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Thai opinion: Hitler does not live here, nor does Mao or Mussolini


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Bandow is a fellow at the Cato Institute which puts him about as far to the political right in the USA as is possible to be and still maintain some semblance of respect.

The political right in the USA has been deafeningly quiet on Thailand - maybe it's not that important to them? But Bandow, to his credit, speaks out. And he does the relatively simple job of pointing out the problems which the 'NCPO' exemplifes. He believes in freedom, democracy and self-governance and he makes his case with (at the end) recommended steps for Thailand.

He makes the following point about half-way through:

There are plenty of apologists for dictatorship, many of whom take support for democracy as shilling for Thaksin.

which, not surprisingly, reflects the attitude of many posters here. But he doesn't give Thaksin a free ride, he simply points out the rampant corruption exists on all sides of the political spectrum and that it is not limited to politicians. whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif>

Over the last decade, and certainly over the last 9 months, the elite/military alliance have done so many things to eliminate freedom, liberty, self-governance, and human rights in Thailand, that Bandow had a wide palette of examples to use in his article. He did a reasonable job of pulling together the most obvious among those and comes to the conclusion which is the title of his article.

Great post and review.

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The Nation has an odd choice of writers. Isn't this woman a convicted US felon?

United States of America,



Pornpimol Kanchanalak a/k/a Pornpimol Parichattkal, and Duangnet Georgie Kronenberg,Appellees

Consolidated with No. 99-3034

Appeals from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (No. 98cr00241)

Jonathan Biran, Attorney, United States Department of Justice, argued the cause and was on the briefs for appellant. Eric L. Yaffe, Attorney, entered an appearance. Reid H. Weingarten argued the cause for appellees. Withchim on the brief were Erik L. Kitchen, Brian M. Heberlig, and James Hamilton. Michael Spafford entered an appearance.

Before: Wald, Silberman and Tatel, Circuit Judges.

Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge Wald.

Wald, Circuit Judge: The government charged Pornpimolc"Pauline" Kanchanalak (aka Pornpimol Parichattkal) and Duangnet "Georgie" Kronenberg with a scheme to disguise illegal hard money contributions and soft money donations from foreign nationals and corporations to national and state political committees. Defendants were also alleged to have caused political committees to file reports with the Federal Election Commission ("FEC") falsely identifying lawful permanent residents as the source of funds that actually originated with foreign nationals and corporations in violation of 18 U.S.C. ss 2 (cool.png, 1001. The government argued that s 441e of the Federal Election Campaign Act ("FECA") prohibits any infusion of money from foreign nationals into federal, state, and local elections and that section 104.8 of the FEC regulations requires that political committees report the true source of their contributions and donations. Defendants asserted that as to both hard and soft money, political committees were not required to report the true sources of their receipts, and as to soft money, FECA did not restrict such donations by foreign nationals


Wow -- excellent research. My new hero!

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I think the article hits the Nail on the Head about what is going on here.

Absolutely. There was a letter in the Tribune a few weeks ago from an American who described the torture and so on the the junta was responsible for here in Thailand. Pure fantasy. He also said how the population opposed the junta and were living in fear. Must have been a different country. And once again the Americans quote Freedom House, an organisation closely linked to Thaksin and his advisers and Human Rights Watch also have dubious connections with people associated with Thaksin. As for Amnesty? I used to work for Amnesty during the 70s and have always respected their research. But their report on Thailand was pure speculation and drivel. I just wonder who nobbled Amnesty because there is 'a whole lot of nobblin' going' on' - due to the influence that billions of baht can have on the world stage. I did have some correspondece with Amnesty about their report but off course they believed their own lies. Sad really, that's one organisation that no longer has my support.

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Ok We all the know stated Guys don't live here cause for the most part have been dead years but Hitler dose have a chicken shack here and is or was on a student mural back a year or so ago. Yes we know that most police here are corrupted to the bone. But on the flip side so are quite a few farang's here are crooks.But to be fair most Politicians crooks not only here but elsewhere as well, just here there just more out in the open. One can only hope one day the corrupt will be held accountable. Other than that it is a Thai problem for Thai's to correct. We can sit on the sidelines and piss and moan but it will fall on dead ears and do no good.

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