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Thaksin 'ready' for talk, but not Prayut

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The man obviously still does wield a huge amount of power and influence, he has obscene amounts of ill gotten gains stashed away in foreign bank accounts, and he has the ear of many of his previous cohorts and accomplices.

Write him off at your peril as he is clever, resourceful and thoroughly without conscience, as he has done in the past he will sacrifice anyone and everyone to regain that which he thought was rightfully his, proof enough of his delusional and narcissistic nature.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is perfectly correct in his assertion that he cannot speak to this man, his advice is sound and TS should return forthwith to Thailand and clear his name, if his protestations and claims of innocence are correct it should be easy for him to do.

It may take years for his influence to wain but wain it will, while we should still be wary of him with every week/month that passes his rambling opinions will become more and more irrelevant to the people who mistakenly voted for him. He has had his day with only political oblivion waiting for him, do not underestimate how unacceptably bitter that pill will be to swallow for this tainted character.

While the process to remove this corrupt family from the political landscape may not be universally popular, it was the only option available with Thailand as a sovereign nation running out of time, something had to be done and it was!

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Right, Prayuth is not permitted to talk with someone wanted by the law. Really? So that is why he is talking to Souther insurgents accused of murdering women and children and that is why he spoke with Suthep many times. Besides Prayuth does not give a damn about the law otherwise he would not have committed treason by becoming a coup maker.

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Every once in a while Thaksin has to spout off about something.

If his name is not in the media he gets withdrawal symtems.

He is a wanted criminal, why oh why do people still take notice of him?

Forget about him move on think about the future for Thailand, not the past.

BUT, he's not saying anything, He has not made any public statements in the last month.

You are relying on Nation Media's claim from an uncorroborated "anonymous source".

This is just nonsense. The man went to ground some time ago and has the common sense not to give the general and his coterie a subject with which to draw attention away from quagmire that the country is now in. The more Thaksin says quiet, the more obvious the floundering of the current military regime. I believe that the man's ego is such that he will wait until he is invited back.

He's going to have a long wait.


Here lies the question! If it's illegal for Prayuth to talk with Thaksin then why isn't YL being prosecuted for this right now and why was it permissible before.

Also, by Thaksin's own acknowledgement to Prayuths call to talk with someone with power he is admitting that he still controls the Reds and the UDD and is able to end the conflict.

This is the man the country needs to be rid of. Without him the volatile Red will be without support or leadership.

Yingluck is not currently a state official! How about a bit of attention to detail instead of spouting off yellow drivel at every opportunity. The Reds are bigger than Thaksin and will not fade away if Thaksin is removed from the scene, the Reds are Thailands future, the army and the elites are Thailands sad, sorry sordid and slowly dying past.


Everytime he wanted to talk, only people with no power were available to him.

Now he wants to talk again but this time to someone with power. But that person rejects him.

Why can't he see that nobody wants to talk to him?

If Thaksin is so unpopular it would seem that now would be a good time to hold an election. Oh that's right, Thaksin's party would romp home and this dystopian fascist wet dream coup and all that it stands for would be dead in the water.

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Right, Prayuth is not permitted to talk with someone wanted by the law. Really? So that is why he is talking to Souther insurgents accused of murdering women and children and that is why he spoke with Suthep many times.

Suthep is not a fugitive and this thread is not about him.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The man obviously still does wield a huge amount of power and influence, he has obscene amounts of ill gotten gains stashed away in foreign bank accounts, and he has the ear of many of his previous cohorts and accomplices.

Write him off at your peril as he is clever, resourceful and thoroughly without conscience, as he has done in the past he will sacrifice anyone and everyone to regain that which he thought was rightfully his, proof enough of his delusional and narcissistic nature.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is perfectly correct in his assertion that he cannot speak to this man, his advice is sound and TS should return forthwith to Thailand and clear his name, if his protestations and claims of innocence are correct it should be easy for him to do.

It may take years for his influence to wain but wain it will, while we should still be wary of him with every week/month that passes his rambling opinions will become more and more irrelevant to the people who mistakenly voted for him. He has had his day with only political oblivion waiting for him, do not underestimate how unacceptably bitter that pill will be to swallow for this tainted character.

While the process to remove this corrupt family from the political landscape may not be universally popular, it was the only option available with Thailand as a sovereign nation running out of time, something had to be done and it was!

Agree. But IMHO this man /family will leave no stone unturned to try to claw their way back to having power and to return to their building of a dictatorship (and all the time falsely proclaiming that they are building / protecting democracy), all underpinned by providing access to the trough for the scaly incapable immoral cronies and 'footsoldiers', and without conscience taking advantage of power and access to falsely convince the unaware that they are the saviors.

