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Random breath testing at Thapae Gate next to McDonalds


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People dont stop smoking because it is going to kill them. Most stop smoking when they are 'forced' to because they age and realise it IS going to kill them, or they stop when they suddenly realise that smoking is doing them harm so why continue as it will only bring on the inevitable, or they realise one/both of those things early and dont start (or stop early), or something happens to someone who did smoke and they wake up and realise that they always knew it was true (smoking kills - eventually).

The reason there are so many irate anti-drink and driving on TV people making comments, is because they fall into one of the above anti-smoking type catagories. For those of you who think that drinking and driving is OK, I would like to let you know that you are merely thinking like a smoker who doesn't want to give up - yet - or hasn't found a reason - yet. Driving when drunk does kill - eventually - unless you are very lucky.

However, having said that, Chiang Mai is a 'disaster' for anyone who likes a drink and has to get home - because there are very few taxis here and they charge rip-off fares. As someone said, this is not Bangkok where there are heaps and they charge on a meter (usually) - I once waited 45 mins for a cab here and it cost me 350 baht for a 20 min drive - now I plan ahead. So - for those who didn't plan to have a 'big night' but have found that they have had one, the key is to have a 'Plan B' - what to do if I get pissed (how to get home or where to sleep). And therein lies the problem - thinking ahead - for some.

For those looking for certainty with regards to how much one can drink before being over the limit, then there are two answers. On average blokes can have 2 drinks in one hour and then 1 drink every hour to stay under the limit. However with a large meal in there, and if a regular drinker, and if not a genetic 'fault', some people can consume 1-2 more drinks than that and stay under the limit. Second answer is to buy a blood alcohol tester and keep it in the car - cheap and easy - no idea where to get here, as I don't drink much anymore.

Genetics - Quote: Alcohol is broken down through the work of 3 enzymes. Research shows that different people can have variations of the gene that produces these enzymes. The differences in these enzymes mean that some people metabolize alcohol differently from others. For instance, different levels of alcohol metabolizing enzymes cause facial flushing, nausea, and a rapid heartbeat in many people with East Asian heritage making drinking unpleasant even when only moderate amounts are consumed. The NIAAA says that genetic differences in these enzymes may help to explain why some ethnic groups have higher or lower rates of alcohol-related problems.

What to do about SEAs who have 2 drinks and are pissed?

I dont know. To lower the blood level to catch them would mean many Farangs having 2 drinks in 24 hours would be over the limit.

Maybe ban anyone in Chiang Mai under 5' 8" owning a big 4WD/UTE biggrin.png

You make some good points BB24, but I'll dispute one item, having to wait 45 minutes in Chiang Mai for a taxi shouldn't be a problem if you're drunk, for Heavens sake have another drink while you're waiting, and pay the 350 Baht. Yes, I'm in Bangkok and probably wouldn't have to wait that long, is there not some system where you can order a Taxi in advance? But, of course, because we are now so well informed about the mayhem caused, the real answer nowadays is Don't drink and drive, period, nadda, full stop, never P.S. I'm a smoker and drinker, but after someone I know killed six people in a crosswalk because he couldn't focus on what he was doing. I don't drink then drive.

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I am all for large penalties for drink driving, but at the condition that the limit is an acceptable amount. I am not sure, but I heard two beers here is enough to be over the limit; is that true? I would think that is not exactly a threatening amount to have in the system; like being sleep deprived or using a cell phone would be more dangerous.

Limit is .05 in Thailand, which yes, two beers within about two hours will put you there.

Problem is they'll fine you over and over and never take your license away. I know a fellow been caught six times, fines between 5k and 10k each.

That fellow is a slow learner.

I agree .05 is ridiculously low, i know some people hold their alcohol better than others, and I know the police sometimes drive drunk, often in uniform, but that doesn't change the facts or the risks. If you don't want to risk arrest, fines, and jail time, then do your drinking when you won't be driving.

BTW, after midnight I think it's a good idea to stay off the roads in central Chiang Mai. If you have to drive late at night, be especially sure to do it sober so you can avoid the many drunk drivers.

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The fine wasnt the big issue... it more just the hassle of sitting there on display at the gate, then going to the lock up, sitting there in the cell with one open toilet which a drunk Burmese laborer used hourly to stink up the area. The person said they wont take their chances on driving affter a big night out again.

Wonderful! The system actually works!

