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New multilingual signs, flyers and tourist info centres to clarify Phuket beach rules


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I want a lounge chair, I want an umbrella, I want someone to delivery me food, I want to get a massage on the beach, this is why we came here. We want to relax enjoy our self that why they pay all that money to fly here. You are going to lose them slowly, they will never return. Good going Phuket and TAT your screw everything up again.

And will be by those who seek lovely beaches without being forced to rent chair and brollies and having to avoid discarded som tam bags and left over sticky rice.

If you want massage, brolly and lounger go to a special zone - simple.

Tourists ain't all like you Bob, thankfully.

And most tourists don't freely express their self perceived in depth political understanding of the countries like you do Bob.

Enjoy where ever you go next - Lebanon supposed to be nice, you might try there.

I want you off my beach too. Your getting boring find someone else to try to bully. It's not going to work with me.

Mr. Mangobob is right. Pukhet now belongs to the tourists and has to cater accordingly.

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I want a lounge chair, I want an umbrella, I want someone to delivery me food, I want to get a massage on the beach, this is why we came here. We want to relax enjoy our self that why they pay all that money to fly here. You are going to lose them slowly, they will never return. Good going Phuket and TAT your screw everything up again.

And will be by those who seek lovely beaches without being forced to rent chair and brollies and having to avoid discarded som tam bags and left over sticky rice.

If you want massage, brolly and lounger go to a special zone - simple.

Tourists ain't all like you Bob, thankfully.

And most tourists don't freely express their self perceived in depth political understanding of the countries like you do Bob.

Enjoy where ever you go next - Lebanon supposed to be nice, you might try there.

No one said that you have to buy a chair. When going alone I put my towel down not far from the chairs and I never had any issues. When I go with wife and kids I always got one for their comfort. So you're saying that you never enjoyed sitting in a lounger with a nice delicious cold beverage served to you while you stared at the waves and took it all in? You must be a dream to hang out with.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I want a lounge chair, I want an umbrella, I want someone to delivery me food, I want to get a massage on the beach, this is why we came here. We want to relax enjoy our self that why they pay all that money to fly here. You are going to lose them slowly, they will never return. Good going Phuket and TAT your screw everything up again.

And will be by those who seek lovely beaches without being forced to rent chair and brollies and having to avoid discarded som tam bags and left over sticky rice.

If you want massage, brolly and lounger go to a special zone - simple.

Tourists ain't all like you Bob, thankfully.

And most tourists don't freely express their self perceived in depth political understanding of the countries like you do Bob.

Enjoy where ever you go next - Lebanon supposed to be nice, you might try there.

No one said that you have to buy a chair. When going alone I put my towel down not far from the chairs and I never had any issues. When I go with wife and kids I always got one for their comfort. So you're saying that you never enjoyed sitting in a lounger with a nice delicious cold beverage served to you while you stared at the waves and took it all in? You must be a dream to hang out with.

He just trying to make an issue out of nothing. I am sure he doesn't care about this, it's just that I said something and because he doesn't agree with my political stand he has to make a issue here. It common for him to try to bully people. He needs to grow up.

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It's an attempt to clean up the beaches. Shame that they don't practice what they preach and remove all the sewer pipes that all the restaurants, hotels and bars are connected to in order to get rid of their waste.

The whole fiasco is a farce. I used to watch tourists splashing around oblivious to the fact they were swimming in human waste.

Friend of mine emailed me to say that there is an acute shortage of tourists this year (apart from the Chinese) and it's going to get worse. Personally I'm amazed why anyone visits Thailand at all.

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I want a lounge chair, I want an umbrella, I want someone to delivery me food, I want to get a massage on the beach, this is why we came here. We want to relax enjoy our self that why they pay all that money to fly here. You are going to lose them slowly, they will never return. Good going Phuket and TAT your screw evgerything up again.

Not exactly, my friend. Chinese (and generally speaking all asians) don't care about beach regulations as they don't go to the beach, except a few exceptions of course. This is going to affect Europeans mostly and this the direction the authorities want to take. Don't think this is a coincidence but a well thought plan. Like another member pointed out in another thread, expect more yelling and spitting for the time to come...
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A few rules is preferable to a beach that's completely taken over by the lounge chair mafia and food vendors.

We stopped at Bang saen once and while there may have been sand on the beach, it was completely covered by impromptu restaurants, seats, lounge chairs. It was inpossible to walk anywhere without going out to the street and walking down the road. A bit of free space with sand would have been nice.

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The Chinese are not as fussy as farangs and they get free visas. I do not think the Thais are that worried.

