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It's official: Thailand fails the most at monogamy

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Who would have guessed ? But seriously Thailand has always been like this, its part of the culture. For hundreds of years men have had more than one wife. This can be seen in the history books. Since having more than one wife by a state marriage is now illegal, men take mia Nois (second wives). Then there are gigs (basically casual girlfriends, these have strings attached) and then there are -buddies (no strings attached). Definitions are murky. Just remember it takes two to tango.

I was surprised that the Scandinavian countries were right up there. Mind you I know very little about their extra-curricular activities. What is it about snow and getting cold ?

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I'm outside of the discussion. Only one experience.

I pay the internet bill, tv bill in the name of my wife at the siam bank.

The officers ask me : it's your wife? - yes.

You have "gig" in Thailand? - No.

Why? Thai have "gigs", Farang have "gigs". Why you don't have "gigs"?

- with a good wife, you have small problems. More you have "gigs" more you have problems.

All the staff ,women included had a big fit of laughter.

After a bad accident in Hua-Hin a few years ago and getting bad head aches the Dr. asked me " You need to relax more , how many girlfriends do you have ? As my wife was in the room I said " right now ? Just my wife. No leally , a 'kin doctor <deleted>.


I'm outside of the discussion. Only one experience.

I pay the internet bill, tv bill in the name of my wife at the siam bank.

The officers ask me : it's your wife? - yes.

You have "gig" in Thailand? - No.

Why? Thai have "gigs", Farang have "gigs". Why you don't have "gigs"?

- with a good wife, you have small problems. More you have "gigs" more you have problems.

All the staff ,women included had a big fit of laughter.

God I have been in this exact conversation. "Hey mister is this your wife or your gig ?" Banks, Gold Shops, taxi drivers, bar-girls. If I'm with my wife she's about ready to knock some one's lights out by then. Thailand, always good for a laugh.


I was going to tell my wife about the LOS being # 1 but she has gone off to the market to sell Durian and said she might be back later but will be tired but should have made 2000B selling her wares. Bless, doncha love it when they go to work and come back at midnight , mini skirt all twisted and bra in her hand bag from these warm nights.

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match,com is scammer central with bogus women and guys, but having seen these knicker droppers myself ,theyre all up for a rogering when their farang hubby is away.they just have no conscience about dropping their knickers for any tom dick or harry

"they're ALL up for"

So with 4 words you've decided 40,000,000 people are all the same whilst assumingly runling out unfaithful thai men in your brilliant equation !!

wow even in thiavisabashing.com thats right up there!

Thats touched a raw nerve, "Ben". I guess you have a Thai wife.


Whether Thais are more adulterous than others or not can not be deduced from this study: "...of all sexes who responded to a Match.com survey" .

Drawing such a conclusion from this study is known as "bad science".


Match.com is based out of Texas, and I've watched enough episodes of JR Ewing's antics on "Dallas" to be suspicious that Texas ain't on the list, much less the rest of Murica...

We are not ALL oil millionaires like JR


The men in Thailand, unless they become effeminate, are expected to marry, have at least one minor wife (mia noi), a few 'friends with benefits' (gik), and patronize prostitutes. The women, on the other hand, don't consider it cheating as long as they do not enter into a relationship outside the marriage (flings don't count). Since Thais don't have that Victorian Age sexual suppression in their past, there is no guilt associated with extramarital sex so they score higher in these types of surveys because they are honest about it. Those countries that seem to have a lower percentage of cheaters are more guilty than the scores suggest because they lie about it at a higher rate.

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Such irony, how Thais are so honest about admitting to their infidelity.

Admission is out of pride, not honesty.

Even a lowly paid police officer strives to have a mianoi, and works doubly hard beyond official hours for the extra income.


I do not believe in this "census"

If you ask EVERY Thai men, will be not problem for them to say that they have many lovers all their life, and some will do in family reunions...and I do not believe that is the same for female Thais, specially the married ones.

