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Muslim group: 'Jihadi John' resembles UK man Mohammed Emwazi

Lite Beer

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This is the kind of mindset Muslims in the UK have. Shift the onus onto and blame those trying to prevent terror attacks, all the while minimizing one's own guilt.

Failing this, the race card ("homophobia", "bigotry" etc.) will be played (see TV's own Islamists) as a way to silence any criticism.

Cage stated that Mohammed Emwazi had earlier traveled to Tanzania. He told security services he was there on 'safari'.cheesy.gif

Security services believed he wanted to join al-Shabab in Somalia and sent him back to the UK.

The BBC wrote that "They (Emwazi and two cohorts) were interrogated and Emwazi later claimed to Cage, a campaign group in London, that they had been subject to harassment and abuse."


"Harassment and abuse."??? The poor dears. that's enough to turn anyone into a serial beheader of innocent aid-workers. blink.png

If these people are so focused on being muslims and living as muslims Why T F are they not living in a muslim country - what T F are they doing in the UK

Ok people should have the right to live where they want regardless of faith up to a point provided they are willing to live by the law and keep it to themselves - that no longer seems possible and I now support that all these muslims should be removed from the UK unless they are willing to comply to a very strict set of rules and keep their beliefs and customs behind closed doors and to themselves.

Are you living like a Thai in Thailand ?

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Ha. I knew it was just a matter of time before the personal attacks started.

Islamic sympathisers just can't stand people saying the religion is basically a death cult. It wasn't discrimination that turned him into a murderer but his religion.

So. What discrimination did Jihadi John suffer from that turned him into a serial killer of aid workers in the most barbaric way? Pray, do tell!

All I heard is as I said previously. He said he was treated badly by the security services.

But you obviously know more details. I'm all ears.

Do you mean the pathological reason to by on the social media and to kill ?

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It's so hard to be a farang in Thailand, all that double pricing and girls selling themself for next to nothing to blow you. Oh man, what a hard life. You obviously have no idea what real discrimination is.

Now everybody. This is a prime example of deflection.

When an argument or debate can't be won, simply move the onus onto the unknown poster with the opposing viewpoint.

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If these people are so focused on being muslims and living as muslims Why T F are they not living in a muslim country - what T F are they doing in the UK

Ok people should have the right to live where they want regardless of faith up to a point provided they are willing to live by the law and keep it to themselves - that no longer seems possible and I now support that all these muslims should be removed from the UK unless they are willing to comply to a very strict set of rules and keep their beliefs and customs behind closed doors and to themselves.

Are you living like a Thai in Thailand ?
He's probably not. But I'd bet my bottom dollar he has some respect for Thai culture and traditions and more importantly, isn't going around cutting people's heads off. :mellow:

Do you mean the pathological reason to by on the social media and to kill ?

"to by on"??

Sorry but <deleted> are you prattling on about?

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Jihad John is a dbag but he's a direct result of how muslims have been treated in the UK for a while. We reap what we sow. I'm surprised more American and especially French muslims haven't copied, but enough French muslims have joined ISIS, I guess it's just a matter of who we want to blame.

Jihad John is a murdering terrorist calling him a simple dbag is an insult to all he has harmed. Playing the blame game from a religion that has not only tolerated but has financed and supported this plaque on humanity is sad on your part.

My only hope for jihad john is that he is captured alive and slowly decapitated with a butter knife over several days. Then after the attempted decapitations have felled, slow roasted on a spit until burnt.

FWIW one of his American victim's relatives, wants him to live out his days banged up in an American high security prison in solitary.

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Jihad John is a dbag but he's a direct result of how muslims have been treated in the UK for a while. We reap what we sow. I'm surprised more American and especially French muslims haven't copied, but enough French muslims have joined ISIS, I guess it's just a matter of who we want to blame.

WHAT THE <deleted>?