Yes it does. And the fact that it's gotten a bunch of the alcoholics on TV all hot and bothered is definitely a good thing.

A bunch of alcoholics? Who exactly are you referring to? Since you've made your judgements based on the comments here could you provide the names please? Just so we know who you're talking about.
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Name and shame? Post their picture on their local newspaper back home? In USA, fine about $10,000 USD....I will email Thai official now and let them know. Good luck getting mad for getting caught drinking and driving. Nobody will feel bad for you, unless you really do need help. Speaking of which, if you were in Spicy earlier, I think the fine should be doubled and pictures sent to facebook immediately!!!! lol.

I simply flash them my elite card, speak my fluent thai, show them my thai gf who loves me very much, and then i am escorted to the moo baan!!!!

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Name and shame? Post their picture on their local newspaper back home? In USA, fine about $10,000 USD....I will email Thai official now and let them know. Good luck getting mad for getting caught drinking and driving. Nobody will feel bad for you, unless you really do need help. Speaking of which, if you were in Spicy earlier, I think the fine should be doubled and pictures sent to facebook immediately!!!! lol.

I simply flash them my elite card, speak my fluent thai, show them my thai gf who loves me very much, and then i am escorted to the moo baan!!!!

Are you serious or simply demented? Serious question...

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The fine wasnt the big issue... it more just the hassle of sitting there on display at the gate, then going to the lock up, sitting there in the cell with one open toilet which a drunk Burmese laborer used hourly to stink up the area. The person said they wont take their chances on driving affter a big night out again.

Wonderful! The system actually works!

Yes it does. And the fact that it's gotten a bunch of the alcoholics on TV all hot and bothered is definitely a good thing.

A bunch of alcoholics? Who exactly are you referring to? Since you've made your judgements based on the comments here could you provide the names please? Just so we know who you're talking about.

Actually, you are correct. I must have misread some of the comments, but it appears that most are in agreement that this random breath test is a good thing.

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I am all for large penalties for drink driving, but at the condition that the limit is an acceptable amount. I am not sure, but I heard two beers here is enough to be over the limit; is that true? I would think that is not exactly a threatening amount to have in the system; like being sleep deprived or using a cell phone would be more dangerous.

Just don't drink and drive, is that really so hard to do?

in the absolute sense, yes it is pretty difficult. If you have a large glass of wine with a dinner with friends, over a long social event, you are already going to have to chase down a tuk-tuk. Its a bit over-the-top. Not getting a full nights rest will be more dangerous than driving under these conditions, and texting or using the phone will be much worse still.

Edited by Cheesekraft
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Does anyone know the rules for riding a bicycle under the influence?

Don't quote me on this, but I do believe it's 500 if you're on a unicycle (can you picture that?), 1000 if your on a two wheel bicycle, and 1500 for a tricycle. But, I'm not sure what the fuss is all about... Don't drink and drive

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I am all for large penalties for drink driving, but at the condition that the limit is an acceptable amount. I am not sure, but I heard two beers here is enough to be over the limit; is that true? I would think that is not exactly a threatening amount to have in the system; like being sleep deprived or using a cell phone would be more dangerous.

Just don't drink and drive, is that really so hard to do?

in the absolute sense, yes it is pretty difficult. If you have a large glass of wine with a dinner with friends, over a long social event, you are already going to have to chase down a tuk-tuk. Its a bit over-the-top. Not getting a full nights rest will be more dangerous than driving under these conditions, and texting or using the phone will be much worse still.

Driving has become so ubiquitous that most people don't stop to realize that they are moving a 3,000lb piece of steel at speed. It's become second nature to most of us. And really, what man is going to say 'gee, I'm not a good driver to begin with...'

Alcohol impairs judgment. Texting impairs awareness. Lack of sleep impairs ability. But how many people really believe it affects 'them.'

"Over the limit" is a legal judgement, an arbitrary point used for court. The reality is that there are many things that impair our ability to drive safely.

In many areas, talking on a mobile phone while driving is illegal. Texting while driving is illegal. Driving under the influence is illegal.

But legality aside, IT PUTS OTHER PEOPLE IN DANGER. And that's the reason for the laws. Not to stop our fun. Not to stop our communication. But to protect other people.