In the last 24 hours reconciliation / amnesty was mentioned by one of the senior guys in the reform teams, instantly the paymaster says he's willing to talk about reconciliation / amnesty, always the criminal opportunist and never once in all these years has be reflected on his illegal immoral actions and wrongdoings. Beware.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The man obviously still does wield a huge amount of power and influence, he has obscene amounts of ill gotten gains stashed away in foreign bank accounts, and he has the ear of many of his previous cohorts and accomplices.

Write him off at your peril as he is clever, resourceful and thoroughly without conscience, as he has done in the past he will sacrifice anyone and everyone to regain that which he thought was rightfully his, proof enough of his delusional and narcissistic nature.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is perfectly correct in his assertion that he cannot speak to this man, his advice is sound and TS should return forthwith to Thailand and clear his name, if his protestations and claims of innocence are correct it should be easy for him to do.

It may take years for his influence to wain but wain it will, while we should still be wary of him with every week/month that passes his rambling opinions will become more and more irrelevant to the people who mistakenly voted for him. He has had his day with only political oblivion waiting for him, do not underestimate how unacceptably bitter that pill will be to swallow for this tainted character.

While the process to remove this corrupt family from the political landscape may not be universally popular, it was the only option available with Thailand as a sovereign nation running out of time, something had to be done and it was!

Agree. But IMHO this man /family will leave no stone unturned to try to claw their way back to having Power and to return to their building of a dictatorship (and all the time falsely proclaiming that they are building / protecting democracy, all underpinned by providing access to the trough for the scaly incapable immoral cronies and 'footsoldiers', and without conscience taking advantage of power and access to convince the unaware that they are the saviors.

In the last 24 hours reconciliation / amnesty was mentioned by one of the senior guys in the reform teams, instantly the paymaster says he's willing to talk about reconciliation / amnesty, always the criminal opportunist and never once in all these years has be reflected on his illegal immoral actions and wrongdoings. Beware.


Its not right that PT/redshirts/UDD are political tools for one person and his family. Political parties should have an ideology and leaders should come and go over time. That is why this is so wrong. So yes its all about Taksin and nothing else.

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"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty."Don't forget that Khun Thaksin has legal problems. Do you think I can talk to him?"

which article was that again? Maybe article 44?

Sure, General, it's legal for you to talk to him. whistling.gif

In these occasions back door talks take place. It happens all the time. Something can be worked out if all this posturing etc. is done away with. Where there is a will there is a way.


"Prayut said that as a state official, he was not permitted by law to meet with someone wanted by the authorities for legal prosecution. And he would be unable to send anyone else to meet Thaksin on his behalf, as that also was against the law."

Er, Uh, Mr. General. Coups are against the law. In civilized countries they are treason. There is room in that sandbox for two people.

You (and others) keep trotting out the "treason" and "against the law" taglines, when it fact, like it or not, as soon as the King endorsed and approved of the coup, it became 100% legal and no longer a coup, and no further legal or criminal actions can be taken against anyone involved, now or in the future.


So tell me. Why did the general and his group immediately pass a law giving themselves amnesty for the coup?



"Prayut said that as a state official, he was not permitted by law to meet with someone wanted by the authorities for legal prosecution. And he would be unable to send anyone else to meet Thaksin on his behalf, as that also was against the law."

Er, Uh, Mr. General. Coups are against the law. In civilized countries they are treason. There is room in that sandbox for two people.

You (and others) keep trotting out the "treason" and "against the law" taglines, when it fact, like it or not, as soon as the King endorsed and approved of the coup, it became 100% legal and no longer a coup, and no further legal or criminal actions can be taken against anyone involved, now or in the future.


So tell me. Why did the general and his group immediately pass a law giving themselves amnesty for the coup?


... crossing the t's and dotting the i's ...

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"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he (Khun General Prayuth) said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty.

Thankfully a person with morals and principles. As opposed to the many Pheu thai criminals and their henchmen like the Chief of Police and Attorney General who were so morally corrupt they could not even hold to any principles of office let alone morals or plain common decency as they rushed off overseas to take guidance from a people court convicted criminal or issued the fugitive criminal with thai passports.

Keep up the good work General for the benefit of Thailand and the over whelming number of thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy.

"the overwhelming number of Thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy"

Hold an election and see just how underwhelming the number of Thais who support your views truly is.


"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he (Khun General Prayuth) said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty.

Thankfully a person with morals and principles. As opposed to the many Pheu thai criminals and their henchmen like the Chief of Police and Attorney General who were so morally corrupt they could not even hold to any principles of office let alone morals or plain common decency as they rushed off overseas to take guidance from a people court convicted criminal or issued the fugitive criminal with thai passports.

Keep up the good work General for the benefit of Thailand and the over whelming number of thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy.

"the overwhelming number of Thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy"

Hold an election and see just how underwhelming the number of Thais who support your views truly is.

Holding an election and the fact that political theft of democracy is the name of the game have nothing to do with each other.