How dare you support these throwbacks

I suppose you are a fan of FGM? Arranged marriages? Honour attacks? Halal slaughter

I suspect you are troll. Nobody could agree with you

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If this "jihadi John" is a criminal then are not Bush and Blair also? These two scumbags murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and they are freely shooting off their mouths about how good they are. And what about the occupiers of Palestine, the Zionists, who are commiting crimes against the Palestinians everyday.

Deary me!

Don't you realise it's way beyond that now?

Yes Bush and Cheney were to blame for wrongly attacking Iraq and dragging poor little Tony in to it as well.

Yes that has exacerbated the problems we have now.

Yes Netenyahoo is a <deleted>

BUT we have to deal with the muslim scum in our midst

our countries our now massively infected with these creatures.

Eradication is needed now

Where are the Daleks?

Eradicate! Eradicate!

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If this "jihadi John" is a criminal then are not Bush and Blair also? These two scumbags murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and they are freely shooting off their mouths about how good they are. And what about the occupiers of Palestine, the Zionists, who are commiting crimes against the Palestinians everyday.

Deary me!

Don't you realise it's way beyond that now?

Yes Bush and Cheney were to blame for wrongly attacking Iraq and dragging poor little Tony in to it as well.

Yes that has exacerbated the problems we have now.

Yes Netenyahoo is a <deleted>

BUT we have to deal with the muslim scum in our midst

our countries our now massively infected with these creatures.

Eradication is needed now

Where are the Daleks?

Eradicate! Eradicate!

Exterminate? No eradicate is what I had in mind. same as cockroaches.

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Murdered US journalist's family relish 'Jihadi John' prosecution

MIAMI (AFP) - The family of Steven Sotloff, an American-Israeli journalist murdered by the Islamic State group, said they were relishing seeing his killer face justice after the apparent executioner was named Thursday.

The masked IS militant dubbed "Jihadi John", believed to be responsible for beheading Western hostages, including Sotloff, was revealed by experts and the media to be Kuwaiti-born London computer programmer Mohammed Emwazi.

"The Sotloff family was informed of John’s identity. This is one step on a long road to bringing him to justice," said Barak Barfi, the Sotloff family’s spokesman, in a statement.

"If indeed Mohammed Emwazi is the man who executed Steve, the Sotloffs have full faith that the American intelligence community and law enforcement agencies will apprehend him.

"They look forward to the day that John will be prosecuted and convicted for the crime of executing Steve.

"That is how American justice is served and that is why this nation will prevail over the evil forces that seek to deny us our way of life."

"Jihadi John," named after Beatle John Lennon due to his British accent, is believed to be responsible for the murders of Sotloff and another US journalist, James Foley, as well as British aid workers David Haines and Allan Henning, and American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig.

He also appeared in a video with the Japanese hostages Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto, shortly before they were killed.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Murdered-US-journalists-family-relish-Jihadi-John--30254972.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-27

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This is the kind of mindset Muslims in the UK have. Shift the onus onto and blame those trying to prevent terror attacks, all the while minimizing one's own guilt.

Failing this, the race card ("homophobia", "bigotry" etc.) will be played (see TV's own Islamists) as a way to silence any criticism.

Cage stated that Mohammed Emwazi had earlier traveled to Tanzania. He told security services he was there on 'safari'.cheesy.gif

Security services believed he wanted to join al-Shabab in Somalia and sent him back to the UK.

The BBC wrote that "They (Emwazi and two cohorts) were interrogated and Emwazi later claimed to Cage, a campaign group in London, that they had been subject to harassment and abuse."


"Harassment and abuse."??? The poor dears. that's enough to turn anyone into a serial beheader of innocent aid-workers. blink.png

If these people are so focused on being muslims and living as muslims Why T F are they not living in a muslim country - what T F are they doing in the UK

Ok people should have the right to live where they want regardless of faith up to a point provided they are willing to live by the law and keep it to themselves - that no longer seems possible and I now support that all these muslims should be removed from the UK unless they are willing to comply to a very strict set of rules and keep their beliefs and customs behind closed doors and to themselves.

Are you living like a Thai in Thailand ?

I run a chicken and fish farm in Thailand.

