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Chilean's round-the-world cycling quest ends tragically here

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to **surfinglife**

you are in thailand, they do autopsy to determine cause of death, drugs, alcohol in system, medications etc.

????what country do you come from when authorities do not do an autopsy for an unnatural death??????

moving along, yesterday afternoon returning from the beach in the merging lanes, Khao Takiab/return hua hin

i was cut off by a typical fat, tattooed farang on a big bike, who happens to own the road. i came off my motorbike, skidded and rolled over on the road,the bike stopping perhaps 5 meters away. within moments more than a half dozen bikes stopped, first guy asked how i was and with thumbs up pulled me to the side. another righted my bike on side of road, then second thai to assist me was actually a nurse who had disinfectant, iodine whatever and when i refused hospital visit she advised, she offered, insisted on following me home, which luckily was a km away. aways lucky me, just abrasions, contusions, swelling etc,

i have driven roads on more than a couple of continents and believe me, there are good and bad drivers everywhere.

why do folks here bad mouth thailand so much???

if you dislike it so much~~~travel on and take your hate with you, please

Not so much hate as fear; I've lost count the times my in-laws have overtaken on a blind bend or pulled out to overtake, flashing their headlights in the hope that the driver coming the other way slows/pulls into the side.

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The Thai Tourist Minister will now come out and proclaim Thailand as a cyclist mecca.....

RIP and condolences to your survivors.

Thailand the new Hub for cycling

And for sure the driver of the pick-up was from Myanmar or Laos...... since no Thai would do such a horrible thing.......

Did he flee the scene?

No. I also read in the Thai press that the wife was getting 300k baht compensation.

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The Thai Tourist Minister will now come out and proclaim Thailand as a cyclist mecca.....

RIP and condolences to your survivors.

Thailand the new Hub for cycling

And for sure the driver of the pick-up was from Myanmar or Laos...... since no Thai would do such a horrible thing.......

Did he flee the scene?

No. I also read in the Thai press that the wife was getting 300k baht compensation.

Neeranam, with the greatest tenderness I can muster toward you, please know that you don't understand anything here. You are badly infected with a meme virus that renders you incapable of commenting on this thread with anything useful.

Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire. Now, whilst I'm not accusing you of any physical act, you are committing some blunders that may not be seen as quite as compassionate as you probably are in real life. Go and play with your karma and magical toys elsewhere please. That you are in a position to educate people, believing, as you do, twaddle that died with Gautamas great teaching 2.5 milennia ago is very sad. It's even sadder that you don't understand your own religion (sic).

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nces to your survivors.

Thailand the new Hub for cycling

And for sure the driver of the pick-up was from Myanmar or Laos...... since no Thai would do such a horrible thing.......

Did he flee the scene?

No. I also read in the Thai press that the wife was getting 300k baht compensation.

Neeranam, with the greatest tenderness I can muster toward you, please know that you don't understand anything here. You are badly infected with a meme virus that renders you incapable of commenting on this thread with anything useful.

Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire. Now, whilst I'm not accusing you of any physical act, you are committing some blunders that may not be seen as quite as compassionate as you probably are in real life. Go and play with your karma and magical toys elsewhere please. That you are in a position to educate people, believing, as you do, twaddle that died with Gautamas great teaching 2.5 milennia ago is very sad. It's even sadder that you don't understand your own religion (sic).

Are you an English teacher? You style of writing suggests so, along with your self-righteous judgment.

I am not a Buddhist. I'm not not a Buddhist too but that's confusing things.

What are you on about? All I said was that he never fled the scene and his wife was getting compensation.

What magical toys do I have?

Do you take any mind-altering substances?

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A pikey, carrying his pikey family around the world died on the road, quite common karma, for a pikey.

Please leave this "beer book" BS out of the story.

A pikey, who wasn't contributing anything to society (especially the Thai one), caused grievance to an upright citizen of a country who allowed him in, to follow his ego trip.

How kind from Thailand and it's citizens to provide medical help and money to his remaining family.

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Chilean cyclist’s last wish before setting off the last journey


BANGKOK: -- The Chilean cyclist on a five-year journey to enter a Guinness Book of Records had told his wife that in the event of his death, he wished that his body be buried at the Thai temple he stayed for a week before setting off his last journey to Bangkok.

