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Father: Was it wrong to attack the dog? What about it biting my son?

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In my small 3ft world, if a dog bites/attempts to bite me or a family member the dog becomes "fair game" to whatever punishment I decide (as the judge) to inflict back upon the critter. If I decide a kick, rock, smack with a pipe or to actually kill the animal, my choice. The dog by virtue of the fact it is an animal and lower in the food chain, gets no say so. After all when it decides to inflict harm on me I get no choice right? I have no sympathy for dangerous and violent animals. And I have no tolerance for people who stick up for these dangerous animals.

Right and if that dogs owner then decides you are fair game for inflicting pain on his dog, then he has the same rights to do as he pleases with you.

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In my small 3ft world, if a dog bites/attempts to bite me or a family member the dog becomes "fair game" to whatever punishment I decide (as the judge) to inflict back upon the critter. If I decide a kick, rock, smack with a pipe or to actually kill the animal, my choice. The dog by virtue of the fact it is an animal and lower in the food chain, gets no say so. After all when it decides to inflict harm on me I get no choice right? I have no sympathy for dangerous and violent animals. And I have no tolerance for people who stick up for these dangerous animals.

Good luck with that attitude in the real world. Now even in Thailand they made some laws against it. I would be careful as a foreigner trying this in public. You seen that they are going after Thais now.

This all said if a dog viciously attacks me unprovoked (not a small warning nip), I would try to get it destroyed in an acceptable legal way. I would not go for hillbilly justice and tie the dog behind my car and drive a few blocks with it.

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Ever seen the way small children treat dogs here, I've lost count of the number of times I have seen a small child just kick a dog for absolutely no reason.

If you kick a dog and it bites you, it's your own bloody fault.

I would put money on two things, firstly, the bite was not unprovoked, secondly, the father is a bad parent who has no capacity to teach his child how to behave. The level of his anger towards the animal is a direct result of that.

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Sorry not as clever in the computer department as you. but first picture as you can see.

So what does this prove ? its on the internet so it must be true.

Oops.. you were right wonder how many more of those pics are mislabeled (either way)

I actually get the same thing is i google Mosquito Bite Bruise to be fair I get it too for dog bite bruise

Edited by robblok
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So it would seem now that dogs have more rights than people.

They have the right to bite but I or anyone else has no right to retaliate.

The animal rights lot should be bitten by dogs for no reason whatsoever, as I have been, then they may just change their stance.

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Incredible how knowledgeable some of the forum members are... I was bitten by a dog two weeks ago. The dog was trying to bite my small shitsu so I pulled the lead and dragged her up into my arms but the other dog went ahead and tried to bite her. The dog missed by dog but got a good strong bite on my arm. The dog was just doing what dogs do, so I took no further action. No blood but a couple of days later a massive bruise that turned red, then blue, then green over the next ten days. No bite marks were visible and if saw it you could not have guessed it was a dog bite. It just shows how some people think they know so much but actually know so little. Having said that I think the guy attacking the stray dog with a pipe was completely unjustified. If you have a problem with dogs, stay away from them and teach your kids to do the same. Dogs won't attack unless provoked.

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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


Correct.. dogs bit dont result in bruises but in teeth marks. People should investigate this to be sure. If the dog has not bitten.. then its a clear case. If the dog did bit.. i feel what he did was overkill but its far more understandable.

Teeth mark, swelling, blood and skin discoloration from the one's I've seen, depending on whether a nip or a bad bite.

If a dog attacks my kids and I'm there I would use whatever force necessary to stop that attack. If I'm not there, then in any normal country I would complain to the appropriate authority. But here, would is there such? I can understand the parents frustration if this dog is dangerous and bitten before. Otherwise hitting it on the head with a metal bar, after the event is too much.

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Theres a couple of stray dogs living in the bush next to my moo baan. Been there for years and never had babies. Never a problem. Then some people thought they had to be fed and brought them food everyday. So kind. Then the dogs realised they had a reliable supply of food they had puppies. End result? The group doubled in size and became a problem that had to be solved......

