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Justice For Bike Thieves Indonesian Style


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Suspected thief burned alive

The Jakarta Post

25 February 2015


An alleged motorcycle thief in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Banten, south of Jakarta, was set alight by an angry mob on Tuesday, said Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Martinus Sitompul.

“There were four robbers, but only one was caught by a mob that took the law into their own hands and killed the thief,” Martinus said as quoted by Antara news agency.

Martinus said the incident occurred at 1 a.m. on Tuesday when four individuals were allegedly on the prowl to steal motorcycles.

The gang attacked Wahyu Hidayat, 21, and his friend, Sri Astriani, 19, while they were traveling on a motorcycle. One of the robbers brandished a sword, but Sri managed to snatch the weapon while Wahyu screamed for help, attracting passersby.

The four robbers subsequently fled the scene but were chased. One of them was caught and set on fire in the street.

In his account of the event to Pondok Aren Police on Tuesday, Wahyu said the mob beat the alleged robber, kicked and stripped the lanky man before setting him on fire.

Martinus commended the efforts of the victim to fight back, but warned the public not to take the law into their own hands.

The charred remains of the alleged robber have not been identified. Nor have the identities of the other three alleged perpetrators.

Pondok Aren Police chief Comr. Bachtiar Alfonso said he would pursue the other three alleged robbers because their action had caused unrest in the neighborhood.

Bachtiar did not say he would pursue the mob, but in a rare move Martinus said the Jakarta Police would investigate the killing.

The police will identify the killers of the alleged robber, he said as quoted by tribunnews.com.

“We have to remind them that this was a violation of the law and punish them. The perpetrators will be charged under Article 359 of the Criminal Code,” he said.

According to the article, anyone who causes a death through negligence could face a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Martinus said the move was necessary as a deterrent. “We will investigate who did this, who collectively did this,” he said.

In the past, the police rarely have investigated mob violence. In September last year, a mob in Bekasi lynched a man who was allegedly trying to steal a parked motorcycle. The man was beaten to death with wooden planks.

Bekasi Police spokesman First Insp. Makmur said the beating would not be looked into unless a relative of the thief officially objected to his death.

Makmur said the police would not do anything about the assault because there were too many perpetrators. He added that the police had reprimanded people at the scene about taking the law into their own hands.

People in the vicinity of Pondok Aren seemed more concerned about motorcycle theft in the area than the lynching on Tuesday morning.

A witness of the lynching, Yudi, was quoted by tribunnews.com as saying that it was justified because he believed the law failed to deter robbers. “Out of jail, back to robbing people again, that’s what they do. And they rob sadistically,” Yudi said.

Yudi said the mob doused the alleged robber with gasoline from a bottle bought at a sidewalk kiosk. “When the fire was about to die, they doused him with more gasoline, and later they threw a car tire on him to prolong the flames. It seemed that the residents were really angry about the robberies,” he said.

Ratyo, another resident and witness, shared the same sentiment as Yudi.

“It was indeed sadistic. But I think it had to be done to make other robbers think twice about robbing us. They have walked all over us for too long,” Ratyo said.

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Everybody realises that the locals are claiming that these bands of thieves have been plaguing the area? And apparently are brazen enough to use a sword during the attack?

I would normally agree that setting someone on fire (twice with a tyre thrown on to make sure the job was done) is a bit overkill, but perhaps we don't know the whole story?

As an aside, if I was pushed as far as these villagers were, I'd probably have everybody urinate on the fire right before the guy died and then relit...but I'm an <self deleted>.

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It seemed that the residents were really angry about the robberies

No kidding!!!! Lynchings are a sign of a country where the people have no trust in the police. Happens here in Cambodia, happens a lot where I grew up (in Kenya). I'd say it deters future robberies as much as the death penalty (not at all) but I guess it makes the people being robbed feel better.

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I knew Isis tactics would end up happening in that Muslim state. Horrid country full of horrid humans.

Neklacing was, is popular in South Africa and parts of East Africa since about 20-30 years ago so I am not sure how ISIS is to blame?

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Yes it's way over the top and being burn to death must be one of the worst possible death you can get.

Some places are still like the wild West man but I think they did it less barbaric by hanging.

In Saudi Arabia they are very humanwhistling.gif , first offense stealing= chop off left hand. 2 offense stealing = chop off right hand.

3 offense stealing= chop off head.

The 3rd punishment clearly shows that they are feed up with the offender and given up and send him off to his next life.

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Yes it's way over the top and being burn to death must be one of the worst possible death you can get.

Some places are still like the wild West man but I think they did it less barbaric by hanging.

In Saudi Arabia they are very humanwhistling.gif , first offense stealing= chop off left hand. 2 offense stealing = chop off right hand.

3 offense stealing= chop off head.

The 3rd punishment clearly shows that they are feed up with the offender and given up and send him off to his next life.

I believe you have the order of hands muddled.....

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Wow, that is a sad story, but hilarious responses as usual.

I think chopping off the right hand makes good sense to bike thieves since they can't ride anymore.

Pedophiles should lose something else.

Well, I'm sure bike theft will diminish in that town.

I just hope the mob was 100% sure before dishing out that justice.

Imagine you are a tourist there and someone just starts calling you a thief for no reason.

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Wow, that is a sad story, but hilarious responses as usual.

I think chopping off the right hand makes good sense to bike thieves since they can't ride anymore.

Pedophiles should lose something else.

Well, I'm sure bike theft will diminish in that town.

I just hope the mob was 100% sure before dishing out that justice.

Imagine you are a tourist there and someone just starts calling you a thief for no reason.

South African kangaroo courts are well known for leaving the rapists with a nub....

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Yes it's way over the top and being burn to death must be one of the worst possible death you can get.

Some places are still like the wild West man but I think they did it less barbaric by hanging.

In Saudi Arabia they are very humanwhistling.gif , first offense stealing= chop off left hand. 2 offense stealing = chop off right hand.

3 offense stealing= chop off head.

The 3rd punishment clearly shows that they are feed up with the offender and given up and send him off to his next life.

I believe you have the order of hands muddled.....

I believe he's just muddled.

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I knew Isis tactics would end up happening in that Muslim state. Horrid country full of horrid humans.

Some Muslim states still amputate the left hand for proven robbery.

However, the kangaroo court and instant execution in this case is certainly going over the top.

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