But his injured wife said Monday that she would have to confer with relatives before moving his body for burial ceremony at Wat Pa Dharma Uttayarn temple in Khon Kaen province in accordance to his wishes.

The wife of Chilean around-the-world cyclist Juan Francisco who was tragically killed when he was hit by pickup truck, and their two year old son are now under the care of doctors at the Bua Yai General Hospital.

Her son was in good health while the Singaporean spouse suffered a broken leg.

Juan Francisco who was attempting to enter the Guinness World of Records for cycling around the world was tragically killed when he and his family was hit by a pickup truck as they were cycling on the side of a road.

Officials from the Chilean consulate to Thailand have visited the mother and son and are coordinating with police to inspect the case file and the autopsy report.

It is expected that the documents will be made available within the next 7 – 15 days. Beside the officials, the pair was also visited by many well-wishers throughout the entire day.

A highway police officer Pol. Sgt. Maj. Jirang Prajong in charge of public service center on the Phon highway in Khon Kaen province, stated that the Franciscos had stopped and rested at his station and he found the family to be adorable and amiable.

He recalled that the he had personally advised them to wait for the rain to stop before continuing on their journey but they went anyway.

With regards to moving his body for funeral ceremonies at Wat Pa Dharma Uttayarn temple in accordance with his wishes, his wife stated that she had asked officials from the Chilean consulate to contact Mr. Francisco’s relatives asking them to fly to Thailand to personally view his body before any decision can be made on the matter.

Before the tragic accident, Juan Francisco had asked his wife that in the event of his death, his body was to be buried at this particular temple

The monk at the temple said the Chilean cyclist and family had stayed for 7 days at the temple.

Phra Thinphan Suthiyan related that the Franciscos had arrived at the temple on the evening of February 13 to pay their respects and pray at the temple.

Seeing as night was approaching, monks had invited them to rest and spend the night there.

Initially, the family only planned to stay for one night but being touched by the generosity and kindness of the people there, had remained there for 7 days.

Monks at the temple had also given them a carriage to replace the broken one that was carrying their 2 year old son.

His wife admitted that Juan Francisco had been very impressed and taken-in by the generosity and kindness of the monks and people at the temple.

All along their 4 year around-the-world cycling journey, the Franciscos had never stayed very long in any one place preferring to stay overnight at police stations and fire departments.

Wat Pa Dharma Uttayarn temple is the first and only place that the family had stayed for an extended period.

The Thai temple made such an impression on Juan Francisco that he became interested in Buddhism and asked for the Thai and Buddhist flags to carry on their journey.

He had also instructed his wife that he be buried here when he died, the monk revealed.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chilean-cyclists-last-wish-setting-off-last-jouney

-- Thai PBS 2015-02-23

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Unbelievable, the picture shows a divided highway with two lanes and a wide shoulder going in each direction. How could this happen?

5 years - 250.000 kilomet -

He never heared propably before about Thailand, otherwise he would never have entered Thailand ,

and for sure not with a bicycle !!

Where People drive like monkeys !!

No, sorry, not like monkey, a monkey have brain !!

RIP dear poor man;

your family will get 1.000,- THB compensation

And the driver will go to temple to thanks Buddha that nothing happened to him !!

In case you didn't know - nearly all Thais have an unshakable belief in Karma, as do half the world's population. If you don't know what it is check this link. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=karma

Once you understand this, you might understand why Thailand has a different culture than yours. Not better nor worse but different.

Someone is killed - they believe this is neither good nor bad but just the way it is.

What utter utter BS. And was never in the teachings of Buddha. Interpreted as such possibly by the small minded. How can it possibly be true that you have no control over your life's events but are ruled by the actions of someone now dead but who you have no awareness of. The best you can hope for is that your own actions may benefit some future being. There's a contradiction in there straight away. Most religions are undoubtedly based on fantasy, but what you are teaching Neerabam takes it to a whole new level. Wow! So that's Thainess is it?

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Read this earlier today. Tragic. My heart goes out to the family.

Now, if Thailand could only get a half a clue and start forcefully enforcing right-of-way laws and put some weight behind them. But, hell, it wouldn't be Thailand if Somchai Sam couldn't drive down the middle of the white line and push anything with two wheel off the road in front of him.

