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Trying to take our furniture


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I wonder if anyone can help. We have a nice house with very nice furniture.We decided not to sell and keep the house and move to the coast.We let some friends stay in the house so they would pay the bills and look after the place.They split up about 3 months ago and vacated the house.We then left our maid in the house to look after the place.While they were in the house they asked if the could put the mother and daughter on the blue book for work and school requirements we agreed.On Tuesday the maid phoned to say there were people there trying to take our furniture.We went and took the chenote and blue book.There was a court officer, a solicitor, police etc etc.I said what are you doing they said the people who we let stay had a court order against them and the court awarded them to take my furniture in lew of this money.I said this is our house and the furniture ours.The lawyer said have you bills for the furniture I said yes but in my house on the coast.I said I will get them tomorrow .He said that's no good we will have take some furniture now.I said you are not this is our furniture.They then sent for more police to arrest us.Another 5 police arrived .I am 70 and a cancer sufferer my wife is 64. They frightened us terribly.They made me go back to the coast go to the bank and give them B100,000. Only then would they let my wife go and allow her to leave.I hope this Prime minister reads this and see how foreign people are being treated. Can any one help

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Please i know who the police are the court officer had a badge hanging from her neck.I was not scammed these were Thai officials

and there have been no recorded cases of police/or officials extorting people ? my my you really have led a sheltered life in Thailand

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Dick,i do feel very sorry for you,but the blue book deal is an obvious scam,sorry Mate to hear this,in Thailand i always look as if they are all out to milk you,have been ok so far,but i am at my wife's mercy,luckily i have enough that even if she did the dirty i would be okay,you will have to write it off Thai lak Thai,no one is gonna help you.

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Most of us do have a camera / video option on our phones now.

You will be pleasantly surprised how fast some people's behavior will change when you start your cam.

More times than not, the sleazy will just stop and leave...

A dash cam is also helpful to disprove the " Farang driver is always in the wrong" rule in Thailand.

It's cheap protection.

Just be sure to remember to turn it on!

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Unfortunately no general or prime minister gives a rats ass about us.

Costas, did you REALLY say that, LOL?

If these were really officials with authority under the law, it sucks. In a civilized country you would be given notice of a court hearing in advance of any attachment of your property. You could appear with your documentation and show that it didn't belong to people who owe money.

In fact no one would be stupid enough to try to get your furniture because he would lose going away.

This is a part of Thailand that drives me nuts - the corrupt and incompetent legal system.

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Dick90, sorry to hear about your incident.

I think the best thing you can learn from it, is to accept that most good deeds, do not go unpunished... especially here in Thailand.

Justice, moral and ethics has nothing to do with this deeply corrupted place. So just take if for what it is (nice weather, fake smiles, good food and low living costs).... and do not help or trust others here in the future.

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Many thanks to all of you that have given me sound advice.i can assure you that I did stand my ground and I physically stood in front of the removals to stop them.When more police arrived I was told that now you are in serious trouble.On the spur of the moment you don't think of these things.I thought the police should have protected me and my wife.They were having none of this and had only come to enforce this court order.This went on for about 3 hours and I was really exorsted and to those of you that made some strange remarks I hope that you are never put in this situation. In fareness to the guy he sent the money to me last night .I have just tried to show you what can happen in this unusual country.I did phone my Lawyer and he said that if they had a court order they could do it.He said to make a note of all the furnature and we will try and get it back.Ha ha..Anywhey thanks again.

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Many thanks to all of you that have given me sound advice.i can assure you that I did stand my ground and I physically stood in front of the removals to stop them.When more police arrived I was told that now you are in serious trouble.On the spur of the moment you don't think of these things.I thought the police should have protected me and my wife.They were having none of this and had only come to enforce this court order.This went on for about 3 hours and I was really exorsted and to those of you that made some strange remarks I hope that you are never put in this situation. In fareness to the guy he sent the money to me last night .I have just tried to show you what can happen in this unusual country.I did phone my Lawyer and he said that if they had a court order they could do it.He said to make a note of all the furnature and we will try and get it back.Ha ha..Anywhey thanks again.

Very confusing OP. Is it your friends or the maid that you put in the blue book? Is your wife Thai? How could she allow such a thing? Anyways, it's strange how some foreigners in Thailand get themselves into so much trouble.

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dick90 . Sorry to hear of your situation, but as Costas says, nobody gives a rats arse about you.

That is the unfortunate truth here in Thailand.

Police will do nothing for you whatso ever. You are just a farang not worthy of help.

Please try to put this unfortunate situation behind you.

Remember never to trust anyone in Thailand, if they want entered in the blue book they have an ulteeria motive, never good.

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".I hope this Prime minister reads this and see how foreign people are being treated."

You mean how stupid foreign people can be to put strangers on the blue book, not having a rental agreement and hope everything will be ok.

Welcome to the Land of smiles ,

You will never convince some people about the pit falls of Thailand. How is it so easy to put anyone's name on a blue book full stop. All a blue book is, is a document explaining where people live, You cannot borrow money on it,

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