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Chilean's round-the-world cycling quest ends tragically here

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Travel around the world nothing happen, but killed in Thailand. Says everything about this country.


95% thai drivers have never had any traing or instructions on how to drive, laws are not followed and above all the Police do not book blatant offenders, never any thing on TV to educate drivers. Thailand roads are a death trap. The ball is in the transport ministry department but they do not even know.

Even in accidents passers by very rare will get the victim by their arms and pull them off the road, never mind any possible Brocken bones etc.


So sad for this poor man and his family.

It will take 50 years for driving standards to reach those of a developed country, even if it was decreed tomorrow, and the authorities had the will, but I see it taking a hundred years.....or more.


Sad abut any loss of Life , but would YOU drag your Wife and Baby in a Cart behind a bike round the world on an Alfa Male Ego Trip..Id Go alone,if i felt the need to impress no one.sad.png

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Can't tell you how many times people have buzzed me and my young kids in a mall parking lot, coming inches from one of us and not slowing even just a tad. I've had plenty of confrontations as a result. I've warned my half Thai kids that people don't care about the well being of others here so you're on your own and it's up to you to stay alive by being aware at all times. Don't assume anybody will stop for a pedestrian here. It will be your last thought.

As opposed to developed countries, pedestrians have no rights on Thai roads or for that matter, even side-walks. You take your life into your own hands if you decide to cross a main road at a pedestrian zebra crossing. I have seen three deaths now at the crossing adjacent to Soi 33 on Sukhumvit. Even cop cars don't give way. And how many readers have been nearly hit by motor bikes ( usually Pizza Hut) on side-walks in Pattaya.

Pedestrians are at the bottom of Thailand's hierarchic road rules. The bigger you are the more rights you have on the road. If any of the government elitist kids climbed out of their Mercedes' and got run over on a zebra crossing, maybe, just maybe, something would be done. Second thoughts, nope !

The same hierarchic road rules apply out on the open roads. At the end of each holiday period the road toll per capita is shameful. In developed countries how in the world could a chief of police or a town mayor retain their jobs if they had these kind of statistics ?? They would be drawn and quartered.

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<deleted> not another!.. the guy travelled around the world for 5 years, then as soon lands here bosh! he would have been safer cycling through Iraq! RIP poor guy ...


...veered off....into a bicycle pulling a carriage.....with a sign attached at the side.....

...how is it even remotely possible that he did not see them.....

...which raises another question.......

How can young healthy awake people walking on sidewalks simply change their path and walk into others ?

If you can answer this question you deserve a nobel prize

In one word .... SMARTPHONE

In three words ..... SMARTPHONE and LINE APP


Unbelievable, the picture shows a divided highway with two lanes and a wide shoulder going in each direction. How could this happen?

5 years - 250.000 kilomet -

He never heared propably before about Thailand, otherwise he would never have entered Thailand ,

and for sure not with a bicycle !!

Where People drive like monkeys !!

No, sorry, not like monkey, a monkey have brain !!

RIP dear poor man;

your family will get 1.000,- THB compensation

And the driver will go to temple to thanks Buddha that nothing happened to him !!

What a disgusting, racist post.

You have no idea what happened or what the driver will do, or pay.

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Unbelievable, the picture shows a divided highway with two lanes and a wide shoulder going in each direction. How could this happen?

5 years - 250.000 kilomet -

He never heared propably before about Thailand, otherwise he would never have entered Thailand ,

and for sure not with a bicycle !!

Where People drive like monkeys !!

No, sorry, not like monkey, a monkey have brain !!

RIP dear poor man;

your family will get 1.000,- THB compensation

And the driver will go to temple to thanks Buddha that nothing happened to him !!

In case you didn't know - nearly all Thais have an unshakable belief in Karma, as do half the world's population. If you don't know what it is check this link. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=karma

Once you understand this, you might understand why Thailand has a different culture than yours. Not better nor worse but different.

Someone is killed - they believe this is neither good nor bad but just the way it is.