"The ex-PM's only condition was that he wanted to talk to someone with the power to make decisions, so that any agreement reached can be put into practice, the source said. "Thaksin has been fooled many times already. Such talks often failed in the past, so he wants people with actual power to talk with him," the source said.

This poor delusional creature still believes he is relevant. Megalomania really is a fault without limits. Thaksin, me old mate, sit beside me and I'll try to break the news to you gently. Ssshhh, deep breaths, let the muscles relax. OK? Thaksin, you're not allowed back in the sandbox. Sorry, but the other kids don't like your selfish tantrums.

So if he's not relevant, why all the opprobrium?

It's for your benefit, not his. Just trying to get you used to the idea that the Thaksinator no longer matters. :)


Prayut said that as a state official, he was not permitted by law to meet with someone wanted by the authorities for legal prosecution. And he would be unable to send anyone else to meet Thaksin on his behalf, as that also was against the law.

That's a bit rich ... Prayut effectively committed an act of treason and the only reason he hasn't been arrested for his crime is that he continues to hold the country under martial law and therefore by force.

He might want to give Obama or any other western leader for that matter a call to see if he's considered a 'State Official' - the honest answer would be NO because his position was NOT due to a democratic election but by simple force; regardless of whether that force involved violence.

"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty."Don't forget that Khun Thaksin has legal problems. Do you think I can talk to him?"

If there was any legal justifications forthcoming it would be the arrest of Prayut for treason; again his comments are delusional at best as he already committed the offense of dereliction of duty when he staged a coup.

Thaksin is another kettle of fish altogether and whether we like it or not he and his sister were duly elected by the people. Yes he's now living in exile by choice because he doesn't want to face jail time and certainly Thaskin is not the man anyone in power should be discussing state matters with.

This is the underlying reason why Thailand will continue to hold elections and military coups because people like Thaskin and Prayut are self-severing; this has nothing to do with the good of the people for if that were the case Yingluck would still be in power if the democratic decision of the people decided on such.

So 2016 ... General Election ... 2017 the military and ruling elite don't like the peoples choice ... late 2017 protests ... end of 2017 another military coup .... and that the cycle which will continue until the self-serving elites and military are finally removed from the equation.


Interesting that Thaksin talks about somebody in authority who can actually make decisions, perhaps he thinks that Prayuth is not that person?


Prayut said that as a state official, he was not permitted by law to meet with someone wanted by the authorities for legal prosecution. And he would be unable to send anyone else to meet Thaksin on his behalf, as that also was against the law.

That's a bit rich ... Prayut effectively committed an act of treason and the only reason he hasn't been arrested for his crime is that he continues to hold the country under martial law and therefore by force.

He might want to give Obama or any other western leader for that matter a call to see if he's considered a 'State Official' - the honest answer would be NO because his position was NOT due to a democratic election but by simple force; regardless of whether that force involved violence.

"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty."Don't forget that Khun Thaksin has legal problems. Do you think I can talk to him?"

If there was any legal justifications forthcoming it would be the arrest of Prayut for treason; again his comments are delusional at best as he already committed the offense of dereliction of duty when he staged a coup.

Thaksin is another kettle of fish altogether and whether we like it or not he and his sister were duly elected by the people. Yes he's now living in exile by choice because he doesn't want to face jail time and certainly Thaskin is not the man anyone in power should be discussing state matters with.

This is the underlying reason why Thailand will continue to hold elections and military coups because people like Thaskin and Prayut are self-severing; this has nothing to do with the good of the people for if that were the case Yingluck would still be in power if the democratic decision of the people decided on such.

So 2016 ... General Election ... 2017 the military and ruling elite don't like the peoples choice ... late 2017 protests ... end of 2017 another military coup .... and that the cycle which will continue until the self-serving elites and military are finally removed from the equation.

The elites are not the problem, it is their tool of control, the military.

Remove their power from the equation and you have a completely different scenario for Thailand. They have to be dismantled before there will be any changes here.


Interesting that Thaksin talks about somebody in authority who can actually make decisions, perhaps he thinks that Prayuth is not that person?

Apart from you and a dozen more on TVF who gives a hoot what he wants or doesn't want. Notice the Shin posters are out attacking the PM. Because most believe all his problems are politically motivated, same as Yingluck they both never did anything wrong. as Yingluck has already stated. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Interesting, interesting....this surfaces now and amid signs that things are unraveling for the junta. While here in the surreal orbit of the defenders of happy junta, destroyer of freedoms with plans for concocting a fascist version of democracy, never seen before in history, their TVF apologists for the crimes of the past year (almost) are here prattling away to try to talk away how thin it becomes for the illegitimate usurpers of power when the economy stumbles and Thai people's patience and willingness to tolerate their eroded dignity wear thin.

Living for the day they must kiss the ring of Thaksin or self immolate in a puff of ire and Prayut finds himself thinking just how welcome kissing that ring really has become.

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