched earth policy. Who knows the Thai mindset better than another Thai? Certainly not the farang.

Let the tourists sit on mats under the Casuarina trees, same as the locals. Who gives a stuff about them anyway.

Well the police right now sure don't have any problem spending their time and energy harassing the tourist to get their loungers off the beach. All they have to do is apply that same wonderful enthusiasm enforcing (555, did I really say that) a better solution as I suggested.

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Most Thai people are happy to squat on a thin mat. Most actually sleep on one at home.When my inlaws come to my home they lay down these mats on the floor and rarely use my sofa So no problem for the locals,but uncomfortable for us ferangs.

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I think hidden forces are pushing and pulling, with the tourists in the middle, these entities have long forgotten or never realised that it was the tourists who made them rich in the beginning.

It seems in their nature to watch it all fall apart while they squabble.

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