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Saddest story this week . Doing something that a very very few would have the 'nads to do, Cycled thousands of ks , got a family on the way , stories to re tell all their lives . 5 secs all over. Reduces me to tears. A Thai licence is a licence to kill .Too late for him and now a wife and child to cope with the BIB who will likely say his fault for being here. So damn sad all round.

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Travel around the world nothing happen, but killed in Thailand. Says everything about this country.


95% thai drivers have never had any traing or instructions on how to drive, laws are not followed and above all the Police do not book blatant offenders, never any thing on TV to educate drivers. Thailand roads are a death trap. The ball is in the transport ministry department but they do not even know.

Even in accidents passers by very rare will get the victim by their arms and pull them off the road, never mind any possible Brocken bones etc.

Does people need training to care about others ... ?

I wonder how TAT can spin this to Thainess bah.gif

5 years on bicycle and then they happen to come to Thailand - what a mistake, too bad the Singaporean wife didnt warn her husband about Thailands murderous traffic

Neeranam: So its just karma - I call it a killing



very sad and hope the driver is given more than a slap on the wrist. also hope that all the racist posters get what get what is coming to them


Probably too much alcohol by the truck driver...

Unbelievable, the picture shows a divided highway with two lanes and a wide shoulder going in each direction. How could this happen?Probably


...veered off....into a bicycle pulling a carriage.....with a sign attached at the side.....

...how is it even remotely possible that he did not see them.....

...which raises another question.......

How can young healthy awake people walking on sidewalks simply change their path and walk into others ?

If you can answer this question you deserve a nobel prize

In one word .... SMARTPHONE

In three words ..... SMARTPHONE and LINE APP

Nah, it was already like that before the smartphones. I actually observed it in Ikea today. I said to my wife; why do Thais always swagger all over the path without caring about other people who need to pass? They simply don't care or are unaware, it's not their family member. In a society where one only cares about other family members there will never be awareness about others. Society here is built on only caring about your own! You can see it in every layer of society and in my opinion is probably the biggest problem in this country. The endless greed is founded in it too. Create a caring society and about 90% of all problems will be solved, incl. driving like bats out of hell.

RIP dear traveler

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Unbelievable, the picture shows a divided highway with two lanes and a wide shoulder going in each direction. How could this happen?

5 years - 250.000 kilomet -

He never heared propably before about Thailand, otherwise he would never have entered Thailand ,

and for sure not with a bicycle !!

Where People drive like monkeys !!

No, sorry, not like monkey, a monkey have brain !!

RIP dear poor man;

your family will get 1.000,- THB compensation

And the driver will go to temple to thanks Buddha that nothing happened to him !!

In case you didn't know - nearly all Thais have an unshakable belief in Karma, as do half the world's population. If you don't know what it is check this link. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=karma

Once you understand this, you might understand why Thailand has a different culture than yours. Not better nor worse but different.

Someone is killed - they believe this is neither good nor bad but just the way it is.

BS. I think you are confused with India. The rule of karma has had almost no influence on Thai Buddhism at all. This post has apologetic written all over it

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I have been here long enough to know this was inevitable and will be ongoing - Thai drivers are the worst in the world. I wont bother proving that statement, but I have driven a lot all over the world and there are dangerous drivers everywhere. But here they are a constant and dangerous presence most times I drive around. The issue is not Thai's attitude to others - they are the same as most people (better than many). The issue is enforcement - there is NONE. If people are allowed to drive so dangerously anywhere in the world, then they will do so - it is ONLY through enforcement that people will change. Instead of directing traffic and checking rego papers, and dealing with parking issues, the Thai police should be out and about ENFORCING the laws against dangerous driving. As soon as they lock someone up and take away their vehicle, the word will get around quickly and things will change. But the only time they appear is AFTER the accident. That is the problem and the solution.

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All these police sitting around doing nothing... too busy to have one in a car provide an excort for this man, considering the magnitude of what he is doing, and that probably his country was watching his progress and is not in shock at the manner in which the murder occured..