I do not believe that Thai men are a lot more unfaithful to its wives than South Americans men for example. The only difference is that its will not admit that in any census. Only Thai women put up with its husbands or boyfriends infidelity without negative reaction.

I believe than ANY Thai women will ever will say that its man NEVER cheat them. It is part of the Thai culture. Are Thai women unfaithful? Probably not more than women in other countries.... but... its are more willing to share its man with others. That's is the big difference, and Thai men takes advantage of that... Many farangs married with Thai women too...... or not?

How about a census on that here?


Since every human being is polygamous by nature, it is bound to happen especially in a repressed society.

I think the UK is last on the list because it's so cold there, men rarely have an erection.


Since every human being is polygamous by nature, it is bound to happen especially in a repressed society.

I think the UK is last on the list because it's so cold there, men rarely have an erection.

Not from the cold, but from too much ale.


The idea that monogamy is an ideal is a fallacy essentially propogated by religious people in general and religious zealots in particular. Many fine countries in Europe top this list as well as Thailand. Whereas the USA and Saudi Arabia lag behind. Where would you rather live!

Thailand was found to have the highest rate of unfaithfulness between lovers and partners than any other nation or at least copping to it.

In the west they just keep getting divorced and remarried. That way they can maintain the "sanctity" of the institution of marriage so important to the religious right. It's a form of serial monogamy often referred to as "musical chairs (or beds)."

For example, Lana Turner

Turner was married eight times in her life — and like Elizabeth Taylor, two times were to the same husband. She married bandleader Artie Shaw in 1940, but the turbulent union lasted only four months. Next she married actor Joseph Stephen Crane in 1942, then divorced him in 1943 when she discovered that his previous divorce had yet to be finalized. They remarried that same year, but divorced for good in 1944.

Next she married socialite Henry J. Topping, then actor Lex Barker, rancher Fred May, movie producer Robert Eaton and finally nightclub performer Ronald Dante. In all she had seven husbands and eight divorces, and she was later quoted as saying, "My goal was to have one husband and seven children, but it turned out to be the other way around."


Doesn't mean they have the most affairs... Just that they have the most people who admit it.

This speaks to social norms rather than actual infidelity.

As in western countries, infidelity is seen as a very bad thing that most would not want to admit to.

In Thailand it is done more openly, with less judgement. So more people in Thailand willing to admit

Wow. it's actually the opposite. A Thai would never admit being unfaithful even if (s)he gets caught. Never.

Infidelity is committed more openly in Thailand? Where do you live mate?

In Thailand.. Where do you live?

Mia nois are common place here and no one really seems to care or feel any shame in having Mia nois...

Many high ranking folks openly flaunt their Mia nois and no one seems to make any judgment or condemnation against them for having Mia nois...

Just seems Business as usual

When I was studying at one of the top university here in Thailand... One of the my Thai professors (a women with a doctorate ) made a comment to all the women in the class when covering a topic and some how the issue of Some prominent persons Mia Noi came up...

She said " To all you girls, in the future, many of you will marry men who may end up having a girlfriend or a Mia Noi at some point. But my advice to you is don't worry about that... As you husband will likely be older Than you and will likely die long before you... So just remain calm and when he dies you will have his money..."

This from a women teaching in a university with a doctorate ...

Try that in the west ... Professor and every women and women's group will be out for blood telling how evil men who cheat are... Those who cheat, if famous, are condemned on the press...

Look at Tiger woods and all the outrage and loosing of sponsors...

Ever seen that type of condemnation or reaction in Thailand over a famous guy having a Mia Noi or a GF on the side?


I live in Thailand, where do you live?

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What I find amazing is how PO'ed people get when they cheat on each other in this country - more than 50% are doing it....

Surely it leads the world in shooting your lover / spouse or vice-versa; cutting off his dick....

  • 3 weeks later...

i think some people are confusing the idea of "more sex" with adultery......adultery just means that Thais - almost certainly men - lead the world infidelity, lying and deception - in fact it probably stems from the appalling state of women's rights in this country.

however if you ask who's having sex the most maybe you'd get a different league table?

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