That was so responsible of the dogs to wait until they had a reliable source of food before starting a family. If only humans could be as thoughtful. ..
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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


Correct.. dogs bit dont result in bruises but in teeth marks. People should investigate this to be sure. If the dog has not bitten.. then its a clear case. If the dog did bit.. i feel what he did was overkill but its far more understandable.

Teeth mark, swelling, blood and skin discoloration from the one's I've seen, depending on whether a nip or a bad bite.

If a dog attacks my kids and I'm there I would use whatever force necessary to stop that attack. If I'm not there, then in any normal country I would complain to the appropriate authority. But here, would is there such? I can understand the parents frustration if this dog is dangerous and bitten before. Otherwise hitting it on the head with a metal bar, after the event is too much.

But would you say that a bruise from a dog is distinguishable ? Point being and I was wrong that people sometimes make up things to cover bad behavior. I am just not so sure in this story. The bruises i seen always had some small puncture marks too (imprints)

I would go to the police if my kid (have none) was bitten. Here in the village there are 10-12 dogs roaming around free and no problems they are all respectful of people. I often see a few dogs in front of the 711 also respectful of people. My village here must be an exception as everyone is always talking about roaming packs of dogs in huge numbers.

I have only seen this once and it scared the shirt out of me, but at that time my knowledge of dogs was far less. This was in Samui and I was in the middle of nowhere on their turf.. and we did the wrong thing (in hindsight) by confronting them instead of ignoring them. Nothing happened in the end. But this was the only time I ever encountered it and these dogs were probably of owned and protecting the area.

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Incredible how knowledgeable some of the forum members are... I was bitten by a dog two weeks ago. The dog was trying to bite my small shitsu so I pulled the lead and dragged her up into my arms but the other dog went ahead and tried to bite her. The dog missed by dog but got a good strong bite on my arm. The dog was just doing what dogs do, so I took no further action. No blood but a couple of days later a massive bruise that turned red, then blue, then green over the next ten days. No bite marks were visible and if saw it you could not have guessed it was a dog bite. It just shows how some people think they know so much but actually know so little. Having said that I think the guy attacking the stray dog with a pipe was completely unjustified. If you have a problem with dogs, stay away from them and teach your kids to do the same. Dogs won't attack unless provoked.

Mea culpa mea culpa.. sorry my experiences were different but given the evidence I have to adjust my opinion. I still find the story fishy as most bites do leave distinct marks. It was just that i felt the story was more a cover-up for the cruelty and given my experience i jumped to conclusions also my apologies to tonytiger.

Edited by robblok
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Theres a couple of stray dogs living in the bush next to my moo baan. Been there for years and never had babies. Never a problem. Then some people thought they had to be fed and brought them food everyday. So kind. Then the dogs realised they had a reliable supply of food they had puppies. End result? The group doubled in size and became a problem that had to be solved......

Oh come on ! A male dog copulates because he is programed to do it NOT because he sees future food for his new family. Rubbish.

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Some of you are really f**** up saying that a dog, an animal, is equal to a human being. On here even wrote that if person A kills or harms dog B for attacking him then owner of the dog B can attack person A... scare though that someone can be that stupid.

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Theres a couple of stray dogs living in the bush next to my moo baan. Been there for years and never had babies. Never a problem. Then some people thought they had to be fed and brought them food everyday. So kind. Then the dogs realised they had a reliable supply of food they had puppies. End result? The group doubled in size and became a problem that had to be solved......

Rather like humans then.

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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


Who said the dog had teeth?

I would wonder why a child would lie about such an incident.

The father had enough 'mental age' to protect his son from a very likely future attack by the dog.

Some years ago a neighbours' feral brats would hide behind a wall and think it great fun to jump out on my dog when I was exercising it. They (the brats) would also come up to my gate to tease it, make it bark. Morons. One evening, the entire tribe turned up with the katoey-in-the making youngest brat pointing at an tiny bruise on the brat's arse accusing my dog biting it. Of course the brat, who never stopped screaming it's guts out all day long, had sustained a minor injury whilst playing with his elder brother on a building site opposite their house, but the idiot family thought they'd make some money off the 'farang'. They'd even called out the local cops who agreed with me it didn't look like a dog bite and they were very possibly chancing their arm. This was 10 years ago and I've never acknowledged them since.

