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After attacks, Europe fights call for mass migration of Jews


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Some background on the push and pull factors of Jews making aliyah to Israel:


To put that in perspective, about 1 percent of French Jews and a whopping 6 percent of Ukrainian Jews immigrated to Israel this year — but only 0.06 percent of U.S. Jews made the move.

This is no shock. Israel’s Jewish population has subsisted on aliyah since the country’s birth, but most of those immigrants have been motivated by what are called “push factors,” or conditions that drive them out of their home countries. And even though Israel’s economy and infrastructure have improved in recent decades, “pull factors,” or conditions in Israel that attract immigrants, still aren’t as strong.

Sure in the wake of Paris and Copenhagen, some more will come from Europe now ... but it's doubtful the numbers will be anything very dramatic as in the past, that is, unless the situation becomes much worse.

I realize many will discount this video as propaganda as it shows a visible Jew deliberately walking though a Paris area with visible Muslims, but even so, it does illustrate some of the issues that VISIBLE Jews do experience in Europe. This is much less of an issue for assimilated Jews. So visible Jews are likely to consider going to Israel more seriously:

Similar Sweden. English subs in video, Start at minute 29:


The Paris walkthrough was interesting... and I don't even think the "set-up" angle of it is even significant, the results were so paltry.

Ten hours of walking for a minute of "evidence", and at least one of the half dozen or so "antisemite attacks!" was "Viva Palestine!". Why is "Viva Palestine" antisemitic? It's political, not racial, directed at a person perceived to be a supporter of Israel.

Another "antisemite attack" in the video was, "You're a Jew, are you OK?" in a concerned voice. Seemed like the "antisemite" guy thought the walker must have been lost for walking through a ghetto and was offering assistance! Antisemitism indeed.

The spitting "antisemite attack"....you'd have to ask the spitter why she/he spat. Maybe she/he had phlegm and bad manners.

Other "attacks" could have been directed at ANY passerby....ghettos can be like that to ANY stranger.

So, nine hours and 59 minutes of unremarkable footage, and one minute of mainly doubtful "evidence".

As usual, the Zionists want everything to be antisemitic so that that can play victim to justify their "defending Israel", which is in reality trying to settle more Palestinian land and ethnically cleanse those pesky Arabs from the Jewish Promised Land.

Interview with a Jewish man suffering Muslim abuse in the UK (Newham in London or Luton?) who's planning on emigrating to Israel:


Edited by katana
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I remember a 1967 BBC interview with Golda Meir where she claimed that should Israel ever face a destruction in battle, they would bring the whole world down around them. Or words to that effect.

What she was describing is virtually the same thing as mutually assured destruction (MAD), the policy of both USA and the USSR, but any old excuse to blame the Jews.

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To date IS does not even control the areas bordering with Israel.

They won't either. Israel is far past needing a wakeup call.

These terrorists are going to get a lesson if they try to trap Israel. Israel is into self-preservation at any cost.

Israel is one of the "group of five." Group of five nations that have all of the means to deliver nukes. Planes, ICBM's, nuclear powered subs with nukes, silos, etc.

Israel will not go down without an Armageddon, which happens to be an area in Israel.

Of course you are correct. I remember a 1967 BBC interview with Golda Meir where she claimed that should Israel ever face a destruction in battle, they would bring the whole world down around them. Or words to that effect. When arguing whether you would prefer Israel to have nukes before Iran, it is really a no brainer for the rest of the world. IMO, what you have just stated is exactly the basis for much of the world wide anti-semetism.

Antisemitism existed long before Israel was established. Jew haters always have a so called reason. Hating them when Jews were weak and had few defenses. Now hate them when they are stronger and have Israel. Reminds me of an old cliche ... I've been rich and I've been poor and rich is better.

Your rhetoric, BTW, is incendiary.

Israel needs defenses to survive. Lose one war and there is no Israel. A strong military yes and close friend of the USA yes but still a small piece of land and surrounded by much larger populations of not so friendlies.

Edited by Jingthing
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Some background on the push and pull factors of Jews making aliyah to Israel:


To put that in perspective, about 1 percent of French Jews and a whopping 6 percent of Ukrainian Jews immigrated to Israel this year — but only 0.06 percent of U.S. Jews made the move.

This is no shock. Israel’s Jewish population has subsisted on aliyah since the country’s birth, but most of those immigrants have been motivated by what are called “push factors,” or conditions that drive them out of their home countries. And even though Israel’s economy and infrastructure have improved in recent decades, “pull factors,” or conditions in Israel that attract immigrants, still aren’t as strong.