But it was raining: victims fault.

Edited by connda
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How very very sad. RIP and condolences to his family.

This is all that has to be said about this terrible, tragic accident. No Karmas, no police escort, no fines, no it almost happened to me stories.

Please stop your silly arguments, for once in your lives.

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It all comes down to the lack of policing, and enforcement of the laws. There is no deterrent here. Nobody takes the police seriously. One can only hope that the sad, and sleepy TiwaratRatchaipidet, 64, will spend many years in prison for this terrible crime he has committed. Chances are, he was sleeping at the wheel, was drunk, or was simply semi conscious. Regardless, he deserves prison time, and should be forced to pay compensation to the family of the cyclist. At the very least he should be forced to sell his home, and the mirder weapon called his truck, and offer the proceeds as compensation to the family.

Of course, none of this will happen, as this would indicate we were in a civilized place, with law and order, and respect for foreigners.

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Unbelievable, the picture shows a divided highway with two lanes and a wide shoulder going in each direction. How could this happen?

5 years - 250.000 kilomet -

He never heared propably before about Thailand, otherwise he would never have entered Thailand ,

and for sure not with a bicycle !!

Where People drive like monkeys !!

No, sorry, not like monkey, a monkey have brain !!

RIP dear poor man;

your family will get 1.000,- THB compensation

And the driver will go to temple to thanks Buddha that nothing happened to him !!

In case you didn't know - nearly all Thais have an unshakable belief in Karma, as do half the world's population. If you don't know what it is check this link. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=karma

Once you understand this, you might understand why Thailand has a different culture than yours. Not better nor worse but different.

Someone is killed - they believe this is neither good nor bad but just the way it is.

What utter utter BS. And was never in the teachings of Buddha. Interpreted as such possibly by the small minded. How can it possibly be true that you have no control over your life's events but are ruled by the actions of someone now dead but who you have no awareness of. The best you can hope for is that your own actions may benefit some future being. There's a contradiction in there straight away. Most religions are undoubtedly based on fantasy, but what you are teaching Neerabam takes it to a whole new level. Wow! So that's Thainess is it?

I haven't a clue what you're going on about. Please be clearer.

Do you mean Buddha din't believe in karma?

Your own actions affect yourself.

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And too all those people who ridiculed me when I mentioned driving in Thailand it's about time everyone on the road is legal understands the rules (ahh grasshopper) of the highway passes their tests and do not ride drive etc until the legal age take all these baby's of the roads as they are too young to be handling a lethal weapon and make driving safer for all of us. I have never been in a country and been stopped by so many police road blocks. What are they there for just to line there own pockets with a bit of pocket money IF they are having road blocks use them for something useful get the killers off the roads

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And too all those people who ridiculed me when I mentioned driving in Thailand it's about time everyone on the road is legal understands the rules (ahh grasshopper) of the highway passes their tests and do not ride drive etc until the legal age take all these baby's of the roads as they are too young to be handling a lethal weapon and make driving safer for all of us. I have never been in a country and been stopped by so many police road blocks. What are they there for just to line there own pockets with a bit of pocket money IF they are having road blocks use them for something useful get the killers off the roads

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A pikey, carrying his pikey family around the world died on the road, quite common karma, for a pikey.
Please leave this "beer book" BS out of the story.
A pikey, who wasn't contributing anything to society (especially the Thai one), caused grievance to an upright citizen of a country who allowed him in, to follow his ego trip.
How kind from Thailand and it's citizens to provide medical help and money to his remaining family.

If you are trying to be funny- try harder!

What a vile and despicable post!

I hope that you are just a troll and don't believe the utter heartless inhumane BS you are writing!

...that being said...I don't really know, what is worse!

What is a pikey? You are quite uncivilized mister .

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The Thai Tourist Minister will now come out and proclaim Thailand as a cyclist mecca.....

RIP and condolences to your survivors.

Was at immigration today and an officer told me he has seen me riding on Highway 24.I said,no more,as too dangerous.He agreed as he had been cleaned up from behind and buggered his back.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A pikey, carrying his pikey family around the world died on the road, quite common karma, for a pikey.