And with the generals proposed new Chinese railways, they will be transporting them throughout the land, cattle class direct. Allowing sufficient time, of course, for half a dozen stops on the way to re tighten all the loose bolts.

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Damn, if they think the conveyance of these rules are so important you would think that they would have hired a professional graphic arts designer. It looks terrible .... cheap and nasty.

What makes you think that this was NOT done by a "professional graphic artist" as well as written by a university professor of English who has written 5-10 textbooks, and has a load of "qualifications"? In fact, a non-professional, like my 9 year old kid, would probably, quite accidentally, do a better job.

Signs seem to be a "special area" of Thai expertise that rarely fails to stun me with their excellence!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That's why I'm going to Pattaya.

Can't stand all these regulations imposed in Phuket.

At the end they will be prohibiting any farting on the beaches.


Mr. Costas, civilized people don't fart in public.

Have fun in Patthaya.

"sounds" like MR costas was made for Pattaya!

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I am not a smoker and hate smokers but I believe in peoples freedom of choice .... NO Smoking on the beach seems a bit harsh? is it just me on this one?

I'm an ex-smoker and have left my fair share of cigarette butts buried in the sand. Banning smoking on the beach is a good thing in my opinion

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I am not a smoker and hate smokers but I believe in peoples freedom of choice .... NO Smoking on the beach seems a bit harsh? is it just me on this one?

I'm an ex-smoker and have left my fair share of cigarette butts buried in the sand. Banning smoking on the beach is a good thing in my opinion

No-one is more intolerant of smoking than an ex smoker. It hardly surprises me.

At least you'll be fuming when people break the rule over and over again and get sunburned trying to educate them and all the beach vendors.

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Already then. No food vendEr.w00t.gif

the second side says






Brilliant multi lingual skills in play here. I wonder how badly they stuffed up the other languages.

It's a bit silly to criticise someone for a spelling mistake whilst making one in you own post.

the second "sign" (not side) says

If side was you intended word then it's still incorrect as it doesn't make sense in the context of the OP.

Looks to me as if the picture is composed of 2 images - one on the left side and the other on the right side.

The point canucklehead was making was the poor letter/word breaks which makes this sign look utterly stupid and unofficial. Notice how the left image breaks the words differently from the right?

And by the way... its not double-sided.... notice the arrows at the top point to directions of where the zones are?


I would like to offer a solution that gives merit to both points of view. Let's divide our 1km stretch of pristine beach into 2 zones. We take this sign and put it in the middle of the beach. Now we create 2 more signs by cutting the beauty in half, arrows pointing in opposite directions and put them as terminator at the end of each zone. Additional signs could be placed at certain intervals with arrows pointing in both directions.

The stupidity consists in arguing about such a no-brainer.


I hope that you are not a native English speaker. "You own post" and "you intended word" ? That is not a typo. Let me explain. There is a form of possessive case of "you" used as an attributive adjective. This magic word is "your". Is it true?

YOU bet YOUR ass.


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TAT of Phuket, I don't get it. Your new signs are hideous, and ugly!

Way too much information, and why not just clean up the beaches, get rid of all the

corrupt people who were ripping off the tourists, then eventually

draft beach signs for all over Thailand that are informative, but not so

complicated and UGLY! For now, as a tourist, I will go to Hua Hin, and Jomtien beach near

Pattaya, and other places that I can enjoy, I have not been too impressed with Phuket, during my last two

visits, as the prices were too high, and the beach scene seemed to be to be getting

less enjoyable.


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I hope that the signs are being done by a graphic design firm and not someone's cousin. In the U.S. it is common for the client to give 2-4 firms the message they want to communicate and then let the firms compete for the best way to present them. The various signs could be presented to focus groups of tourists for understanding and acceptance of the message.

It is not hard to get it right if you know what the correct process to get from point A to point B.

Good luck

As it goes here in Thailand "I know my friend, him can do".... and my kickback...

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Yes the Thai refusal to employ someone to proof read is really anal and epitomises the backward thinking here. Even Thais skilled in English are not perfect by a long chalk. Is it that they will not admit they are imperfect or just a xenophobic attitude to paying foreigners by some twisted mindset?

As to the signs, a waste of money since Thai rules change by the day and the signs will be outdated by the time they are printed. It is a shame that there is a problem at senior levels in actually thinking through anything but just lurching from one half baked idea to another whilst parading the stupidity like a peacock proud of its own crap

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That's why I'm going to Pattaya.

Can't stand all these regulations imposed in Phuket.

At the end they will be prohibiting any farting on the beaches.


That was last weeks ruling about farting you must of missed it because you were in your beach chair having a beer and cig and McDonalds meal to go.

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