My first wife was from Italy but I met her in Australia and we spoke Australian.

My second wife was from Fiji and we married in the Pearl Village in Phuket.

My third wife was Thai and I speak Thai.

My current wife is Chinese and I taught her English and Spanish and in return she is teaching me Chinese.

Challenge me when I say that they should all be kicked out of the UK.

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Now there's a good traditional British name.

Mohammed is the most popular name for a new born baby in the whole of the UK right now, unbelievable


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CAGE, which works with Muslims in conflict with British intelligence services, said Thursday its research director, Asim Qureshi, saw strong similarities but due to the hood won by the militant, "there was no way he could be 100 percent certain."

Just saw an interview with some CAGE scumbag on BBC complaining of Jihadi John's poor treatment at the hands of the UK anti-terror services and his alienation from British life. Just one excuse after another and not a mention of the beheadings or the victims and their families. He was described as 'a beautiful man'. Made me sick and reminded me of some apologists here.

At the same press conference was some sad convert complaining of being questioned over his visit to Iraq and the subsequent restrictions imposed by the government. Not a word on WHY he went to Iraq. CAGE should be banned under anti-terror laws.

I fear for the UK. I really do.

These degree students born into middle class families obviously suffer from no education and no prospects. The only solution is to shower tons of positive discrimination on those with a religiously motivated chip on their shoulder in the hope they grow out of the phase they're going through.
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Deport his entire family for not notifying officials as to their son's actions. This will set an example to those who harbor or are related to these dogs. If someone related to you commits terrorists acts or goes to fight the entire family is in danger. Act swiftly and deport ASAP !!!

Yes but deport them to Syria, so they can join up with their beloved and enjoy life with ISIS.

It wouldn't be difficult to drop them all off near ISIS, we have the guys who could do that.

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There is a way to be certain that the man in the hood is Jihadi John.

Find him, remove the hooded head from his body, take the hood back to the west for identification, remove the head from the hood and check the dental records.


But obviously it would be a good idea to check for fingerprints first. So keep him chained to a toilet and remove 1 finger a week and send them individually for ID check. Then the hood.

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Jihad John is a dbag but he's a direct result of how muslims have been treated in the UK for a while. We reap what we sow. I'm surprised more American and especially French muslims haven't copied, but enough French muslims have joined ISIS, I guess it's just a matter of who we want to blame.

Jihad John is a murdering terrorist calling him a simple dbag is an insult to all he has harmed. Playing the blame game from a religion that has not only tolerated but has financed and supported this plaque on humanity is sad on your part.

My only hope for jihad john is that he is captured alive and slowly decapitated with a butter knife over several days. Then after the attempted decapitations have felled, slow roasted on a spit until burnt.

FWIW one of his American victim's relatives, wants him to live out his days banged up in an American high security prison in solitary.

If he is ever captured he should be forcibly be given a sex change, blinded, deafened, muted, and dropped back into ISIS territory.

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Now there's a good traditional British name.

Mohammed is the most popular name for a new born baby in the whole of the UK right now, unbelievable


The 4 most popular names for NY cab drivers is Mohammed and 3 variations on the spelling.

The sharia creep is everywhere. I fear for my grand children.

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Jihad John is a dbag but he's a direct result of how muslims have been treated in the UK for a while. We reap what we sow. I'm surprised more American and especially French muslims haven't copied, but enough French muslims have joined ISIS, I guess it's just a matter of who we want to blame.

You say that Jihad John is a result of how he was treated in the UK

I say it has nothing to do with it I has everything to do with his upbringing with his Parents and Mosq he attended. Someone radicalized him and I am sure it stems from

another radical

Don't give me this garbage of "it is the British who are to blame" or the Americans

It was their choice to do what they are doing . Sad as it is They deserve the worst type of treatment we can give war criminals like this

Edited by realenglish1
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Lets get seal team 6 involved! Jihad John needs to find a good hiding place (like under a rock) I would like to see him captured, not killed. Make this a priority, just like getting Bin Laden. Give him to the families of those whom he beheaded to do with as they please!

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