Please leave this "beer book" BS out of the story.

A pikey, who wasn't contributing anything to society (especially the Thai one), caused grievance to an upright citizen of a country who allowed him in, to follow his ego trip.

How kind from Thailand and it's citizens to provide medical help and money to his remaining family.

If you are trying to be funny- try harder!

What a vile and despicable post!

I hope that you are just a troll and don't believe the utter heartless inhumane BS you are writing!

...that being said...I don't really know, what is worse!

What is a pikey? You are quite uncivilized mister .

Gypsy in UK.

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Ride a byke or a bicycle HERE more than 50km a month is crazy

Ride on small roads is MORE crazy as it's smaller and there is no space and as there are no witness, half of the drivers SPECIALLY BUSSES would NOT stop if they hit somebody, and half of the other drivers would not stop either by fear of ending responsible

Ride with familly is IRRESPONSIBLE.

AND RIDE BY RAIN or night a bicycle IS SCUICIDE ....aparently it was raining I heard


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  • 2 weeks later...

Even my wife who is Thai said visitors should only come to this country if they want to die....i rest my case R.I.P

....could that be a freudian-slip about the sentiment she/Thais have towards Farang?....mmm

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Can't tell you how many times people have buzzed me and my young kids in a mall parking lot, coming inches from one of us and not slowing even just a tad. I've had plenty of confrontations as a result. I've warned my half Thai kids that people don't care about the well being of others here so you're on your own and it's up to you to stay alive by being aware at all times. Don't assume anybody will stop for a pedestrian here. It will be your last thought.

Can you tell me more about these confrontations? What happened exactly?

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Ride a byke or a bicycle HERE more than 50km a month is crazy

Ride on small roads is MORE crazy as it's smaller and there is no space and as there are no witness, half of the drivers SPECIALLY BUSSES would NOT stop if they hit somebody, and half of the other drivers would not stop either by fear of ending responsible

Ride with familly is IRRESPONSIBLE.

AND RIDE BY RAIN or night a bicycle IS SCUICIDE ....aparently it was raining I heard


Riding a bicycle outside of a moo baan or a park or a beach here in Thailand is crazy, even just for 500m let alone 50km. That's why I'll never do it. And similarly, I minimize walking in big cities, not because it's hot, but because it's impractical to dodge parked cars, cars driving past you, footpaths magically disappearing, other obstacles and all that. It's much safer for me to drive my car nearly everywhere I go, park it as close as possible to where I'm heading and then if I need to head onto somewhere else, I take the car with me and park it near that particular location, unless the second location just happens to be very close by.

If I want to exercise, I go for a run inside my moo baan.

Walking or cycling in Thailand is for suckers and is suicidal as you say. There is a reason why no Thais do it.

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Ride a byke or a bicycle HERE more than 50km a month is crazy

Ride on small roads is MORE crazy as it's smaller and there is no space and as there are no witness, half of the drivers SPECIALLY BUSSES would NOT stop if they hit somebody, and half of the other drivers would not stop either by fear of ending responsible

Ride with familly is IRRESPONSIBLE.

AND RIDE BY RAIN or night a bicycle IS SCUICIDE ....aparently it was raining I heard


Riding a bicycle outside of a moo baan or a park or a beach here in Thailand is crazy, even just for 500m let alone 50km. That's why I'll never do it. And similarly, I minimize walking in big cities, not because it's hot, but because it's impractical to dodge parked cars, cars driving past you, footpaths magically disappearing, other obstacles and all that. It's much safer for me to drive my car nearly everywhere I go, park it as close as possible to where I'm heading and then if I need to head onto somewhere else, I take the car with me and park it near that particular location, unless the second location just happens to be very close by.

If I want to exercise, I go for a run inside my moo baan.

Walking or cycling in Thailand is for suckers and is suicidal as you say. There is a reason why no Thais do it.

I see a lot more Thais doing it than foreigners. Quite a lot of Vietnamese do it too.

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I can see the round the world bicycle internet forums now. " Hey I was thinking of detouring through Thailand

on my way to China ." " No no no, don't go, too damn dangerous !!!!! Two round the world

cyclists dead already, no need to have more die there. Stick to China... "

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