Doing roadside breath testing is going to save lives. Maybe yours. Maybe your child's. If it saves just one person, it's worth it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am all for large penalties for drink driving, but at the condition that the limit is an acceptable amount. I am not sure, but I heard two beers here is enough to be over the limit; is that true? I would think that is not exactly a threatening amount to have in the system; like being sleep deprived or using a cell phone would be more dangerous.

Limit is .05 in Thailand, which yes, two beers within about two hours will put you there.

Problem is they'll fine you over and over and never take your license away. I know a fellow been caught six times, fines between 5k and 10k each.

No it won't put you their on 2 beers in 2 hours. Unless you are 6 years old and weigh 25 kg.

Your body will get rid of at least 1 beer per hour. So you might has well said 1 Beer will put you their. Which again you would be incorrect.

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I doubt you'd be over the limit with 2-3 glasses of wine though (for a larger male individual), when had with a meal over sufficient time.

May be time to purchase a breathalyzer..

And then when slightly over the limit you just go for a massage across the road and then you should be fine.

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When posters state legal limits of alcohol above which you are not permitted to drive, please state,

1) the units e.g. mg/ml, fl.oz/lb

2) blood alcohol level or breath alcohol level.

"I tested .08" has no meaning particularly to posters who use a completely different system of units.

The breath sample is very closely approximating what a blood sample would tell you. It's a substitute.

The ".o8" is a percentage. What percent of your blood is alcohol?

Blowing a .1 is the equivalent of a tenth of a percent alcohol in your blood , or about 1 gram in 10 litres.

A percentage doesn't matter what units you use.

In Thailand .05 is the limit which 2 large beers puts one definitely over no matter how big you are.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am all for large penalties for drink driving, but at the condition that the limit is an acceptable amount. I am not sure, but I heard two beers here is enough to be over the limit; is that true? I would think that is not exactly a threatening amount to have in the system; like being sleep deprived or using a cell phone would be more dangerous.

Limit is .05 in Thailand, which yes, two beers within about two hours will put you there.

Problem is they'll fine you over and over and never take your license away. I know a fellow been caught six times, fines between 5k and 10k each.

No it won't put you their on 2 beers in 2 hours. Unless you are 6 years old and weigh 25 kg.

Your body will get rid of at least 1 beer per hour. So you might has well said 1 Beer will put you their. Which again you would be incorrect.

Look up a BAC chart for your weight.

I weigh about 66 kilos and two 12 ounce beers would put me around .045 very close to the limit. The extra percent in Chang would put me over.

The one beer per hour rule isn't accurate.

Imagine having 8 beers in as many hours and not being drunk.

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Non of this matters with lack of transparency and corrupt Cops.

I used to drive around on bikes coming home from wherever in CM at night, but now I don't.

I grew up. Now I don't do anything in in Thailand I would not do in my own country where I would never drive with as much as a sip of booze in me. Enforcement and penalty too severe to risk it.

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The main issue here in Thailand is that Thai's from ALL walks of life (including the BIB) like to go out to a bar or restaurant and LIKE to drink....I don't think they even think about the consequences until they happen....how many times have you seen a group of Thai's (from ALL backgrounds) cracking open a bottle of cheap or expensive whisky and drink!

I am quite sure if the BIB want to catch a few more people, just sit outside ANY predominantly Thai frequented restaurant or bar and do a few checks.

I am ready for a flaming, BUT drinking and driving here, is not seen as "socially unacceptable" with most Thai's as it is in Falangland.

I think the consequences are generally seen as "part and parcel" of a drinking culture.

I am not agreeing with drinking and driving, but just my extensive observations over 7 years living here.

Will it change? Yes, once ALL levels of Thai society see it as "socially unacceptable"......which at the moment, it is not. Yes, all the right "sounds, posters and warnings" are made, BUT I just don't see a fundamental cultural change happening any time soon.

To me, setting up road blocks in town, is for one reason only, to catch "easy pickings" and a lucrative "earner", while at the same time, "looking" to enforce the law.

BTW, anything happen to that guy who wiped out the English guy on the way back from Pai the other day? Shame, they didn't do a breath test on that guy at 3-4am.....would it have made a difference anyway?

Edited by kjhbigv
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Yes, agreeing with the previous poster about the drinking culture here, and to be clear, in no way excusing or justifying drink driving, but the frustration is seeing a much less than even handed approach to policing. In the UK only a fool would drink and drive because there are police patrols everywhere, not just in city centres, and if you take the risk, theres a damn good chance you ll be caught before you get home even if youre driving quite a few miles.