OK to provide a six car excort (with flashing roof lights) for fat cat Korean and Chinese sex and gambling tours, in their seven or eight bus convoys, but no time for for someone like this.

Yet another new low for Thailand... the HUB of death.

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Can't tell you how many times people have buzzed me and my young kids in a mall parking lot, coming inches from one of us and not slowing even just a tad. I've had plenty of confrontations as a result. I've warned my half Thai kids that people don't care about the well being of others here so you're on your own and it's up to you to stay alive by being aware at all times. Don't assume anybody will stop for a pedestrian here. It will be your last thought.

Never mind those who consider pedestrian hockey a sport.

You mean it isn't DAMN and i have had so much fun jaywalking and dodging cars


The victim’s body was sent to BuaYai Hospital for autopsy.

There may be yet...a way to label this as another foreigner suicide...the autopsy is important for this determination...

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Sad, & tragic for the famiy left behind. Having pedalled in other countries, I know this sort of killing of cyclists is pretty general. I learned to regard car drivers as 'canned idiots', & a few I met over years were borderline psychotics or deranged. Then there are the intractably dumb, so stupid they should not be around unsupervised. Lesson: the less drivers there are on a given road, the safer you are on your bike.


That is truly a very sad story that that man and his family came so far to be run over here by a reckless driver. I used to like to ride my bicycle for excersise in morning and had so many close calls I finally gave it up. It always amazed me why they had to come so damn close to you when there wasn't any other traffic present and a whole lane to drive in. Scared as hell anymore.


no factual evidence here.

most bicyc's believe they own the road,

this proves again,

they don't

RIP brother

And you have no factual evidence to support what you say either, it's pretty doubtful this fellow made it so far and for so many years "acting like he owned the road"

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This just sucks.

A few years ago, the Sultanate of Oman had a vehicle fatality rate just a bit better than Thailand. Then the government got serious about it and started a campaign: education, workshops, displays in malls, speed cameras, red light cameras, and daily evidence in plain sight of the police stopping and ticketing bad drivers.

And guess what... the fatality rate is way down.

And the opportunities to take action are so abundant in Thailand. It would be a "slam dunk" if anybody cared to pursue it.


It seems to me that the attitude of the RTP, Tourist Ministry, Government and people of Thailand don't give a shit about anyone.

Its like open season on all foreigners.

How many jumpers from high rise condos were found to be without ATM cards, no cash in the room , nothing of value and they call this suicide???

The one thing that always works is that the Thai is not at fault and it is getting worse. Sadly.


And no mention of charges against the crap driver who killed an innocent and admirable man, and took away a husband and father .

Maybe they are wondering of he committed suicide


This just sucks.

A few years ago, the Sultanate of Oman had a vehicle fatality rate just a bit better than Thailand. Then the government got serious about it and started a campaign: education, workshops, displays in malls, speed cameras, red light cameras, and daily evidence in plain sight of the police stopping and ticketing bad drivers.

And guess what... the fatality rate is way down.

And the opportunities to take action are so abundant in Thailand. It would be a "slam dunk" if anybody cared to pursue it.

The problems start with ignorance - as you can see on this thread, that everyone is an expert and they ALL have a "solution" to Thailand's road safety problems.

The truth is as you say above the answer doesn't lie in a single solution, it lies in the government having the will to FULLY implement a plan that includes the 5 "E"s - taking piecemeal and knee-jerk responses will NEVER solve the situation and blaming Thai people as being inherently worse drivers than anyone else is just setting off in totally the wrong direction


no factual evidence here.

most bicyc's believe they own the road,

this proves again,

they don't

RIP brother

And you have no factual evidence to support what you say either, it's pretty doubtful this fellow made it so far and for so many years "acting like he owned the road"

Indeed! In fact the police appear to have already decided who was at fault according to this article in the Guardian

“It was an accident caused by the driver’s recklessness. The road was straight and the cyclist was in his own lane,” the officer said."


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