Sure in the wake of Paris and Copenhagen, some more will come from Europe now ... but it's doubtful the numbers will be anything very dramatic as in the past, that is, unless the situation becomes much worse.

I realize many will discount this video as propaganda as it shows a visible Jew deliberately walking though a Paris area with visible Muslims, but even so, it does illustrate some of the issues that VISIBLE Jews do experience in Europe. This is much less of an issue for assimilated Jews. So visible Jews are likely to consider going to Israel more seriously:

Similar Sweden. English subs in video, Start at minute 29:


The Paris walkthrough was interesting... and I don't even think the "set-up" angle of it is even significant, the results were so paltry.

Ten hours of walking for a minute of "evidence", and at least one of the half dozen or so "antisemite attacks!" was "Viva Palestine!". Why is "Viva Palestine" antisemitic? It's political, not racial, directed at a person perceived to be a supporter of Israel.

Another "antisemite attack" in the video was, "You're a Jew, are you OK?" in a concerned voice. Seemed like the "antisemite" guy thought the walker must have been lost for walking through a ghetto and was offering assistance! Antisemitism indeed.

The spitting "antisemite attack"....you'd have to ask the spitter why she/he spat. Maybe she/he had phlegm and bad manners.

Other "attacks" could have been directed at ANY passerby....ghettos can be like that to ANY stranger.

So, nine hours and 59 minutes of unremarkable footage, and one minute of mainly doubtful "evidence".

As usual, the Zionists want everything to be antisemitic so that that can play victim to justify their "defending Israel", which is in reality trying to settle more Palestinian land and ethnically cleanse those pesky Arabs from the Jewish Promised Land.

Interview with a Jewish man suffering Muslim abuse in the UK (Newham in London or Luton?) who's planning on emigrating to Israel:


I have no doubt that there are some genuine antisemitic attacks. Maybe many. And they're all despicable. As despicable (not more nor less so) as any other type of racism or religious intolerance.

But I also have no doubt that many reported incidents of antisemitism are phony to make the problem appear greater than it actually is.

I read an article in yesterday's NZ Herald written by a UK Jew who was castigating Netanyahu for his calls, saying his desire for aliyah starts and ends with a week's holiday to Tel Aviv. His home is England and Israel is foreign to him. He was no Leftie, either, slipping in many pro-Israel and Jewish-supportive comments.

Sorry, I can't find the link now.

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It would be very stupid and very short-sighted for Jews to move to Israel. Does anyone believe that the Muslims will allow Jews to continue to have their Israel in Palestine, after all the atrocities they have commited against the Palestinians? Sooner or later they will be strong enough to expell or annihalate them and it would be a second holocaust, probably much worse than the first. Just look at what is happening to the opponents of ISIL who are very likely to be the future masters of the Middle East, who have already made clear that their ultimate goal is the liberation of Palestine.

Maybe, maybe, maybe... You can dwell on your hopes and wishful thinking.

But just maybe the opposite will happen. Here is an opposite scenario for you rbt and your beloved Muslims:

So far it has been demonstrated many times by the same Jews that they do not need Muslims permission to continue to have their Israel.

The atrocities you are talking about are imaginary. But the real atrocities against your imaginary 'Palestinians' may sooner or later annihilate your beloved Muslims far around Israel.

What if the Jews decide that there will not be another Holocaust? They might opt out for a Muslims Holocaust? Never, do you hear me rbt? - NEVER will Islamists be the masters of the Middle East!

Israel exists. Israel knows the ultimate goals of its enemies. Muslims are many but Jews are smarter. I hope the mind will beat the brute animal force. Allah Willing!

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It must be a dilemma for some of our esteemed members. On the one hand they would no doubt welcome a Jewish exodus from Europe, so they can cram in more of their preferred violent parasitic culture enrichers. However on the other hand Jews in Israel shoot back when attacked, which as we know only too well enrages some of our members.

Jesting aside I believe the situation in Europe will deteriorate in time unless drastic action is taken, which I doubt very much European politicians have the stomach for. I'll be watching the next Dutch election with interest, if the PVV manage to form a government then there may yet be a domino effect leading to European civilization saving itself. Jews are the canary in the coalmine, that's for sure.