Here, as the previous poster said, and we ve all seen it, if you live a few miles out of town as I do theres absolutely zero policing at all, and many times when I ve been on the way home from wherever you literally see bikes or cars weaving so erratically, with no pretence of being able to drive correctly that you know immediately that the person is literally blind drunk. I ve seen it in my area a couple of times this weekend and until theres proper policing ( which wont happen) it will continue.

In the meantime, the BIB set up their checks at exactly the locations where it is quite likely that they will get foreigners, and a few stray Thais too, whilst ignoring the sheer size and volume of the problem.. Like a number of situations here, its the "needle in the haystack" type of policy that causes frustration.

Last week I went out to an event, I had two small beers and several sodas, just to make sure I was complying, and yet as I approached my home 10K from the city, I had to negotiate my way carefully past a car which was driving so erratically that it was obvious that the driver was completely drunk. THATS the frustration in a nutshell !!

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In the meantime, the BIB set up their checks at exactly the locations where it is quite likely that they will get foreigners, and a few stray Thais too, whilst ignoring the sheer size and volume of the problem..

I don't think that's accurate. Thapae is hardly the only spot that sees very regular checks. Also Santitham/Chotana, Nimmanhaemin: all nightlife areas with mostly Thai people visiting.

I think it has more to do with convenience and having enough space available. After all you need to set up tables for testing, and once you get someone you're then stuck with a vehicle that needs to stay somewhere. Thapae is of course super for that. That's why I think it's their spot of choice.

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If you wouldnt drink and drive at home .why try in thailand.i wouldnt risk even 2 beer in canada.licence gone 5000 dollar fine

Try Norway.

No arguments, no courts, no fines.

It's direct into the slammer. Not sure for how many months.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am all for large penalties for drink driving, but at the condition that the limit is an acceptable amount. I am not sure, but I heard two beers here is enough to be over the limit; is that true? I would think that is not exactly a threatening amount to have in the system; like being sleep deprived or using a cell phone would be more dangerous.

Limit is .05 in Thailand, which yes, two beers within about two hours will put you there.

Problem is they'll fine you over and over and never take your license away. I know a fellow been caught six times, fines between 5k and 10k each.

No it won't put you their on 2 beers in 2 hours. Unless you are 6 years old and weigh 25 kg.

Your body will get rid of at least 1 beer per hour. So you might has well said 1 Beer will put you their. Which again you would be incorrect.

Look up a BAC chart for your weight.

I weigh about 66 kilos and two 12 ounce beers would put me around .045 very close to the limit. The extra percent in Chang would put me over.

The one beer per hour rule isn't accurate.

Imagine having 8 beers in as many hours and not being drunk.

Good suggestion, having a look at a BAC chart. I notice for most women only one drink will put them at the limit.

I wonder how accurate the breathalyzers used by Chiang Mai police tend to be? I realize it doesn't matter, you'll get whatever penalty correlates with whatever reading you receive, just wondering whether anyone knows the type/brand they use here.

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In the meantime, the BIB set up their checks at exactly the locations where it is quite likely that they will get foreigners, and a few stray Thais too, whilst ignoring the sheer size and volume of the problem..

I don't think that's accurate. Thapae is hardly the only spot that sees very regular checks. Also Santitham/Chotana, Nimmanhaemin: all nightlife areas with mostly Thai people visiting.

I think it has more to do with convenience and having enough space available. After all you need to set up tables for testing, and once you get someone you're then stuck with a vehicle that needs to stay somewhere. Thapae is of course super for that. That's why I think it's their spot of choice.

Whether or not it's a regular thing I don't know, over New Year they set up a roadblock right outside Lucky and started stopping bikes only. They then proceeded to search everyone they stopped (mostly single males) and search their pockets and their bikes - apparently for drugs.

Not sure if this was in response to a tip off or not.

Not a breathalyser in sight.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The problem with drinking is that for most people, the more they drink the more their decision making and common sense are impaired. You might go in with good intentions to not drive if you've had too much, but too much alcohol can short circuit this. This is where knowing yourself and your limitations is key.

It's interesting to note that in many religions (I'm not religious myself) drinking to excess or drinking, period is considered 'sinful' even if there are no consequences. This is because it's considered a 'sin' to deliberately create cirucumstances where you are in less control and hence in more of a position to do something 'bad'.

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