My advice is to keep your underage brats inside. Who knows? It could be a pedophile/white slave trader next time. With a bit of luck.

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All the talk about the problems with children, and this talk here about a problem with a dog... it is almost enough to make one laugh hysterically. Problems with corrupt police and officials breaking headlines almost daily. Education reform citing problems with students, teachers, curriculums, directors, etc. Problems with drivers and roads. Problems with tourism, murders, suicides, ad nausea.

The way I view this story is to not get caught up in the deception that it has anything to do with an innocent child, or a poor, misunderstood mutt.

The way I view this story is simply as being one small cog in a mechanism that is so F.U.B.A.R. that there is no way to fix it. It simply is. What happened, happened and that is the way it is. There is probably, at this very moment, a dog out there biting someone, or scaring the crap out of them, as well as someone out there beating or abusing a porr, misunderstood, or even deserfving mutt.

TIT people. TIT.

Just my view at this moment in time, and I guess that means I am becoming immersed in their culture... because right now this is just my view at this time. That is my own Thainess.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


Who said the dog had teeth?

I would wonder why a child would lie about such an incident.

The father had enough 'mental age' to protect his son from a very likely future attack by the dog.

Some years ago a neighbours' feral brats would hide behind a wall and think it great fun to jump out on my dog when I was exercising it. They (the brats) would also come up to my gate to tease it, make it bark. Morons. One evening, the entire tribe turned up with the katoey-in-the making youngest brat pointing at an tiny bruise on the brat's arse accusing my dog biting it. Of course the brat, who never stopped screaming it's guts out all day long, had sustained a minor injury whilst playing with his elder brother on a building site opposite their house, but the idiot family thought they'd make some money off the 'farang'. They'd even called out the local cops who agreed with me it didn't look like a dog bite and they were very possibly chancing their arm. This was 10 years ago and I've never acknowledged them since.

My advice is to keep your underage brats inside. Who knows? It could be a pedophile/white slave trader next time. With a bit of luck.

Who knows? It could be a pedophile/white slave trader next time. With a bit of luck.

That's rather a strange statement to make.

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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


I love my dog. I don't hate dogs.

My dog is cool and doesn't bite people...However, if it's dog vs human, it's a no-brainer. The dog has to go.

If my dog started getting viscous and aggressive, I'd shoot her. I wouldn't enjoy it, but I would.

Now, back to the bruise vs bite argument.

How did the stray dog bruise the kid? Wagging its tail, or with its teeth?

I'd have done the same thing this father did, except I'd have made sure the dog was dead prior to tossing it down a garbage chute.

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Following a tip-off from community residents, Roger Lohanan, president of Thai Animal Guardians Association (Thai AGA), filed a police complaint about alleged animal cruelty.

Yet another do gooder from one would suspect the west who is doing no favours to anyone by his actions.perhaps if he and his kind rounded up the strays and had them neutered, plus housed and fed them these sad incidents would not happen them.

Wonder if the do gooder concerned has forgotten that rabies is still prevalent in Thailand. No doubt the view from his ivory tower is pristine.

I wonder how many hospital bills & rabies shots Roger Lohanan has footed the bill for?

<deleted>-ing busy-body piece of <deleted> (defecation).

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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


I love my dog. I don't hate dogs.

My dog is cool and doesn't bite people...However, if it's dog vs human, it's a no-brainer. The dog has to go.

If my dog started getting viscous and aggressive, I'd shoot her. I wouldn't enjoy it, but I would.

Now, back to the bruise vs bite argument.

How did the stray dog bruise the kid? Wagging its tail, or with its teeth?

I'd have done the same thing this father did, except I'd have made sure the dog was dead prior to tossing it down a garbage chute.

The ONLY reason a dog, properly trained/taken care of, would bite is if it' isn't, trained/taken care of or feel itself or it's carer threatened. None of my dogs would ever feel the need to attack. If your's does, it's your fault, so shoot your bloody self. Problem (you) over.

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