Steely, I know you watch the Baltic Dry Index. An unusual coincidence has the Baltic Dry Index at it's all time low. For some reason this index correlates with an increase or decrease in world-wide anti-semetism. After WWI we had similar conditions which led us into the greatest depression. I expect we are headed there again and the "international financiers" will again be blamed. When the people suffer, they immediately look for somebody to blame it on.
Indeed, the Baltic dry is usually a good leading indicator for major stock market turns. The stock market in turn is then a leading indicator for social anger, wars tend to break out after recessions and depressions, I guess antiSemitism is but another example of social anger being vented against the 'other' in the same way as a war does. In terms of the timing of major depressions, we are overdue one and I would posit it will be a major one preceding a major war and major downturn in social mood. Perhaps it is time for the Jews to leave Europe.
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Europeans must choose. There is only one way to make sure Jews, in the words of Merkel, "are secure." And that means getting rid of your Muslims. Who would you rather have living in your country, Albert Einstein, Gustav Mahler, Marc Chagall, Niels Bohr, Franz Kafka, Sigmund Freud, et. al. or the raving Islamist loon threatening to blow himself up on your subway?

That's odd, I seem to recall there was antisemitism in Europe way before Muslim immigration ever became an issue.

Well, you can keep fighting the Nazis, if you want to. But see what happens if you rid Europe of each and every Nazi and would-be Nazi. Their numbers TODAY (and it is TODAY that we are talking about, not anti-semitic events of 70, 100, or 500 years ago) are insignificant. It wouldn't make a dent in terrorist acts against Jews, which are almost all committed by Muslims. So go ahead and spend your ammunition refighting World War II, and watch while people like Hollande and the Danish PM count up the bodies and then rush to the microphone to assure everyone there is no war between Islam and Europe. Well, maybe. It takes two to fight a war. The Islamists are at war, while the Euros sit on their tush and wonder why everybody can't get along.

I think his point is that Europe is inherently anti-semitic. Yes, a lot of the attacks now are by European Muslims but this pales into insignificance compared to home grown European hatred of Jews over many centuries.

Europeans are seemingly hard wired to be anti-semitic: Pogroms, mass killings (i.e. the crusaders killing jews en masse before leaving for the holy land), expulsions from alomost all European countries, forced conversions etc. etc.

Have you ever visited Regensburg in Bavaria? They kicked the jews out of the town, descrated their cemetry and used the tombstones to decorate their houses with. If you walk in the old town you can still see them with the Hebrew text still readable. This isn't unique, there are similar cases all over Europe.

You are of course correct. However these days touchy feely liberal-leftists don't like to get their own hands dirty, hence the tolerating of mass Muslim immigration so their dirty work gets done by proxy. Edited by Steely Dan
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That's odd, I seem to recall there was antisemitism in Europe way before Muslim immigration ever became an issue.

Well, you can keep fighting the Nazis, if you want to. But see what happens if you rid Europe of each and every Nazi and would-be Nazi. Their numbers TODAY (and it is TODAY that we are talking about, not anti-semitic events of 70, 100, or 500 years ago) are insignificant. It wouldn't make a dent in terrorist acts against Jews, which are almost all committed by Muslims. So go ahead and spend your ammunition refighting World War II, and watch while people like Hollande and the Danish PM count up the bodies and then rush to the microphone to assure everyone there is no war between Islam and Europe. Well, maybe. It takes two to fight a war. The Islamists are at war, while the Euros sit on their tush and wonder why everybody can't get along.

I think his point is that Europe is inherently anti-semitic. Yes, a lot of the attacks now are by European Muslims but this pales into insignificance compared to home grown European hatred of Jews over many centuries.

Europeans are seemingly hard wired to be anti-semitic: Pogroms, mass killings (i.e. the crusaders killing jews en masse before leaving for the holy land), expulsions from alomost all European countries, forced conversions etc. etc.

Have you ever visited Regensburg in Bavaria? They kicked the jews out of the town, descrated their cemetry and used the tombstones to decorate their houses with. If you walk in the old town you can still see them with the Hebrew text still readable. This isn't unique, there are similar cases all over Europe.

You are of course correct. However these days touchy feely liberal-leftists don't like to get their own hands dirty, hence the tolerating of mass Muslim immigration so their dirty work gets done by proxy.

That's a startling allegation, full of astounding enormity!

You are saying that the powers-that-be in Europe are antisemitic, and that they have immigration policies are made to bring in Muslim extremists to carry out their antisemitic work.

That is a conspiracy theory worthy of the most tin-foil encased loon.

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